Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Fact check: Protesters were not issued instructions from Friends of Democracy PAC – Reuters

Images circulating on social media appear to show an instruction manual forGeorge Floydprotesters,accidentally dropped duringthe demonstrations. This claim is false.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt

Examplesofthis claim can be seen here and here .

The image appears to be a scanned copy of a crumpleddocument containingapproved practices for protesting,instructions around whether toescalatethe conflict,guidelines for the useof props, and otherdirectionsforgeneral behavior.At the bottom ofthe page, the document is marked confidential, and Level 7, implying the involvement of government entities.Thescanned document also contains what appears to be the signature of Soros.

This leaked document, however, is not recent, nor is its appearance onlinerelated to the protestsacross the U.S. following the death of George Floyd.A quick searchonlineshows that this scanned page is part of a larger instruction manual posted online at least as far back as 2018 by outlets likeInfowars, in whichitalleged a funding conspiracy related to protests after the death of Freddie GrayinApril,2015.

One version of theclaimfeaturing a longerdocument can be seenin a Twitter post, here .

Thelongerdocument is entitledBWI041815, in reference to Baltimorethe place of Grays death andof the subsequent protestswhich began in mid-April 2015(Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport is often referred to as BWI).Other hand-written notes on the document alsoreference April 2015.Thislonger document appeared to start circulating online around 2018.

At the top,thedocumentprominently showsthe logo for Friends of Democracy, a Super PAC (Political Action Committee) founded by Jonathan Soros,son of George Soros( ).In past election cycles, the Friends of Democracy Super PAC had donated exclusively to Democratic politicians ( here ).

In2014,the Huffington Post reportedFriends of Democracymerged withthe Public Campaign Action fund to create Every Voice, anon-profit organization focused on campaign finance reform ( here ).Friends of Democracythereforemerged into a different PACayear prior to the protests in Baltimore following Freddie Grays deathin April 2015, andsix yearsprior tothe protestsfollowing George Floyds deathin May 2020.

When the claims that Friends of Democracy were funding protesters afterGrays deathcirculatedin 2018,theCEO ofthe organization, David Donnelly,issued a statementon Twitterconfirming these flyers were fabricated:[]No, Friends of Democracy PAC was created in 2012 to help elect money-in-politics reform champions. Period. Any document that says FOD was involved in, or funded, or in any way encourage, the protests in Baltimore afterFreddie Grays death IS COMPLETELY FALSE AND FORGED.( here )

Reuters recently debunked a claim related tofake flyers showingjob listings to become professional anarchistsandimplicating George Soros here .

False. George Floyd protesters were not issuedtheseinstructions.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here .

Go here to see the original:
Fact check: Protesters were not issued instructions from Friends of Democracy PAC - Reuters

Why Representative Democracy Is Best Option – The Transylvania Times

Over the last few years, the health of American democracy has come under great scrutiny. Polling routinely shows that Americans are concerned that democratic institutions arent working as well as they ought to. Inevitably, this brings up the question of whether we can mend our problems or if the system of representative democracy itself is fundamentally broken.

Im biased. I served as a representative for a good bit of my life, watched the system from the inside with all its faults and all its glories, and believe firmly in it. Our strengths as a nation our wealth and culture, our opportunities and human resources developed in an environment that was built from our founding documents, giving an ever-greater swath of Americans the opportunity to reach their potential, solve the problems that face their communities, and work together to move their neighborhoods and their country as a whole forward. Its allowed us to experiment, to approach issues pragmatically, and to shift approaches if the first or second or third doesnt work.

In fact, I would argue that some of our key characteristics as a people spring from the demands of self-governance and electing representatives. Wherever Ive gone around the country, Ive noticed an impressive and restless desire to make things better to improve our communities and states for everyone who lives in them. A representative democracy, in which every few years we choose the people who will be making the decisions that shape how we spend our money and regulate our activities, encourages this.

