Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Opinion | As the Press Weakens, So Does Democracy – The New York Times

I came to The New York Times in 1992, 29 years ago this summer, as the first intern in its graphics department. I arrived in Manhattan, a little Black boy from a hick town in Louisiana, and it blew my mind.

In those first months I saw how one of the best newsrooms in the country covered some of the biggest stories of the era, and it shaped me as a journalist and in my reverence for the invaluable role journalists play in society.

I arrived weeks after the Los Angeles riots following the acquittal of police officers in the Rodney King beating, and just before the Supreme Court reaffirmed Roe v. Wade. The city was under the control of the first Black mayor in its history, David Dinkins.

I would soon watch in person as Bill Clinton was nominated for president at the Democratic National Convention in Madison Square Garden, just about 10 blocks south of The Timess offices, and I would watch a massive and very political gay pride parade march through Times Square as the community reeled from the scourge of AIDS. In 1992, a staggering 33,590 Americans died of the disease as it became the number one cause of death among men aged 25-44 years, according to the C.D.C.

This, in many ways, was an extraordinary time to be a journalist.

Newsroom employment was at a high, and throughout the 1990s, and even into the early 2000s, a slight majority of Americans still had a great deal or fair amount of trust in the news media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly, according to Gallup.

In 1992, there was no MSNBC or Fox News, no Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. Also, there werent many, if any, mainstream news organizations online. The Times didnt start online publication until 1996, and then it was not the truly transformative force it would become.

Since the 1990s, newsrooms have seen tremendous, truly terrifying, contraction. On Tuesday, Pew Research Center issued a report that found newsroom employment in the United States has dropped by 26 percent since 2008.

Last month, Poynter reported on a survey that found that the United States ranks last in media trust at 29 percent among 92,000 news consumers surveyed in 46 countries.

Furthermore, a report last year by the Knight Foundation and the University of North Carolina found:

Since 2004, the United States has lost one-fourth 2,100 of its newspapers. This includes 70 dailies and more than 2,000 weeklies or nondailies.

At the end of 2019, the United States had 6,700 newspapers, down from almost 9,000 in 2004.

Today, more than 200 of the nations 3,143 counties and equivalents have no newspaper and no alternative source of credible and comprehensive information on critical issues. Half of the counties have only one newspaper, and two-thirds do not have a daily newspaper.

Many communities that lost newspapers were the most vulnerable struggling economically and isolated.

The news industry is truly struggling, but the public is oblivious to this. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2018 found that most Americans think their local news media are doing just fine financially.

The report explains, About seven-in-ten say their local news media are doing either somewhat or very well financially (71 percent).

I guess I can understand the illusion in some ways. We have celebrity journalists writers, radio personalities and anchors in a way that didnt exist before.

There were popular and trusted news figures, to be sure, but the proliferation of sensational, personality journalists is a newer and growing sector of journalism.

Also, we are now able to access and share more news than ever before. This all leads to a feeling that we are drowning in news, when in fact pond after pond is drying up and the lakes are getting smaller.

I share all that to say this: Democracies cannot survive without a common set of facts and a vibrant press to ferret them out and present them. Our democracy is in terrible danger. The only way that lies can flourish as they now do is because the press has been diminished in both scale and stature. Lies advance when truth is in retreat.

The founders understood the supreme value of the press, and thats why they protected it in the Constitution. No other industry can claim the same.

But protection from abridgment is not protection from shrinkage or obsolescence.

We are moving ever closer to a country where the corrupt can deal in the darkness with no fear of being exposed by the light.

Go here to read the rest:
Opinion | As the Press Weakens, So Does Democracy - The New York Times

Letter to the editor: Manchin playing Russian roulette with our democracy – Charleston Gazette-Mail

Senator Joe Manchin is playing Russian Roulette with our democracy. His fealty to the myth of bi-partisanship and the filibuster make hollow his words of support for voting rights.

