Archive for the ‘Democrats’ Category

Democrats have a bright future but only if they can fight on multiple fronts and avoid distraction – Salon

If theres one thing Democrats need to learn to do right now, its multitask. In effect, to claw its way back to power, the opposition party must walk and chew gum at the same time. President Donald Trump and the Republican leadership have offered Democrats such a target-rich environment, the only way they can lose is by shooting themselves in the foot in all the excitement. That, however, remains all too likely. Too many voices are still echoing past battles, but its both possible and necessary to pursue more than one strategy at the same time, build a unified resistance both within the party and beyond it and win in 2018.

Its possible to be critical of Russia and Vladimir Putin, for example and committed to finding the truth about the Trump campaigns possible collusion with Russia without demonizing them the way conservatives demonized the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Its possible to do all that without overlooking serious problems with our own intelligence agencies, or losing sight of other issues that hit ordinary Americans closer to home.

Its possible to defend Hillary Clinton and female political figures in general against misogynist attacks without ignoring other factors in her defeat. Its possible to rebrand and reshape the Democratic Party without needless attacks on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Those are a few of the false dichotomies were routinely asked to accept. We need to develop the habit of rejecting them.

Take my first example: My critical views of Putins regime are fully engaged, simply based on his kleptocratic, authoritarian behavior. But theres more to the story than that. I wrote about the role of neo-Nazis in Ukraine back in 2014, for example reflecting a decades-long history of U.S. involvement with them as well as role of neoliberalism in laying the groundwork for Putins rise more recently. (That global tendency produced an extreme re-concentration of wealth that coincided with nothing less than a full-scale 1930s-type depression for the vast majority of Russians.)

Putins rise, in short, reflected a tremendous experience of loss, and many who oppose him are no angels, either. None of that lessens the fact that Putin poses a threat to our democracy it just calls for a more sophisticated response.

Its also possible to pay close attention to the Trump-Russia affair without turning a blind eye to problematic aspects of our own intelligence community. After the Washington Post broke its story about Jared Kushner supposedly asking Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak to set up a secret communication channel, historian Kathleen Frydl (author of The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973) wrote perceptively about both sides of the threat involved.

It serves no democratic purpose to receive intelligence leaks, and reprint them, Frydl wrote, without also raising the dilemma raised by Roman poet Juvenal: who will guard the guardians?

Frydl points out that two serious narratives are involved: The story of the Trump campaigns relations to Russia, which is gradually coming to light, and the story about that story.

On the first narrative, she contendsthat its a grave mistake to argue over criminal intent and go looking for a smoking gun:

Instead the story and basic culpability of the Trump campaign begins well before the election, even before Russian hacking, and extends beyond the elections result. It is a story of an incompetent and uncaring campaign, allowing for all manner of interlopers, even some bent on infiltration.

She draws an analogy to the theory of the case against Purdue Pharma, the makers of OxyContin, which convinced the company to seek a settlement:

The theory being: you can sell highly addictive drugs (in this case, opioids), but you cant market them aggressively; and if you choose to market them aggressively, you damn well better market them accurately.

There was no smoking-gun document saying, We plan to kill tens of thousands of people, and there didnt need to be. Reckless disregard was quite enough. So too with the Trump campaign. The president has repeatedly claimed there was no collusion with Russia. Well, there didnt need to be:

In the analogy drawn, the theory would be: you can be incredibly careless in handling the operations of your campaign, but you cant then engage in policy discussions with Russians; and if you engage in policy discussions with them, you damn well better not accept help from them at the same time.

So the Trump-Russia story, properly understood, is a damning indictment of Trump. But the second narrative, the story about the story, puts the shoe on the other foot. Leaking intelligence is not like other leaks from the EPA, for example. Intelligence is a monopoly by necessity, Frydl writes, but the implicit contract inherent in tolerating this incredible concentration of power is that this universe of information is not then selectively revealed in such a way so as to influence politics. We might be happy to see Trump brought down by the forces of the so-called deep state, but who would be next? Who will guard the guardians? Frydl concludes:

Two forces endanger a democratic republic; neither one new, but both newly emboldened. One is a political apparatus that has lent itself to profiteering at the expense of the public interest; the other, a secret government that operates beyond the purview of democratic accountability. The Trump story is the catastrophic culmination of one; and the story about the story suggests that we have much to worry about regarding the other.

