Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Forty-five blows against democracy – – Salon

This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch.

Much outrage has been expressed in recent weeks over President Donald Trumps invitation for a White House visit to Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, whose war on drugs has led to thousands of extrajudicial killings. Criticism of Trump was especially intense given his similarly warm public support for other authoritarian rulers like Egypts Abdel Fatah al-Sisi (who visited the Oval Office to much praise only weeks earlier), Turkeys Recep Tayyip Erdogan (who got a congratulatory phone call from President Trump on his recent referendum victory, granting him increasingly unchecked powers), and Thailands Prayuth Chan-ocha (who also received a White House invitation).

But heres the strange thing: the critics generally ignored the far more substantial and long-standing bipartisan support U.S. presidents have offered these and dozens of other repressive regimes over the decades. After all, such autocratic countries share one striking thing in common. They are among at least 45 less-than-democratic nations and territories that today host scores of U.S. military bases, from ones the size of not-so-small American towns to tiny outposts. Together, these bases are homes to tens of thousands of U.S. troops.

To ensure basing access from Central America to Africa, Asia to the Middle East, U.S. officials have repeatedly collaborated with fiercely anti-democratic regimes and militaries implicated in torture, murder, the suppression of democratic rights, the systematic oppression of women and minorities, and numerous other human rights abuses. Forget the recent White House invitations and Trumps public compliments. For nearly three quarters of a century, the United States has invested tens of billions of dollars in maintaining bases and troops in such repressive states. From Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Republican and Democratic administrations alike have, since World War II, regularly shown a preference for maintaining bases in undemocratic and often despotic states, including Spain under Generalissimo Francisco Franco, South Korea under Park Chung-hee, Bahrain under King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, and Djibouti under four-term President Ismail Omar Guelleh, to name just four.

Many of the 45 present-day undemocratic U.S. base hosts qualify as fully authoritarian regimes, according to the Economist Democracy Index. In such cases, American installations and the troops stationed on them are effectively helping block the spread of democracy in countries like Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kuwait, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

This pattern of daily support for dictatorship and repression around the world should be a national scandal in a country supposedly committed to democracy. It should trouble Americans ranging from religious conservatives and libertarians to leftists anyone, in fact, who believes in the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. After all, one of the long-articulated justifications for maintaining military bases abroad has been that the U.S. militarys presence protects and spreads democracy.

Far from bringing democracy to these lands, however, such bases tend to provide legitimacy for and prop up undemocratic regimes of all sorts, while often interfering with genuine efforts to encourage political and democratic reform. The silencing of the critics of human rights abuses in base hosts like Bahrain, which has violently cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators since 2011, has left the United States complicit in these states crimes.

During the Cold War, bases in undemocratic countries were often justified as the unfortunate but necessary consequence of confronting the communist menace of the Soviet Union. But heres the curious thing: in the quarter century since the Cold War ended with that empires implosion, few of those bases have closed. Today, while a White House visit from an autocrat may generate indignation, the presence of such installations in countries run by repressive or military rulers receives little notice at all.

Befriending dictators

The 45 nations and territories with little or no democratic rule represent more than half of the roughly 80 countries now hosting U.S. bases (who often lack the power to ask their guests to leave). They are part of a historically unprecedented global network of military installations the United States has built or occupied since World War II.

Today, while there are no foreign bases in the United States, there are around 800 U.S. bases in foreign countries. That number was recently even higher, but it still almost certainly represents a record for any nation or empire in history. More than 70 years after World War II and 64 years after the Korean War, there are, according to the Pentagon, 181 U.S. base sites in Germany, 122 in Japan, and 83 in South Korea. Hundreds more dot the planet from Aruba to Australia, Belgium to Bulgaria, Colombia to Qatar. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops, civilians, and family members occupy these installations. By my conservative estimate, to maintain such a level of bases and troops abroad, U.S. taxpayers spend at least $150 billion annually more than the budget of any government agency except the Pentagon itself.

For decades, leaders in Washington have insisted that bases abroad spread our values and democracy and that may have been true to some extent in occupied Germany, Japan, and Italy after World War II. However, as base expert Catherine Lutz suggests, the subsequent historical record shows that gaining and maintaining access for U.S. bases has often involved close collaboration with despotic governments.

