Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Humanities and democratic discourse belong together – Harvard Magazine

The day before she cast two tiebreaker votes in the Senate in early February, Vice President Kamala Harris brought chocolates for senators on both sides of the aisle and then huddled with a few senior members around a fire in her office. The gestures were no doubt strategic, given her determination to support progressive decisions, but they also conjure references to another period of social gatherings hosted by elegant women. It was during the Enlightenment, when such gatherings in private salons outside the royal palaces softened the absolutist culture of European monarchies.

From the seventeenth century on, spirited conversation in salons became a favorite pastime for educated noblemen and a burgeoning class of professionals, sundry guests who could exercise the wit and curiosity that they acquired through humanistic education. In the welcoming atmosphere of private homes, where hostesses presided with social grace to stimulate lively but not contentious conversation, gentlemen got together with businessmen, military leaders, diplomats, poets, and philosophers to talk about a range of topics that often had no apparent practical or moral value. Disinterested sparring made social equality thinkable. Diverse guests recognized one another as worthy interlocutors. Conversation across class differences depended on talking about fascinating things that didnt rely on privilege or expertise. They talked about beauty, for example, precisely because it has no established criteria and depends on personal, subjective, responses that people want to share in inter-subjective judgments, to take Immanuel Kants line of thinking. When conversations veered toward interests in politics and economics, an alert hostess would tactfully steer the speakers back to the safer space of exciting but uncontentious sparring about the arts.

Aesthetics is the name of this egalitarian activity, a social venture that follows from being surprised by something beautiful, or even something ugly. The surprise is visceral and stays subjective, but the experiencewhen we think and talk about itis social. Extended engagement with beauty or the sublime has no practical purpose beyond the pleasure of engaging. This shared pause from pursuits is an obvious and available antidote to the crush of self-interested calculation and competition.

Sociability was a key word for Enlightenment thinkers. The pleasures of hearing unanticipated viewpoints and a variety of storytelling talents, music, theater, and interpretive conversations managed to weave and to sustain the political fabric of democracies. That social fabric has frayed over time, while investments in the humanities also erode. This is no coincidence. The weave and the practices of equitable interchange need mending today, as democracy shows signs of unraveling along anti-social barriers that sideline the arts and interpretation from public life, even though these activities ground democracy with stakes in civility.

Active citizens are humanists. They enjoy doubt. Questions need not find efficient answers; they are stimuli to listen, to investigate, and to consider a variety of possible solutions. The humanities dont do the work of politics, but they prepare that work through the pleasures of diverse company.

Decision makers in government and in civil society have little time for pleasure. How can they, when people are hungry and sick and homeless, when the planet itself is in jeopardy and our political system comes close to shambles? It is possible, however, that some serious concerns, starting with politics and education, are aggravated by the shortness of social breath and the devaluation of pleasant conversation. Sociability is the glue or the grease that can bridge people beyond their personal self-interest and outside of their communitarian camps. That is why Kant was desperate to save sociability from the officious pretensions of reason. His political philosophy is Aesthetic Judgment, according to Hannah Arendt.

More than a historical reference, this is an urgent reminder that our precious and precarious political experiment of collective self-rule depends on cultivating humanistic education. Without the pleasures of intellectual engagement about things and events that have no intrinsic material or moral interest, we do not acquire the necessary taste and stamina for engaging in contentious issues.

The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a reprieve from the fear that democracy has already unraveled beyond possible mending in favor of a more primitive line of charismatic leadership with single-file followers. We can take a deep breath of relief now, a breath that also commemorates George Floyd and many black martyrs who longed to breathe free in the United States. But the pause from terror is no guarantee of our freedom. It is a moment to consider how to heal, repair, and strengthen the weave of our still precarious political culture.

It is time to consider how much democracy depends on the pleasures of interacting with people across political, racial, ethnic, and gender lines. Without enjoying variety and surpriseaesthetic effects that stimulate questions and conversation as they did in Enlightenment salonsdemocracy is hardly thinkable. Democracy is a collective work of art. Hard questions require training to listen and to learn, because human progress is not linear; it is reflexive and collaborative, social and aesthetic in the sense of surprising and needing interpretation. Now is the time to reflect and to collaborate in our commitment to democracy through the urgent work of reviving the humanities as a core field for civic training. We are at a tipping point beyond which revival may be impossible and the costs will include the loss of democratic public life.