Although Frydl doesnt say this, theres a bit of a silver lining here: A more accurate framing of Trumps culpability significantly reduces the need for leaks. One could even argue that, properly understood, a case for impeachment already exists in plain sight. We may not always escape such a dire dilemma, but this time we surely should be able to if we are willing to face it rather than spend so much energy in denial, blame-shifting or other forms of evasion.

Nor do we need to ritualistically refight past fights, rather than learning from them and synthesizing multiple truths. Supporters of both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have fallen into this trap, in both straightforward and convoluted ways. We can all do better, without abandoning what matters most to us.

A case in point was the more-heat-than-light response to former Salon writer Rebecca Traisters recent New York magazine feature on Hillary Clinton. To keep things manageable, Ill choose a single sane response, which is not meant to be exhaustive.

Collins is a political scientist who went on to write:Yes, sexism was a real factor in the election, citing research by Brian Schaffner and colleagues [chart]. And in an election decided by narrow margins in a few states, thats enough to flip an election. But thats different from saying that sexism is an insurmountable barrier . So yes: sexism real factor in 2016 election, but also yes, women who run can win, since sexism not sole or even central factor.

Collins also raises a number of other complicating points.On one hand, he notes that the effect of gender attitudes on vote choice are far smaller than other factors, like party. See Kathleen Dolan [link]. If that seems to minimize the importance of sexism, Collins also notes that when the percentage of women in our national legislature lags behind that found in Saudi Arabia, America needs many more women to take the plunge and run.

There was a similar but unrelated freakout over Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator who is regarded as a Bernie Sanders surrogate. Two days after the story about Jared Kushners dubious contacts with Kislyak broke, Turner appeared on CNNs State of the Union and observed that the Trump-Russia scandal was not Americans top concern. Hows this playing in Ohio? asked guest host Dana Bash. Turner responded at length:

No one in Ohio is asking about Russia. I mean, we have to deal with this. We definitely have to deal with this. Its on the minds of the American people. But if you want to know about people in Ohio they want to know about jobs. They want to know about their children.

I was just in California, where California folks, especially the national nurses, are pushing for Healthy California, a single-payer, Medicare-for-all kind of thing. I talked to [an] African-American baby boomer who lives right here in D.C. Russia is not in his top five [concerns]. He believes that both parties are failing. I talked to a Gen-Xer white male who is in a union; he wants a third party. We are losing.

The president should be concerned about this, all Americans should be concerned about this. But if we were to go to Flint, they wouldnt ask you about Russia and Jared Kushner. They want to know how they are gonna get some clean water and why some 8,000 people are about to lose their homes.

We are preoccupied with this. Its not that this is not important, but every day Americans are being left behind because its Russia, Russia, Russia. Do we need all 535 members of the Congress to deal with Russia? Can some of them deal with some domestic issues?

Turner wasnt simply offering her opinion. Just a few days before, results of the latest HuffPost/YouGov poll were announced, showing that 47 percent of Americans saw health care as a top concern, followed by 38 percent for the economy and 20 percent for immigration. In contrast, The relationship between the Trump administration and Russia, which has dominated headlines in recent weeks, scores far below, with just 12 percent naming it as a top issue. Whats more, health care topped Russia among Hillary Clintons voters by a huge margin, 55 to 31 percent, as well as among non-voters and third-party voters.

But the response to Turner, at least in some quarters, quickly went from critical to unhinged.

I question why Turner, a Democratic rep and prominent Sanders surrogate, would run interference on the Russia investigation. So should you, tweeted Melissa McEwen, editor of Shakesville.

Nina Turner is poison for democrats. The future is Kamala Harris, Ted Lieu, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff they are fighting back, read another heavily retweeted comment. Get that witch outta our party!! a since-deleted tweet added.

