Archive for the ‘Democrats’ Category

Democrats renew push for immediate passage of bill to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank – Video

Democrats renew push for immediate passage of bill to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank

By: FSC Dems

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Democrats renew push for immediate passage of bill to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank - Video

Support for Hillary Clinton weakens among Democrats, says poll

Washingtno Democratic support for Hillary Clinton's expected presidential campaign is softening amid controversy over her use of personal email when secretary of state, but most Democrats are for now sticking by their party's presumed candidate.

Support for Clinton's candidacy has dropped about 15 percentage points since mid February among Democrats, with as few as 45 percent saying they would support her in the last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll. Support from Democrats likely to vote in the party nominating contests has dropped only slightly less, to a low in the mid-50s over the same period.

Even Democrats who said they were not personally swayed one way or another by the email flap said that Clinton could fare worse because of it, if and when she launches her presidential campaign, a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.

Democratic strategist Ben LaBolt, a former spokesman for President Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, said that the email controversy has been a "galvanizing call for the Clinton campaign-in-waiting to build an organization," by hiring top political communicators who can defend her record. Clinton, who ran for the White House in 2008 and lost to Obama, is expected to announce as early as April that she plans to seek the White House in 2016.

Former congressional and Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon, White House aide Jennifer Palmieri and Jesse Ferguson, who has handled press for Democratic congressional campaigns, are expected to be among the communications experts joining Clinton's campaign. All three are highly respected in Democratic political circles.

"Democrats want to see Secretary Clinton work for the nomination, but with the string of hires her campaign has announced in the early (voting) states despite a weak field of competitors, every indication is that she plans to," LaBolt said.

The online poll of 2,128 adults from March 10 to March 17 revealed that Americans, including two-thirds of Democrats, said they were aware of the controversy surrounding Clinton's decision to use her personal email rather than a government account, along with a personal server, when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

More than a third of Democrats and 44 percent of political independents agreed that the email issue has hurt the former secretary of state politically.

"I admire the fact that she has been so strong on a lot of different things, she stands up for what she believes in, but I do think the emails will hurt her, unfortunately," said Patricia Peacock, 49, of Lewiston, Maine, who took part in the survey.

Clinton has tried to tamp down accusations that she used her personal email account to keep her records from public review, which would support an old political narrative that Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, are secretive and seek to play by a different set of rules.

See the article here:
Support for Hillary Clinton weakens among Democrats, says poll

Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom

The two-time U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York would be the first African-American woman to serve as attorney general, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has pledged to delay a vote on her confirmation by the full Senate until the chamber completes consideration of sex trafficking legislation.

READ: Durbin says GOP puts AG nominee 'in the back of the bus'

Lynch, who was nominated in November, has waited longer for a vote in the full Senate than the past five nominees to the post combined, her supporters say. In a press conference aimed at pushing McConnell to schedule a vote on Lynch, House Democrats touted her qualifications and the bipartisan vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to send her nomination to the full Senate.

Repeating charges laid out by other Democrats earlier in the week, several said they believed her race was one reason for the hold up.

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck and it is clear to me that there is hidden racism rampant in the House and the Senate," said Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida. "Let's call it what it is. I mean, I know it's not comfortable to talk about it, but that's what it is."

Those remarks followed comments Wednesday by Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat in the chamber, who said Republicans were asking Lynch to "sit in the back of the bus" when it comes to the Senate calendar. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus also said Lynch's race was playing a role in the delay.

The accusations, which have angered Republicans, come as the GOP is aiming to expand its appeal to attract more minority voters heading into the 2016 presidential race.

SEE: Standoff over AG nominee endures

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney cited several "isms" involved in the current standoff -- obstructionism, feminism and sexism. She noted the battle over the Senate bill was about issues of importance to women, since the legislation had broad bipartisan support until Democrats discovered it contained a provision that would prevent the use of victims compensation funds for abortions.

Republicans have repeatedly said race is not a factor in the delay and that it is up to Democrats to allow a vote on the trafficking bill.

See the rest here:
Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom

Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Republicans want a better life for you that Democrats cant stand

With the publication of the House and Senate budget resolutions this week, the contrast between Republicans and Democrats could not be more stark.

Democrats want to take care of you. Republicans want you to get ahead.

It is not just that President Obamas budget, released in February, projects an $687 billion deficit in 2025, up from $486 billion this year, and the Republican budget projects a surplus.Its that Democratic proposals are centered on keeping people safe, and Republican proposals are focused on helping them get better jobs and higher incomes.

Democrats are telling us that they gave us Obamacare for 11 million and food stamps for 47 million. They want to give us paid sick leave and maternity leave.They want to raise the minimum wage.They certainly wont make us retire later or cut our Social Security benefits, even though Social Security is unsustainable.

Bottom line:Democrats are here for us when we are down. They are our safety net. In return for a higher chunk of our paychecks, and higher health insurance premiums, they will look after us.

But Democrats arent telling people how to become better off.And most people aspire to earn more, to get ahead, to buy that McMansion in the suburbs that Democrats call suburban sprawl. In contrast, Democrats say that sprawl is hurting the environment, and we should live in smaller homes and take mass transit.

Why have Fed officials notably lowered their expectation for inflation through 2017? WSJ's Jon Hilsenrath asks Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen at a press conference on Wednesday.

Here are six ways that Republicans want to help people to get ahead:

1. Budget deficits: By lowering the growth of spending to 3% annually from 5%, congressional Republicans have proposed to bring the budget into surplus in 2025.

Think of what that means for future generations.They would only have to pay for their own spending, not for the spending of parents and grandparents. Of course, these budget resolutions are going to be derided as cuts that hurt the poor. But government spending is still projected to rise, just at a slower rate than before. Over the next 10 years, interest on the debt would decline by almost $800 billion.

Here is the original post:
Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Republicans want a better life for you that Democrats cant stand

Alinsky style attack on Netanyahu’s speech by Democrats in Congress – Video

Alinsky style attack on Netanyahu #39;s speech by Democrats in Congress
This video is about Alinsky style attack on Netanyahu #39;s speech by Democrats in Congress.

By: mauriedee

See the original post here:
Alinsky style attack on Netanyahu's speech by Democrats in Congress - Video