The current Republican party is anything but bi-partisan, wanting power for its own sake, not for the good of the country. Robert Byrd manipulated the filibuster when it threatened to paralyze the Senate; he would have had a voting rights carve-out by now. If Manchin doesnt allow for modifying the filibuster, chances are good that he will lose in 2024 should he choose to run again.

Many conservative Democrats who voted for him in 2018 are likely to vote straight Republican in 2024. Increasingly active progressive Democrats would work and vote for Manchin only if he went to bat for voting rights. More importantly, without the passage of the For the People Act the voter suppression and vote nullification laws that many states have enacted will stand.

The grand experiment that is our country will have failed; autocracy will replace democracy a tragic outcome that could have been averted but for the inexplicable behavior of Senator Joe Manchin.

Read the original here:
Letter to the editor: Manchin playing Russian roulette with our democracy - Charleston Gazette-Mail

Did Trump damage American democracy? – Brookings Institution

Did Trump permanently damage American democracy? This question has spawned a veritable cottage industry of hand wringing over the state of American democracyunderstandably so. Never before have we had a president who schemed to overturn legitimate election results, who attacked the press and the civil servants who worked for him, who admired dictators, who blatantly profited from his public office and who repeatedly lied to the public for his own selfish purposes. But while Trumps four years of rhetoric have been a shock to democratic norms, did they inflict permanent damage on our democracy? My answer is a qualified no. The guardrails of democracy held. The institutions designed to check autocracy are intact.

Successful democratic systems are not designed for governments composed of ethical men and women who are only interested in the public good. If leaders were always virtuous there would be no need for checks and balances. The Founding Fathers understood this. They designed a system to protect minority points of view and to protect us from leaders inclined to lie, cheat and steal. Fortunately, we havent had many of those in our 200-plus years of history, which is why the Trump presidency sent such shock waves through a large part of the body politic.

Those who bemoan Trumps effect on democracy complain that he did not adhere to the established norms of the presidency. That is correct; he is, at heart, a dictator. But lets start by distinguishing between norms and institutions. Norms are different from laws; they are not enforceable and they evolve. In contrast, democratic institutions are based in law and entail real consequences. Changes in norms can in fact lead to changes in law and in democratic institutionsthis has happened in many of the countries in eastern Europe and Latin America that have slipped into pseudo-democracy or autocracy. [1] But in spite of Donald Trumps best efforts it has not happened here. At least not yet.

To get a sense of why I argue that the guardrails of democracy have held, lets look at the five major institutions that protect us from rule by an aspiring dictator: Congress, the courts, the federal system, the press and the civil service. Not a single one of them has lost legal power during Trumps turbulent presidency. Refusing to use power is not the same as losing the power.

Did Trump weaken the powers of Congress? No.

Nancy Pelosi had no trouble confronting Trump, as is evident to anyone who has seen the iconic photo of her standing up in the Cabinet room and pointing at Donald Trump as she lectured him. Democrats brought impeachment charges against Trump not once but twice. Although speculation was rampant, in the end then-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) did not block either trial. Trump did not try to disband Congress, nor did he try to pass laws that weakened its most important power, the power of the purse. In fact, at no point during the Trump years did Trump attempt to formally weaken congressional power.

Those who argue that Trump weakened democracy often dont distinguish policy from democratic process. While Mitch MConnell and allies have been called Trumps lapdogs, on domestic policy they have acted like almost any Republican majority would act, siding with business on issues like cutting taxes, regulations and liability protections. And on foreign policy McConnell did not stop nor punish Republican senators who tried to constrain Trump when they thought he was wrong.[2]

Has Trump damaged our system of shared power between the federal government and the states? No.

The Constitution distributes power between the federal government and the state government, codified in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. It took Trump a long time to understand this but states have repeatedly exercised their power against Trump, especially in two areas; COVID-19 and voting.

