Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Colwell: Things would surely be different in Ukraine if Trump were president – South Bend Tribune

Jack Colwell| South Bend Tribune

Donald Trump is right. If he were still president, the situation would be far different in Ukraine.

If Mike Pence had ignored his Hoosier values of truth, justice and the Constitution and cooperated in overturning the election results, Trump could now be president.

There would be no danger of armed conflict between Russia and NATO over Ukraine.

There would be no NATO. Trump contended throughout his first term that NATO was outdated. He belittled and insulted leaders of European nations in the alliance. He was reluctant to support the collective-defense agreement known as Article 5. By now in a second term, he would have pulled out of the alliance and scuttled it.

There would be no suggestion from a President Trump that Vladimir Putin is a butcher and must go after Russia invaded Ukraine. Trump praised the genius of Putin as Russia amassed troops for the invasion. And he wouldnt let a little thing like Russia seeking to dominate its neighbor ruin his bromance with Putin. Hey, he pulled out of Syria and let Russia dominate there.

There would be no long, heroic stand by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He would have been dead a month ago. Trump holds a grudge. Zelenskyy didnt announce an investigation of Joe Biden before the election, even when Trump held up needed defensive weapons for Ukraine to force it. Fervent Trump supporters like Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn havent forgotten. They call Zelenskyy a thug and corrupt. Trump, if still president, wouldnt forget and wouldnt coordinate massive arms shipments and sanctions to save Zelenskyy and thwart friend Putin.

There would be no Ukraine. Without the United States and a unified NATO providing the help to stall the invasion, Russia would have smashed into Kyiv and disposed of Zelenskyy, still with a terrible toll in Ukraine civilian deaths but with less delay against an outgunned Ukrainian military left without needed weapons.

Trump, though no longer president, still speaks out, claiming that he really won re-election and demonstrating how he would be responding to Putin if still in the White House.

Trump calls for Putin to do something now, something very important.

It wasnt a call for Putin to halt the massacres in Ukraine. It was a call for Putin to release possible dirt on President Bidens black-sheep son Hunter.

Trump resurrected and embellished a controversial, last-minute 2020 campaign contention that Hunter Biden might have (or might not have) received money through funding of a firm by the wife of Moscows mayor.

She gave him $3.5 million, Trump stated as fact. Why? I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it, Trump said. I think we should know that answer.

Putin would of course be believed if he announced, Yes, the Bidens accepted millions in bribes along with that thug Zelenskyy to set up a Nazi government and germ warfare labs in Ukraine.

Well, U.S. intelligence agencies didnt believe Putins claims that troops on Ukraines border werent going to invade. They wouldnt believe he had turned truthful now after a life of lies.

But Trump would believe. He famously declared at a meeting with the Russian leader that he believed the word of Putin over findings of his own intelligence agencies.

If Putin did provide dirt helpful for Trumps election in 2024, it would pretty much cinch that Trump, if president again, would approve Putins conquest of Ukraine and signal no concern over Putins desire to return other countries, Poland, Hungary and the Baltics, to their status in the old Soviet Union.

While investigations continue into what Hunter Biden and Donald Trump Jr. might have done wrong, the possible transgressions of either child of a president, proven or not, shouldnt hinder the efforts to save all those children in Ukraine.

Jack Colwell is a columnist for The Tribune. Write to him in care of The Tribune or by email

Colwell: Things would surely be different in Ukraine if Trump were president - South Bend Tribune

Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Probably Wont Be Splitting a Milkshake With Two Straws Any Time Soon – Vanity Fair

In the nine months since the House of Representatives formed a select committee to investigate the events surrounding the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, numerous members of Donald Trumps inner circle have refused to cooperate, preferring instead to risk contempt of Congress charges than reveal what is, more than likely, extremely damaging information about the former president. Surprisingly not among them? Jared Kushner, who was apparently more than happy to bring investigators up to speed on what he knows.