As concerns about our institutions have grown, however, so has interest in alternatives. A 2018 poll by Vox, for instance, found that young people were less likely to say that democracy is always preferable to any other type of government, and less likely to agree that democracy serves the people than people 40 and older. By the same token, they were more likely to say non-democracies can be preferable in some circumstances and to believe that democracy serves the elite. Many of these people are pushing for more direct democracy.

At the same time, militia groups, political entrepreneurs and big-money interests are also pushing for changes to how the system operates. They often want to move away from representative democracy, limit the power of the legislature, dismiss the professional civil service, rearrange the federal structure and in some cases see an advantage in a strongman leader.

I have to confess; I have trouble seeing us move in either direction. A lot of Americans like the idea of direct democracy indeed, in a poll a few years ago, the Pew Research Center found that 55 percent of those surveyed thought that ordinary Americans would do a better job solving the countrys problems than elected officials. Yet, while I see the value of direct democracy at the town level, as is practiced in parts of New England, I have trouble seeing how 325 million people could make decisions on even major policy questions at the federal level. It would make it impossible to have the kind of deliberation or search for common ground that Congress, when its working, can practice.

Those attracted to strongman leadership see value in a president who can make policy with little or no consultation with the Congress or other elected bodies. This, of course, is a system of authoritarianism you can find in various spots around the world; Russia, Turkey, the Philippines and Venezuela come to mind. This is not, however, an idea many Americans find attractive for governing the country.

My point is this: We cant look at representative democracy in isolation but have to compare it to the alternatives. And the alternatives, Id argue, dont stack up. Even 230 years on, our system remains an experiment in self-government. It is still aiming to achieve equal political rights and economic opportunity, equal access to the protection of the laws, and equal access to political representation. It seems to me that the question is not Is it perfect? Rather, it is: Can it improve itself? The answer lies with ordinary citizens to step up and take advantage of the opportunities the system affords us to do just that.

(Lee Hamilton was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.)

Go here to see the original:
Why Representative Democracy Is Best Option - The Transylvania Times

Britain’s claims to being a functioning democracy are only skin deep – The Guardian


o we live in a democracy? You may well ask. An unelected adviser seems to exercise more power than the prime minister, and appears unanswerable to people or parliament. Boris Johnson makes reckless public health decisions that could put thousands of lives at risk, apparently to dig himself out of a political hole. Parliament is truncated, as the government arbitrarily decides that MPs can no longer take part in votes remotely. As the government blunders from one disaster to the next, there seem to be no effective ways of holding it to account.

Established power in this country is surrounded by a series of defensive rings. As soon as you begin to name them, you see that the UK is a democracy only in the weakest and shallowest sense.

Lets begin with political funding. Our system permits billionaires and corporations to outspend and outmuscle the electorate. The great majority of money for the Conservative party comes from a small number of very rich people. Just five hedge fund managers have given it 18m over the past 10 years. The secretive Leaders Group grants big donors special access to the prime minister and his frontbenchers in return for their money. Courting and cultivating rich people to win elections corrupts our politics, replacing democracy with plutocracy.

This grossly unfair system is supplemented by outright cheating, such as breaching spending limits and secretly funding mendacious online ads. The Electoral Commission, which is supposed to regulate the system, has deliberately been kept powerless. The maximum fine for winning an election (or a referendum) by fraud is 20,000 per offence. Democracy is cheap in this country.

Despite such assistance, the Conservatives still failed to win a majority of votes at the last election. But, thanks to our preposterous, outdated first-past-the-post electoral system, the 43.6% of the vote they won granted them a crushing majority. With proportional representation, we would have a hung parliament. Five years of unassailable power for Johnsons Conservatives, even as popular support collapses, would have been impossible.

The structure and symbolism of parliament, with its preposterous rituals and incomprehensible procedures, could scarcely be better designed to alienate people, or to favour former public schoolboys, educated in a similar environment. Even its official emblem tells us we are shut out. Its a portcullis: the means by which people are excluded from the fortress of power. The portcullis is topped by a crown, reminding us that power is still vested symbolically in an unelected head of state. Many of her actual powers have been assumed, in the absence of a codified constitution, by the prime minister.