Those Twitter users probably didnt know that Rep. Maxine Waters, perhaps the most outspoken Russia investigation advocate in the House and a close Clinton ally, agreed with Turner. Aday after the March for Truth, MSNBC host Joy Reid asked Waters whether Democrats were making a mistake by focusing so much on Russia, when most Americans would rather hear about jobs and the economy. Waters responded:

Well, we do both. Absolutely. Democrats are talking about jobs and the economy, and were pushing back on this presidents budget thats undermining all of our cities and towns, our seniors. And so we talk about the budget, we talk about job creation. Where is [Trumps] infrastructure item that he promised in the budget? He doesnt have any infrastructure program. Obama presented an infrastructure program that created a lot of jobs. We want that, but we also are going to continue to talk about how this president and his allies I believe, and others believe colluded with the Russians to undermine our democracy. And were not going to stop talking about it, because this is extremely important to the future of this country. And so we do both.

Theres nothing remarkable about how Waters responded aside from the fact that its become remarkable to respond that way over the past couple of decades. Waters was talking the way most Democrats did in the years before Bill Clinton and NAFTA. She and Nina Turner both wantDemocrats to get back to their roots.

So does former MSNBC host Krystal Ball, founder of the new Peoples House Project, who appeared on Joy Reids showthe day before Waters. The host asked Ball whether her new organization was sort of controversially trying to de-Pelosi the Democratic Party. Ball rejected that forcefully:

What were trying to do is restore the brand of the Democratic Party in the heartland and specifically in the Rust Belt and Appalachia. And that means running candidates who are connected to their communities more than to the donor class. And thats been interpreted as de-Nancy Pelosi-ing the party. But I think weve really got to work to restore that credibility with voters there, and also to add to our very strong civil rights plank having an economic message, thats strong and connects to voters in that region.

The idea, more precisely, is to find candidates who already resonate with their communities, and then interest donors in them, rather than the other way around. The logic of Balls strategy is as as sound as Turners. In 1993, the Democrats representing Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin in the Housevoted against NAFTA almost unanimously, 33-2, while Republicans from those same states supported it, 24-4.

As I wrote about those votesjust after the November election, It could not possibly have been more clear whose interests each party represented in these key states. Heedless of their House members, the neoliberal Democratic establishment abandoned the partys base. Democrats have been paying the price ever since, but never as painfully as on Election Day 2016.

In 1993, Democrats held a majority of House members from those four states. Today, 40 of the 56 House members from those states are Republicans, even though Democratic presidential candidates (at least before Trump) have typically carried all four of them. Thats largely due to gerrymandering, as former Salon editor David Daley explained in his book Ratfucked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal Americas Democracy,but the NAFTA vote played a huge role in getting the ball rolling. To start rolling it back again, Democrats will need candidates like the ones who voted overwhelmingly against NAFTA. Candidates like Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, for example. Or like Nina Turner.

Balls concern about Democrats returning to their New Deal/Great Society roots is nothing new. Although she supported Hillary Clinton in 2008, in February 2014 she made a controversial on-air plea for Clinton not to run again:

It is clear now that we have two economies: one for a thin slice of educated elite and one for everyone else. That is the moment we are in now. So I ask you, does Hillary Clinton sound to you like the right person for this moment? Is someone who recently took $400,000 to give two speeches at Goldman Sachs the person we need to wrest control of the asylum back from the banking inmates? In a time when we badly need to be inspired, rallied, and made to believe that America can once again be true to the American dream, we desperately need someone who is mission driven.We need someone who is clearly passionate, who is living and breathing and feeling in their bones the plight of the worker and the middle class, and who is unafraid to stand up to the Wall Street titans. That person is not Hillary Clinton.

That was not a widely shared view at the time, but it seems quite compelling in retrospect. My point, however, is not to recycle old arguments but to glean something forward-looking from them. That something is this: Democrats represent a diverse constituency, whose views will always be imperfectly integrated. There is no one right way to bring this about.

The more useful question is, Which way is better? And the answer to that should help improve the quality of all the options. The economic populist argument is a powerful one, and attempts to deflect or distract from it do not produce better options.

Similarly, it isnt helpful to ignore the ways the Trump-Russia scandal can distort our politics. On the contrary, the more conscious we are of potential pitfalls as discussed above the more likely we are to succeed, without creating a whole new round of future problems.