In the spring of 2020 Trump, anxious to get past COVID in time for his re-election campaign, was pushing hard for states to open up early. Democratic governors ignored Trumps demands to open up. In some states, Republican governors tried acting like mini-Trumps, in others they gave him lip service but did not open up completely, and in Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine politely disagreed and kept the state closed. Trump, seeing that the governors were not scared of him, then threatened to withold medical equipment based on states decisions about opening up. He came up against the 10th Amendment which prevents the president from conditioning federal aid on the basis of governors acquiescing to a presidents demands. Trump couldnt use the cudgel he thought he had.

The guardrails between the federal government and the states also held when it came to Trumps campaign to win the election.

In Georgia the courageous Republican Secretary of Brad Raffensperger, a stalwart Republican and Trump supporter, certified election results in spite of personal calls and threats from the president. In Michigan, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and Republican House Speaker Lee Chatfield did not give in to Trumps attempts to get them to diverge from the process of choosing electors.

So did Trump inflict lasting damage to our Federalist system? Are governors weaker than they were pre-Trump? If anything citizens now understand that in a crisis, governors are the ones who control things that are important to them like shutdown orders and vaccine distribution. Trumps campaign to convince governors to take actions to suppress the vote remains a huge problem for democracy but it is succeeding not because Trump had dictatorial powers over the states but because he has like-minded allies in many state houses and state legislatures.

Has Trump weakened the judiciary? No.

One of the hallmarks of dictators is that they weaken the judiciary so that courts rubber-stamp their every whim. But to Trumps dismay he discovered that appointing conservative judges is not the same as controlling judges the way someone like Vladimir Putin does. Trumps first controversial act as presidentthe famous Muslim banwas repeatedly struck down by the courts until the administration drafted a version that could pass legal muster.

When it came to trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election, Trump-appointed judges often made decisions that thwarted Trumps attempts at denying the results. Take, for instance, the following from Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee on the 3rd Circuit, writing for the three-judge panel in Pennsylvania:

Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.

In fact, after the election Trumps team brought 62 lawsuits and won one. The others he either dropped or he lost and many of those decisions were made by Republican judges. Perhaps his biggest disappointment had to be the Supreme Courts decision to not hear election challenges from states Trump believed he had won.

Did Trump weaken the press? No.

Trump spent four years using the bully pulpit of the presidency to mock the press, calling them names and the enemy of the people and referring to outlets he doesnt like as failing. He revoked the press credentials from reporters he didnt like. (Although the courts restored them.) Reporters have not been afraid to call out his lies. With Trump out of office for months now, no major news outlets have gone broke. None are afraid to criticize Trump or his supporters.

The free press is still free and fairly healthy. Its financial and structural problems have to do with their adaptation to the internet age, all of which predated Trump.

Some argue that Trump increased distrust in the media but as the following Gallup poll indicates, the lack of trust in the media fell in around 2008 has been largely constant since then.

Was Trump able to exert control over the civil service? No.

The United States government is based on the rule of law, not the rule of men. Nowhere is that more evident than in the behavior of the career civil service or the permanent government. In dictatorships there is no such thing as a career civil serviceonly loyalists who act on dictates from the man, not the law. Early on, Trump found out that he could not prevent the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate his relations with Russia. Where the law allowed for discretion and where career government officials could legally implement a presidential orderas in the disastrous separation of children at the borderthe career civil servants acted as Trump wished. But where the law was clear Trump could not force his will on the bureaucracy.

Take, for instance, Trumps desire to announce a successful vaccine for the coronavirus before Election Day. When the Food and Drug Administration wrote guidelines that would govern when a pharmaceutical company could get emergency-use authorization to begin distributing vaccines, the Trump administration tried to block thembecause it would mean release of the vaccines after the election. The attempt to politicize a scientific process was not well received by FDA employees and career scientists, who in defiance of the White House went ahead and published the vaccine guidelines, which the Trump administration then approved after the fact.

Frustrated by the many veto points in the system, Trump took to issuing executive actions, many of which were focused on the environment. But once again he did not see the limits of his powers. According to a Brookings study:

Many of the Trump administrations measures, environmental or otherwise, have failed to stand up in court, with the administration losing83 percentof litigations.