The bases in the countries whose leaders President Trump has recently lauded illustrate the broader pattern. The United States has maintained military facilities in the Philippines almost continuously since seizing that archipelago from Spain in 1898. It only granted the colony independence in 1946, conditioned on the local governments agreement that the U.S. would retain access to more than a dozen installations there.

After independence, a succession of U.S. administrations supported two decades of Ferdinand Marcoss autocratic rule, ensuring the continued use of Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Base, two of the largest U.S. bases abroad. After the Filipino people finally ousted Marcos in 1986 and then made the U.S. military leave in 1991, the Pentagon quietly returned in 1996. With the help of a visiting forces agreement and a growing stream of military exercises and training programs, it began to set up surreptitious, small-scale bases once more. A desire to solidify this renewed base presence, while also checking Chinese influence, undoubtedly drove Trumps recent White House invitation to Duterte. It came despite the Filipino presidents record of joking about rape, swearing he would be happy to slaughter millions of drug addicts just as Hitler massacred [six] million Jews, and bragging, I dont care about human rights.

In Turkey, President Erdogans increasingly autocratic rule is only the latest episode in a pattern of military coups and undemocratic regimes interrupting periods of democracy. U.S. bases have, however, been a constant presence in the country since 1943. They repeatedly caused controversy and sparked protest first throughout the 1960s and 1970s, before the Bush administrations 2003 invasion of Iraq, and more recently after U.S. forces began using them to launch attacks in Syria.

Although Egypt has a relatively small U.S. base presence, its military has enjoyed deep and lucrative ties with the U.S. military since the signing of the Camp David Accords with Israel in 1979. After a 2013 military coup ousted a democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood government, the Obama administration took months to withhold some forms of military and economic aid, despite more than 1,300 killings by security forces and the arrest of more than 3,500 members of the Brotherhood. According to Human Rights Watch, Little was said about ongoing abuses, which have continued to this day.

In Thailand, the U.S. has maintained deep connections with the Thai military, which has carried out 12 coups since 1932. Both countries have been able to deny that they have a basing relationship of any sort, thanks to a rental agreement between a private contractor and U.S. forces at Thailands Utapao Naval Air Base. Because of [contractor] Delta Golf Global, writes journalist Robert Kaplan, the U.S. military was here, but it was not here. After all, the Thais did no business with the U.S. Air Force. They dealt only with a private contractor.

Elsewhere, the record is similar. In monarchical Bahrain, which has had a U.S. military presence since 1949 and now hosts the Navys 5th Fleet, the Obama administration offered only the most tepid criticism of the government despite an ongoing, often violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters. According to Human Rights Watch and others (including an independent commission of inquiry appointed by the Bahraini king, Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa), the government has been responsible for widespread abuses including the arbitrary arrest of protesters, ill treatment during detention, torture-related deaths, and growing restrictions on freedoms of speech, association, and assembly. The Trump administration has already signaled its desire to protect the military-to-military ties of the two countries by approving a sale of F-16 fighters to Bahrain without demanding improvements in its human rights record.

And thats typical of what base expert Chalmers Johnson once called the American baseworld. Research by political scientist Kent Calder confirms whats come to be known as the dictatorship hypothesis: The United States tends to support dictators [and other undemocratic regimes] in nations where it enjoys basing facilities. Another large-scale study similarly shows that autocratic states have been consistently attractive as base sites. Due to the unpredictability of elections, it added bluntly, democratic states prove less attractive in terms [of] sustainability and duration.

Even within what are technically U.S. borders, democratic rule has regularly proved less attractive than preserving colonialism into the twenty-first century. The presence of scores of bases in Puerto Rico and the Pacific island of Guam has been a major motivation for keeping these and other U.S. territories American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in varying degrees of colonial subordination. Conveniently for military leaders, they have neither full independence nor the full democratic rights that would come with incorporation into the U.S. as states, including voting representation in Congress and the presidential vote. Installations in at least five of Europes remaining colonies have proven equally attractive, as has the base that U.S. troops have forcibly occupied in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, since shortly after the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Backing dictators

Authoritarian rulers tend to be well aware of the desire of U.S. officials to maintain the status quo when it comes to bases. As a result, they often capitalize on a base presence to extract benefits or help ensure their own political survival.