These powers are routinely abused, by all governments. Prime ministers bypass parliament, governing through special advisers like Dominic Cummings. When they make catastrophic mistakes, they have the power to decide whether or not there should be a public inquiry, and, if there should, what its terms and who its chair should be. Its as if a defendant in a criminal trial were allowed to decide whether the trial goes ahead and, if so, what the charges should be and who the judge and jury are.

Even when an investigation does take place, the prime minister can suppress its conclusions, as Johnson has done with the report on Russian interference in the British political system, which remains unpublished. Does it contain details of unlawful donations to the Conservative party? Or of Conservative Friends of Russia, whose launch party was attended by Cummings? A key figure in this group was a man who has subsequently come under suspicion of being a Russian spy. He has been photographed with Johnson, whom he described as a good friend. What was going on? Without parliaments intelligence and security committees report, we can only guess.

The same inordinate powers enabled Johnson to suspend parliament last autumn, until his decision was struck down by the supreme court, and to terminate remote access for MPs this week, preventing many of them from representing us. He is, in effect, a monarch with a five-year term and a council of advisers we call parliament.

The House of Lords is a further defensive ring within this ring. Some of its seats are reserved for hereditary aristocrats. Some are reserved for bishops, making this the worlds only country, other than Iran, in which religious leaders have an automatic right to sit. The rest are grace and favour appointments, keeping power within existing circles. Many of them are granted to major political donors, reinforcing the power of money. In any other country, they would call it corruption.

Despite a vast array of new democratic techniques, pioneered in other countries, there has been a total failure to balance our supposedly representative system with participatory democracy. This failure grants the winning party a scarcely challenged power, on the grounds of presumed consent, to do as it pleases, for five years at a time. Even when public trust and consent collapse, as they have now done amid the coronavirus pandemic, there are no effective channels through which we can affect the decisions government makes.

These formal rings of power are supported by further defences beyond government, such as the print media, most of which is owned by billionaires or multimillionaires living offshore, and the network of opaquely funded thinktanks, that formulate and test the policies later adopted by government. Their personnel circulate in and out of the prime ministers office.

Our political system has the outward appearance of democracy, but it is largely controlled by undemocratic forces. We find ourselves on the wrong side of the portcullis, watching helplessly as crucial decisions are taken about us, without us. If theres one thing the coronavirus fiascos show, its the need for radical change.

George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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Britain's claims to being a functioning democracy are only skin deep - The Guardian

Out in the open – Democracies contain epidemics most effectively | Graphic detail – The Economist

People living under freely elected governments have been more responsive to lockdown measures

Jun 6th 2020

MANY PEOPLE would look at the covid-19 pandemic and conclude that democracies are bad at tackling infectious diseases. America and the EU had months to prepare after China sounded the alarm in January. Both have subsequently suffered more than 300 confirmed deaths per 1m people. Chinas Communist Party reports an official death rate that is 99% lower, and has trumpeted its apparent success in containing the outbreak domestically.

Yet most data suggest that political freedom can be a tonic against disease. The Economist has analysed epidemics from 1960 to 2019. Though these outbreaks varied in contagiousness and lethality, a clear correlation emerged. Among countries with similar wealth, the lowest death rates tend to be in places where most people can vote in free and fair elections. Other definitions of democracy give similar results.

We cannot replicate this analysis for covid-19 yet, as it is still spreading at different rates around the world. Western democracies were hit early, in big cities with large flows of people from abroad. Daily deaths are now declining in these places but rising in developing countries, which tend to be less connected and more autocratic.

Existing data are also patchy. Countries that do little testing have few official cases. Even among confirmed cases, governments might be tweaking the number of deaths. Countries with a free press, according to Freedom House, a think-tank, have 60 deaths per 1,000 cases on average. Suspiciously, the average in places that lack media freedom is less than half that. A rate of 15 deaths per 1,000 cases is plausible in New Zealand, which has contained the virus, but less so in Russia, which has not.

