Archive for the ‘Democrat’ Category

Democrat accuses Sessions of ‘obstructing the congressional investigation’ into Russia – Washington Examiner

Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., on Tuesday accused Attorney General Jeff Sessions of "obstructing the congressional investigation" into Russian meddling in the 2016 election by not answering questions about his conversations with President Trump.

"There are two investigations here. There is the special counsel investigation. There is also a congressional investigation. And you are obstructing that congressional investigation by not answering these questions, and I think your silence, like the silence of Director Coats, like the silence of Admiral Rogers, speaks volumes," Heinrich said Tuesday, referring to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers.

Both Coats and Rogers testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week on Russian meddling in the 2016 election and declined to disclose the details of private conversations they had with Trump.

Sessions followed suit during his own testimony before the intelligence panel and said it would not be appropriate for him to discuss his private conversations with the president.

"It is my judgment it would be inappropriate for me to answer and reveal private conversations with the president when he has not had a full opportunity to review the questions and make a decision on whether or not to approve such an answer," the attorney general said.

Trump did not invoke executive privilege to keep Sessions from sharing the details of his conversations, but Sessions still declined to provide information regarding their discussions.

Republicans like Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., later reminded Democrats that former Attorney General Eric Holder routinely said he would not describe private conversations with President Obama.

But Heinrich and other Democrats took issue with that answer.

"You took an oath. You raised your right hand here today and said you would solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and now you're not answering questions. You're impeding this investigation," Heinrich said. "My understanding of the legal standard is that you either answer the question. That's' the best outcome. [Or] you say this is classified, can't answer it here, I'll answer it in closed session. That's bucket number two. Bucket number three is to say I'm invoking executive privilege. There is no appropriateness bucket. It is not a legal standard."

Sessions, though, said he was "protecting the president's constitutional right" by not testifying about his discussions with Trump.

"I am telling the truth in answering your question in saying it's a longstanding policy at the Department of Justice to make sure the president has full opportunity to decide these issues," he said.

Continued here:
Democrat accuses Sessions of 'obstructing the congressional investigation' into Russia - Washington Examiner

Mnuchin Reversal on Rich Tax Cuts Stirs Clash With Democrat – Bloomberg

The top Democrat on the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee said a bipartisan tax deal is impossible if Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cant commit to an overhaul that avoids giving the highest-earning Americans a tax cut.

We will not get bipartisan tax reform when the Secretary of Treasury walks back a pledge to have no absolute tax cuts for the wealthy, Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, said Tuesday during a Senate Budget committee hearing.

Democrats have signaled during previous hearings that they arent likely to cooperate with the GOPs tax plans -- and Senate Republican leaders have said theyre planning to pass legislation with only their own partys votes. The GOP controls 52 of the Senates 100 votes.

But using a partisan approach would mean that the White House and GOP lawmakers must either find ways to offset rate cuts for individuals and companies with revenue raisers or settle for only temporary changes. Under Senate rules that would allow for a party-line vote, any provisions in a tax bill that would increase the long-term deficit would have to be set to expire.

Last year, Mnuchin said during an interview on CNBC that Trumps tax plan would benefit the middle class and offer no absolute cut to the upper class -- because any rate cut for high earners would be offset by ending other tax breaks that they use often.

While tax experts have questioned whether thats possible, Wyden seized on the statement to coin the phrase the Mnuchin Rule. During a separate hearing Monday, Mnuchin said his comments about avoiding cuts for the wealthy were an objective -- not a firm rule.

I have walked it back from my CNBC interview, Mnuchin said Tuesday. The Treasury chief said he and the president are focused on reaching agreement with congressional leaders now.

Our focus is on getting tax reform done -- to get tax reform done its my job to figure out what meets the presidents objective, what meets the House and the Senate so that we can get something signed into law and there will be compromises along the way, Mnuchin said.

While Trump has yet to release full details of his tax plan, he pitched it during his campaign and since as a tax cut for the middle class. The plan calls for reducing the number of individual tax rates to three, and cutting the top rate to 35 percent from 39.6 percent -- a change that would represent a major tax cut for the highest earners.

Under the plan, so-called pass-through businesses -- including partnerships and limited liability companies -- would pay the same 15 percent tax rate that Trump has proposed for corporations, which would financially benefit not only mom-and-pop shops but also big partnerships like law firms and business empires like his own.