Democracy develops by stages. It cannot kick off scaffolding from one stage to the next, because it continues unfinished and under construction. If sociability was a scaffold in the eighteenth century, and if it depended on humanistic education to cultivate verbal sparring for the sheer fun of it, sociability and the humanities continue to be supports for democracy in the making. Emerging from the debris of January 6, 2021, we are cured of any illusion that democracy is a solid and self-sustainable system. When citizens broke down the doors of Congress and trashed constitutional safeguards to democratic rulefundamental questions grip Americans about how to relate to each other and to the world. The insurrection obliges us to become guardians of democracy and co-constructors of improvements. The work is a delicate balance among conflicting desires and opposing ideals: for example, equal opportunities in free markets versus equal participation to adjust disadvantage.

We hope that our new administration will revive a spirit of interchange to save politics from boiling down to games of power-grabbing. That collaborative spirit is no impossible dream. Before 1994 it had been a living, breathing force of friendship that allowed Democrats and Republicans to collaborate.

Now is a time for the revival of sociability as a necessary platform for politics, though the concept is hardly heard today. More than ever, humanistic training is wanted to develop a knack for disinterested reflection. For years, power and self-interest have seemed more solid supports for politics. They have been disastrous, philosopher Jrgen Habermas observes, because they miss the mark of Enlightened modernity. The eighteenth-century project, he explains, was intersubjective and collective. But liberals in the line of John Locke and dialecticians from Hegel on assumed that self-interest was the high road to development. That high road has turned into a self-defeating shortcut. The road not taken, the one that Kant defended, was social, not selfish. Deliberate about beauty and the sublime, he counseled, flex the mental muscle of judgment about things that dont compromise your freedom with economic or moral purpose, and youll be prepared to argue about practically anything.

The demise of democracy occupies pundits, futurologists, and historians. They can be shrewd about the disaster without taking responsibility for it. Praxis has not been in fashion; pessimism has. To be sure, the palpable deterioration of civil and political institutions feels like an uncontrollable undertow. Decisions about the future of democracy seem to happen at unreachable heights or in the gutter. Maybe no one is making them. Despair can set in, given the political complexity, the frequent indifference, and now sedition including violent treason. All of this can overwhelm any reasonable will to act. Is there anything practical that citizens can do? Yes, there is. Reviving the humanities is one urgent campaign we can join. Harvard College students have already taken up the banner. Concerned about overly concentrated concentrations, editors of The Harvard Crimson note that pressure from parents and peers dissuades most Harvard College students from pursuing the humanities or social sciences, though poet Amanda Gorman 20 is a beacon to the power of art and the humanities. We can contribute our voices and our resources to the power of beauty and the civility of reflecting together.

Consider decisions by university administrators to cut or to gut Ph.D. admissions as a consequence of COVID-19. It may be a blameless response to economic pressures: colleges and universities are victims of financial lossesand some have already closed, while others may not survive. The short-term decisions to bleed graduate programs are understandable. But if expedient decisions turn into long-term policy, they will have unintended political consequences. The effect on the general public will be to further discredit the practices of slow thinking, patient listening, and careful communication that sustain and develop democracy.

Many people have apparently come to consider doctoral degrees elitist or frivolous, a luxury for people who can afford them. Do universities agree? I know that they do not. For years, efforts to raise support for Ph.D. programs have confirmed the commitment. But now those efforts are urgent. Perhaps potential donors will reflect on the political costs of limiting access to the skill set that democracy requires. Deferring or dismissing that cost is to be unwittingly complicit with the disastrous social disintegration that continues, on violent streets, in racially marked statistics of death by disease, and in seditious attacks on the government.

Where else but in universities do citizens train to train more citizens to take time and ask questions, investigate, listen to different points of view, and communicate persuasively? These are humanistic skills that connect body and soul, philosopher Martha Nussbaum argued in Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities (2010). But even she leaves out the pleasures of sociability. From grade schools to high schools, artmaking and interpretation should be integral to educating young citizens who can learn to enjoy thinking in each others company. Yet the humanities have been in decline for decades, cut down or cut out by administrative fiat.