While Trump has been able to weaken environmental regulations, the courts and the system itself proved to be guardrails. As of the last year of his administration less than half of his environmental regulatory actions (48 out of 84) were in effect. The others were either in process or have been repealed or withdrawnoften after the administration lost in court.


The fact that Trump did not tear down the major guardrails of democracy does not mean that all is well in the United States. He attracted the support of millions of voters in 2020 and, even more dangerous is the fact that much of the Republican Party still insists on refuting the results of that election and weakening non-partisan election administration in certain states where they hold legislative majorities. Norms have been broken and could yet result in majorities that overturn laws and weaken institutions. Its possible that had Trump been more experienced in government he could have been able to amass the powers he so wanted to have. The lesson is that democracy requires constant care and constant mobilization.

But all in all, my bet is that the Founding Fathers would be proud of the way the system they designed stood up to and thwarted King Trump. The guardrails held: Congress was not disbanded and its powers were not weakened, the states retained substantial power and authority over their own citizens, the courts displayed their independence and ability to stand up to the presidency, the press remained free and critical and the bureaucracy held to the rule of law, not the whim of man.

[1] See William A. Galston, Anti-Pluralism: The Populist Threat to Liberal Democracy,

[2] In July 2017 Congress passed a Russian sanctions bill that included in it a unique provision limiting Trumps ability to lift sanctions unilaterally. The bill was opposed by the White House but passed the House 419 to 3 and the Senate 98 to 2meaning it was veto proof. The constraint on presidential action was a major step thwarting Trumps romance with Putin.

Since then Republican senators have been openly critical of Trump on a variety of other foreign policy moves: many Republican senators condemned his praise of Putin at the 2018 Helsinki summit, some joined Democrats in opposing Trump actions in Yemen and 2/3 of House Republicans joined Democrats in condemning Trumps actions in Syria. Some Republicans joined Democrats in opposing Trumps declaration of an emergency at the southwest border. In 2020, Republicans joined Democrats in a bill to rename bases that had been named after Confederate leaders and Trump did not veto it.

Continued here:
Did Trump damage American democracy? - Brookings Institution

Summer Reading for Democrats and Never Trumpers – POLITICO

Both historians swam in the intellectual currents of their time. They drew on interdisciplinary scholarship in psychiatry, sociology and anthropology and, in a sharp break with the generation of historians that directly preceded them, came to believe that people were motivated by more than material self-interest. Politics, they argued, was as much driven by emotion and tied up with identity as it was an outcome of economics.

They also took a dim view of human nature. Writing in the aftermath of World War II and at the dawn of the Cold War, they cautioned liberals against a starry-eyed faith in human perfectibility. People were fundamentally wired to do bad and irrational things. To combat that tendency, advocates of liberal democracy would need to be tough.

Re-reading both volumes for the first time since graduate school, I was recently struck by their lasting salienceeven presience. Both historians foresaw the many ways that a seemingly sturdy democratic society could crumble from within. Over seven decades later, Schlesingers and Hofstadters work provides a starting place for conversations about our own troubled political era.

By the time he wrote The Vital Center in 1949, Schlesinger was already a renowned public figure. The son of Harvard historian Arthur Schlesinger, Sr., he won a Pulitzer Prize for his second book, The Age of Jackson, joined Harvards faculty alongside his father and in 1947 collaborated with Eleanor Roosevelt, Hubert Humphrey, John Kenneth Galbraith and other prominent activists in establishing Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), a preeminent liberal advocacy group.

Much like political observers today who struggle to make sense of the structural and psychological drivers behind MAGA conservatism, Schlesinger wanted to understand the root causes of totalitarianisma catch-all phrase that many midcentury liberals used to capture the violence and authoritarianism of both fascism and Soviet communism.

