Archive for the ‘Democrat’ Category

Santa Rosa police arrest man suspected of child abuse – Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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Senate votes down broad effort to repeal Obamacare

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THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | July 25, 2017, 12:41PM

| Updated 3 hours ago.

Santa Rosa police arrested the father of a 4-year-old boy Monday afternoon on suspicion of felony child abuse after witnesses reported the man yelling obscenities at him and putting his hands around the childs neck.

Robert Flett, 31, was arrested at a Barham Avenue convenience store about 1:20 p.m. after a caller reported the suspected abuse of a child, said Santa Rosa Police Sgt. Jeneane Kucker.

The caller and other witnesses said the man was yelling and screaming and had put the boy roughly into the drivers seat, causing him to hit his head on the center console, she said.

Officers detained Flett while paramedics examined the boy, who had two minor head injuries. The boy was taken to a hospital for an evaluation and placed in protective custody, Kucker said.

Flett was booked into the Sonoma County Jail.

In 2013, Flett pleaded no contest to two counts of misdemeanor battery for his role in a June 2012 attack of a family at Youth Community Park in west Santa Rosa, according to a Press Democrat news story. He was sentenced to six months in Sonoma County Jail and then two years probation.

You can reach Staff Writer Randi Rossmann at 707521-5412 or On Twitter@rossmannreport.

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Santa Rosa police arrest man suspected of child abuse - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Senate Democrats Appalled by Vote to Begin Debate on Health Care – TIME

Senate Democrats could do little to stop the GOP from pushing ahead to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but they could voice their frustration.

As the Senate voted Tuesday to begin debate , members of the Democratic minority were harshly criticizing the legislative maneuvers behind it.

"I've never seen or read in the entire history of the United States anything as rushed as this that has such an impact on Americans," said Sen. Cory Booker, a Democrat from New Jersey.

The vote is the culmination of a seven-year long push by the GOP to repeal President Obama's signature achievement. Democratic lawmakers said that it's currently unclear what the vote would lead to.

"I don't know," added Booker on what he thinks about Senate Republicans' latest effort. "I don't know if they have a bill. I don't know if they have the votes. But the nation is in peril."

The difficult path to passing a replacement bill may give Democrats hope. But as long as the dismantling of Obamacare remains a possibility , they will be critical.

"I think they're making a terrible mistake," said Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii. "It's going to rip health care from tens of millions of Americans and whichever version they vote on [will trash] the American health care system."

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Senate Democrats Appalled by Vote to Begin Debate on Health Care - TIME

Suffolk Democrat Martinez faces petition challenges – Newsday

Suffolk Legis. Monica Martinez, who two years ago lost the Democratic ballot line in a petition battle, is facing a new petition challenge from backers of her primary foe Angela Ramos who say she lacks the minium 500 signatures.

But Luis Montes, Islip Democratic chairman, said Ramos petition challenge is a lot of nonsense. Montes said the cover sheet cites only 523 objections to Martinezs 1,046 petition signatures adding thats not enough to knock her off the ballot.

A spokesman for Ramos campaign later acknowledged there may have been a mistake on the cover sheet filed with the Suffolk Board of Elections. He claimed the correct number of objections listed in the challenge itself totals more than 550, enough to have Martinezs petitions disqualified. The spokesman added the campaign was looking for a way to rectify the problem, but could not assess its chances.

Zachary Perez and Rose Rodriguez, Ramos supporters who filed the objections, said the county lawmakers petitions included signatures that were improperly witnessed, and others from people who live outside the district or are not voters.

Ramos, whose husband is Assemb. Phil Ramos (D-Brentwood), filed more than 3,200 signatures. Ramos has raised $84,300, but $60,000 came from personal loans she and her husband made to the campaign. She has spent $49,740 for political consultants, the Advance Group, for campaign work including collecting petition signatures.

