Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

The real danger to democracy – Washington Examiner

I'm ashamed to say that I can't remember whether or not I met PC Keith Palmer, the policeman murdered by Khalid Masood in Parliament last week. I have been in and out through those gates often enough, greeted in that polite, slightly wry manner that British coppers use. But, like most people, I would generally just grunt "morning," often with minimal eye contact. (As you'll have noticed, this is another British specialty.)

It is easy to take the police for granted, to see them almost as wisecracking gatekeepers. Palmer's death reminded me that these smiling, sardonic men will, when the need arises, place themselves between me and a murder weapon. From now on, I'm going to thank them properly.

Lots of politicians and journalists will be thinking similar thoughts. That's what made the attack on Parliament so effective in propaganda terms. It's not simply that reporters were nearby; it's that many of them, locked inside the Palace of Westminster, were part of the story themselves.

Then there's the history. Although we Brits can be unspeakably rude about our MPs, we still think of Parliament itself as a symbol of national freedom. We have a half-memory, somewhere at the back of our collective mind, of a smoke-wreathed Westminster Hall standing defiantly among the Nazi bombs. A terrorist abomination in the center of a provincial city would not have had the same impact, either psychologically or in news terms.

But please try to keep a sense of perspective. There has been only one casualty of Islamist violence in Britain since the 2005 Tube bombings: Lee Rigby, an off-duty soldier who was mown down by a car as he cycled outside his barracks and then hacked to death. His murderers, like the attacker in Westminster, had no access to bombs or firearms. They, too, used the most basic weapons of all: a car and a knife.

A vehicle can be deadly, of course, as the appalling attacks in Nice and Berlin demonstrated. Still, it is worth pondering the fact that the most serious jihadi attack in Britain since 2005 involved some idiots driving into Glasgow Airport, evidently under the impression that this would set it on fire. They scrambled from their burning car only to be beaten up by a nearby baggage handler.

The scarcity of attacks tells us something of the imbalance of forces. On one side stand some of the world's best counter-terrorism experts, whose successes, in the form of forestalled atrocities, can never be truly counted. On the other stand some numbskulls with cars and knives.

We should treat them as what they are: losers with laughable underwear bombs and a pleasing tendency to blow themselves up in error. But we don't. We write them up as members of a sinister global terrorist network. We describe them as a threat to the state. I heard one supposed terrorism expert preposterously telling Fox News that the attack had "brought London to a standstill." The only sign of a "standstill" I saw was a notice on a bus about "delays around Westminster." Light snow causes more disruption, for Heaven's sake.

But no one has an incentive to downplay terrorism. The academic expert, the police chief, the spook, the journalist: all come together in consciously or subconsciously wanting to magnify the drama. No politician dares point out that you are statistically more likely to be killed by a toddler than by a jihadi. So we carry on taking these losers at something close to their own estimate that is, as soldiers engaged in a civilizational war. It is precisely this illicit glamor that draws lonely and alienated young men to political violence in the first place.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Will attend an international summit on women's issues next month.

03/27/17 1:32 PM

The Chinese don't report terrorist incidents, seeing no reason to give insurgents publicity. In consequence, terrorism is rare in China. Yet when Le Monde, applying the same logic, declined to print the names of the perpetrators of the Paris attacks, wishing to deny them a sense of martyrdom, it was widely criticized.

In the aftermath of the London attack, every commentator including, I'm afraid, this one reached for the same clich. It was, we said, "an attack on democracy." But the real danger to democracy is that we respond in a way that cheapens our values while at the same time attracting the next unbalanced teenager looking for a nihilistic cause. The men who carry out these crimes are not holy warriors. They are ugly, emotionally stunted criminals. We need to remember that.

Dan Hannan is a British Conservative MEP.

See the original post:
The real danger to democracy - Washington Examiner

American democracy: Not so decadent after all – Times-Mail (subscription)

WASHINGTON Under the dark gray cloud, amid the general gloom, allow me to offer a ray of sunshine. The last two months have brought a pleasant surprise: Turns out the much feared, much predicted withering of our democratic institutions has been grossly exaggerated. The system lives.