Unlike his father, whose scholarship downplayed ideology and emotion and instead characterized political behavior as the expression of rational economic self-interest, the younger Schlesinger believed left-wing and right-wing illiberalism were deeply rooted in the alienation and rootlessness of the modern, industrial economy. A combination of impersonality, interchangeability and speed had worn away the old protective securities without creating new ones. In turn, people were prone to experience frustration rather than fulfillment, isolation rather than integration.

When confronted with a feeling of dispossession and isolation, many people turned to violent, extremist ideologies that furnished them with a false sense of belonging and safety.

Core to Schlesingers assessment was a pessimism about human nature. The Soviet experience, on top of the rise of fascism, reminded my generation rather forcibly that man was, indeed, imperfect, and that the corruptions of power could unleash great evil in the world, he wrote.

In a forward to a later edition of the book, he further explained that my generation had been brought up to regard human nature as benign and human progress as inevitable. The existing deficiencies of society, it was supposed, could be cured by education and by the improvement of social arrangements. Sin and evil were theological superstitions irrelevant to political analysis.

But what if they werent?

Borrowing heavily from the work of Reinhold Niebuhr, an influential mid-century theologian and co-founder of the ADA, Schlesinger agreed that a strong social welfare net was sound policyeven necessary to blunt the dislocating effects of the modern, industrial economybut not a sure guarantee of democratic durability. Like Martin Luther King, Jr., who wrote his doctoral dissertation on Niebuhr just a few years after The Vital Center was published, Niebuhr and his acolytes believed that in humans were naturally sinful. People would not naturally see the light; to end segregation, they sometimes needed to be made uncomfortable. Such belief was at the core of MLKs brand of nonviolent confrontation and fundamental to Schlesingers work.

Beyond strong social welfare policies, someone would have to stand up forcefully for democracy. But who?

Certainly not the business class. Schlesinger was scathing in his assessment of American business leaders who, when the chips were down have always been bailed out by radical democracy. In the 1920s capitalists hid behind protectionism and minimalist government. The business community then responded to the challenge of Nazism by founding the America First Committee. It responded to the opportunities opened up by the Second World War by rushing to dismantle instrumentalities of American military and economic influence in the name of tax reduction.

Referring to the nations premier business lobby, he found that without exception the measures favored by the [National Association of Manufacturers] provided some sort of aid to business and industry. Without exception rigid opposition was maintained against similar assistance to other groups and against all other regulatory measures pertaining to industry. In the end assessment, Schlesinger did not expect that the business community would go fascist in the next few years, but his overview of recent American history left him confident that the private sector will probably not produce the leadership to save free society either.

Schlesinger didnt hold the Communist left in higher regard. Several chapters in his book catalogued in detail the horrors of Soviet Russia and the duplicity and credulity of American communists. They posed a threat to this liberal revival, he wrote, given their frequent infiltration of labor unions, advocacy organizations and even Democratic political machines. They were, in Schlesingers mind, an immediate threat.

It was easy for readers to mistake his volume as a broadside against the left. The very title of the bookThe Vital Centerled some commentators to assume he advocated a squishy center in politics. On the contrary, as he later explained, vital center refers to the contest between democracy and totalitarianism, not to contests within democracy between liberalism and conservatism, not at all to the so-called middle of the road preferred by cautious politicians of our own time. The middle of the road is definitely not the vital center; it is the dead center. The vital center would capture a broad spectrum from the ant-fascist right to the anti-communist left, residing in the space between both totalitarian extremes.

Not unlike todays calls forbut tragic absence ofa Republican Party more loyal to the country than Donald Trump, Schlesinger both believed in the necessity of a non-fascist right but also despaired that in its current state, American conservatism was not resilient enough to rescue itself from the grips of its Neanderthal wing. Contrasting the Republican Party, with its vociferous rejection of the New Deal state, with British Conservatives, who accepted and helped build out a welfare state after the war, he took a dim view of the GOPs capacity to lead responsibly. He argued that we desperately need in this country the revival of responsibility on the rightthe development of a non-fascist right to work with the non-Communist left in the expansion of free society. But he wasnt holding his breath.

