Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

LETTER: Trump becoming threat to democracy | Letters To Editor –


Governor Jay Inslee of the state of Washington recently referred to some of President Donald Trumps comments as unhinged rantings." An examination of the presidents statements during the week of April 12-18 not only confirms Governor Inslees opinion, it also gives credence to the opinion of those who feel Donald Trump may be a threat to democracy.

At a White House Coronavirus briefing that week, Trump said, When somebodys the president of the United States, the authority is total and thats the way its got to be. Two days later he encouraged people to protest against the policies of some governors regarding the coronavirus pandemic. He did this by tweeting, Liberate Michigan and Liberate Minnesota. He went one step further regarding the state of Virginia by tweeting, Liberate Virginia and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege.

His words sound like those of an authoritarian dictator who advocates violence in order to achieve his goals. They should be of grave concern to us all.

Gordon Mulligan


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LETTER: Trump becoming threat to democracy | Letters To Editor -

How a Justin Amash presidential bid could help the cause of democracy reform – The Fulcrum

Griffiths is a contributor to Independent Voter News, where an earlier version of this piece first appeared.

Michigan's Justin Amash has a storied history as a political outsider in Washington. Although he's won five terms in Congress with an "R" next to his name, he often bucked the establishment and party line on issues such as spending, war, government surveillance and marijuana legalization.

He quit the Republican Party 10 months ago and is the only member listed as an independent on the official House roster. And on Tuesday he announced he would explore a run for the Libertarian Party's nomination for president which would mean putting his rebellious streak on the national line by mounting a longshot challenge to the flawed ways the two major parties monopolize our democratic system.

Here is a little background: Amash was the only GOP member of the House to come out in favor of impeaching President Trump, almost a year ago. By then he had established a reputation as one of the few Republicans to consistently speak out against the president.

Amash's support for impeachment drew the ire of the group in which he was once a prominent figure: the House Freedom Caucus. It was a decision that also put a major target on his back.

On the Republican side, the party would no doubt run well-funded challengers to oust him in the primary. On the other side, Democrats saw an opportunity to flip his seat. So, Amash was feeling pressure from both parties to get out of Congress.

Instead, he dropped the GOP party label last July and declared himself an independent, which made his path to reelection much more challenging given how the current system emphasizes a limited choice for voters red or blue, Republican or Democrat.

Now, Amash looks to be headed up or out. He announced in April that he had stopped actively campaigning for reelection although he still remains in the race. And on Tuesday night he went onTwitter to unveil a new website, "Amash for America," that strongly signaled his intent to run for president.

"We're ready," the homepage says, for "an end to cronyism" and "an honest, principled president who will defend the Constitution and put individuals first."

A third party contender who has built the sort of public profile Amash has could shake up the race drawing votes from both sides of the aisle and bringing in independents. However, this means he would immediately be scapegoated as a spoiler. And, no matter the outcome, he would be blamed by the losing major party for its defeat in November.

Kurt Couchman, who used to work in Amash's Washington congressional office, penned an op-ed for in July 2019 describing how Amash could change the electoral landscape in 2020. But he also noted that, to avoid the spoiler effect, presidential elections needed a reform such as ranked-choice voting.

"To ensure that the ultimate victor has a mandate Congress and the States should enact ranked-choice voting without delay," he wrote. "The stakes for 2020 are incredibly high, and the American people need clear outcomes."

But, to the potential benefit of those who want pro-voter reform, the choose-one voting method is not the only flaw in our current system that would be brought front and center should Amash run.

He would also raise awareness to the fact that:

A high-profile independent or third party presidential campaign, whether people support it or not, would provide pro-voter reformers further evidence why the United States desperately needs to rethink its political system and transform its electoral process nationwide.

It could build on the tremendous momentum the reform community continues to see.

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How a Justin Amash presidential bid could help the cause of democracy reform - The Fulcrum

How to fix the world – Open Democracy

Crucially, structural adjustment programmes and the Washington Consensus need to be replaced though preferably not by China simply replacing the US as the global hegemon. Yanis Varoufakis and his colleagues propose a new global economic architecture whereby, to keep the world economy in balance, national surpluses and deficits would both be taxed, with the funds raised being channeled into a Global Green New Deal. They also want to change property rights, so that 10% of the shares of large companies are placed into a global equity fund and the dividends disbursed as a global universal basic dividend. Over time this percentage could increase until we end up with a kind of world-wide market-based socialism.

An alternative vision is for deglobalisation. Instead of entire countries being turned into massive export processing zones, Walden Bellos deglobalisation paradigm advocates production primarily for local markets. Trade and industrial policy including subsidies, quotas and tariffs would be used to protect local markets from flooding by corporate-subsidized commodities and strengthen manufacturing sectors. Measures for land and income redistribution would be taken, helping to create vibrant local markets and local sources of financial investment. Meanwhile, the multilateral bodies like the WTO, World Bank and IMF that have been vehicles for neo-imperialism would be replaced by regional institutions built on cooperation instead of free trade and capital mobility.