Let me explain. Donald Trumps triumph last year was based on a frontal attack on the Washington establishment, that all-powerful, all-seeing, supremely cynical, bipartisan cartel (as Ted Cruz would have it) that allegedly runs everything. Yet the establishment proved to be Potemkin empty. In 2016, it folded pitifully, surrendering with barely a fight to a lightweight outsider.

At which point, fear of the vaunted behemoth turned to contempt for its now-exposed lassitude and decadence. Compounding the confusion were Trumps intimations of authoritarianism. He declared I alone can fix it and I am your voice, the classic tropes of the demagogue. He unabashedly expressed admiration for strongmen (most notably, Vladimir Putin).

Trump had just cut through the grandees like a hot knife through butter. Who would now prevent him from trampling, caudillo-like, over a Washington grown weak and decadent? A Washington, moreover, that had declined markedly in public esteem, as confidence in our traditional institutions from the political parties to Congress fell to new lows.

The strongman cometh, it was feared. Who and what would stop him?

Two months into the Trumpian era, we have our answer. Our checks and balances have turned out to be quite vibrant. Consider:

Trump rolls out not one but two immigration bans, and is stopped dead in his tracks by the courts. However you feel about the merits of the policy itself (in my view, execrable and useless but legal) or the merits of the constitutional reasoning of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (embarrassingly weak, transparently political), the fact remains: The president proposed and the courts disposed.

Trumps pushback? A plaintive tweet or two complaining about the judges that his own Supreme Court nominee denounced (if obliquely) as disheartening and demoralizing.

Federalism lives. The first immigration challenge to Trump was brought by the attorneys general of two states (Washington and Minnesota) picking up on a trend begun during the Barack Obama years when state attorneys general banded together to kill his immigration overreach and the more egregious trespasses of his Environmental Protection Agency.

And beyond working through the courts, state governors Republicans, no less have been exerting pressure on members of Congress to oppose a Republican presidents signature health care reform. Institutional exigency still trumps party loyalty.

The Republican-controlled Congress (House and Senate) is putting up epic resistance to a Republican administrations health care reform. True, thats because of ideological and tactical disagreements rather than any particular desire to hem in Trump. But it does demonstrate that Congress is no rubber stamp.

And its independence extends beyond the perennially divisive health care conundrums. Trumps budget, for example, was instantly declared dead on arrival in Congress, as it almost invariably is regardless of which party is in power.

Trump is right. It is the opposition party. Indeed, furiously so, often indulging in appalling overkill. Its sometimes embarrassing to read the front pages of the major newspapers, festooned as they are with anti-Trump editorializing masquerading as news.

Nonetheless, if you take the view from 30,000 feet, better this than a press acquiescing on bended knee, where it spent most of the Obama years in a slavish Pravda-like thrall. Every democracy needs an opposition press. We damn well have one now.

Taken together and suspending judgment on which side is right on any particular issue it is deeply encouraging that the sinews of institutional resistance to a potentially threatening executive remain quite resilient.

Madisons genius was to understand that the best bulwark against tyranny was not virtue virtue helps, but should never be relied upon but ambition counteracting ambition, faction counteracting faction.

You see it even in the confirmation process for Neil Gorsuch, Trumps supremely qualified and measured Supreme Court nominee. Hes a slam dunk, yet some factions have scraped together a campaign to block him. Their ads are plaintive and pathetic. Yet I find them warmly reassuring. What a country where even the vacuous have a voice.

The anti-Trump opposition flatters itself as the resistance. As if this is Vichy France. Its not. Its 21st-century America. And the good news is that the checks and balances are working just fine.

American democracy: Not so decadent after all - Times-Mail (subscription)

Democracy and the Liberal Arts: A Student’s Perspective – Huffington Post

It would be easy to become despondent in the face of the relentless attack on the media and on facts that confront us these days. But there is reason to be hopeful.

McKenzie Murray, a senior at Olympia High School in Olympia, Washington, explained why, despite the troubling patterns she sees, shes optimistic about the future. Her essay detailing her perspective which won the Washington Consortium for the Liberal Arts 2017 High School Liberal Arts Essay Contest makes it clear that she understands the nature of the problems were facing.