One consistent measure that is available in most countries, but not China, is Googles index of mobility via smartphone apps. Researchers at Oxford University reckon that, after adjusting for a countrys wealth and other characteristics, democracies saw a 35% larger reduction in movement in response to lockdown policies. The drop in New Zealand, for example, was twice that in autocratic Bahrain.

People who praise China for its handling of covid-19 would do better to look at Taiwan, a neighbouring democracy. China wasted valuable time in December by intimidating doctors who warned of a lethal virus. Taiwan swiftly launched tracing measures in Januaryand has suffered only seven deaths.

Sources: Frey et al. (working paper); Google mobility reports; Boix et al. (2015); Maddison Project; World Bank; Em-Dat; Freedom House; Hale et al. (2020)

This article appeared in the Graphic detail section of the print edition under the headline "Out in the open"

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Out in the open - Democracies contain epidemics most effectively | Graphic detail - The Economist

Democracy reform groups seize time of racial protest to press their cause – The Fulcrum

A week of escalating and violent protest against racial injustice has prompted democracy reform groups to start uniting behind a message that resonates with their own goals.

Responding to the wave of demonstrations against the deaths of black people killed by police, many of these organizations are reaching out to declare unequivocal support for the marchers. But their statements, which grew in volume Monday, are also seeking to connect the furious urgency of the moment to the pursuit of their sometimes more esoteric sounding agenda.

Achieving racial justice and fixing all that's broken with governance and politics are two sides of the same pursuit, they say. Giving all Americans an equal standing is a prerequisite to securing a democracy that works for all voters, but reducing the current imbalance in democratic power is at the same time a prerequisite for giving all voices a chance to be heard.

"Democracy is our common cause. And, we can't have a true democracy when Black and Brown people are denied their rights to justice or victimized by abuse, racial profiling, and police brutality," Common Cause President Karen Hobart Flynn said Monday in an email to supporters of one of the country's original good-governance groups.

To achieve a better democracy, Flynn wrote, "we must acknowledge racism that has been an integral part of this nation's past and present and fight systemic racism wherever we find it, whether it be in our streets, at the ballot box, or in our justice system."

Roughly 1,000 people are shot and killed by police each year. Despite making up only 13 percent of the national population, black Americans are killed at a rate more than twice as high as white people.

"The numbers are disturbingly consistent from year to year," Robert Weissman, the president of another prominent progressive group, Public Citizen, told its supporters. "But they are not a fact of nature. They can change with policy."

The groups run by Flynn and Weissman, and more than 400 other good-government and civil rights organizations, unveiled a letter asking Congress to reform the country's law enforcement agencies. Their recommendations include setting a federal standard to make use of force by officers a last resort, prohibiting racial profiling and developing a national database to track police misconduct.

The manifesto issued Monday did not include any discussion of voting rights or other top items on the democracy reform agenda.

The groups magnified their voices as 140 or more cities from coast to coast prepared for a seventh consecutive night of peaceful demonstrations pockmarked by bursts of theft, vandalism and attacks on police in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police and after President Trump threatened to send in the military to restore order if governors didn't act quickly. He turned up that pressure Tuesday, demanding New York call up the National Guard to stop the "lowlifes and losers."

The reason for the protests is not new, the groups say in the letter, but are a response to decades of violence and racism against black people and "a cry for action to public officials for structural change, writ large."

Issue One, which emphasizes its bipartisan approach to democracy reform, issued those sentiments in its own statement. (The organization operates but is journalistically independent of The Fulcrum.)

"Now more than ever, we need to be able to trust in our democratic system and its institutions," said the group's CEO, Nick Penniman. "Yet, for many, the political system exists to keep powerless people powerless."

American Promise, which advocates almost exclusively for tighter regulation of money in politics, said in a message to supporters that it needs to get better educated on racial injustices so it can continue to pursue a more equitable and representative democracy.

"This is not a 'distraction' from our goal; this is our goal: an America where we do not abuse power to lock out, silence and destroy our fellow Americans," said the group's president, Jeff Clements.

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Democracy reform groups seize time of racial protest to press their cause - The Fulcrum