Margie Wakefield, Democrat for U.S. House of Representatives, Kansas 2nd District
Margie Wakefield, Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives Kansas 2nd District, stopped by the Chanute Tribune. Wakefield is challenging incumbent Lynn Jenkins, R-Kansas.
By: Chanute Tribune
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Margie Wakefield, Democrat for U.S. House of Representatives, Kansas 2nd District - Video
Building a Faulty Foundation: House GOP Leader Cafero on Democrat Budget
House Republican Leader Larry Cafero comments on budget adjustments offered by Gov. Dannel Malloy and legislative Democrats. Their "balanced" budget relies o...
By: CTHouseRepublicans
Here is the original post:
Building a Faulty Foundation: House GOP Leader Cafero on Democrat Budget - Video
Rep. Williams Comments on Democrat Budget Plan
State Rep. Sean Williams, ranking House Republican on the Finance Committee, has questions about the "balanced" budget from Democrats, which includes $75 mil...
By: CTHouseRepublicans
See original here:
Rep. Williams Comments on Democrat Budget Plan - Video
The Black Democrat-Black Republican Show (promo)
Coming this Fall to Comcast, a show of unremarkable integrity as host Java Johnson takes viewer for a ride featuring his team of opposites, Jamar "Democrat" ...
By: Donald Allen
Continued here:
The Black Democrat-Black Republican Show (promo) - Video
Democrat Caller: Carson an #39;Uncle Tom, #39; Hillary must win because male presidents start war
Mary from Maryland warns listeners that black Republican Ben Carson is trying out for Uncle Tom #39;s Cabin, Hillary Clinton must become president because male presidents start wars, and Barack...
By: Dawna Stiltner
Go here to read the rest:
Democrat Caller: Carson an 'Uncle Tom,' Hillary must win because male presidents start war - Video