Some are squeamish about the idea of deglobalisation, worrying that it means nationalist isolationism and indeed, that is what the term has come to stand for in its nativist iteration (though this is wildly different from what Bello has in mind). More fundamentally, there is a question mark over whether a system of nation-states competing within the framework of global capitalism no matter how attenuated that version of capitalism might be can ever really transcend economic imperialism and trade wars (or actual wars for that matter).

Yet shortening supply chains, at least for essential items like food, seems like a no brainer from an environmental as well as a global justice perspective. Lets carry on our thought experiment of imagining a future beyond the nation-state: instead of states competing for resources on a lopsided playing field, we can envision the stewardship of commons by local communities that are relatively self-sufficient but networked transnationally. There would be no need to squabble over resources because instead of a logic of scarcity there would be a logic of abundance. This doesnt mean that everyone in the world would suddenly be able to fly every week or own a Ferrari we are living within planetary boundaries here. Murray Bookchin wrote that real abundance is not about being able to satisfy an infinite parade of desires, but having the collective autonomy to choose our needs (i.e. decide whats important), and work out how to satisfy them together therein lies true freedom.

The response to Covid-19 has put us at risk from encroaching authoritarianism and has further exposed the lack of trust people already had in their political systems. In liberal democracies, the decades of neoliberalism have hollowed out democratic institutions, as power has been transferred to transnational corporations. Politics has become about marketing and spin, and citizens are treated as consumers.

Meanwhile, spreading democracy has been a cover for the invasion and occupation of territories that were supposed to be sovereign by imperial powers. Marxists, anarchists and feminists have long asked whether capitalism is compatible with democracy at all. The gap between what liberal democracy promises in theory and what it has delivered has led to many people punting on illiberal democracy instead, with anti-democratic leaders being democratically elected.

If we are going to put the brakes on the ecological and social catastrophes under way, we will need to democratise democracy. Its not for nothing that one of Extinction Rebellions key demands is for citizens assemblies. The rapid transformations we will need to our social structures will have to be decided upon collectively, if we are to avoid eco-authoritarianism or eco-fascism. Peoples assemblies, town halls, participatory budgeting, citizens juries, and properly resourced, empowered local governments will be key.

Democratising democracy obviously means taking big money out of politics, but it also means removing the line that separates politics from the economy. In liberal democracies, huge swathes of society are out of reach of the decision-making powers of the citizenry. That will need to change. As discussed, we will need workplace and economic democracy, where fundamental decisions about provisioning are made by everyone, not just ruling elites.

The question of scale arises again here. Democracy isnt really democratic if the resources people are enjoying in one part of the world are actually being pilfered from other parts of the world, or if they are producing environmental impacts felt elsewhere. One proposal to ameliorate this is to introduce democracy on a global scale through a world parliament, where every citizen in the world would be able to directly elect representatives.

Others have criticised the idea of a world parliament as universalising a single version of politics and imposing it onto the entire globe, thereby reproducing the colonising drive it is supposed to combat. They prefer the idea of unity in diversity in the Zapatistas words: one world where many worlds fit. In this vision, the issue of scale would be addressed horizontally rather than vertically with autonomous communities working together to solve large-scale problems.

Citizens assemblies and town halls are about supplementing representative democracy with more direct forms of democracy. Down the line, we could take this much further. The horizontal, confederalist approach described above has direct democracy at its core. Direct democracies already exist Chiapas and Rojava are famous examples, and there are many impulses towards what Ashish Kothari calls Radical Ecology Democracy. Here, the commune or neighbourhood is the basic political unit, with people meeting face to face to make the decisions that affect their lives. For larger-scale issues, there are representative local assemblies and municipal councils, but these are accountable to the grassroots level.

These movements reject the nation-state as the locus of sovereignty, viewing the state as inextricably bound up with environmental destruction, repression and patriarchy. Radical Ecology Democracy instead advocates local custodianship of the commons combined with bio- and eco-regionalism. Crucially, to avoid repeating the patriarchy of the state, these direct democracies must be and are explicitly feminist, enshrining gender equality in their constitutions and instituting women-led committees on womens rights. And again, thinking about local communities as the locus of sovereignty doesnt have to mean parochialism and isolation. On the contrary, going beyond the nation-state can mean removing borders to the free flow of people and ideas.