And moderates? To Schlesinger, they hewed to so cautious a middle path that they were incapable of fighting totalitarianism on either the left or right. Seeking to please everyone, they stood for nothing.

If anyone were to preserve democracy, it would have to be a hard-shelled leftliberals fashioned in the mold of FDR, Harry Truman and the ADA. To be sure, the argument betrayed Schlesingers liberal bias. There was, after all, a strong moderate wing of the GOP that would, in subsequent years, work constructively with liberals on issues like civil rights and health care. But overall, the partys shrill rejection of measures that blunted the effects of industrial capitalism made him skeptical of conservatisms ability to address the conditions that gave rise to totalitarianism.

The Vital Center was a warning shot, but its pages nevertheless reflected the authors belief that a liberal, technocratic elite of the variety that had staffed New Deal and war mobilization agencies could shore up democratic institutions, if that elite corps was uncompromising in confronting and defeating the forces of illiberalism.

Though Richard Hofstadter formally introduced the idea of a paranoid style in American politics in an article published by that name in Harpers Magazine in late 1964, he had explored the theme in earlier works. In sweeping histories of American populism and progressivism, and essays on the contemporary paleo-conservatism of the early Cold War, Hofstadterlike Schlesingerfound that people not only seek their interests but also express and even in a measure define themselves in politics. Political life acts as a sounding board for identities, values, fears, and aspirations.

Unlike Schlesinger, who in 1961 became a staff member in John F. Kennedys White House, Hofstadter devoted his career to teaching and scholarship and remained at arms length from practical politics. From his perch at Columbia University, he came to believe that the rationalistic bias inherent in earlier political histories had broke[n] down under the impact of political events, partly because of what had been learned through public-opinion polling and depth psychology. Historians, in other words, could draw on other fields in the social sciences to draw a richer portrait of political cultureone that extended past the two-dimensional view of people as rational actors who prioritized their most obvious economic interests.

With a broader tool set in hand, Hofstadter provided a sweeping overview of the paranoid style in politics, a strain of political behavior that stretched from the earliest days of the American republic to modern-day conservatism. Marked by heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy, the paranoid style dealt in grandiose theories of conspiracy.

Quoting at length from unrelated documentsa speech by Joseph McCarthy in 1951, a Populist manifesto from 1895, an anti-Catholic broadside from 1855, a sermon by a Massachusetts clergyman in 1798Hofstadter found striking through lines in American politics: a fear of cabals and secret societies, a sense of dispossession, an insistence that invisible actors were driving the course of events. One could easily update his essay with a present-day sampling of delusional and obscene QAnon conspiracies.

Like the Arizonan who traveled to Washington, D.C. to testify against a bill to control the sale of firearms in 1964, and who warned of an attempt by a subversive power to make us part of one world socialistic government, political paranoiacs throughout time were seemingly incapable of viewing the world through a rational lens.

Hofstadter acknowledged that the paranoid style was not specific to the United States, nor to conservatism. World history was replete with notions about an all-embracing conspiracy on the part of Jesuits or Freemasons, international capitalists, international Jews, or Communists. But in his own time, American conservatism was uniquely gripped in its vice.

Thomas Kuchel, the liberal Republican senator from California, estimated in 1959 that of the 60,000 letters his office received weekly, ten percent was fright mailindignant of anguished letters about the latest PLOT! To OVERTHROW America!!! Some of the more memorable plots that come to mind include these: 35,000 Communist Chinese troops bearing arms and wearing deceptively dyed powder-blue uniforms, are poised on the Mexican border, about to invade San Diego; the United States has turned overor will at any momentits Army, Navy and Air Force to the command of a Russian colonel in the United Nations; almost every well-known American or free-world leader is, in reality, a top Communist agent; a United States Army guerilla-warfare exercise in Georgia, called Water Moccasin III, is in actuality a United Nations operation preparatory to taking over the country.

