Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump begs Newsmax to not cut him off and broadcast his election …

Former President Donald Trump took a Newsmax reporter to task during an interview that aired Thursday on the right-wing network over his bosss refusal, like Fox News, to continue platforming lies about the 2020 election.

The ex-president was being interviewed by Rob Finnerty when he posited that news networks including Newsmax itself was afraid of getting sued if it platformed the long-debunked conspiracies about voter fraud, foreign interference and other falsehoods spread by the Trump campaign after the 2020 election.

Fox doesn't put it on and, by the way, you people don't put it on either. You're afraid of being sued or something. I don't know. Some day you'll have to explain that, he told Mr Finnerty.

He then challenged the reporter: Youll probably cut what Im saying out right now.

Of course not! an incredulous Mr Finnerty responded.

Mr Trump then urged him to publish the interview before Chris sees it, referring to his apparently former ally, Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy.

The exchange comes as Mr Trump made some of his first remarks amid the recent revelations of the public January 6 committee hearings. On Tuesday the committee treated the public to a shocking look behind the scenes, courtesy of ex-Mark Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson, of the final days of the Trump administration and heard how the president and others knew that violence was likely to occur as a result of their attempts to overturn the election on Jan 6 itself.

Mr Trump has roundly denounced Ms Hutchinson as a leaker and claimed that much of her testimony was untrue. Mr Meadows, however, continues to evade the committees subpoena for his testimony and refuses to give his side of the story under oath. So have other Trump allies.

In its hearings, the committee has largely leaned on Ms Hutchinson and other former members of the Trump adminsitration and inner circle as they seek to elevate the voices of ex-Trump allies; this strategy has effectively countered persistent complaints from Republicans that the hearings are one-sided.

The ex-president continues to refuse to drop his numerous bogus claims about the 2020 election though they have all been uniformly refuted by state-led hand recounts as well as statements from top officials in the Trump Justice Department and other agencies directly rejecting claims that widespread fraud occurred.

Read more from the original source:
Donald Trump begs Newsmax to not cut him off and broadcast his election ...

Romney says a return of Trump would feed nation’s ‘sickness’: The Atlantic – Business Insider

Sen. Mitt Romney says the nation suffers a "malady of denial, deceit, and distrust,"and former President Donald Trump would make things much worse.

"A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable," Romney, a senator from Utah and former GOP presidential nominee, wrote in a July 4 essay in The Atlantic.

The essay takes aim at "wishful thinking" across the political spectrum and the nation's "blithe dismissal of potentially cataclysmic threats."

"More and more, we are a nation in denial," he wrote, citing Trump's false assertions that he won the 2020 election as a "classic example." "Perhaps this is a branch of the same delusion that leads people to feed money into slot machines: Because I really want to win, I believe that I will win," he added.

Romney wrote that leadership is the only cure for wishful thinking.

He called President Joe Biden "a genuinely good man, but," he wrote, Biden "has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust."

Congress, he wrote, is "particularly disappointing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently than they show backbone against it."

"I hope for a president who can rise above the din to unite us behind the truth," he wrote. "Several contenders with experience and smarts stand in the wings; we intently watch to see if they also possess the requisite character and ability to bring the nation together in confronting our common reality."

During the 2016 election, Romney, a former Massachusetts governor elected in Utah to the US Senate in 2018, was fiercely critical of then-candidate Trump, calling him a "phony" and a "fraud."

And in February 2020, Romney earned the distinction of becoming the first senator tovote in favor of removinga president from his own party from office because of what he described as Trump's "appalling abuse of public trust." He voted to convict Trump for abuse of power for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine and pressuring Ukrainian officials to investigate the Biden family.

A year later, Romney was amongseven Republican senators who voted to convictTrump in his impeachment trial in connection with the January 6, 2021, insurrection, though Trump was acquitted by the Senate.

Read the full essay on The Atlantic.

Read more from the original source:
Romney says a return of Trump would feed nation's 'sickness': The Atlantic - Business Insider

Donald Trump prepares his candidacy for the elections of 2024 – Marca English

Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to announce his candidacy for the US presidential elections in 2024.

With Joe Biden proving to be ever less competent and with the country going through economic turmoil, Trump is said to be confident of reclaiming his place in the White House.

According to information from people close to him, who spoke to NBC News, the former president will be participating in the 2024 elections.