Mnuchin said during the hearing that he would consider allowing a longer time horizon for tax cuts that would add to the deficit -- a change being pushed by Senator Pat Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican. Current rules require that cuts would have to expire if they add to the deficit beyond 10 years; Toomey has suggested expanding that to 20 or 30 years.

I am hopeful that we can still get some bipartisan support, Mnuchin said in response to a question from Toomey. But as you said, if we cant, reconciliation is an alternative and I look forward to working with you and the Senate on ideas such as a 20-year window as opposed to a 10-year window to explore that.

The Treasury secretary also said that the budget would be updated with revised projections once there are more tax plan details -- and the administration has no intention of double counting economic growth benefits twice.

The rest is here:
Mnuchin Reversal on Rich Tax Cuts Stirs Clash With Democrat - Bloomberg

RNC Chair: GOP Must ‘Hold Strong’ Against Democrat Obstruction – LifeZette

Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel urged the Party to push back against the mainstream medias narrative and to hold strong and move forward so President Trump can accomplish his agenda, during an interview Tuesday on The Laura Ingraham Show.

As the media-fueled Russia collusion probe drags on and as congressional Democrats continue to resist and obstruct Trump at every turn, the RNC chairwoman said the GOP must unite against the Democrats playbook. Noting the media threw a collective fit after Trumps Cabinet members praised him during their first meeting Tuesday, McDaniel said the presidents opposition will grasp at any straw available to undermine his administration.

[The media] also failed to mention that the presidents only able to hold his first cabinet meeting five months into his administration because Democrats obstructed every chance they got to put these cabinet members through, McDaniel said. So they went through the Democrat-Senator-obstruction gauntlet, and they got to hold their first cabinet meeting yesterday five months into his administration two months later than President Obama was able to hold his first cabinet meeting.

"So I think they were pretty thrilled to even just be there and have that first meeting," McDaniel said. "That's what the Democrats have done. They've obstructed every chance they can get. They are resisting, they are playing out the clock. That's their game plan, and they're not being called out by the mainstream media."

McDaniel also pointed to the joint Maryland-Washington, D.C., lawsuit filed in federal court against Trump Monday alleging that the president has violated theForeign Emoluments Clause through his family business's accepting commercial money from foreign governments.

"The Democrats have a game. You've seen this now with the D.C. lawsuit. They're going to throw every type of investigation out there that they can. They want to throw as much cloud on this administration," McDaniel said. "The Democrats they have their playbook. It's out there for all of us to see. Draw out the clock, throw as much doubt on this administration as possible. Resist. Obstruct. We have to push back. The RNC is in lockstep with the White House."

"We have to push back, and it's going to take leadership in the House and the Senate to do that," McDaniel added.

The RNC chairwoman also expressed her frustration at the toll the nearly yearlong Russia-election interference investigation has taken on Trump and his administration.

"I think we also need to ask for a quick resolution. I mean, this did start last July under [former FBI] Director Comey. And we do need to figure out whatever Russia did trying to interfere and how the Obama administration failed miserably to understand the threat that Russia was," McDaniel said. "Obviously the Obama administration didn't take Russia seriously. But July is when this investigation started. It should be done. When is the timetable going to be done? When are we going to start pushing back and saying enough is enough?"

"At what point, when you have no evidence, do you stop an investigation? If you have no evidence, it's time to move on. But we've got to be stronger. We've got to be push harder. And the RNC is doing it, and certainly there are great Republicans out there pushing back as well," added McDaniel.

The country desperately needs results in the ongoing Russia investigation, McDaniel said, and the administration needs this cloud looming over its head removed so it can function effectively and deliver on Trump's campaign promises.

"We need to get the American people an answer. And we need to once and for all say there was no collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians. Because not one person has said there was evidence of collusion," McDaniel said. "The Trump administration is complying 100 percent, but we need to get this done. There needs to be pressure to stop this and move on so that we can get to the business of helping the American people."

While discussing the upcoming June 20 special election for Georgia's 6th House district, the RNC chairwoman said it is "interesting" that the Democrats are portraying the race between Democrat Jon Ossoffand Republican Karen Handel as a judgment onTrump's presidency.

"It's interesting that they're saying this race is a reflection of what's happening nationally. Ossoff is not running away from President Trump. In fact, he's vowing to never raise taxes. He's running more like a moderate Republican. He's not going against the president," McDaniel said. "And so, I don't know how this can be a reflection of national attitudes when the candidate is not even repudiating the president."