NBC News reports that Kushnerhusband of Ivanka, son-in-law of Donald, and former senior White House advisermet virtually with the panel on Thursday for more than six hours, after voluntarily agreeing to speak with the committee. While Trump family members have been known in the past to meet with officials investigating the ex-president only to plead the Fifth hundreds of times, Kushner reportedly saw no reason to stonewall the group. Though the details of what he revealed are not known at this time, Virginia Democratic representative Elaine Luria told MSNBC the former first son-in-law provided the panel with really valuable information. Speaking to NPR, Luria said, I think that the committee really appreciates hearing information directly from people who have relevant facts about January 6, and the fact that Jared Kushner came as a witness is helpful to building the story of our investigation.

Kushner was en route back to Washington from Saudi Arabia while the Capitol was being attacked, but the panel is obviously also interested in the events leading up to the insurrection (for example, Trumps monthslong campaign to convince people a second term had been stolen from him, and attempts to get Mike Pence to block the certification of Joe Bidens win.) According to NBC News, the panel had been expected to inquire about Trumps false claims that he won the election and other information related to the deadly attack on the Capitol, as well as any dealings [Kushner] had with Virginia Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in the lead-up to Jan. 6. (Last week, The Washington Post revealed that the committee was in possession of more than two dozen text messages between Thomas and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows re: overturning the election. One of them, from November 13, 2020, seemingly referred to Kushner, with Thomas writing: Just forwarded to yr gmail an email I sent Jared this am. Sidney Powell & improved coordination now will help the cavalry come and Fraud exposed and America saved. Powell, of course, is the unhinged Trump attorney who promotedclaims likethere is a secret server that all the votes go to where they [are] manipulate[d].)

In June, CNN reported that an alleged chilliness had developed between Jared and Ivanka and the 45th president, supposedly, in part, over the couples annoyance that Trump wouldnt stop harping about the 2020 election. Having said that, they apparently had no issue following him to Florida and spending the summer at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where their accommodations are separated by mere tens of feet. It should also never, ever be forgotten that the duos go-to move while working in the administration was to literallyflee the sceneany time there was blowback for something extra bad Trump did, in apparent hopes people would forget they were senior advisers to the president. And, to date, they have never publicly declared that Biden won the election fair and square. So no one should be hailing Kushner as some kind of hero or defender of democracy.

Nevertheless, Kushners apparent helpfulness to the committeewhich could change should he be asked to turn over documentsis in stark contrast to numerous other insiders. In November, former senior White House adviser Stephen Bannon was criminally charged for ignoring a subpoena from the panel. In January, the House voted to hold Meadows in criminal contempt, after he initially said he would cooperateand turned over thousands of pages of documentsbefore abruptly changing his mind. And just this week, the panel unanimously voted to hold former Trump advisersDan ScavinoandPeter Navarro in contempt of Congress. According to the committee, it is in talks with Ivanka Trump for her to answer questions, but a final agreement has not been reached. The expectation is that it will take place, as to when I cant tell you right now, I know we are engaging her as a committee, chairman Bennie Thompson said Wednesday. In a letter sent to the former first daughter in January, the committee noted that she was in the Oval Office during a phone call between her father and Mike Pence on the morning of January 6. Thats the phone call the president reportedly told his V.P. he didnt have the courage to block the certification of Bidens win. Rep. Liz Cheney has also said the committee had firsthand testimony that Ivanka asked her father at least twice to stop the riot. (For her part Ivanka tweeted that day the violence must stop, which would have meant more if she hadnt initially addressed the people attacking the Capitol as American patriots.)

Read more from the original source:
Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Probably Wont Be Splitting a Milkshake With Two Straws Any Time Soon - Vanity Fair

Howie Carr: Latest variant of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the rise – Boston Herald

For about 10 minutes this week, it was like the good old days for state-run media they thought they had finally gaffed him this time, Donald J. Trump, the great orange whale that the Captain Ahabs of fake news have been pursuing all these years.

Gaps in the White House phone logs of Jan. 6! Worse than Watergate!

It was a bombshell, the walls were closing in, it was a turning point, a tipping point, breaking news, the beginning of the end, whistleblowers, dark clouds, monumental implications, a watershed.