The Philippines Marcos, former South Korean dictator Syngman Rhee, and more recently Djiboutis Ismail Omar Guelleh have been typical in the way they used bases to extract economic assistance from Washington, which they then lavished on political allies to shore up their power. Others have relied on such bases to bolster their international prestige and legitimacy or to justify violence against domestic political opponents. After the 1980 Kwangju massacre in which the South Korean government killed hundreds, if not thousands, of pro-democracy demonstrators, strongman General Chun Doo-hwan explicitly cited the presence of U.S. bases and troops to suggest that his actions enjoyed Washingtons support. Whether or not that was true is still a matter of historical debate. Whats clear, however, is that American leaders have regularly muted their criticism of repressive regimes lest they imperil bases in these countries. In addition, such a presence tends to strengthen military, rather than civilian, institutions in countries because of the military-to-military ties, arms sales, and training missions that generally accompany basing agreements.

Meanwhile, opponents of repressive regimes often use the bases as a tool to rally nationalist sentiment, anger, and protest against both ruling elites and the United States. That, in turn, tends to fuel fears in Washington that a transition to democracy might lead to base eviction, often leading to a doubling down on support for undemocratic rulers. The result can be an escalating cycle of opposition and U.S.-backed repression.


While some defend the presence of bases in undemocratic countries as necessary to deter bad actors and support U.S. interests (primarily corporate ones), backing dictators and autocrats frequently leads to harm not just for the citizens of host nations but for U.S. citizens as well. The base build-up in the Middle East has proven the most prominent example of this. Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iranian Revolution, which both unfolded in 1979, the Pentagon has built up scores of bases across the Middle East at a cost of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. According to former West Point professor Bradley Bowman, such bases and the troops that go with them have been a major catalyst for anti-Americanism and radicalization. Research has similarly revealed a correlation between the bases and al-Qaeda recruitment.

Most catastrophically, outposts in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan have helped generate and fuel the radical militancy that has spread throughout the Greater Middle East and led to terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States. The presence of such bases and troops in Muslim holy lands was, after all, a major recruiting tool for al-Qaeda and part of Osama bin Ladens professed motivation for the 9/11 attacks.

With the Trump administration seeking to entrench its renewed base presence in the Philippines and the president commending Duterte and similarly authoritarian leaders in Bahrain and Egypt, Turkey and Thailand, human rights violations are likely to escalate, fueling unknown brutality and baseworld blowback for years to come.

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Forty-five blows against democracy - - Salon

Forty-Five Blows Against Democracy – Center for Research on Globalization

Much outrage has been expressed in recent weeks over President Donald Trumps invitation for a White House visit to Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, whose war on drugs has led to thousands of extrajudicial killings. Criticism of Trump was especially intense given his similarly warm public support for other authoritarian rulers like Egypts Abdel Fatah al-Sisi (who visited the Oval Office to much praise only weeks earlier), Turkeys Recep Tayyip Erdogan (who got a congratulatory phone call from President Trump on his recent referendum victory, granting him increasingly unchecked powers), and Thailands Prayuth Chan-ocha (who also received a White House invitation).

But heres the strange thing: the critics generally ignored the far more substantial and long-standing bipartisan support U.S. presidents have offered these and dozens of other repressive regimes over the decades. After all, such autocratic countries share one striking thing in common. They are among at least 45 less-than-democratic nations and territories that today host scores of U.S. military bases, from ones the size of not-so-small American towns to tiny outposts. Together, these bases are homes to tens of thousands of U.S. troops.

To ensure basing access from Central America to Africa, Asia to the Middle East, U.S. officials have repeatedly collaborated with fiercely anti-democratic regimes and militaries implicated in torture, murder, the suppression of democratic rights, the systematic oppression of women and minorities, and numerous other human rights abuses. Forget the recent White House invitations and Trumps public compliments. For nearly three quarters of a century, the United States has invested tens of billions of dollars in maintaining bases and troops in such repressive states. From Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Republican and Democratic administrations alike have, since World War II, regularly shown a preference for maintaining bases in undemocratic and often despotic states, including Spain under Generalissimo Francisco Franco, South Korea under Park Chung-hee, Bahrain under King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, and Djibouti under four-term President Ismail Omar Guelleh, to name just four.

Many of the 45 present-day undemocratic U.S. base hosts qualify as fully authoritarian regimes, according to the Economist Democracy Index. In such cases, American installations and the troops stationed on them are effectively helping block the spread of democracy in countries like Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kuwait, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

This pattern of daily support for dictatorship and repression around the world should be a national scandal in a country supposedly committed to democracy. It should trouble Americans ranging from religious conservatives and libertarians to leftists anyone, in fact, who believes in the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. After all, one of the long-articulated justifications for maintaining military bases abroad has been that the U.S. militarys presence protects and spreads democracy.

