Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump Sounds Pretty Panicked About Spending His Twilight Years Behind Bars – Vanity Fair

Ivanka Trump has not been accused of wrongdoing, and in response to the news of the expanded probes, she angrily tweeted: This is harassment pure and simple. This inquiry by NYC democrats is 100% motivated by politics, publicity and rage. They know very well that theres nothing here and that there was no tax benefit whatsoever. These politicians are simply ruthless. The Trump Organization, on the other hand, was charged in July with conspiracy, a scheme to defraud, and multiple counts of tax fraud and falsifying records. The company, like its longtime CFO, Allen Weisselberg, has pleaded not guilty. Earlier this week an attorney for Weisselberg said there was strong reason to believe there could be other indictments coming.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Times said the papers coverage of Donald Trumps taxes helped inform the public through meticulous reporting on a subject of overriding public interest. This lawsuit is an attempt to silence independent news organizations and we plan to vigorously defend against it. On Twitter, Craig wrote, I knocked on Mary Trumps door. She opened it. I think they call that journalism. Mary Trumps lawyer Theodore J. Boutrous Jr.said in a statement: This is the latest in a long line of frivolous lawsuits by Donald Trump that target truthful speech and important journalism on issues of public concern. It is doomed to failure like the rest of his baseless efforts to chill freedom of speech and of the press.

For her part, Mary Trump told the Daily Beast, of her uncle: I think he is a fucking loser, and he is going to throw anything against the wall he can. Its desperation. The walls are closing in, and he is throwing anything against the wall that will stick. As is always the case with Donald, hell try and change the subject.

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Meanwhile, in Florida

A Republican lawmaker looked at Texass abortion bill and decided it wasnt extreme enough. Per CNN:

A Republican Florida state lawmaker on Wednesday introduced a bill that is modeled aftera strict Texas lawprohibiting abortions after six weeks, drawing condemnation from supporters of abortion rights who fear such legislation might soon be introduced in other states. House Bill 167was filed by Florida state Rep. Webster Barnaby. The bill, like the Texas law, contains a procedural feature that allows private citizens to bring lawsuits against physicians who provide abortions after six weeks as well as any person who knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion. The Florida legislation, like the Texas law, also provides for remedies and damages.

Notably, the Florida bill allows lawsuits to be brought up to six years after an abortion was performed in violation of the law, whereas supporters of the Texas law say that measure creates a four-year window for bringing suits. Additionally, the way HB 167 is written makes it extremely difficult to challenge the prohibition until it goes into effect, and even then there are high hurdles.

See the article here:
Donald Trump Sounds Pretty Panicked About Spending His Twilight Years Behind Bars - Vanity Fair

For Probably Totally Innocent Reasons, Trump Doesnt Want Biden to Reveal What He Was Up to on 1/6 – Vanity Fair

As noted by the Post, committee chairman Bennie Thompson said this week that his panel will be issuing subpoenas to witnesses and organizations soon, while the National Archive has already identified hundreds of pages of documents from the Trump White House that are relevant to the investigation. As required by statute, the information is being turned over to the Biden White House and Trumps lawyers for review, per the Post. The committee had requested all documents and communications within the White House on January 6, 2021, relating in any way to the events of the day, including call logs, as well as schedules and meetings for Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Melania Trump, Jared Kushner, and other advisers, including Rudy Giuliani. According to the Post, the committee has focused, in part, on seeking information about whether the Trump White House and members of Congress played any role in encouraging the demonstrations, which interrupted the constitutionally mandated certification of electoral votes and unleashed a series of violent confrontations with the U.S. Capitol Police. Documents and testimony could show whether White House officials and members of Congress encouraged or supported those actions, congressional staffers said.

While Trump has characteristically flipped out over the information being revealed, experts say he may have little recourse if Biden decides to hand them over. The law we have is not favorable to the former president, Bob Bauer, who served as White House counsel under Barack Obama, told the Post. The executive privilege stonewalling that Trump used while he was in office wont work anymore, said Norm Eisen, a former Obama appointee.

In response to questions about White House deliberations concerning what information to release, Biden spokesman Mike Gwin told the Post that Biden views the attack on the Capitol as a dark stain on our countrys history and is deeply committed to ensuring that something like that can never happen again, and he supports a thorough investigation.