Ph.D.s cost moneyand graduates seldom become major donors, it is true. This has led many university administrators in the United States and elsewhere to think that it makes sense to restrict unproductive programs. (The European Union thinks differently, for now.) Productive means programs that generate external funding, such as the sciences. Streamlining the others allegedly supports current students while responding to economic burdens aggravated by the pandemic. Without resolve for the long term, there is little reason to assume that Ph.D. programs will recover, given the sequel to the 2008 crash. Losses in admissions then were never regained, though the economy recovered. The alarming pattern is clear. It confirms a general (populist?) impatience with higher learning and puts democracy at risk. If the general population continues to dismiss slow thinking and to defend unexamined hunches as political positions, democracy unravels.

Rational administrators ask how many Ph.D.s get professorial jobs. The numbers come up short: the investments dont justify the outputand the conclusion is to cut. This is a case of thinking too fast. And so economic rationality runs over social values.

A civic look at humanistic learning sees that it does more than reproduce a tradition or bore down into specializations that narrow the range of readers. Learning fosters love of the world and of fellow learners through research, speculation, and discussion among peers, whatever the content may be. For centuries, advanced degrees in law, for example throughout Latin America, the Middle East, and elsewhere, have prepared young leaders for careers beyond the courts. Law degrees were welcomed by employers in government and in industry. Today this preparation is the Ph.D. Training in stamina for thinking, for doubt; care for validity; the pleasures of deliberation and sustained communication: these are tastes and skills that can facilitate democratic processes in a range of professions. Inside the academy, we can and should cultivate these connections. Outside, we should identify and expand professional opportunities for slow thinkers. Otherwise, the experts who do our thinking for us will be technicians who calculate economic gains and losses to conclude that sociability, along with democratic participation, are anachronous wastes of time.

The pandemic has been especially disruptive to graduate students education. Travel for field work was impossible last summer. Access to libraries, museums, and collections was curtailed or severely constrained. Teaching experiences were limited in the shift to online instruction. And so the multiyear path to a doctoral degree was beset by delays at best, and insuperable obstacles in many cases.

That has caused problems for the students institutions, toobut in ways that are not uniform across disciplines. Most support for doctoral work in the humanities (fellowships, living stipends, teaching assignments) comes from institutional funds: typically, endowment distributions and other operating resources. That is largely the case for the social sciences, too. But doctoral training in the sciences and engineering draws to a much greater degree on federal (and foundation and corporate) funding for research, which pays for lab personnel: graduate students and postdocs. And at many schools, including Harvard, laboratories were able to regear for safe operation as soon as early last summer.

Given the disruptions in some graduate students training, many universities have decided to pause doctoral admissions for the coming academic year, to preserve funds so they can support those already enrolled whose preparation was siderailed, thus securing their path toward degree completion. The effect is markedly skewed toward humanities and certain social sciences.

The Chronicle of Higher Education began tallying the announcements last fall. Among three dozen universities for which it gathered data, from Boston University and Brown through Vanderbilt and Yale, the pattern that emerged was a clear focus on halting admissions to school-funded programs while maintaining admissions for students with external funding. Thus Penn, for example, essentially turned off the spigot across internally funded programs in its School of Arts and Sciences. Columbia asked all humanities and social-sciences programs to pause admissions for one year, or reduce them by half over two. And so on.

Even looking at universities that were more selective, the same programs are on the lists at multiple institutions: American studies (BU, Brown, Harvard, Rutgers, Yale, and others), English (BU, Brown, Columbia, Duquesne, NYU, Rice, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, and others), comp lit, history, multiple European languages, and anthropology and sociology (several institutions apiece). It is small wonder that the humanities professoriatealready struggling with a long shift in societys prioritiesfinds itself even more in a defensive crouch in the wake of the pandemics financial fallout.

~John S. Rosenberg

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Humanities and democratic discourse belong together - Harvard Magazine

Shoshana Zuboff: Facebook’s Oversight Board Is Not Enough. The Government Has to Regulate Big Tech – Democracy Now!

This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: Here on Democracy Now!,, The Quarantine Report, Im Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. You can watch, listen and read transcripts using our iOS and Android apps. Download them for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store today.