Far from bringing democracy to these lands, however, such bases tend to provide legitimacy for and prop up undemocratic regimes of all sorts, while often interfering with genuine efforts to encourage political and democratic reform. The silencing of the critics of human rights abuses in base hosts like Bahrain, which has violently cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators since 2011, has left the United States complicit in these states crimes.

During the Cold War, bases in undemocratic countries were often justified as the unfortunate but necessary consequence of confronting the communist menace of the Soviet Union. But heres the curious thing: in the quarter century since the Cold War ended with that empires implosion, few of those bases have closed. Today, while a White House visit from an autocrat may generate indignation, the presence of such installations in countries run by repressive or military rulers receives little notice at all.

Befriending Dictators

The 45 nations and territories with little or no democratic rule represent more than half of the roughly 80 countries now hosting U.S. bases (who often lack the power to ask their guests to leave). They are part of a historically unprecedented global network of military installations the United States has built or occupied since World War II.

Today, while there are no foreign bases in the United States, there are around 800 U.S. bases in foreign countries. That number was recently even higher, but it still almost certainly represents a record for any nation or empire in history. More than 70 years after World War II and 64 years after the Korean War, there are, according to the Pentagon, 181 U.S. base sites in Germany, 122 in Japan, and 83 in South Korea. Hundreds more dot the planet from Aruba to Australia, Belgium to Bulgaria, Colombia to Qatar. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops, civilians, and family members occupy these installations. By my conservative estimate, to maintain such a level of bases and troops abroad, U.S. taxpayers spend at least $150 billion annually more than the budget of any government agency except the Pentagon itself.

For decades, leaders in Washington have insisted that bases abroad spread our values and democracy and that may have been true to some extent in occupied Germany, Japan, and Italy after World War II. However, as base expert Catherine Lutz suggests, the subsequent historical record shows that

gaining and maintaining access for U.S. bases has often involved close collaboration with despotic governments.

The bases in the countries whose leaders President Trump has recently lauded illustrate the broader pattern. The United States has maintained military facilities in the Philippines almost continuously since seizing that archipelago from Spain in 1898. It only granted the colony independence in 1946, conditioned on the local governments agreement that the U.S. would retain access to more than a dozen installations there.

After independence, a succession of U.S. administrations supported two decades of Ferdinand Marcoss autocratic rule, ensuring the continued use of Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Base, two of the largest U.S. bases abroad. After the Filipino people finally ousted Marcos in 1986 and then made the U.S. military leave in 1991, the Pentagon quietly returned in 1996. With the help of a visiting forces agreement and a growing stream of military exercises and training programs, it began to set up surreptitious, small-scale bases once more. A desire to solidify this renewed base presence, while also checking Chinese influence, undoubtedly drove Trumps recent White House invitation to Duterte. It came despite the Filipino presidents record of joking about rape, swearing he would be happy to slaughter millions of drug addicts just as Hitler massacred [six] million Jews, and bragging, I dont care about human rights.

In Turkey, President Erdogans increasingly autocratic rule is only the latest episode in a pattern of military coups and undemocratic regimes interrupting periods of democracy. U.S. bases have, however, been a constant presence in the country since 1943. They repeatedly caused controversy and sparked protest first throughout the 1960s and 1970s, before the Bush administrations 2003 invasion of Iraq, and more recently after U.S. forces began using them to launch attacks in Syria.

Although Egypt has a relatively small U.S. base presence, its military has enjoyed deep and lucrative ties with the U.S. military since the signing of the Camp David Accords with Israel in 1979. After a 2013 military coup ousted a democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood government, the Obama administration took months to withhold some forms of military and economic aid, despite more than 1,300 killings by security forces and the arrest of more than 3,500 members of the Brotherhood. According to Human Rights Watch,

Little was said about ongoing abuses, which have continued to this day.

In Thailand, the U.S. has maintained deep connections with the Thai military, which has carried out 12 coups since 1932. Both countries have been able to deny that they have a basing relationship of any sort, thanks to a rental agreement between a private contractor and U.S. forces at Thailands Utapao Naval Air Base.