To be fair, she had her hands full lying to the American public, so

In Boeberts defense, this is like the 10th most objectionable thing shes ever done


Original post:
For Probably Totally Innocent Reasons, Trump Doesnt Want Biden to Reveal What He Was Up to on 1/6 - Vanity Fair

Lindsey Graham says that he wants Donald Trump to run again in 2024, just a few days after the former president trashed him – Yahoo News

Sen. Lindsey Graham (left) said that he wants former President Donald Trump (right) to run again in 2024. Getty Images

Lindsey Graham told a crowd of Michigan Republicans that he hopes Donald Trump runs again in 2024, per The Detroit News.

Three days before, Trump trashed Graham, saying that the South Carolina lawmaker should be "ashamed" of himself.

Graham has been an on-and-off ally of Trump, initially being an outspoken critic of the former president.

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Sen. Lindsey Graham told a crowd in Michigan on Saturday night that he hopes former President Donald Trump runs again in 2024, according to The Detroit News.

Speaking on the second day of the Mackinac Republican Party's Leadership Conference, The Detroit News reported that Graham elicited cheers from the crowd when he shared his hopes for Trump's political future.

"I don't think Trump is listening. He might be," Graham reportedly said. "I hope President Trump runs again."

The comments come three days after Graham was trashed by the former president - an "on-and-off ally" of his.

Earlier this week, new claims emerged that Graham and Sen. Mike Lee had personally investigated Trump's allegations that the 2020 election was stolen. According to "Peril," a new book by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Graham found his evidence provided to him to be elementary and suitable for "third grade."

Trump responded to the new claims by stating his Save America PAC on Wednesday night, per The Hill, in which he was critical of the South Carolina lawmaker.

"I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the 'Crime of the Century,'" said the statement. "Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win."

In the statement, Trump also accused him of "letting the Democrats get away with the greatest Election Hoax in history."

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Graham didn't explicitly respond to Trump's jibes on Saturday night, The Detroit News reported, but did say that the former president can be "a handful" and suggested that he "turn it down a notch."

He added that, in recent years, they have come to find common ground. "I've come to like him, and he likes him," Graham joked to the crowd.

Graham was initially an outspoken critic of Trump. He called him a "kook," a "race-baiting bigot," and "the most flawed nominee in the history of the Republican Party" during the 2016 election.

They eventually smoothed over the cracks in their fractious relationship during a meeting in 2017, according to the New Yorker, and Graham became a dependable ally of the former president.

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Lindsey Graham says that he wants Donald Trump to run again in 2024, just a few days after the former president trashed him - Yahoo News

Five Ways Donald Trump Tried to Push a Coup – The Atlantic

Last year, John Eastman, whom CNN describes as an attorney working with Donald Trumps legal team, wrote a preposterous memo outlining how thenVice President Mike Pence could overturn the 2020 election by fiat or, failing that, throw the election to the House of Representatives, where Republicans could install Trump in office despite his loss to Joe Biden. The document, which was first reported by the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their new book, is a step-by-step plan to overthrow the government of the United States through a preposterous interpretation of legal procedure.

Pence apparently took the idea seriouslyso seriously, in fact, that, according to Woodward and Costa, former Vice President Dan Quayle had to talk him out of it. Prior to November, the possibility of Trump attempting a coup was seen as the deranged fever dream of crazed liberals. But as it turns out, Trump and his advisers had devised explicit plans for reversing Trumps loss. Republican leaders deliberately stoked election conspiracy theories they knew to be false, in order to lay a political pretext for invalidating the results. Now, more than 10 months after the election, the country knows of at least five ways in which Trump attempted to retain power despite his defeat.

Trump held early leads in vote counts in several statesnot because he was ever actually ahead but because of discrepancies between when states count mail-in ballots and Election Day ballots. This so-called blue shift was written about long in advance of Election Day, and was partially the result of Trumps own attacks on voting by mail. Nevertheless, Trump made this a key part of his election conspiracy theories (as many predicted he would), insisting that Democrats were somehow inserting fraudulent ballots into the vote count in the presidential election (something they apparently forgot to do in close House and Senate races, in which Democrats did worse than polls had anticipated). To help substantiate these falsehoods , the Trump campaign attempted to pressure secretaries of state to either not certify the results or find fraudulent ballots. In some states, spurred by the presidents fictions, pro-Trump mobs showed up at vote-counting sites and attempted to disrupt the proceedings.