Until, as always, it wasnt. Instead it was yet another Emily Litella moment.

Never mind!

If you blinked, you missed this latest Trumpian non-scandal. Like radioactive materials, the concocted bombshells half-lives grow ever shorter. This one was like a shooting star.

In case you missed it, or more likely paid no attention to the Chicken Littles whove been peddling the same made-up nonsense for more than six years now, this time Trump was accused of somehow erasing the White House phone logs for more than seven hours on Jan. 6, 2021.

Because the Democrat operatives think its more believable if they throw in precise falsehoods, they had exact times from 11:17 a.m. until 6:54 p.m.

It was the biggest story in the world until it wasnt. It was such an embarrassment that it was left to CNN which is to fake news what Fredo was to the Corleones, that is to say the embarrassing runt of the litter to clean up the smelly mess in Aisle Biden.

CNN headline: Official review of Trump phone logs from Jan. 6 finds record is complete.

Huh? Complete? But wait wait Just hours earlier, two avatars of fake news the Washington Post and CBS News had finally cracked the case.

For the Post, it was wrinkly Democrat operative Bob Woodward, who is the same age as Dementia Joe Biden (79), and just as about mentally acute. Not to mention, Woodward is beginning to sound like Sen. Susan Collins, and he even looks a little like her, too.

Woodward was famous long ago. He was the Democrats go-to stenographer during Watergate.

You know the old saying, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

To Woodward and his rusty hammer, everything looks like Watergate.

Thus the Democrat dirty trickster pronounced the latest handout from his puppet-masters on Capitol Hill to be astonishing astonishing.

He said this to MSNBCs Lawrence ODonnell, of stop the hammering! fame. Still digging on that big blockbuster of yours about Trump and Deutsche Bank, Larry?

Trumps fiendish plot to circumvent the antiquated White House switchboard was effectuated with new weapons of infernal destruction called cue the ominous music burner phones.

You may know them as cell phones. Perhaps you even own one of these sinister devices.

Apparently Trump uses cell phones? Obviously, its time for a third impeachment trial.

The Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) lap up these fake stories about Trump and cell phones and Russians. Remember the Posts front-page scoop about how Russians were hacking into the U.S. electrical grid? Turned out it was a guy in Vermont checking his email.

Hillary Clintons crooked Democrat lawyer who is now indicted for lying to the FBI tried to sell the G-men a tall tale about Trump using customized Russian cell phones to plot an insurrection, or maybe it was a violent coup.

More Hillary hokum is what that was.

The Democrats understand exactly where to plant their fake news. The Post is the same Democrat religious tract that gave itself a Pulitzer Prize for promoting the Russian collusion hoax. But thats not nearly all of the lies the Post has peddled.

Remember their huge scoop about how Donald Trumps late father, Fred, once put together a racist TV spot when he was considering running for mayor of New York in 1969? (Turns out, Fred didnt, because he wasnt. One of the Posts fact checkers fell for a hoax stop me if youve heard this one before.)

CBS News also got a piece of this most recent fake news du jour. But it doesnt even rank among their greatest moments in bunco news. Those are reserved for 60 Minutes, as when their anchorman Dan Rather tried to rig the 2004 presidential election by running a bogus story about George W. Bush. The CBS defense? It was fake but accurate.

This weeks phone-log gap was like an IPO for fake news. All the media grifters had to jump in feet first. Thus the offering was oversubscribed, you might say.

The lesson here is, Trump Derangement Syndrome is incurable. When they were first infected with TDS, these state-run outlets were known as mass media. Guess what the masses have fled. CNN is preparing massive layoffs.

What were once well-read print outlets are little more than money-hemorrhaging vanity projects for billionaires (The Post), their trophy wives (The Boston Globe) or their widows (The Atlantic).

People pay so little heed to state-run medias endless whoppers that they seldom bother to correct their latest canards after theyre busted.

When the phone gap turned out to be the same fake news as everything else since 2015, the unwatched nightly networks newscasts all decided to change the subject.