Politically, were in the midst of some of the most divisive times my generation has ever seen. And as discourse surrounding policy devolves, and people realize that they can capitalize on confusion and fear, a completely new challenge has suddenly been added to our high school experience--the proliferation of fake news on our social media feeds.

She also understands the consequences of the problem. Our democracy cant function without trust between the citizens, our policymakers, and the writers that keep us in touch with one another. Undermining the media is a tactic to silence civilian dissent and cover up gross ethical violations by some of the most powerful people in our nation.

Why, then, is she optimistic? Simply put, she sees a solution to the virulence that is putting some of our most cherished social values at risk.

The antidote to this silencing is a liberal education--an education that spans disciplines and emphasizes critical thinking. The liberal arts give us a voice, and a framework for understanding and discussing our world. Literature and philosophy allow us to look at the idea of a post-truth society and call it what it is--Orwellian, and a violation of our most basic civil liberties. Social studies allow us to look at when this has happened before, and what people did about it. Studying English and language fosters the kind of reasoning and judgment skills that we need to stay informed citizens. Mathematics and the sciences assist us in critical thinking, and seeing the logical underpinnings beneath hazy rhetoric and false claims.

McKenzie recognizes the power the liberal arts has to shape the qualities needed for students to become active citizens. She appreciates the fact that no one discipline or approach is enough to solve our most pressing problems. And as she notes, a broadly based liberal education, can create important habits of thinking: It fosters a kind of vital curiositya desire to understand life and humanity and to constantly keep learning.

She is confident that her generation will embrace this sort of education and that by doing so members of her cohort will learn the kind of critical thinking, truth-seeking, and commitment to respect and unity that we will need to practice throughout our entire lives.

I find McKenzies optimism to be contagious. If high school students like her are able to clearly define some of our most troubling problems and to recognize the type of education needed to craft solutions, there is good reason to be hopeful. Perhaps this next generation will be less divisive and more skeptical, more willing to recognize the difference between opinions and facts, than the current one. If so, they will likely create a more rational and more just world while supporting the full stretch of human knowledge from the sciences to the arts.

Start your workday the right way with the news that matters most.

Continue reading here:
Democracy and the Liberal Arts: A Student's Perspective - Huffington Post

Trumbull High junior receives Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award – CT Post

Photo: Matthew Montgomery / Matthew Montgomery Photography



Matthew Kuroghlian, 16, a junior at Trumbull High School, is hugged by Doug and Terry Sutherland after receiving the Kevin J. Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award on Sunday.

Matthew Kuroghlian, 16, a junior at Trumbull High School, is hugged by Doug and Terry Sutherland after receiving the Kevin J. Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award on Sunday.

Senator Chris Murphy speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Chris Murphy speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Chris Murphy speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Chris Murphy speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Rep. Jim Himes speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Rep. Jim Himes speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Richard Blumenthal speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Richard Blumenthal speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Richard Blumenthal speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Senator Richard Blumenthal speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Trumbull Town Treasurer Anthony Musto at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Trumbull Town Treasurer Anthony Musto at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Trumbull Board of Finance member Vicki Tesoro speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Trumbull Board of Finance member Vicki Tesoro speaks at the 2017 Keys to Democracy Trumbull Democratic Town Committee Awards Dinner at Tashua Knolls Country Club in Trumbull, Conn. on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Trumbull High junior receives Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award

TRUMBULL Matthew Kuroghlian, a Trumbull High School junior, was presented Sunday with the Kevin J. Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award, named after the intern of Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., who died in a knife attack on a subway in Washington nearly two years ago.

The 16-year-old Trumbull High student was singled out for dedicating himself to public service and engaging young people in local and state elections while still in high school, according to the Trumbull Democratic Town Committee which bestowed the honor. He is vice president of his class and a leader in the Model United Nations THS club.

When I was in high school, I began a Young Democrats organization, too, and its still active, said Sen. Chris Murphy. I know many of you have a sense of anxiety over whats happening in Washington, but its not something that cant be cured by political action.

Rep. Jim Himes recalled Sutherland as a young man who could bring about change though thoughtful expression, rather than bombast and insults.