Trump personally attempted to coerce state legislators to overturn election results in a few states that voted for Biden, on the dubious legal theory that such legislatures could simply ignore the results of the popular vote in their own states. In Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia, Trump publicly urged Republican-controlled statehouses to intervene to declare him the winner and tweeted, Hopefully the Courts and/or Legislatures will have the COURAGE to do what has to be done to maintain the integrity of our Elections, and the United States of America itself. As my colleague Barton Gellman reported last year, the Trump campaign discussed contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority.

David A. Graham: Trumps coup attempt didnt start on January 6

The embattled attorney general of Texas, Ken Paxton, filed an absurd lawsuit demanding that the Supreme Court void the election results in Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, four states Biden won. The large majority of the Republican delegation in Congress, as well as nearly 20 Republican state attorneys general, supported this attempt to get the conservative-controlled Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election results by fiat. The justices declined to crown Trumpbut the amount of support this bid received from Republican elected officials is itself alarming.

As part of this effort, we can include the baseless Kraken lawsuits, filled with conspiracy theories about vote changes. Trump attempted to coerce the Justice Department into providing him with a pretext to overturn the results, but his attorney general, Bill Barr, refused to do so. Had DOJ leadership acquiesced, it would have lent credibility to Trumps other corrupt schemes to reverse his loss. In a meeting with the acting attorney general, Jeffrey Rosen, according to contemporaneous notes taken by Rosens deputy, Trump said, Just say that the election was corrupt [and] leave the rest to me.

It is hard to pick the most ridiculous means of executing a coup, but insisting that the vice president has the power to unilaterally decide who won an election is up there. Trump publicly hounded Pence to reject the results prior to the traditionally ceremonial electoral-vote count in Congress, and Pence reportedly took that demand seriously enough to seek advice from Dan Quayle on the matter, asking if there were any grounds to pause the certification because of ongoing legal challenges, according to Costa and Woodward. That this got so far is profoundly disturbing, but even more disturbing is Eastmans memo, which shows that the Trump team had thought very deliberately about how this scheme would work.

According to the memo, Pence could refuse to certify the results in particular states, giving Trump more electoral votes than Biden, and Pence would declare Trump the victor. If Democrats objected (as surely they would), the vote would then go to the House. Because the Constitution gives one vote to each state in disputed presidential elections, and the Republicans were the majority in 26 of 50 state delegations, the Democratic House majority would be unable to prevent Republicans from throwing the election to Trump. The election-law expert Ned Foley writes that the scheme would likely not have prevailed, given the Democrats ability to prevent a joint session, but that seems almost beside the point, which is that a sitting president and vice president were considering how to keep themselves in power following an election they lost.

At the rally prior to the vote count in Congress, Trump urged the crowd to act, saying, If you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore. The explicit goal of the rally and subsequent riot was to pressure Congress, and Pence in particular, into overturning the election results. Trump told his followers, If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

This scheme didnt work on its own, but it certainly could have helped one of the others: Imagine if Pence had gone along with Eastmans absurd plan, and a mob had been present at the Capitol to help enforce the decision and menace lawmakers who tried to oppose itthen what? As it stands, the mob ransacked the Capitol and forced lawmakers to flee. Had the mob succeeded at reaching any actual legislators, the consequences could have been catastrophic.

Trump was impeached for his incitement of the January 6 mob, but Senate Republicans dutifully prevented him from being convicted and barred from holding office ever again.

Virginia Heffernan: Trumps campaign to overturn the election was inane

Those who attempted to subvert democracy have faced few political or legal consequences. As is typical, some rioters are facing prosecution while the elites who tried to overthrow the election through more bureaucratic or procedural means remain in good standing with their peers. The failure to impose accountability for an attempt to overthrow the constitutional order will encourage further such efforts.