Forty years ago, Zbigniew Brzezinski national security adviser under Jimmy Carter thought it was a brilliant response to the Vietnam War to give the Soviets their own Vietnam. So began the wars in Afghanistan wars that have mutated and multiplied and now have tentacles on every continent save Antarctica. Possibilities that must have seemed remote, if not unimaginable, turned out to dwarf the immediate goals in the long run, with no conceivable end in sight. Do we really want another success like that? Or do we want to welcome the most wide-ranging, disciplined and critical examination of what were getting ourselves into before its too late?

Whether puzzling out how to deal with Trump-Russia, how to prioritize progressive issues or how to structure our arguments, our greatest strength will come from developing a multitude of options and then testing out ways of connecting them. Polarizing, single-issue politics are well-suited to conservatives. When progressives fall into that kind of dichotomous thinking, we become our own worst enemies. There is no one true right way forward except together.

More here:
Democrats have a bright future but only if they can fight on multiple fronts and avoid distraction - Salon

Democrats Love Comey Again – Washington Free Beacon

BY: Andrew Kugle June 10, 2017 5:01 am

Back in November, Democrats were blaming former FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton's historic election loss to political newcomer Donald Trump. Clinton supporters continued to castigate Comey as Trump officially entered the White House and started to govern.

Fast forward to the present, however, and Democrats cannot stop praising Comey for his integrity and strength.

Comey, who Trump fired on May 9, testified Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee on his firing and the FBI investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, among other issues. The media hyped up expectations in the days leading up to the hearing, saying that Comey's testimony would be "blockbuster," "explosive," and a "political super bowl."

Comey testified that Trump told him in a February meeting that he hoped the FBI chief could "let go" the investigation into Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. Comey also testified that Trump asked him to pledge loyalty, which caused Comey to be concern about the independence of the FBI. Comey's statements have fueled speculation about whether Trump committed obstruction of justice.

Democrats were quick to defend Comey's integrity and honesty, a few months after they questionedwhether the former FBI director should resign or be fired.

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Democrats Love Comey Again - Washington Free Beacon

A new generation of Democrats isn’t waiting for the party to tell it … – Los Angeles Times

The women darting through the statehouse here alongside mentoring lawmakers have what Democrats need: sterling resumes, grit and anger at President Trump so deep that they are overlooking misgivings about establishment politics to run under the party banner.

I woke up the day after the election and said, I have got to do something to try to fix things, said Jessica Way, a 29-year-old teacher and labor organizer. She was now completing six months of intensive training provided by California-based Emerge America, which recruits women nationwide to become Democratic candidates. Applications to the program are soaring.

Thanks largely to Trumps election, Democratic leaders are blessed with an unprecedented outpouring of interest in running for seats held by Republicans. Whether the party can leverage that enthusiasm remains an open question.

The surge of interest comes as Democrats are scrambling to rebuild a tattered party infrastructure. State organizations are depleted from neglect. Party stalwarts in Washington are bickering over what message wins in the age of Trump and what districts are winnable.

The kind of top-down, laser-focused recruitment operations that Democratic congressional leaders built before their 2006 House takeover and that their Republican counterparts duplicated four years later have yet to emerge, and may not.

What is happening instead is that thousands of potential candidates are overwhelming recruitment operations like Emerge, pro-choice behemoth Emilys List and Our Revolution, built by alumni from Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

They reflect a national disaffection with Trump and the Republican agenda that could propel a wave of victories. But only if party leaders can figure out how to channel it.

There is so much going on that it is kind of amazing to watch, said Thomas Mills, a North Carolina Democratic strategist and blogger who blames power brokers in Washington for long writing off regions that could be winnable, leaving Democrats with historically little control over all levels of government.

It is hard to figure out how much is actual traction, and how much is just spinning wheels. Some days I wake up optimistic and think they are finally figuring this out. Other days, it just feels like the same old, same old.

A party that for the past several years clung to a strategy of cautiously choosing where to compete based on the kind data and algorithms that failed Hillary Clinton is rushing to reacquaint itself with its own grassroots.

At the same time it must avoid further alienating defectors who voted for Trump in hardscrabble Rust Belt towns and fast-growing Sun Belt suburbs.