Ramos challenge comes after Martinez in 2015 as a freshman lawmaker, was forced to withdraw from the Democratic line after opponents claimed she and her aides personally witnessed petition signatures where individuals signed for themselves and family members. Critics at the time said Martinezs actions should have led to fraud charges. Martinez won running on the Working Families and Independence Party lines.

Before the error was discovered, Ramos acknowledged that Martinez did not personally witness any petition signatures this year. She learned her lesson, but added, Due to her track record, I think theres a good chance we can knock her off the ballot.

Montes, a former Ramos aide and now Martinezs campaign manager, said the challenge shows they are not ready for prime time to take on Monica. He said the partys petitions for Martinez were gathered by committee members with years of experience who know how to do the job correctly. Martinez also is running on the Independence Party and Womens Equality Party lines.

See more here:
Suffolk Democrat Martinez faces petition challenges - Newsday

Trump calls House intel’s top Democrat ‘sleazy’ – CNN International

Just after 9 a.m. ET Monday, the President tweeted, "Sleazy Adam Schiff, the totally biased Congressman looking into "Russia," spends all of his time on television pushing the Dem loss excuse!"

About 10 minutes earlier, Fox News' "Fox & Friends" had played a brief clip of Schiff on TV over the weekend, previewing his questions for Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, who was set to speak to House and Senate investigators Monday.

Schiff's role on the House intelligence committee is a high-profile position that has granted him a leading role in Congress' efforts to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential collusion by the Trump campaign.

And Schiff -- who regularly appears on television including CNN to provide updates on his committee's investigation, as well as criticize the Trump administration -- leaned into the latest showdown with Trump.

"With respect Mr. President, the problem is how often you watch TV, and that your comments and actions are beneath the dignity of the office," Schiff tweeted back.

Read this article:
Trump calls House intel's top Democrat 'sleazy' - CNN International

They Voted Trump and Need Health Care. A Democrat-Doctor Volunteers –

Lt. Governor Ralph Northam gives, Ashton Gardner, from Coborn, Virginia, a neurological examination during Remote Area Medical clinic, July 22, 2017, in Wise, Virgina. Raymond Thompson Jr. / for NBC News

But Brock, a former TV star as co-host of "Wild Kingdom" who at 80 still looks camera-ready, wants every politician to see the failures of the countrys healthcare system with their own eyes.

"Im actually convinced that if President Trump were to come to one of these big events, he would say to himself, 'Wow, I should do something about this,' " Brock said. "Theyre all cheering for him now, but theyre all expecting something to change for the better. And its not, for now, at least."

This was Northams fifth time volunteering at a free clinic, which he said gives him a chance to practice the field medicine skills he honed in the Army during the first Gulf War.

As he wound his way between open-air dentist chairs where people were getting their teeth pulled, doctors and nurses in scrubs kept coming up to greet "Dr. Northam." The patients didnt seem to notice or care about the VIP in their midst.

Its a two-and-half hour drive in any direction to the nearest county that went for Hillary Clinton last year. She didnt even crack 18 percent of the vote in Wise County, even though her husband won it twice 20 years ago.

Trump is still popular among many at the clinic, but there's also a deep cynicism about all of politics.

"Everyone says they'll help this area. No one ever does," said Aaron Breedlove, who recently moved over the border to Tennessee where the economy is a bit better.

"Theres no jobs, all the stores are shut down," said Crystal Phillips, pointing to the decline of the coal industry. "And they wonder why all the kids wind up on drugs or stealing."

Northam doesnt need southwest Virginia to win the state next year, but as a veteran from Virginias rural Eastern Shore who admitted to voting for George W. Bush, he thinks he can improve Democrats margins outside the states population centers.

"I feel like if anybody can get out and listen to these folks and let them know were here to help them, I can do that," he said. "Most people, especially parents, trust their pediatrician."

The rest is here:
They Voted Trump and Need Health Care. A Democrat-Doctor Volunteers -