These same sources assure that in the last moments of this summer it would be when he would announce a possible candidacy for the presidency.

The Republican front-runner is already in contact with his staff, advisors, to plan a campaign strategy for 2024 should they decide to launch it.

Like all those who aspire to reach the White House, an announcement would be expected in late summer or after the mid-term elections in November.

Read the original here:
Donald Trump prepares his candidacy for the elections of 2024 - Marca English

There Are 11 Types of Donald Trump Enablers. Which One Are You? – POLITICO

You dont say.

The committee members felt that taking on this oh-so-altruistic act on behalf of America meant that they didnt have to publicly reckon with the moral compromise of working for someone like Trump. Somehow this justification persisted even after they no longer worked for him and were using their access to make it rain in the private sector. Convenient!

Not a single one of the brave warriors on the Committee to Save America endorsed the only person who could actually save America from Trump his opponent in the 2020 election.

Despite this logical incongruence, it was the self-flattering messiahs who won the argument among Republicans in D.C. Their demand that good people do everything in their power to protect the country from the horrific realities of the president eventually extended not just to those in the national security apparatus but to mid-level political offices throughout town.

From their wake emerged their messianic junior partners who worked as Trump aides and Hill staffers and campaign flacks. They may not have convinced themselves they were saving the world exactly but were justified in the knowledge that if they did not take a glamorous White House job or continue working for a white-bread rational senator, the country would be saddled with someone far worse. Maybe even a white nationalist! Whos to say? (The fact that a white nationalist might be their replacement did not seem to strike many of the juniors as something that required reflection on the nature of their employment.)

These Junior Messiahs told themselves they were patriots, sacrificing on behalf of the American people, who deserved dedicated public servants like them. This belief was buttressed by the fact that they often had a point: The staffer who would replace them or the politician who would upend their boss in a primary was almost assuredly more terrible. In Trumps GOP, entropy was taking hold. From the cabinet to the Senate to the school board, the stodgy erudite men of yesteryear were being replaced by ambitious MAGA-fakers who were in turn being replaced by psychotic true believers, giving credence to the conceit that they used to comfort themselves anytime doubt crept in.

The Demonizers were the quickest to drink the Trumpian orangeade as a chaser to liberal tears. For some this was a dogmatic response to any signs of Democratic hostility to people of faith or the free market (or both, for those with the in-home Milton Friedman shrine).

For others, it was cultural, a rejection of the liberal pieties that ground their gears, a discomfort with how fast the script around gender and race was changing. For still others it seemed more personal, emanating from a bitterness over the snooty know-it-allism of the liberals in their life. They clung to anger over the way the left and the media had treated decent Republicans over the years, concluding that, if Mitt Romney and John McCain were going to be tarred as sexist, racist warmongers, then they had no choice but to throw in with the real sexists and racists.

This notion of anger driving support for Trump echoes what a lot of elite conservatives have admitted on the record. Rich Lowry, the nebbish National Review editor (and frequent POLITICO contributor), wrote on the eve of Trumps losing reelection bid that supporting Trump was a middle finger to the cultural left. This seemed to me to be an unbelievably asinine, if understandable, mindset coming from a fussy, middle-aged, Manhattan-dwelling white conservative who resents his more culturally ascendant neighbors. But what caught me off guard was how many of my peers felt the same. Over drinks in Santa Monica, a friend who I had gradually lost touch with over her rabid Trump fandom, stopped me cold when explaining her rationalizations. Despite being a socially liberal, urban-dwelling Millennial, she still had absorbed a deep well of hatred for woke culture.

I just dont feel the need to drive around my Prius drinking a coffee coolata with a coexist bumper sticker and checking the box like Ive solved climate change, she said. Me moving from plastic to paper straws is not actually moving this needle. The liberal culture of judgment, of do as I say, not as I do. John Kerry flying places in private jets. Thats why I was so drawn to Trump. I was at a breaking point.

I was genuinely dumbstruck by this. As someone who loves a chocolate shake, I also find forcible paper straw usage to be an utterly moronic inconvenience of modern urban life. But connecting that to support for Donald Trump? Being upset with Joe Biden about private companies switching to deteriorating straws? This anger didnt click with me at all.

