Democrats vulnerable ahead of elections
Overall, Americans are split evenly on whether they want Republicans or Democrats to control Congress after November. Fully 54 percent say they'd like to see every single member of Congress replacedincluding their own representatives.
That sentiment helps explain why Republicans and Democrats recently agreed on a budget deal, lifting near-term spending and declaring a truce in their budget wars. An overwhelming 86 percent say they'd be more likely to support a congressional candidate who will compromise with the other party to get things done.
And despite the loud criticism of budget "earmarks" in recent years, 67 percent want a candidate committed to bringing federal dollars and projects to their local areas. In a long list of potential issues, the poll shows, the biggest drag on a candidate's appeal would be supporting reductions in Social Security and Medicare to deal with the budget deficit.
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Other results explain why neither party advocates using military force to deal with the crisis involving Russia and Ukraineeven though 72 percent of Americans view Russia as an adversary and 63 percent hold a negative view of Russian President Vladimir Putin. A 45 percent plurality, the poll shows, would be more likely to support a candidate who wants America less involved in settling international conflicts.
Looking ahead to 2016 shows the divergent fortunes of two of the best known potential candidates. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings have ebbed since September, but she is still viewed positively by 44 percent of Americans; 34 percent view her negatively. But New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie has fallen precipitously since revelations over a traffic scandal. Viewed positively by more than 3 to 1 last year, he's now viewed negative by a 2 to 1 margin.
The NBC/WSJ poll of 1,000 adults, conducted by telephone March 5-9, carries a margin for error of 3.1 percentage points.
By CNBC's John Harwood. Follow him on Twitter @JohnJHarwood.