Because of [contractor] Delta Golf Global, writes journalist Robert Kaplan, the U.S. military was here, but it was not here. After all, the Thais did no business with the U.S. Air Force. They dealt only with a private contractor.

Elsewhere, the record is similar. In monarchical Bahrain, which has had a U.S. military presence since 1949 and now hosts the Navys 5th Fleet, the Obama administration offered only the most tepid criticism of the government despite an ongoing, often violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters. According to Human Rights Watch and others (including an independent commission of inquiry appointed by the Bahraini king, Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa), the government has been responsible for widespread abuses including the arbitrary arrest of protesters, ill treatment during detention, torture-related deaths, and growing restrictions on freedoms of speech, association, and assembly. The Trump administration has already signaled its desire to protect the military-to-military ties of the two countries by approving a sale of F-16 fighters to Bahrain without demanding improvements in its human rights record.

And thats typical of what base expert Chalmers Johnson once called the American baseworld. Research by political scientist Kent Calder confirms whats come to be known as the dictatorship hypothesis:

The United States tends to support dictators [and other undemocratic regimes] in nations where it enjoys basing facilities.

Another large-scale study similarly shows that autocratic states have been consistently attractive as base sites. Due to the unpredictability of elections, it added bluntly, democratic states prove less attractive in terms [of] sustainability and duration.

Even within what are technically U.S. borders, democratic rule has regularly proved less attractive than preserving colonialism into the twenty-first century. The presence of scores of bases in Puerto Rico and the Pacific island of Guam has been a major motivation for keeping these and other U.S. territories American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in varying degrees of colonial subordination. Conveniently for military leaders, they have neither full independence nor the full democratic rights that would come with incorporation into the U.S. as states, including voting representation in Congress and the presidential vote. Installations in at least five of Europes remaining colonies have proven equally attractive, as has the base that U.S. troops have forcibly occupied in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, since shortly after the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Backing Dictators

Authoritarian rulers tend to be well aware of the desire of U.S. officials to maintain the status quo when it comes to bases. As a result, they often capitalize on a base presence to extract benefits or help ensure their own political survival.

The Philippines Marcos, former South Korean dictator Syngman Rhee, and more recently Djiboutis Ismail Omar Guelleh have been typical in the way they used bases to extract economic assistance from Washington, which they then lavished on political allies to shore up their power. Others have relied on such bases to bolster their international prestige and legitimacy or to justify violence against domestic political opponents. After the 1980 Kwangju massacre in which the South Korean government killed hundreds, if not thousands, of pro-democracy demonstrators, strongman General Chun Doo-hwan explicitly cited the presence of U.S. bases and troops to suggest that his actions enjoyed Washingtons support. Whether or not that was true is still a matter of historical debate. Whats clear, however, is that American leaders have regularly muted their criticism of repressive regimes lest they imperil bases in these countries. In addition, such a presence tends to strengthen military, rather than civilian, institutions in countries because of the military-to-military ties, arms sales, and training missions that generally accompany basing agreements.

Meanwhile, opponents of repressive regimes often use the bases as a tool to rally nationalist sentiment, anger, and protest against both ruling elites and the United States. That, in turn, tends to fuel fears in Washington that a transition to democracy might lead to base eviction, often leading to a doubling down on support for undemocratic rulers. The result can be an escalating cycle of opposition and U.S.-backed repression.


While some defend the presence of bases in undemocratic countries as necessary to deter bad actors and support U.S. interests (primarily corporate ones), backing dictators and autocrats frequently leads to harm not just for the citizens of host nations but for U.S. citizens as well. The base build-up in the Middle East has proven the most prominent example of this. Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iranian Revolution, which both unfolded in 1979, the Pentagon has built up scores of bases across the Middle East at a cost of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. According to former West Point professor Bradley Bowman, such bases and the troops that go with them have been a major catalyst for anti-Americanism and radicalization. Research has similarly revealed a correlation between the bases and al-Qaeda recruitment.

Most catastrophically, outposts in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan have helped generate and fuel the radical militancy that has spread throughout the Greater Middle East and led to terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States. The presence of such bases and troops in Muslim holy lands was, after all, a major recruiting tool for al-Qaeda and part of Osama bin Ladens professed motivation for the 9/11 attacks.

With the Trump administration seeking to entrench its renewed base presence in the Philippines and the president commending Duterte and similarly authoritarian leaders in Bahrain and Egypt, Turkey and Thailand, human rights violations are likely to escalate, fueling unknown brutality and baseworld blowback for years to come.