Whatever the underlying reason, these Demonizers have decided that the left, the media, the Lincoln Project, the big-tech oligarchs, the social justice warriors, the people who put they/them pronouns in their email signature, the parents who take their kids to drag queen story hour, the Black Lives Matter protesters and the wokes who want to make stolen land acknowledgments at the start of meetings are all so evil that there is no need to even grapple with the log in their own eye. Trump was a human eff you to the bastards they thought were out to get them. Once youve decided that the other side are the baddies, everything else falls into place rather quickly.

Then you had the LOL Nothing Matters Republicans. This cadre gained steam over the years, especially among my former peers in the campaign set. It is a comforting ethos if you are professionally obligated to defend the indefensible day in and day out. Their arguments no longer needed to have merit or be consistent because, LOL, nothing matters. Right? The founder of the Trumpy right-wing website The Federalist, Ben Domenech is, I believe, the one who coined it. He said the LOLNMRs were inherently fatalist, believing that the most apocalyptic predictions about right and left are happening no matter what and that the lights will go down in the West. Now, from my vantage point, thats a rather ostentatious way of describing the standard-issue prep school man-child of privilege contrarian cynicism that has been memorialized in teen cinema for ages . . . but you get the point. The LOLNMRs had decided that if someone like Trump could win, then everything that everyone does in politics is meaningless. So they became nihilists. Some eventually took jobs working for Trump; others flipped from center-right normie game players to MAGAfied populist warriors in a flash; still others gave themselves a cocoon of protection working for the Mitch McConnells of the world, staying Trump adjacent so as to not have to challenge their newly developing worldview. But all of them avoided any of the hard questions of the era, wrapping themselves in the comfortably smug sense of self-satisfaction that comes with a lack of concern for consequences.

The professional Tribalist Trolls overlap in their tactics with the Nothing Matters crowd but are different in that they at least have an ethos. Whatever is good for their side is good. And whatever is bad for the other side is good. Simple as that. In the early social media era, I was attracted to this mindset, and for a time when the stakes seemed lower, I was even a member of their ranks. But during the Trump years, I became aghast as it spread like a virus to peoples parents and friends and well . . . some days it feels like pretty much everyone? Or at least everyone who is part of the online political discourse.

If you want to know if you are a Tribalist Troll, ask yourself this when something horrible happens in the news, does your mind impulsively hope someone from the other tribe is responsible? Nobody wants to admit that they do this. But social media has laid bare our darker angels, and we can now see in real time that a large swath of the participants in our civic dialogue have reduced themselves to the most base type of Tribalist. Veterans of the very online Washington wars have warped themselves to such a degree that every news item, every action, is not something that requires a real-world solution that mitigates the suffering, but is just the latest data point in our online forever war. Many people believe the bullshit they are being sold about their opponents to such a degree that there is an internet culture adage Poes law, which indicates that no matter how over-the-top your parody may be of your political opponent, some of your followers will believe it to be real because theyve been so conditioned to hear the other sides awfulness. This insidious Weltanschauung has infected everything from sports message boards to recipe websites to online gaming, which are all now consumed by politicized power users who want to turn every corner of our society into their battlefield. This has created a reinforcing feedback loop up to the politicians and media personalities who are rewarded for constantly embiggening their troll game and expanding the remit outside the bounds of campaign politics. Ive seen decent people become so warped by this imaginary battle that they began to appreciate Trumps skill at trolling it even if they were personally repulsed by him. Of all the categories of enablement, this might be the most pernicious and inexpiable.

Naturally, in Washington there are those who dont need complex ideological justifications for their actions because they are pure old-fashioned Strivers. Some, especially the politicians, are motivated by a blind ambition that is just frankly not that interesting. The fact that pols want to attain higher office so they contort themselves to the whims of the crowd is not a new or unique phenomenon, nor does it merit much deep examination. Its the first subcategory to the worlds oldest profession. But theres a uniquely Washington class of Striver that was drawn to Trump like moths to an orange flame. This species doesnt necessarily want to move up the career ladder for ambitions sake, but instead, they crave merely the possibility of being in the mix.

Every Striver city has a drug that best suits its residents. In New York its money . . . and coke. In Los Angeles its fame . . . and coke. In Silicon Valley its the chance to be a revered disruptor, changer of worlds . . . and microdosing. In D.C. the drug of choice is a little more down-market. All political staffers really want is to be in the mix. Its not even the power itself that they crave. That would be less pathetic, frankly. Its the proximity to power. For these Little Mixes, its the ability to tell your friends back home that you were in the room where it happened. (If its possible for an entire body to cringe while typing, thats what mine did when I wrote in the room where it happened.)