Its all making for a busy but challenging recruiting season.

The urgency facing Democrats was renewed after their recent loss in the Montana special congressional to a GOP candidate who physically assaulted a reporter asking questions about healthcare.

Obama campaign mastermind David Axelrod suggested that if Democrats hadnt run a genial troubadour nominee Rob Quist was a country singer with no political experience the rural Republican stronghold might have been within reach.

Candidate recruitment matters, Axelrod tweeted.

Democratic operatives pushed back, saying Quist did much better than anticipated in winning 44% of the vote, and the GOP was forced to spend heavily to hold a seat it should have easily won. But the outcome nonetheless fueled charges that Democratic kingmakers in Washington, for all their talk about expanding the map and implementing a 50-state strategy, are reluctant to send the cavalry outside the same old battlegrounds.

Just before the election, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat, had been in Washington warning that the party high command was out of touch with opportunities in states like his.

Democrats need to do a better job showing up, making an argument even in places where people are likely to disagree, Bullock said last month at a Center for American Progress conference attended by some of the partys top stars and biggest donors. Bullock said if he had used the national partys campaign blueprint in his 2016 race, he would have lost.

We dont have the presence in the states anymore, said Howard Dean, who was the Democratic Party chairman during the wave election of 2006. It will be hard to rebuild that in the next few months. Dean expects Democrats to notch big gains in the 2018 midterms, but not because of efforts by the national party.

Most of the candidates emerging from the grass roots have little use for heavy party involvement, Dean said, and that may be fine: This generation can organize themselves better than we can organize them, and frankly they dont like institutions very much.

He is working with Clinton on an effort to nurture the many new progressive groups cropping up to lure millennials to run for office, helping them tap the expertise and financial resources that have traditionally flowed toward established Washington institutions.

We have to empower them, but not tell them what to do, Dean said. We have to make a really big adjustment on the Democratic side of the aisle. This group [of candidates] is not interested in top-down, command-central politics. I dont think this is resonating in Washington yet. Washington is always the last place to change.

Others warn that Deans approach, which focuses on tapping into outrage over Trump, is misguided.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who had his own role as a mastermind of the 2006 takeover and is a critic of Deans 50-state approach, has been arguing that it is moderates in the suburbs who are ripe to move the balance of power in Congress. Anger and resistance, he warns, will be less potent than offering solutions for economic anxiety.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is struggling to strike a balance, dusting off the playbook from when Emanuel was chairman while also trying to rebuild bridges to the long neglected grass roots. It has already trained about 2,900 fledgling political operatives through its DCCC University program and sent staff all over the country in an effort to establish local roots for some of its operations.

The campaign committee moved its California command center out of Washington and into the heart of Orange County, where Democrats are eager to unseat several Republicans who won in districts where Trump lost.

Thats a first for the campaign committee, according to executive director Dan Sena, who says outside operatives have too often misread the states electorate.

Its important to me that we get California culturally correct, he said.

Activists arent waiting for direction from on high. More than 14,000 women have deluged Emilys List by signing up for its boot camp sessions on how to run for office. There were only 920 applicants for the entire previous election cycle.

This is absolutely unprecedented, said Stephanie Schriock, the groups president. The grass-roots energy is there. Now we need the connective tissue to the Democratic Party.

Run for Something, a fledgling progressive group seeking to recruit smart, driven millennials who are unlikely to make it on the radar of the party machine, had anticipated hearing from as many as 100 potential candidates. It has been deluged with nearly 10,000 inquiries.

We are working with a candidate in Virginia in a district the Democrats have not contested in the last three cycles, which I think is b.s., said Amanda Litman, a Clinton operative who started the group. She described it as a frenemy of the Democratic establishment eager to help, but on its own terms.

Recruitment needs to stop happening in back rooms, behind the scenes, where the insiders doing it are finding people just like them to run, perpetuating the cycle, she said.

Back in Harrisburg, some in the class of 23 women who graduated recently from the Emerge program had not yet picked which office to run for. But they are all committed to running for something. The organization is adding chapters in states it hadnt imagined possible before, including Louisiana and Alabama.