Former President Trumps Facebook account will remain suspended at least for now. On Wednesday, an Oversight Board set up by Facebook upheld the January 7th ban, saying Trumps rhetoric created a, quote, serious risk of violence. But the board said Facebook should review whether the ban should be indefinite.

For more, we go to Shoshana Zuboff, professor emerita at Harvard Business School, author of the book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power.

Professor Zuboff, welcome back to Democracy Now! Your reaction to the Facebook-appointed boards decision?

SHOSHANA ZUBOFF: Well, you know, it looks like this so-called Oversight Board, which of course, everyone should understand, was set up by Mr. Zuckerberg with a $130 million endowment and really is a device to help keep him free of public law, help keep him free of regulation. So, we know that Mr. Zuckerberg didnt do a very good job taming political speech. He allowed political speech to go free of fact-checking. And the worst example of this, of course, was Mr. Trump, who became a clear and present danger to our democracy. So, rather than grappling with that, this decision was given to this so-called Oversight Board, and now it looks like theyve kicked it back to Facebook.

The real issue here, though, Amy, is that in kicking it back to Facebook, theyve actually kicked it back to the Biden administration. And heres why Im going to say that. First of all, why did Mark Zuckerberg indulge and appease Donald Trump for so many years, and especially in that last year of election season as things became more bizarre, inflammatory and dangerous? Well, there were the key reason was political appeasement. Just as the Oversight Board, so-called, is set up to keep him free of regulation, he showed that he was willing to do just about anything to appease Trump, appease the Trump administration, appease the conservative allies, to keep regulation at bay. And in appeasing Trump, all that Zuckerberg really had to do was not intervene in his economic machine, surveillance capitalism, which is programmed, engineered to maximize engagement and data extraction by circulating and amplifying what turns out to be the most inflammatory, the most bizarre, the most dangerous, the most threatening, the craziest content. So, by keeping Trump going, he satisfied his political goals, and he also satisfied his economic goals.

Now, as we saw yesterday, very, very quickly, Trump is back on his microphone not on Facebook, not on Twitter, but hes got plenty of other outlets. And what was the first thing he started to do? Threaten Zuckerberg with regulation. Threaten Zuckerberg with Republican retaliation. Right? So, now we are back in the political arena. And this means that the Biden administration, that team, is going to have to take a stand, because the thing thats going to keep Mr. Trump off Facebook and save American democracy is going to be a situation where Mr. Zuckerberg fears the Democrats as much as he fears the Republicans. And so far that has not been the case. So, we are now back into a political power match. And thats going to really change the dynamics of these next few months.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: Professor Zuboff, could you respond to those who have criticized the decision by Facebook to indefinitely suspend Trumps account? Its not just conservatives in this country, but also several European leaders who have said that tech companies have no place in making decisions like this; this decision and decisions like it should be in the hands of governments.

SHOSHANA ZUBOFF: Well, that is absolutely true. You know, Mr. Zuckerberg and his so-called Oversight Board are running around the rim of a donut chasing each others tails, looking for solutions, when the solution space is in the hole. And the problem is that surveillance capitalism, companies like Facebook that depend upon the secret extraction of behavioral data, which gets turned into targeting and targeted ads, you know, this is a very pernicious, extractive, dangerous, anti-democratic economics that has taken hold in the last 20 years, the last two decades.

And its done so because democracy has failed to act. And its not only true in America, but the liberal democracies around the world have failed to develop a distinct vision of how do you design and deploy and apply the digital world, digital technology, in a way that advances democracy and allows democracy to flourish. So, were not China, but instead weve allowed these private companies to create a different kind of surveillance state in our surveillance society in America and in the West that operates under private capital.

So, we are long overdue for the same kind of period of tremendous creativity and invention that we saw in the 20th century. You know, the first part of the 20th century, the employers, the owners of the great industrial enterprises, they had all the power. They had all the decision rights. Everything that happened, happened based on their private property rights. Thats the same situation were in today. And in the 20th century, you know, we created these huge behemoths, the monopolies, the cartels, the trusts, and it looked like ordinary citizens, and even democracy itself, had no chance. And we were looking forward to a century of extreme inequality and serfdom. But, ultimately, beginning in the third and especially the fourth decades of the 20th century

AMY GOODMAN: We have 10 seconds.