"However, it is the highest amount of money coming out-of-state in a congressional district in history," McDaniel said. "And I think the people of Georgia need to really think do they want to elect a fifthcongressperson for California or do they want to elect somebody from Georgia? ...But make no mistake when he comes to Washington, he will be beholden to those donors who are giving him money from California and New York and he'll be beholden to [House Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer."

Ultimately, McDaniel said one of the American people's most serious and pressing concerns is Obamacare and the need for health care reform. Although the House passed a repeal and replace effort, the bill has festered as the Senate continues to drag out the process.

"It's still repeal and replace Obamacare. That's what we are hearing the most" from our constituents, McDaniel said. "They look at Washington and they say, 'Why aren't we getting this done?' And I will say, 'We are only five months in.' This is a huge issue. I think the Senate recognizes we have to get this done."

If the Republicans hope to perform well in the 2018 midterms and combat unilateral Democratic obstruction, the RNC chairwoman said they must unite and pass legislation to put points on the board.

"We're going to have to have some accomplishments to run on in 2018. I think it will be the most expensive midterm in history. I will say the RNC is in great financial shape," McDaniel said. "We've got to hold strong and keep these majorities so President Trump can accomplish his agenda."

Read the original post:
RNC Chair: GOP Must 'Hold Strong' Against Democrat Obstruction - LifeZette

Florida Candidate Runs As Democrat, Identifies As Evangelical – The Daily Caller

In an effort to shave votes from the Republican Partys conservativesupport base, Florida gubernatorial candidate Chris King has self-identified as an evangelical, despite supporting Democratic policies that directly contradict traditional evangelical beliefs.

King, an elder ata Florida church, bills himself as a progressive evangelical. However, Kingtakes a typical Democratic stance on mostissues, supporting gun control, abortion, the legalization of marijuana, medical welfare, and bringing Syrian refugees to the U.S.,according toReligion News Service(RNS). In no issue, beyond stated Christian beliefs, do Kings policy stances actually align with those of evangelicals.

I am a progressive, King told the Orlando Sentinel. I am somebody who believes in the values of equality and justice and fairness and care for the neediest among us.

Rev. Jim Henry, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention,saidthat a Democratic candidate established as an evangelical could garner support from up to 30 percent of white evangelicals, especially those who are not ardent supporters of the GOP.

Founder of Sojourners Jim Wallis, who is also a self-proclaimed progressive evangelical, saidthat Kings claim as a man of faith is necessary for his campaigns victory. In close elections, being friendly to religion and religious people would change the outcomes, Wallis said. If you dont take the concerns of religious people seriously, you lose elections.

Democrats have earnestlysought ways to curry favor with evangelical voters ever since evangelical support for President Donald Trump helped him win the election. Some Democrats think that King may be the answer, but betweentraditional evangelicals skepticismof Kings party and his stance on abortion, and Kings own partys discomfort with evangelical ideology, that remains to be seen.

In fact, Kings bid to garnersupport from a conservative voter base may backfire. Aubrey Jewett, a political scientist at the University of Florida, saidthat the label of evangelical Democrat makes King contentious for both parties.

The Democratic Party is often perceived as anti-Christian, Jewett said. Some in the base of the Democratic Party are not anti-Christian, but are very uncomfortable with evangelical Christianity.

Im the case study of whether faith is a deal killer in the modern Democratic party, King said.

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Originally posted here:
Florida Candidate Runs As Democrat, Identifies As Evangelical - The Daily Caller

Illinois Democrat introduces ‘Covfefe Act’ to preserve Trump’s social media posts – Washington Examiner

Rep. Mike Quigley has introduced the "COVFEFE Act" to amend the Presidential Records Act so that President Trump's social media posts are preserved after he leaves the White House.

The bill name stands for Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement, or COVFEFE.

"In order to maintain public trust in government, elected officials must answer for what they do and say; this includes 140-character tweets," Quigley, D-Ill., said in a statement. "President Trump's frequent, unfiltered use of his personal Twitter account as a means of official communication is unprecedented. If the president is going to take to social media to make sudden public policy proclamations, we must ensure that these statements are documented and preserved for future reference. Tweets are powerful, and the president must be held accountable for every post."

Quigley's act clarifies that Trump's personal Twitter account should be archived in the same manner as the official @POTUS account. Quigley's legislation would also ensure that deleted tweets are kept.

It was from Trump's personal account that the president coined the term, "covfefe," an apparent misspelling of "coverage" in a tweet he used to complain about the press.

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Illinois Democrat introduces 'Covfefe Act' to preserve Trump's social media posts - Washington Examiner