As in earlier eras, the paranoid style was in part a function of status anxiety. People who were used to being on top suddenly felt the ground shifting beneath them. The literature of the American right, Hofstadter observed, was now a literature not of those who felt themselves to be in possession but of those who felt dispossesseda literature of resentment, profoundly anti-establishment in its impulses. Whats more, it was tribal. What seemed important was not only the wrongs the McCarthyist right-wingers thought had been committed but who committed them. Todays villains are the Clintons, the globalists, Antifa, Critical Race Theorists, Socialists. In Hofstadters time, it was striped-pants diplomats, Ivy League graduates, high-ranking generals, college presidents, intellectuals, the Eastern upper classes, Harvard professors

Though Hofstadter noted that the paranoid style was traditionally the preserve of political minorities, by 1964 ideas that had once resided in the curious intellectual underworld had become alarmingly mainstream, with Barry Goldwaters nomination for president. Unlike Schlesinger, though, he offered no sure prescription to stop the illiberal right in its tracks. Like paranoid movements that preceded it, it would have to run its natural course until subsequent events or political realignment caused the fever to break.

Theres a lot to criticize in these two accounts. Writing at the dawn of the modern civil rights movement, both historians had almost nothing to say about raceparticularly, whitenessas drivers of political identity. Religion figured into both works, but only in passing. Critics have noted that Hofstadter overplayed his hand in describing turn-of-the-century Populism as a retrogressive movement, ignoring its constructive aspirations including the movements advocacy of policies that would return economic power and autonomy to small farmers, and its early experiments with interracial political and economic organizing. Schlesinger, for his part, painted the American left wing with a broad brush, failing to distinguish between hardline Communists and those fellow travelers who tolerated communists in their unions and political organizations as a means to an end. At times, both historians took extreme license in applying psychological concepts to broad political movements. Paranoia and anxiety are, after all, defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMM), and neither Schlesinger nor Hofstadter was a trained mental health professional.

But in the summer of 2021, The Vital Center and The Paranoid Style in American Politics still pack a bold punch. Both volumes urge recognition of illiberalism for what it is: a clear and present danger to constitutional democracynot a loyal opposition with which one breaks bread and compromises. Both take a realistic view of American conservatisms peculiar susceptibility to conspiracy theories and toxic identity politics. Both implicitly reject the idea that the fever will break if only the forces of liberal democracy extend their hand in a show of good will. People are sometimes rational. Often, they are not.

If the parallels are instructive, the takeaway is clear. Democracy is supported by a frail scaffold. It can collapse, and in other places at different times, it has. The vital center is not the dead center, where bipartisan Gangs of 20 go to talk themselves blue in the face. Its the bulwark against democratic backslide. Defending it is imperative, and in the absence of a functioning anti-authoritarian right, it will require unapologetic liberal grit, and determination.

See the original post here:
Summer Reading for Democrats and Never Trumpers - POLITICO

Democracy Is for Losers (and Why Thats a Good Thing) – The New York Times

Staring down a big shelf of big Trump books, Im beginning to wonder if when it comes to helping us understand the full import of what happened during his four years in the White House less may very well be more. The 400-page catalogs of ruthless betrayals, nasty insults and erratic tweets add to our store of knowledge mainly by compounding whats already there; a slender volume of political theory, on the other hand, can prompt us to rethink our assumptions, raising central questions that we never properly asked before.

Thats only when its done right which Democracy Rules, a lively new book by Jan-Werner Mller, generally is. Mller teaches at Princeton, and is the author of a number of books about political ideas, including What Is Populism?, which happened to be published in the fall of 2016, three months after the referendum on Brexit and two months before the election of Donald Trump.

Populists, Mller argues in that book as well as this one, like to present themselves as champions of democracy, but their notion of the people is cramped and exclusionary; critics, political rivals and immigrants are banished to a realm beyond the circle of concern.