David Vine, a TomDispatch regular, is associate professor of anthropology at American University in Washington, D.C. His latest book is Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World (the American Empire Project, Metropolitan Books). He has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and Mother Jones, among other publications. For more information, visit and

Excerpt from:
Forty-Five Blows Against Democracy - Center for Research on Globalization

Europe view: American democracy isn’t as strong as you think …

My GOP cronies bridled. "This is America," one insisted. "When one side gets into power, they let the other side retire quietly -- they don't stick their predecessors' heads on spikes. We don't use the law as a tool to punish political opponents. That's what makes us different from banana republics in Africa. That's what makes us the greatest democracy in the world."

Regardless of what you think about George W. Bush -- or this characterization of the entire African continent -- my friend summed up what many Americans believe about their nation's strengths. From Thomas Jefferson onward, the rhetoric of the democratic example has been fundamental to the mythology of American exceptionalism.

Central to this reverence is the faith Americans have in their Constitution: a document which promises to punish corrupt representatives, constrain executive overreach and protect judicial independence. But beyond America's borders, even its greatest admirers reserve a dose of skepticism. America's confidence that its Constitution uniquely protects against abuse of power feels, at best, nave.

People are concerned about traveling to the US, even concerned about doing business in a country that no longer seems to uphold the rule of law. No longer is America a shining example, as my college friends would have it, to the tin pot dictatorships of Africa.

It seems much more revealing that Comey's firing took place a day after he reportedly stepped up his own inquiry into the Trump campaign's alleged links to Russia. (It is worth noting, too, that Rosenstein, an Obama appointee, does not explicitly call in his memo for Comey's dismissal -- just as Comey himself criticized Hillary, but declined to recommend charges. Precision matters in high-stakes legal inquiries.)

None of this makes comfortable watching for America's allies. Should British Prime Minister Theresa May trust her friend Donald to treat her as professionally as he has treated James Comey? Should she direct her intelligence agencies to share with American colleagues their information on Vladimir Putin's activities?

If there is a scrap of hope to be gleaned from President Trump's obvious misdirection this week, it is that Trump has veiled his attack on his own FBI director in the language of bipartisan constitutionalism. The attempt to present this sacking as a favor to Democrats -- who blame Comey for styming Clinton's campaign -- at least suggests that he knows the directors of major civic infrastructure should command bipartisan support.

Or does it? The problem with being European, looking at America, is that we know dictators have always used the language of constitutionalism to camouflage their land grabs.

If there's a single question on every European's lips, it is: How long can Trump last? To those of us who've heard Americans wax lyrical about the legacy of the Founding Fathers, now is the time when we expect to see the US Constitution's checks and balances swing into action. We know that Americans are good at getting rid of presidents: In the American TV series that form our stable diet, it happens all the time, from "Veep" to "24." It's happened in living memory, too. If you can impeach a president simply for lying about sex, surely you can impeach a president who sacks the person investigating him?

Now, however, it's American observers who sound more skeptical. If you're actually living in America, you know that it'll be hard to get much of the congressional GOP on board for an impeachment; that nothing really constrains the executive branch's power over civic appointments.

It is evident that separation of powers only truly exists in the United States when separate parties control the executive and legislature.

Smug Europeans are congratulating themselves that Americans were always wrong about their exceptional democracy. Those of us with a foot in both continents are not so much smug as heartbroken.

Original post:
Europe view: American democracy isn't as strong as you think ...

ACP states push back at New Consensus on Development over ‘democracy’ deficit – EURACTIV

Voices from the African, Caribbean and Pacific nation states pushed back on Monday (15 May) at the focus on democracy in the European New Consensus on Development, in a debate which opens old wounds between donor countries and developing nations.

The EU the worlds largest aid donor is in the processing of adopting the New Consensus policy document, to update its policies in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s created by the United Nations.

Many of the SDGs and the New Consensus are uncontroversial, but the commitment to democracy, and what Western donor states understand by that, saw a plethora of voices from Africa and the Caribbean raise objections at a two-day summit of EU and ACP groups in Brussels.

On the opening day of the Meeting of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest groups, speakers from Haiti, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and the Caribbean hit back at narrow or existing definitions of democracy in the New Consensus document which is being adopted against the background of the post-Cotonou trading arrangements between the 28-member bloc and the ACP nations from 2020.

