Archive for the ‘Democrats’ Category

The trouble with Democrats’ infrastructure job promises – Politico

Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a $1 trillion infrastructure plan, an 11-page blueprint that shovels money into roads, bridges, waterways, airportsbasically anything that needs building or fixing, intended to boost jobs. In total, top Democrats said it would create 15 million jobs over the next decadea number designed to appeal to President Donald Trump, who has made infrastructure investment and job creation a top priority.

Only one problem: That job estimate is wildly unrealistic.

To come up with that 15 million figure, according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumers office, the Democrats used a 2011 report from the Council of Economic Advisers that estimated that every $1 billion in infrastructure investment creates about 13,000 jobs. (Its unclear where the extra 200,000 jobs per year come fromlikely generous rounding.)

Unfortunately for the Democrats, and for any Republicans hoping to leverage spending into construction jobs, the economy has changed since 2011. Those numbers may have made sense back then, but they certainly arent applicable todayfor a couple of reasons.

In 2011, the unemployment rate for construction workers hovered around 15 percent, while the overall unemployment rate was around 9 percent. So there were plenty of unemployed workers who would jump at a chance for a job rebuilding a road or fixing up a school. Thats not the case today: The unemployment rate for construction workers has plummeted to around 5 percent, while the overall unemployment rate is 4.7 percent. Those numbers are near what economists consider full employmentany lower, and inflation could start to rise. In fact, in the construction industry itself, experts are more worried about a shortage of workers than a surplus. Any massive investment in construction will start driving up wages, which will be good for the Americans in that industry, but will make everything elsethose roads, as well as homes, schools, office buildingsmore expensive for taxpayers.

Second, if the Democrats infrastructure proposal does provide a huge stimulus to the economy, its effects would likely be offsetdeliberatelyby the Federal Reserve. In 2011, the Fed had set interest rates at essentially 0 percent. If the government had launched a major infrastructure plan, the Federal Reserve would surely have welcomed itin fact, Ben Bernanke, then the chair of the Fed, had been imploring Congress to do more to stimulate the economy. Today, however, the economy is in a much different positionunemployment is low enough that the Fed is worried about inflation. Facing a massive new government spending program, it would almost certainly raise its benchmark rate to prevent the stimulus from leading to a burst of inflation, cooling the economy down and negating much of the job creation in the Democrats plan.

That doesnt mean a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan is a bad idea. There are good structural reasons to rebuild Americas roads, bridges and airports. And its possible that a future economic crisis will cause millions of construction workers to lose their jobs, forcing the Fed to drop its interest rate back to zero. In that case, an ongoing infrastructure investment could act as a safety net, ensuring that the construction sector continues chugging along even as the broader economy falters.

But right now, there are no signs of such an economic downturn on the horizon, although, to be fair, economists track record of predicting recessions is not good. Until that changes, the Democrats promiseor anyones promiseto create 15 million jobs through a $1 trillion infrastructure plan should be treated as highly unlikely to bear out in reality.

Read more:
The trouble with Democrats' infrastructure job promises - Politico

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan – New York Times

New York Times
Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
New York Times
Senate Democrats will unveil a $1 trillion infrastructure plan and offer President Trump their support if he backs it. Mr. Trump has invited Senate leaders and the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the White House ...
Senate Democrats unveil a Trump-size infrastructure planWashington Post
Senate Democrats Propose $1 Trillion Infrastructure PlanABC News
Democrats to Unveil Massive $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan. Will Trump Bite?Slate Magazine (blog)
Business Insider -New York Magazine
all 196 news articles »

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan - New York Times

14 Senate Democrats Fall in Line Behind Trump CIA Pick Who Left Door Open to Torture – The Intercept

FourteenSenate Democrats joined all but one Senate Republican in confirming Rep. Mike Pompeo as the new CIA director on Monday evening, failing a crucial first test of whether Democrats would present a united front to defend human rights and civil liberties in the Trump era.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was the lone member of his party to voteagainst his confirmation.

Pompeo is a far-right Kansas Republican who has in the past defended CIA officials who engaged in torture, calling them patriots. Last week, he left the door open to torture by acknowledging in his written responses to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he would be open to altering a 2015 law prohibiting the government from usingtechniques notlisted in the Army Field Manual.

Asa member of Congress, he repeatedly appearedon the radio program hosted by anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney, and has portrayed the war on terror as a conflict between Islam and Christianity. He has also claimedthatIslamic leaders across America [are] potentially complicit in terrorism because they supposedly dont speak out against it, which is not true.

While Pompeos confirmation was opposed by Human Rights Watch, itnetted votes from a variety of Senate Democrats, including the caucus leader:Chuck Schumer of New York.

In addition to his stances on torture and Islam, Pompeo has also come under fire for his views on surveillance. In a 2016op-edin the Wall Street Journal, he attacked a2015 law that that hevoted for, which endedthe bulk collection on phone records by the NSA. The op-ed calls onthe government to collectall metadata and lifestyle details on Americans.