Among its Pennsylvania graduates was Natasha Taylor-Smith, an attorney who was a teenager when her son was born. She had soured on Democratic politics after running unsuccessfully for a judgeship in 2015 in a race where she saw little enthusiasm among the party machine for reaching out to voters from backgrounds like hers.

There were constituencies I wanted to reach out to, and the party was like, Dont bother, Taylor-Smith said. They took them for granted.

Now Taylor-Smith is back in the game, determined to help the party broaden its outreach. After the election, I felt like I had an obligation to run, she said.

Follow me: @evanhalper


California Democrats worry that infighting will distract party leaders from taking on Trump

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti goes to Wisconsin to rally Democrats

Trump attacks Democrats over vacancies, but his blame is misplaced

More here:
A new generation of Democrats isn't waiting for the party to tell it ... - Los Angeles Times

As Democrats Regroup, Spotlight Turns to New Jersey Governor’s Race – New York Times

New York Times
As Democrats Regroup, Spotlight Turns to New Jersey Governor's Race
New York Times
Hours before decisively winning the Democratic primary election for governor of New Jersey on Tuesday, Mr. Murphy was hustling through a final blitz of a door-knocking, get-out-the-vote effort in this overwhelmingly Hispanic city. Wrapping up his ...
Race Rating: New Jersey Governor Likely Democratic TakeoverRoll Call

all 10 news articles »

See the article here:
As Democrats Regroup, Spotlight Turns to New Jersey Governor's Race - New York Times

Trump committed no crime. Democrats need to get over it. – Washington Post (blog)

Before the angry mob of breathless Democrats gets too spun up and ahead of itself, the anti-Trumpers should calm down and try to absorb just how preposterous it is to suggest that President Trump may have committed a criminal offense by supposedly obstructing justice during the Russia/Michael Flynn investigation.

Consider for a moment what would have happened if Trump had placed an op-ed in a prominent newspaper, arguing that the investigation into his campaign and former national security adviser Flynn was misguided, a wasteful use of government resources, and that he thought it should stop.To do so would be foolish, but not criminal.

Similarly, what if the president paraded up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the Justice Department with a bullhorn shouting, Stop the Flynn investigation!?

It would be unwise and inappropriate, but no one would say the president committed a crime. And he certainly could not be charged with obstruction of justice.

So, if the presidents wishes about an investigation can be loud and public, how is it possible that he violated the law by having a private conversation with a member of his own administration? How can it be that a bold position made in public would be legal, yet an arguably reserved position made in private is somehow considered criminal?

When it comes to obstructing justice before an audience, does size matter? I would love to hear from lawyers about this.

Anyway, everyone should also carefully consider the arguments made by constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz presented some compelling legal insight. The president, he writes, is the head of the unified executive branch of government, and the Justice Department and the FBI work under him and he may order them to do what he wishes.

Former FBI director James B. Comey likewise confirmed during yesterdays testimony that, as a legal matter, [the] president is the head of the executive branch and could direct, in theory, we have important norms against this, but direct that anybody be investigated or anybody not be investigated. I think he has the legal authority because all of us ultimately report in the executive branch up to the president.Norms are important, and Trump is not big on playing by the rules, but that does not mean he has broken a law.

Comeys testimony should be enough to let this issue of criminality fade away, but the Democrats and their allies in the media are heavily invested in bringing the president down. Yesterday did not go as they wanted it to, andthe Democrats rage wont let them see the truth.

Again, Dershowitz argues, it is important to put to rest the notion that there was anything criminal about the president exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and to request hope that he let go the investigation of General Flynn.

Democrats will continue to lash out and contort Comeys testimony, but the facts speak for themselves. President Trump has not asked anyone to lie, he has not prevented anyone from performing his or her legal obligations, and he has most certainly not obstructed justice.

Comeys testimony was not flattering toward the president, but, as I wrote yesterday, it did more to help Trump than to hurt him. No matter how much the Democrats and mainstream media outlets try to spin a crime out of the straw that was Comeys testimony, the facts just do not take us there.

The president still has the advantage of being innocent. If the Democrats want to impeach Trump, they will have to keep looking. Im sure they will.

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Trump committed no crime. Democrats need to get over it. - Washington Post (blog)