Globally, women carry out 76% of unpaid labour mainly domestic and care work, which takes place inside the home. The family home can also be a dangerous and even deadly place for queer people and women, as one in three women suffer violence, usually by an intimate partner. The pandemic has intensified these problems and brought them further into the light. Given the reaction to an article we published on ourEconomy on the coronavirus and the family, challenging this most fundamental of institutions can make people, erm, emotional. If youre lucky, the family is also the source of deep bonds of love the stuff that makes life worth living, another thing that the virus has driven home.

But, as the authors of Feminism for the 99% point out, the unique feat of capitalism was to separate the public from the private, delegate the private to women and banish it to the home. Without the unpaid and invisible domestic, care and emotional work of women, the capitalist economy would not be able to run. Because it is women who carry out most of this reproductive labour, it is also women who are on the front line of environmental breakdown; as they are the main providers of food and fuel, they are worse impacted by flooding and drought. The U.N. estimates 80% of those who have been displaced by climate change are women.

Under neoliberalism, women are being more and more squeezed, making up an increasing proportion of the paid workforce as well as doing the vast majority of unpaid work. This has led to the erection of vast global care chains, as women who can afford to outsource their unpaid work to less well off women, often from the global south, who have their own families to care for. These gendered and racialised structures need to be transformed.

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How to fix the world - Open Democracy

Democracy versus the coronavirus – BusinessWorld Online

Want to know why many areas in the Philippines have been in lockdown for more than 45 days now, nearly 8,000 Filipinos have been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 with more than 530 dead, the economy damaged, many facing unemployment or bankruptcies, the education of our youth made uncertain?

To borrow Marc Thiessens answer: Because China is a brutal totalitarian dictatorship.

We are in the midst of a pandemic lockdown today because the Chinese Communist regime cared more about suppressing information than suppressing a virus. Doctors in Wuhan knew in December that the coronavirus was capable of human-to-human transmission because medical workers were getting sick. But as late as Jan. 15, the head of Chinas Center for Disease Control and Prevention declared on state television that the risk of human-to-human transmission is low. On Jan. 18, weeks after President Xi Jinping had taken charge of the response, authorities allowed a Lunar New Year banquet to go forward in Wuhan where tens of thousands of families shared food and then let millions travel out of Wuhan, allowing the disease to spread across the world. It was not until Jan. 23 that the Chinese government enacted a quarantine in Wuhan. (This virus should be forever linked to the regime that facilitated its spread, March 18, 2020)

For a time, when China appeared to have domestically managed the pandemic it created, the sense of glee amongst its propagandists, including those here in the Philippines, was palpable. The US system doesnt work they say. Democracy is inefficient. Freedom is overrated. All this with the obvious intent of advocating that the Philippines turn away from its democratic, human rights, and rule of law values, and copy instead Chinas totalitarianism.

Or in other words: Give up your rights and just do what we say.

Unfortunately, for them, they celebrated too soon. China was shortly thereafter required to upwardly adjust its fatality numbers by 50%. Wuhan, the first city afflicted with the China coronavirus, is still reeling from the pandemic. And just last week, Hubin, a city of 10 million residents, was summarily locked down.

Twenty-one million mobile phone subscriptions have also been canceled, which, though not necessarily corresponding exactly to deaths, is still a significant indicator of the damage China inflicted on itself. Not subject to speculation though is Chinas 6.8% drop in economic growth, its lowest level in 30 years.

Compare that with the fairly successful efforts of Taiwan. Most experts were predicting catastrophic deaths due to its close proximity to China. And yet Taiwan, as of this writing, has only 429 infections and six deaths. With no lockdown, with great transparency, no loss of human rights, and its businesses continuing to operate.

Of course all eyes are on Sweden, with some 19,621 infected and 2,355 dead. Yet, it fares favorably when compared to the Netherlands, the UK, France, Italy, and Belgium on deaths per 100,000 population. Without a lockdown.

And all indications are the Swedes have already weathered the worst. With a fairly unscathed economy, Sweden is now better placed to confront a coronavirus second wave should it happen.

And contrary to the misleading information given out by mainstream and social media, even the country that progressives and leftists love to hate, the US under President Donald Trump, is relatively doing well.

Yes, the US has nearly a million infected and over 56,259 dead. Yet Johns Hopkins data shows the US with one of the lowest death rates per 100,000 compared to other major countries. This without undue restriction on freedoms in most of the US States. Seven states, in fact, have little to no restrictions. Remember, it is the State governors, not Trump, that have the power to declare lockdowns in their individual states.

Only 13 to 15 US states have stringent lockdowns. And interestingly, it is the States that turned away from their democratic foundations, led by progressive leftist governors, that have the most infections and fatalities. The top four states New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and California alone account for 50% of US cases, with the rest scattered across the country in comparably minimal numbers.

