Democrat Rich Leopold drops out of Iowa governor’s race –
Rich Leopold(Photo: Special to The Des Moines Register)
Rich Leopold, who was the first Democrat to officially announce a campaign for Iowa's 2018 race for governor, said Wednesday he is pulling out of the race.
Leopold issued a statement announcing his campaign was "suspending operations" in a bid for the Democratic nomination. He is Polk County's conservation director andserved under former Gov. Chet Culver as director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
"This is a tough decision, and I am moved and indebted to all those who have supported this effort along the way, Leopold said.
Related: An early peek at 8 Iowa Democrats lining up to run for governor
Leopold cited many reasons for hisdecision, including fundraising challenges and difficulty in competing in a large field ofmostly political insiders.
"I have heard from so many people across Iowa, that if a person like me, an outsider, could get elected, it would restore their faith in state government. Truth is, the reality of an outsider mounting a winning campaign in Iowa is slim," he said.
Leopold told The Des Moines Register in an interviewhe has closed down his campaign operations and laid off his staff. He also doesn't plan to attend any more campaign events. But hewill retain his campaign's web siteas a forum to promote importantissues such as water quality, renewable energy and agriculture policy.
"For all practical purposes, we have shut down the campaign," Leopold said.
At least eight other Democrats are still running for governor or are exploring their candidacy. Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds is widely expected to seek election, and Cedar Rapids Mayor Ron Corbett is considering a bid for the GOP nomination. In addition, Brent Roske, a filmmaker, is running as an independent.
Leopold said he is encouraging both voters and candidates supportelection reform in an effort to level the playing field for candidates who can deliver "on the needs of the people."
"I am not done working for this state that I love," Leopold said. "Iwill continue to work for cleaner water, equal and fair treatment of all people, resilience to climate change, strong and sustainable rural economies, and compassion in our mental and physical health systems."
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Democrat Rich Leopold drops out of Iowa governor's race -