Meanwhile, those rare Republicans who did stand up against this attempt to destroy American democracy are the only ones dealing with real political consequences from their party, facing primary challenges, being forced into retirement, or being stripped of their leadership positions. Republican officials who were unwilling to use their office to overturn the election results are seeing challenges from Trump devotees who will, should the opportunity arise again.

If Trump had succeeded, many of those downplaying the former presidents actions would today be rationalizing an American coup. No, you see, George Washington and James Madison intended for Donald Trump to be president for life. Read the Constitution.

At the core of these attempts is a dangerous ideologythe presumption that because Trump supporters represent Real Americans, the will of democratic majorities can be disregarded. This does not mean that the Republican Party is incapable of winning majorities, but that winning them is irrelevant to whether or not the partys Trumpist faithful believe they are entitled to wield power. Win or lose, their claim to be the sole authentic inheritors of the American tradition means they are the only ones who can legitimately govern and are therefore justified in seizing power by any means. This is the modern incarnation of an old ideology, one that has justified excluding certain groups of Americans from the suffrage on the basis that their participation is an affront to the political process.

American traditions of unfreedom always represent themselves as democracys protectors, rather than its undertakers, and this one is no different. If Biden were allowed to take office, Eastman insisted in a longer version of his memo, we will have ceased to be a self-governing people. The catastrophe is not only that Trump tried to overthrow an election. It is that so many Americans were cheering him on.

See the article here:
Five Ways Donald Trump Tried to Push a Coup - The Atlantic

Donald Trump said that he did ‘pretty much the opposite’ of what Dr. Fauci advised during the COVID-19 pandemic – Yahoo News

Former President Donald Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci, in April 2020. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump said he did "the opposite" of Dr. Anthony Fauci's advice during the pandemic.

Trump said he decided against firing Fauci because he would have "taken heat" for it.

Trump and Fauci have often criticized each other for their differing approaches to the pandemic.

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Former President Donald Trump said he did "pretty much the opposite" of what Dr. Anthony Fauci advised during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump made the comments in an interview on Friday with David Brody on Real America's Voice.

Brody asked the former president whether he regretted not firing Fauci, who is now Biden's Chief Medical Advisor and was formerly a lead member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Trump said that while he "got along" with the doctor, he ignored his advice during the pandemic.

"He was there for like 40 years or something. He was a part of the furniture. But if you think about it, I really did pretty much the opposite of whatever he said," Trump said.

"I actually got along with him, you know? I actually found him-he was a character. He'd say, 'Just call me Tony. Just call me Tony, sir.' And, you know, he's a better promoter than he is a doctor."

Trump said that he made his own decisions about handling the pandemic, which was often at odds with Fauci's advice.

"He didn't want to close our country to China. I did it immediately. I didn't even hesitate. And he said three months later that I saved thousands of lives by doing it. He didn't want to close our country to Europe, and I did it."

In the early days of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci said that restricting travel was "not a good idea at this time."

However, he was generally supportive of the Chinese travel restrictions that Trump later announced, according to Politifact.

During the interview, Trump also criticized Fauci for changing his stance on the importance of masks.

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"He also said masks don't mean anything. Then he became a radical masker," Trump said.

Fauci initially said masks were not useful in preventing the spread of the virus and then advised the general public not to buy them and cause a shortage for medical professionals, Politifact said.

In April, the Centers for Disease Control first recommended that people cover their faces in public.

Fauci previously remarked that Trump disliked masks because he saw them as a "sign of weakness." Unfortunately, many Americans followed his lead, he said.

Trump said in the interview that he decided not to fire Fauci as it was a no-win situation, and he would have "taken heat" no matter what he did.

"But I did what I wanted to do, and I made the correct decisions," Trump said.

Fauci said that the former president "very likely" cost American lives by spreading COVID-19 misinformation.

In the interview with Real America's Voice, Trump also claimed that there were no issues with vaccine hesitancy during his presidency and that everybody "wanted the vaccine."

"I think people just don't trust the Biden administration or Biden. Because since I left now, you have the mandate fight, and that's a big fight, by the way, and you have to allow people their freedom," he said.

"I took the vaccine," Trump said. "A lot of people took the vaccine, and it's been very effective."

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Donald Trump said that he did 'pretty much the opposite' of what Dr. Fauci advised during the COVID-19 pandemic - Yahoo News