See the rest here:
There Are 11 Types of Donald Trump Enablers. Which One Are You? - POLITICO

Donald Trump has given conservatives big wins, but will GOP jump off train? – The Dallas Morning News

For the nations conservative movement, these are the days of wine and roses.

Republicans can thank former President Donald Trump for whats been a stunning period of progress. With his 2016 upset victory over Hillary Clinton, Trump appointed three conservative judges to the Supreme Court, which resulted in Junes rulings that removed abortion as a constitutional right, struck down a restrictive gun control law, and made it tougher for the EPA to curb power plant emissions.

Though he served only one term, many conservatives view Trump as the most consequential Republican president since Ronald Reagan.

But many Americans see the controversial Trump as a flawed president who expanded the nations political divide and threatened Americas institutions and its democracy. His bogus assertion that the 2020 election was stolen has gulled a large number of his supporters and led to bizarre debates on what constitutes truth.

The Jan. 6 hearings have made the twice-impeached former president look as bad as ever, especially the thundering testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, who was an aide to Trumps chief of staff, Mark Meadows, about Trumps behavior before and during the Capitol riot.

President Joe Biden beat Trump in 2020 because a majority voters grew tired of Trumps antics, including even some who liked his policies. Still, Republicans got what they wanted out of Trump: a Supreme Court that has ushered in a new era of conservatism.

Now the problem for Republicans is that Trump is still the unquestioned leader of the GOP, and most elected Republicans and party leaders are still reluctant to criticize him. That makes them vulnerable to his actions, particularly if hes ever again on a ballot.

Another Trump candidacy could happen in 2024, when many analysts expect the former president to seek a rematch with Biden.

That means Republicans will be faced with moving past Trump, or potentially letting him destroy the gains theyve made with the Supreme Court and expect to make in this years midterm elections.

Republicans know a reckoning is coming.

But since their voters wont allow them to break with the former president without being ousted from office, GOP elected officials and party leaders are essentially held hostage by Trump and his movement.

Thats why some Republicans are yearning for political life without Trump as a distraction.

Insiders will tell you that they prefer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. They are confident that DeSantis would crush Biden, whose approval rating is at historic lows. If Biden doesnt run, Republicans feel that DeSantis would have an even easier time with Vice President Kamala Harris, and they dont fear anybody on the Democratic Partys presidential candidate bench.

It all looks so good to them, until you get to the Trump factor.

In a straw poll last month at the Texas Republican Party Convention, Trump beat DeSantis in a hypothetical presidential primary contest by a 54% to 30% margin. Sen. Ted Cruz was third with 4%. DeSantis crushed the field in a race without Trump, racking up 71% of the straw poll vote. Cruz was second to DeSantis in that survey with 9%.

It is still Trumps decision and were still in the era of Trump, said Republican political consultant Matthew Langston. Republican Party voters are still aligned with Trump.

For their part, Biden and Democrats would love a rematch against Trump. They know that Americans rejected him in 2020 and dont want that kind of drama returning to the White House.

At this point, Trump is one of the few GOP candidates Biden can beat, no matter the former presidents popularity with the Make America Great Again crowd.

Republican operatives and some political donors are hoping Trump backs away from another presidential run and accepts a role as king or queen maker.

That title may be good for Trump in a midterm year, but when the lights of a presidential election are turned on, hell want the starring role.

The stakes are high. In 2020, with Trump on the ballot, Democrats held the House and won the Senate and the White House. If Trump is disastrous in 2024, it could mean Democrats retake full control of the legislative and executive branches and use that power to write laws that give Americans abortion rights, develop gun control measures, finally approve comprehensive immigration reform and bolster voting rights including the restoration of pre-clearance requirements for certain states that change their election laws.

Whether Democrats would take advantage of newfound clout is the subject for another column, but certainly a Trump defeat in 2024 would be a setback to the conservative cause.

Many Republican strategists cringe at Trump 2024 campaign buttons, but hoping and praying their leader doesnt run is all they can do at this point.

For better or worse, Trump calls the shots in the GOP.

The rest is here:
Donald Trump has given conservatives big wins, but will GOP jump off train? - The Dallas Morning News