Letters: Donald Trump Jr. column twisted meaning of Tim Ryan’s words – The Columbus Dispatch
Letters to the Editor| The Columbus Dispatch
The Sept. 30 column, "Ryan's recent remarks brand Republicans as enemies of state," by Donald Trump Jr. turns my stomach.He touts a false equivalency between left and right extremists.
More:Donald Trump Jr: Tim Ryan's kill, confront movement remark makes MAGA 'enemy of the state'
The death of the 18-year-old in North Dakota is absolutely wrong and should not be used as cover for the rights far more extreme words and actions, i.e., the Jan. 6 seditious attack on the Capitol, packing the Supreme Court with religious extremists, Charlottesville, Kyle Rittenhouse, separating children from their parents, calling human beings at the border vermin, and on and on.
The column twisted Tim Ryans words into a lie and the Dispatch printed it.
Lawrence Roush, New Albany
Our president and vice president have represented us well the past couple of days.
First, our president, in a speech on Sept. 27, was asking for a deceased congresswoman to come on stage with him. Then, on Sept. 28, our vice president stated, "The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea."
Think wisely as you consider your vote this Nov. 8.
Stan Fulk, Dublin
More:Vice President Harris mistakenly touts US 'alliance with the Republic of North Korea'
Share your thoughts:How to submit a letter to the editor for The Columbus Dispatch
In the Sept. 22 column, "EPA must tackleLakeErietoxicalgaecrisis," Janean Weber presents many valid points we need to tackle immediately.
I want to add the reminder that as the water sources in the western U.S. are drying up at unprecedented and unpredictable rates, they will be looking for new water sources.
More:You can't fish through an 'algal bloom.' Threat about more than drinking water| Opinion
We need to have clear and strong laws in place to govern the use of the lakes and input into them, now, before we are also waging this battle with other states and possibly other countries.
Susan Klun, Columbus
We are writing to express our support for Justice Sharon L. Kennedy for chief justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Justice Kennedys judicial philosophy is based on the Constitution, not personal feelings or political views. She says what the law says rather than what the law should be and decides only what is necessary to resolve the legal question before the court.
With our support, she will continue to honor the Constitution by upholding the law, not creating it or legislating from the bench.
More:Up for grabs: Poll shows close races for 3 Ohio Supreme Court seats
Justice Kennedy has over 37 years of service in the judicial system as a police officer, trial court judge, and justice. She has garnered the solid foundation needed to serve our great state.
She is trusted and fair and will work hard for Ohio. As small business owners in Allen County, we see a need for a chief justice we can count on to create and maintain a predictable environment for Ohio.
Please join us in voting for the Ohio Republican Partys endorsed candidate, Sharon Kennedy.
Ken and Linda Rumbaugh, Lima
See the article here:
Letters: Donald Trump Jr. column twisted meaning of Tim Ryan's words - The Columbus Dispatch