Democracy may have stumbled in the early goings but it has ultimately proven more effective than authoritarianism or totalitarianism. National Democratic Institutes Adam Nelson is right: A vital yet overlooked antidote to pandemics [is] democracy. While the virus spreads, Chinas crackdown on freedom of expression has created an environment where doctors are stifled, the free flow of information is curtailed, health recommendations are ignored and the death toll rises.

Open societies are simply more able to harness creativity, innovation, energy, motivation, and optimism in people. In relation to pandemics, transparency allows a better grasp of the situation, while encouraging its people to find the best solutions and cure.

All the while retaining the benefits of human dignity and rights.

Lets hope and work that in beating this pandemic, Filipinos also gain a better appreciation of and work harder to uphold democracy and civil liberties.

Jemy Gatdula is a Senior Fellow of the Philippine Council for Foreign Relations and a Philippine Judicial Academy law lecturer for constitutional philosophy and jurisprudence.

Twitter @jemygatdula

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Democracy versus the coronavirus - BusinessWorld Online

Secretary of State: ‘Democracy will not falter in age of COVID-19’ – Spinal Column Online

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is assuring voters that upcoming elections will not falter despite the coronavirus pandemic, making sure that no citizen has to choose between their health and the right to vote.

Last week, Benson joined a virtual townhall hosted by Emgage, a Muslim American civic engagement organization, where she talked about absentee voting and election workers.

With the current health crisis, Benson is encouraging voters to cast ballots by mail. All eligible and registered voters in Michigan may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason after a constitutional change during the 2018 election. Nearly a million voters took advantage of their new right in the presidential primary election last month.

The right to vote by mail for every citizen in our state isnot changing. Its going to be available in every election this year, and every election will be held this year. For citizens that are able and want to exercise that right, you can request your ballot be mailed to you directly. You can find that request from on our website or with your local clerk. Simply fill it out, sign it and return it and when the time comes you will receive your ballot in August and November, Benson said. I encourage you to do that, and to encourage members of your community to do that as well. Oftentimes people dont know they have that right, and if they do they dont know how to access it.

Many jurisdictions have decided to postpone their May election to August, but communities that need to hold their election in May will do so primarily by mail. All registered voters were mailed applications to apply for an absentee ballot, along with postage paid return envelopes if they had a May election scheduled.

Clerk offices will remain open through election day for voters with disabilities and people who forget to mail their ballot in time and need to drop it off, and must be available for any same-day voter registrations.

Senator Ruth Johnson, former secretary of state and chair of the state Senate Elections Committee, called the vote-by-mail plan an absolute disaster. She had been urging Governor Whitmer to push the elections to August.

Senator Ruth Johnson

Ive been begging them to reschedule and consolidate with August, I warned them of all the potential problems and now what were seeing is even worse than feared, she said. We saw these issues in Wisconsin. People reported never getting an absentee ballot they request or a ballot they completed not getting back to the clerk in time to be counted.

Due to Michigans robust vote by mail option, Benson says we are better positioned to avoid a situation much like what happened in Wisconsin during their recent in-person presidential primary.

Milwaukee election officials announced the city would open only five polling locations for the primary. The city typically has 180 voting cities, but axed other locations due to mass poll worker shortages.

In Michigan, were much better positioned to avoid a situation like what happened in Wisconsin from the get-go. We have a robust vote by mail program that is established, it is sacrosanct, it is in our constitution and weve been working to implement it effectively since I took office over a year ago, Benson said. The vote by mail system was created by voters. Because of that, so many voters already want to do it and believe in the system.

For now, communities with scheduled elections are moving ahead with preparations to ensure voters and poll workers safety. Election workers will be provided with PPE equipment, and Bensons office is developing physical distancing guidelines.

Were working to ensure that all voters can have confidence when they access their vote, however they choose to access it in an election this year, that their vote will be counted safely and securely, and were putting protections in place for all who are working elections as well so they can do their essential job safely and securely, Benson said.

Bensons office is aggressively recruiting new election workers, as many of the seniors who usually serve and staff elections may not want to risk in-person interactions on the next election day. The recently launched Democracy MVP program encourages citizens to sign up to be an election worker to assist clerks and count ballots. Workers will not serve at traditional polling places, and will adhere to strict public health guidelines. Learn more and fill out the interest form at

Over 1,600 people applied in 10 days to be a part of the program, which is four times whats needed for the May 5 election, according to Benson. However, she encourages citizens to continue to sign up.

We are at a very unique and critical moment in the history of our country. But as much as theres a health crisis, as much as theres an economic crisis, theres also a potential crisis for our democracy if we dont preserve the access and integrity of our elections, Benson said. That requires all of us as citizens to stand up and ensure that our democracy stays on schedule, thats why were moving forward with our elections.

Read the original post:
Secretary of State: 'Democracy will not falter in age of COVID-19' - Spinal Column Online