To me he was a little brother, Himes said. We should all be in awe of the strength of his character. I didnt always agree with him, but I always wanted to hear his thoughts.

He said turning back efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act was a major victory for Americans.

This was a week in which we pushed back to protect a whole bunch of people, he said of Congress decision not to repeal the law commonly known as Obamacare.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal told the gathering Democracy was in peril and the nation is careening toward a Constitutional crisis because of Russian meddling in the fall elections.

I will block any nominee for deputy attorney general until and unless he commits to a special prosecutor , he said, someone who can perform an aggressive, impartial inquiry, and bring charges and prosecute whoever is responsible up to and including the president.

Matthew was a volunteer for Himes in his 2016 campaign and held a leadership role in the unsuccessful 2016 campaign of Lino Costantini for Trumbulls 126th District seat in the Legislature. Matthew also created a group, the Eastern Fairfield County Young Democrats.

Doug Sutherland, Kevins father, was choked with tears when he approached the lectern. He thanked Kuroghlian for starting a Young Democrats group in Trumbull.

This was something that Kevin tried to to when he was at Trumbull High but of course there was no Donald Trump back then, he said. So I guess there is a silver lining in this after all.

Also honored by the TDTC Sunday night were Timothy A. Cantafio, vice president of engineering for Northeast Electronics, Corp., Milford, for his four decades of involvement in local political and social issues, and Beryl Kaufman for furthering the participation of citizens in our government and protecting the rights and education of people with special needs.

Cantafio ran unsuccessfully for a Town Council seat when he was 18. He is a lifelong Trumbull resident and with his wife, Dawn, reared two children here.

Kaufman, as a young mother, became executive director of the Connecticut Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficits, or CACLD, which was active from the early 1970s until recently. She also organized the first conference in Connecticut on issues faced by high school graduates with special needs.

More than 250 turned out for the dinner event at the Tashua Knolls clubhouse, and those in attendance included former first selectmen Paul Timpanelli and Ray Baldwin, former Bridgeport Mayor Tom Bucci and Tom McCarthy of the Bridgeport City Council.

The attack on Kevin Sutherland occurred on July 4, 2015, in a Washington Metro train. Police said Sutherland, 24, died of numerous stab wounds.

Jasper Spires, then 18, has been charged with the crime, and the case is continuing. Police said the attack began when Spires tried to steal Sutherlands cel phone and that the suspect may have been high on synthetic drugs at the time.

Visit link:
Trumbull High junior receives Sutherland Inspiration in Democracy Award - CT Post

California: Trump Supporters Attack Anti-Trump Protesters – Democracy Now!

The U.S.-backed Iraqi militarys ground campaign to retake west Mosul from ISIS has been halted as details emerged over the weekend about U.S.-led coalition airstrikes that killed over 200 people in a single day. The U.S.-led coalition has admitted launching the March 17 airstrikes that targeted a crowded section of the Mosul al-Jadida neighborhood.

Some reports say one of the strikes hit an explosive-filled truck, triggering a blast that destroyed nearby houses where hundreds of people were taking refuge amid the citys heavy fighting. Up to 80 civilians, including women and children, may have died in one houses basement alone. The March 17 strikes appear to be among the deadliest U.S. airstrikes in the region since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Over the weekend, witnesses told The Guardian that some of their family members remain trapped under the rubble after days of U.S.-coalition airstrikes battered neighborhoods in and around west Mosul. This is a family member of some of the civilians killed in the March 17 strike.

Witness: "I came to the house to stay with my family, but the owner of the house told me there was no place for me. More than 100 people were inside. Half an hour later, the house was hit in an airstrike. There were neither snipers nor ISIL militants on the street. At least 15 people from this street, that links into the alleyways, have been killed."

The journalistic project Airwars reports as many as 1,000 civilians have died in U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria in March alone. The high civilian death toll is leading many to question whether the U.S. military has loosened the rules of engagement that seek to limit civilian casualties. The Pentagon maintains the rules have not changed. Well have more on U.S.-led airstrikes, including the devastating strikes in Mosul al-Jadida, later in the broadcast.

Here is the original post:
California: Trump Supporters Attack Anti-Trump Protesters - Democracy Now!