SHOSHANA ZUBOFF: democracy fought back. And we created the rights, laws and institutions we needed to tame industrial capitalism, tether it to democracy. We can do the same thing today. This third decade is now. Our opportunity for citizens and lawmakers to come together, we need to bring the digital into democracys house. And

AMY GOODMAN: Professor Zuboff, were going to do Part 2 of this discussion, post it online at Her book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Im Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh.

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Shoshana Zuboff: Facebook's Oversight Board Is Not Enough. The Government Has to Regulate Big Tech - Democracy Now!

My Turn: Start with democracy as a concept – The Recorder

Greenfield is contemplating a charter amendment that will hinder initiative access. Such a decision would be tragic. Why? There has been no confusing flurry of initiatives that I have seen. Placing increased hurdles in front of the peoples voice is clearly wrongheaded.

Humanity stands at the brink of extinction. Survival requires more input from more people. We need to hear and discuss as many good ideas as possible. Creating obstacles that block wisdom gained from ordinary peoples wide ranging experience is a dangerous impediment to survival of life as we know it.

Examine briefly how weve come to be in this insecure national condition. Start with democracy as a concept. What is it? This subject needs to be discussed.

Representative democracy is different from plain democracy. Democracy itself needs no descriptive adjective and grows with human advances. Representative democracy is a form of government that tends to concentrate wealthy people at the top since a major function of representative democracy is to represent capital. Election campaigns compete with plans to grow the economy and jobs, from this capitalists earn a profit. It all seems straight-forward but theres a major hitch: Capitalism is designed to grow faster and faster forever and Earth does not grow.

Believe it or not; Earth has already reached its limit of pollution recycling capacity. The result is human life is facing extinction. Representative democracy alone cannot solve the problem it makes by supporting a compounded capitalist growth rate.

A new form of democracy is needed to be standing in the wings and ready to begin work on survival. The peoples referendum is one part of the model from which future government forms may develop. Representative democracy is not something to discard, it is a functional companion in a dynamic nuanced relationship with popular referenda decided upon by we the people acting on our own initiative.

Americas founding fathers had no models to follow other than royalty, a hint of democracy for rich English businessmen, and the ancient slave-powered democracy of Rome. Women were considered second class citizens, at best; personal property at worst.

The yoke of slavery was removed from white males and placed on women and people with brown skin. Economic wage slavery was a different story; it continues to this day for everyone but the rich. Benefits to wealth from wage slavery remain the underlying reason to limit democracy.

The continuing struggle by wealthy people to limit democracy is not taught in school. If we continue formal education, one required course is economics. There we are indoctrinated into believing unregulated free markets tend toward equilibrium by balancing supply and demand.

Economics is not based on facts or science; It posits people as consuming units possessing all the facts about every product and choosing what to buy rationally based on a price tending toward equilibrium set by supply and demand. This entire economic picture taught to millions of students is management propaganda.

In reality, privatized resources are extracted from our planet, a small bubble of life zooming through space nestled inside our galaxy. Commercial and public waste is dumped into oceans and air and onto lands of spaceship Earth.

We are taught that somehow an unregulated free market will magically settle into equilibrium that grants maximum health and happiness to our species. Really? All we need to do is think of Hans Christian Andersons naked king seen through the untrained eyes of a child to see equilibrium is not even possible. Imagine driving on an unregulated freeway and one is fairly close to understanding global unregulated free market economics.

We approach the abyss of extinction and need to honestly examine representative democracy as what has governed to this point. None of us but the truly weird want to continue on the path of war with a long list of fictional enemies. Eternal war, chemical pollution, plastic molecules mixed in with our protein molecules and global climate collapse are happening now during governance by representative democracies that mostly represent capital.

In closing, so you may know me, I was one of those who tried to save the people of Greenfield from todays curse of plastic molecules in our bodies, by using an initiative. Response was fun and heartening. But rules were changed by town hall midstream. That kept your health off the ballot and you now have plastic molecules floating around inside you with your protein molecules.