On Friday night, instead of correcting the record and apologizing to Donald Trump, one of them opted for a story about the nations oldest park ranger. Another did a slobbering interview with Dementia Joes sister. And of course, theres always that hardy perennial, the weather.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Never mind!

See the original post here:
Howie Carr: Latest variant of Trump Derangement Syndrome on the rise - Boston Herald

YouTube Removes Yet Another Interview Featuring Donald Trump – OutKick

YouTube pulled an interview between former President Donald Trump and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Friday for violating the platforms rules against misinformation.

The Daily Wire reports the latest episode of Real America with Ronna McDaniel, an online show featuring McDaniels interviews with Republicans, was removed from YouTube due to references that Trump made about the 2020 election.

The outlet reports that YouTube informed the RNC about the video removal and a strike against the official GOP YouTube account in an email Friday.

YouTube said in an email obtained by The Daily Wire that the episode was pulled because Trump claimed the 2020 election to be rigged without being challenged, and told the RNC that the episode would have been allowed to remain on the platform if it included sufficient context with countervailing views.

The email said, per The Daily Wire:

I wanted to let yall know that your video,Real America Season 2, Episode 5: President Donald J. Trump, has been removed fromthe GOP YouTube channel, because it violated our policies pertaining toelections misinformationand does not contain sufficientEDSA context. Namely, the video contains claims that the 2020 election was rigged, with tremendous voter fraud, andcountervailing views, which we refer to as EDSA context, on those remarks are not provided in the video, audio, title or description.

To clarify, this content would be permitted if it included sufficient context with countervailing views.

As a result, a one-time warning has been applied to the channel. This warning does not restrict your access to YouTube features, but future violations may result in Community Guidelinesstrikesand restrict feature access. You can find more information about our other Community Guidelineshere.

McDaniel accused YouTube of censoring conservative opinion in Big Techs campaign against free speech in a statement to The Daily Wire.

YouTubes decision to remove a filmed conversation between former President Trump and the Chairwoman of the Republican Party is just the latest example of Big Techs chilling approach to censoring conservative opinion, McDaniel said.

In March, Trumps appearance on theFull Sendpodcast was an instant hit, racking up over 5 million views in under 24 hours on YouTube. The video was removed shortly after for violating YouTubes Terms of Service.

Trump called his shot during the podcast, at one point mentioning to theFull Sendcast that hed be surprised if the video remained up once it was posted.

If you put up this whole interview lets see what happens when Instagram, and Facebook, and Twitter, and all of them, will take it down, Trump said, viaThe Daily Wire. And lets see what happens when they threaten you. Because we dont have a free press in our country.

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YouTube Removes Yet Another Interview Featuring Donald Trump - OutKick

Trump believes the intelligent agents got caught in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal – Marca English

Following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal where intelligent officials confirmed that more people other than Biden's son had access to many emails, former republican President Donald Trump said what he has been saying since he lost the presidential race against now President Joe Biden: "They rigged the election."

Before he went on stage at a Washington, Michigan rally, former President Trump was interviewed by a reporter who was clearly pushing an agenda. He started the interview praising Trump, saying that he was right in so many things, he continued by recognizing his input on "The Laptop from hell" where Trump nodded in agreement. He continued by saying that the general public was mad and wanted consequences, finally, he asked a question asking what should happen? and better who should go to prison? Trump was eager to have his say and started with the greatest hits from his campaign.

He started saying it was a very corrupt media, that they knew all about it, but they were blaming Russia for the laptop and proceeded to justify that that was a big lie and they couldn't be responsible for that; he continued to make the media responsible for his loss, that the election was rigged and that the media was in on it.

We would have gotten 17 points more in the rigged election

He continued saying that The New York Times admitted they knew. Afterward, he threw jabs at the intelligence personnel by mentioning that "there were 51 so-called intelligence agents, and they got caught, they are a bunch of liars".

He admitted that they were doing something very special and that they were stronger than ever before, he concluded by saying that the country was having its worst moment but it will get much better

See original here:
Trump believes the intelligent agents got caught in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal - Marca English