It should be said that Mllers concept of populism as something thats inherently opposed to pluralism and ultimately democracy is pejorative and not uncontroversial, especially among those on the left who want to reclaim the word. But his definition also offers the benefit of a clarifying specificity. Viktor Orban of Hungary, Narendra Modi of India and Nicols Maduro of Venezuela are all populists in Mllers cosmology; Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are decidedly not.

Mller begins by acknowledging the widespread fear that democracy is in crisis before pointing out that few people who arent political philosophers have given any sustained thought to what democracy actually is. He doesnt want us to fixate so much on democratic norms those informal rules that beguile and bedevil political scientists as he wants to talk about the democratic principles that animate those norms in the first place.

In other words, if were fretting about the degradation of democracy, what exactly is it that we think were in danger of losing?

Mller says that losing is, in fact, a central part of it: In addition to the more familiar principles of liberty and equality, he encourages us to see uncertainty including the possibility that an incumbent may lose as essential to any truly democratic system. Winners cannot be enshrined, and losers cannot be destroyed. When the libertarian venture capitalist (and Trump supporter) Peter Thiel praised monopolies by declaring that competition is for losers, Mller says that Thiel was inadvertently right. Its the kind of sly reversal that Mller clearly delights in; this is one of those rare books about a pressing subject that reads less like a forced march than an inviting stroll.

Preserving uncertainty means that democracy is inherently dynamic and fluid. Individuals remain at liberty to decide what matters to them most, Mller writes, but holding onto democratic commitments also means that freedom has to be contained by what he identifies as two hard borders. People cannot undermine the political standing of their fellow citizens (the growing spate of voting restrictions is a glaring case in point); and people cannot refuse to be constrained by what we can plausibly call facts.

Mller takes care to situate the United States in an international context, using examples from other countries to illuminating effect. Right-wing populists like to rail against neoliberalism, but Orban has been so accommodating of the German car industry clamping down on unions and protests as zealously as any neoliberal shill that critics have started calling Hungary an Audi-cracy. Political parties are an essential part of democratic infrastructure, but parties that are too homogeneous and intolerant of dissent are themselves problematic. Geert Wilderss far-right party in the Netherlands contains a total of two members: Geert Wilders, along with a foundation whose only member happens to be Geert Wilders. What Mller calls intraparty autocracy tends to be a red flag, signaling a profound aversion to the idea that the other side could possibly be right, for no other side is admitted to begin with.

Writing about political institutions in a way that makes them sound vital is a challenge for any writer, and Mllers method is to leaven abstract ideas with concrete examples of bad behavior even if, as he himself says early on, we have a tendency to get caught up in outrageous stories about individuals instead of training our gaze on the less spectacular mechanisms of the system itself.

One of the hallmarks of the Trump years was that the president constantly said things that were startlingly bizarre or blatantly untrue flooding the zone with what Mller (in a polite paraphrase of Steve Bannon) calls info-feces. The incessant clowning made it increasingly hard to draw distinctions between antics that were merely ludicrous and antics that were truly sinister; telling Americans they might consider injecting disinfectant into their veins may have caused terrible harm, but unlike the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, lying about Lysol, Mller writes, wasnt about to kill the system.

Democracy Rules is hopeful, though its author cautions that hes not particularly optimistic. Optimism is about a constellation of probabilities; hope entails active effort. This is a book that encourages thinking, observation and discernment as a prelude to action; Mller, who says that democracy is based on the notion that no one is politically irredeemable and that anyone can change their mind, holds out the possibility of persuasion.

But if this notion is what makes democracy such an appealing idea in theory, its also what makes it so difficult to sustain in practice especially if theres a motivated cohort that doesnt care about Mllers hard border of facts. He points to the right-wing media ecosystem that offered an alternative reality of the 2020 election, in which it was simply unthinkable that Donald Trump hadnt won. At least some of the people who voted for Trump in 2020 hadnt voted for him four years before. Persuasion, like uncertainty, can go any which way.

More here:
Democracy Is for Losers (and Why Thats a Good Thing) - The New York Times