Explore to learn and think about modern ideas of democracy. The peoples initiative is one option for avoiding disaster but it cannot govern without representative deliberations. We need both. Reject unnecessary schemes to make popular initiatives more difficult.

Garrett Connelly is a resident of Greenfield.

The rest is here:
My Turn: Start with democracy as a concept - The Recorder

The Daily Show Tells the Story of Ted Cruz, The Booger on the Lip of Democracy – Rolling Stone

The Daily Show has released the second installment in its new profile series, The Daily Showography, this time examining the life and times of Ted Cruz, not-so-endearingly referred to as The Booger on the Lip of Democracy. (That sub-title is a nod to a nod to a 2016 Republican presidential debate, during which a small object ostensibly a booger dangled from Cruzs lip as he spoke. And then he swallowed it, on national television, for all to see.)

The clip traces Cruz rise from a Texas teen obsessed with boobs and world domination to an irritating Princeton student to a new husband whose first act after returning from his honeymoon was to buy 100 cans of Campbells Chunky Soup. After all that, he became a high-powered attorney, arguing in front of the Supreme Court for the right to execute mentally ill prisoners and to ban the sale of sex toys.

Thats right, the segments narrator quips, in a show of selfless devotion to the law, Ted Cruz defended a ban on sex toys, even though he himself is a complete dildo.

The segment goes on to discuss Cruzs 2012 Senate run and his rise during the Tea Party era, while it also pays tribute to his rather unfortunate penchant for doing bad impressions of everyone from Yoda to Ned Flanders. And then, of course, it revisits Cruzs failed 2016 presidential bid, where Donald Trump brushed him aside by calling him a liar and his wife ugly while implying that his father had a role in the John F. Kennedy assassination. After briefly standing up for himself at that years Republican National Convention, Cruz was soon phone-banking for Trump.

The segment ended with a parade of voices from across the political spectrum noting how unlikable Cruz is. It also showed Cruz uneven attempts to rehabilitate his image, helping to stoke the January 6th insurrection and then taking an ill-advised trip to Cancun while his home state, Texas, was facing a historic winter storm. But these are just small bumps on the road to his ultimate goal: world domination, the narrator says. To Ted Cruz, the Earth is a mere booger dancing on his lips, tantalizing, mesmerizing, repulsive, waiting until the day when he can swallow us whole and hope that no one saw it.

Read the rest here:
The Daily Show Tells the Story of Ted Cruz, The Booger on the Lip of Democracy - Rolling Stone

The urgent task before the US and EU: To craft democracy that ‘delivers’ – Atlantic Council

EU Commissioner for Values and Transparency Vra Jourov addresses the EU Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, on March 25, 2021. Photo by Yves Herman/Pool via Reuters.

The challenges of economic upheaval and threats posed by China and Russia, common to both the European Union (EU) and the United States, are increasing the urgency on both sides of the Atlantic of proving to citizens that democracy is the ticket to a better lifea notion that is no longer a given, according to Vra Jourov, vice-president for values and transparency at the European Commission, and US Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT). Doing so will require a more robust social-safety net, Murphy argued, along with an aggressive defense against misinformation, Jourov said.

Jourov and Murphy were speaking at the Atlantic Councils EU-US Future Forum during a session moderated by Fran Burwell, a distinguished fellow at the Councils Europe Center, on how to defend democracy in turbulent times.

Below are some of the key takeaways from the conversation.

Daniel Malloy is the deputy managing editor at the Atlantic Council.

Tue, May 4, 2021

The forum, which runs from May 5 through May 7, intends to provide a new platform to discuss trade, tech, energy, space, defense and security, and the recovery from COVID-19.

New AtlanticistbyBenjamin Haddad

Mon, May 3, 2021

Russian and Chinese threats all seek to exploit gaps in Western cyber defenses and digital and information governance. To close these gaps as a part of its defense strategy, the United States should develop a strong collaborative relationship with the European Union in the digital and information sphere.

Seizing the advantagebyHarry I. Hannah

Fri, Feb 5, 2021

For French President Emmanuel Macron, the number-one priority in relations with the new US administration is clear: to boost results-oriented multilateralism.

New AtlanticistbyKatherine Walla

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The urgent task before the US and EU: To craft democracy that 'delivers' - Atlantic Council