In front of an audience of around 80 representatives from the Commission, Parliament, EEAS and ACP states, Jethro T. Greene, head of the Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN), himself a fruit grower from St Vincent and the Grenadines, warned that even in a functioning ACP democracy those elected do not represent the totality of the people.

The reality is that we have to get consensus across the parties, not just the governments, Greene told the debate.

All [our] governments are minority governments, in that 50% of the people do not vote, and the 50% that do split their vote between the ruling party and the opposition.

At the heart of the debate is clause 3.49, paragraph 49, of the New Consensus, that states: The EU and its member states will promote the universal values of democracy, good governance, rule of law and human rights for all across the full range of partnerships and instruments and across all situations, including through development action.

While that may not sound controversial in Brussels, many ACP nations complain privately and publicly that many Western states were far from parliamentary democracies with universal suffrage when they underwent industrialisation in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

And some recent academic studies show that democracy and development are not as neatly linked as some donor bodies would hope.

Another speaker, from the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, put the problem more plainly.

Leontine Mbolanomena, a workers representative from Madagascar, said her government was 100% dependent on aid, so the government will sign up for anything [while] the citizens pay the price.

Support for civil society organisations is all well and good, she told the audience of specialists, but NGOs need the capacity to build in civil society to monitor how governments are using the funds.

That echoed a point of Greenes, who said he was not optimistic about achieving the SDGs [by 2030], because we have to get grassroots people involved.

More declarations and Consensus are easy on paper, he warned, but at grassroots level a more difficult thing. Civil Society doesnt have all the technical skills to analyse [what governments do.]

At the other extreme, Zimbabwe something of a pariah state in diplomatic circles, if not for the aid groupstrying to operate within its borders warned EU leaders against trying to achieve Utopia in a day.

John Mufukere, director of the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe, said: It is good to empower CSO (Civil Society Organisations) to hold governments to account, but the British have a saying Dont throw the baby away with the bathwater.

Dont insist we can get there, before we can get there, he warned. Zimbabwe has been run continuously by President Robert Mugabe since 1980, who last year announced he would stand again as president in 2018, at the age of 96.

The 17-point UN Sustainable Development Goals criticised at the meeting as more abstract and fragmentary than the better-known Millennial Development Goals they replaced are supposed to be met by 2030, and include the opening promise of No poverty.

They are at least superficially less doctrinaire about the promotion of democracy, relegating it to the 16th of 17 goals, under the heading Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

The EU was not immune from criticism at the meeting. Ionut Sibian, the rapporteur for the European Economic and Social Committee, railed against what he called trendsetters [in Official Development Aid] who count financial implication areas for expenses that five or 10 years ago would have been unthinkable for this policy.

Although he did not single them out by name, the UK, Germany and Sweden, among others, have recently started using ODA funds on so-called in-house host country spending, that is, housing and feeding refugees, with some also now mooting classifying some security spending under ODA.

Sibian did specify that theme, asking rhetorically: Security and migration control [spending]? Okay if we channel more money to poverty eradication.

Michael John Ellis, head of unit for Policy and Coherence at DG Devco, struck a conciliatory note, telling the audience it was fair to ask Okay, theres a declaration, a nice ceremony, we all pat ourselves on the back, but sometimes what happens [next]?

He added it was fair that recognising governments dont necessarily represent everyone, but one good thing about the SDGs was that they at least bring everyone together.

Joan Lafranco, speaking for the Trade Union Development Cooperation Network, suggested that while developing ACP states were formalising their economy, each country was different, and a baseline of striving for decent work, with social dialogue was the least states could sign up to.

But if we rely on the market alone [rather than pushing for democratic practices], the SDGs will never be achieved, he warned.

The ACP-EU two day meeting continues today (16 May), with sessions on industrialisation, and food waste.

Continued here:
ACP states push back at New Consensus on Development over 'democracy' deficit - EURACTIV

March on Harrisburg: What Democracy Is All About – Common Dreams

Common Dreams
March on Harrisburg: What Democracy Is All About
Common Dreams
Determined to pressure politicians to support three pieces of pro-democracy legislation, scores of activists set off from Philadelphia on Saturday on a 100-mile trek to the Pennsylvania state capitol. Called March on Harrisburg, this action grew out of ...

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March on Harrisburg: What Democracy Is All About - Common Dreams