The CIA is prohibited by executive orderfrom conducting electronic surveillanceinside the United States. But the specific rules and policies governing CIA surveillance aresecret and can be reinterpreted without public debate. Despite a push for transparency following the revelations in documents from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the Obama administration did not declassify a secret legal opinionabout the CIAs collection of financialrecords. And days before President Trump took office, the Obama administration issued new rules that would allow the CIA to sift through much of the raw data the NSA collects on Americans.

In his confirmation hearing, Pompeo tried to assure Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., that there were legal boundaries tocompiling dossiers on Americans, but that the government would be grossly negligent to ignorepublicly available information.

On the Senate floor Monday, Wyden called Pompeo the wrong man for the job.

On issue after issue, Wyden said the congressman has taken two, three, or four positions, depending on when he says it and who he is talking to. He has done this with surveillance, with torture, with Russia, and a number of other subjects.

He added: Congressman Pompeo does not seem familiar with the broad consensus that torture, in addition to being illegal, immoral and contrary to our national values, does not work.

But Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said on the floor that although he does not agree with some of the views that Congressman Pompeo holds, he convinced me that he will follow the law banning torture.

Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA,called the confirmation votea clear sign that Congress has not done enough extreme vetting of President Trumps nominees views on human rights.

She continued: While Pompeo sailed through his confirmation hearing, his written answers to the Senate contradict his earlier testimony and could lay the groundwork for the agency to return to torture and secret detention. Torture is a war crime and a grave human rights violation.

The Democrats who voted to confirm Pompeo were:

Angus King, the independent from Maine who caucuses with Democrats, also voted in favor of Pompeos confirmation.

Connecticut Democrats Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy did not vote.

Top photo: Pompeo at his confirmation hearing on Jan. 12, 2017, in Washington, D.C.

Read the original here:
14 Senate Democrats Fall in Line Behind Trump CIA Pick Who Left Door Open to Torture - The Intercept

Progressives launch ‘Justice Democrats’ to counter party’s ‘corporate’ legislators – Washington Post

Cenk Uygur, founder of the Young Turksvideo network that has become virally popular among progressive voters, is launching a project called Justice Democrats to defeat members of the Democratic Party who have cast votes seen as unacceptable.

The aim in 2018 is to put a significant number of Justice Democrats in the Congress. The aim for 2020 is to more significantly take over the Democratic Party,Uygursaid. If they're going to continue to be corporate Democrats, that's doomed for failure for the rest of time.

Justice Democrats cohered after the 2016 election, when Uygur began talking to veterans of the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) about ways to challenge Democrats from the left. The Justice Democrats project counts Saikat Chakrabarti and Zack Exley, two tech veterans of the Sanders campaign, among its founders; their first goal was to provide the infrastructure and resources for progressives who wanted to challenge corporate Democrats.

In the near term, that meant finding people who could run against the 13 Democratic senators who opposed a Sanders-backed measure to make it easier to import prescription drugs from Canada.

Some members of the party that are already in the Progressive Caucus, we're unlikely to primary. We want to focus on getting strong progressives into Congress, Uygur said. What's the point of primarying Representative Ral Grijalva [D-Ariz.] if you want to do that? There will be a small number of people who ran once before, and we can look at them again. But do we want to challenge Senator Cory Booker [D-N.J.]? That's a no-brainer.

The Justice Democrats platform mirrors much of what Sanders ran on, some of which had been adopted into the 2016 Democratic platform. Where Sanders called for renegotiating trade deals, the platform doubles down. Democrats have called for infrastructure spending; the platform calls for the party to invest billions in rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, schools, levees, airports etc. It goes even further than Sanders, however, in asking candidates to ban foreign aid to human rights violators.

All of that builds on what had been a time of expansion for the Young Turks. After the election, the site crowdfunded nearly $1 million to expand its team and roster of contributors. The Justice Democrats would follow the same model.

I was hoping someone else would do this, but when no one else was, Uygur said, somebody had to do it.

Original post:
Progressives launch 'Justice Democrats' to counter party's 'corporate' legislators - Washington Post

Angry Democrats Study the Tea Party’s Playbook – New York Times

New York Times
Angry Democrats Study the Tea Party's Playbook
New York Times
Eight years after Republicans united after a stinging electoral defeat to oppose President Barack Obama, Democrats are channeling an even deeper anxiety over President Trump and a far shallower defeat into a newfound burst of organizing.
Democrats see hope in women's marches but wonder what comes nextWashington Post
Democrats' Response To President Trump Proves No Lessons LearnedForbes
Senate Votes Put Pressure on These 12 Vulnerable DemocratsDaily Signal
National Review -The Atlantic
all 224 news articles »

Read the original:
Angry Democrats Study the Tea Party's Playbook - New York Times