Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trumps Odds of Staying Out of Prison Are Rapidly Dwindling – Vanity Fair

The last time we checked in on the legal comings and goings of Donald Trump, things were not looking so hot for the former president of the United States. In addition to being the defendant in no fewer than 29 lawsuits, per The Washington Post, he was the subject of numerous criminal investigations, including one in which attorneys had obtained access to his tax returnsdocuments that for some reason he spent the last four years fighting tooth and nail to keep secret. Now, two and half months after leaving the White House, have Trumps legal fortunes miraculously improved? In a word, no. In three words, hell fuck no. In 19 words, the 45th president of the United States should probably just resign himself to the prospect of going to prison.

On Wednesday The New York Times reported that the Manhattan District Attorneys office, which is investigating Trump for possible bank, tax, and insurance fraud, had subpoenaed the personal bank records of Allen Weisselberg, a significant escalation in its quest to flip the longtime Trump Organization chief financial officer. Weisselberg has kept Trumps books since the 80s and became CFO of the family business in 2000, once describing himself in a deposition as Trumps eyes and earsfrom an economic standpoint. Perhaps most crucially, Weisselberg has testified about Trump matters in the past, in exchange for personal protection; in 2018, he was granted federal immunity to provide information concerning the hush-money payments made to Stormy Daniels.

Per the Times:

In recent weeks, the prosecutors havetrained their focuson the executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, in what appears to be a determined effort to gain his cooperation. Mr. Weisselberg, who has not been accused of wrongdoing, has overseen the Trump Organizations finances for decades and may hold the key to any possible criminal case in New York against the former president and his family business. It is unclear whether Mr. Weisselberg would cooperate with the investigation and neither his lawyer, Mary E. Mulligan, nor [D.A. Cyrus] Vances office would comment. But if a review of his personal finances were to uncover possible wrongdoing, prosecutors could then use that information to press Mr. Weisselberg to guide them through the inner workings of the company.

Separately, the prosecutors are also seeking a new round of internal documents from the Trump Organization, including general ledgers from several of its more than two dozen properties that the company did not turn over last year, according to the people with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive details. The ledgers offer a line-by-line breakdown of each propertys financial situation, including daily receipts, checks, and revenues. The prosecutors could compare those details against the information the company provided to its lenders and local tax authorities to assess whether it fraudulently misled them.

In addition to the developments in the Manhattan D.A.s criminal probe, Trump was also sued on Tuesday by two Capitol Police officers who battled the angry mob he sicced on the Capitol building and are demanding damages for the physical and emotional injuries they suffered during the attack. In the federal lawsuit, officers James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby claim that for months Trump whipped his supporters into a frenzy over baseless election claims which culminated in the insurrection that left five people dead.

Per The Washington Post:

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Donald Trumps Odds of Staying Out of Prison Are Rapidly Dwindling - Vanity Fair

A Donald Trump Painting Is Coming to the National Portrait Gallery – Washingtonian

When the National Portrait Gallery reopens in the coming months, there will be a new face greeting visitors in the Americas Presidents gallery: that of Donald J. Trump. The permanent exhibit has a painting of every former commander-in-chief, so the inclusion of a Trump portrait isnt a surprise.

But that likeness wont be Trumps official portraitthe specially commissioned post-presidency paintings such as Kehinde Wileys blockbuster portrait of Barack Obama. A spokesperson for the museum says the Portrait Gallery is currently in talks with the Trumps about the early steps of that process; the entire commissioning and painting timeline can take as long as two years, as with the Obama likeness. After Obamas painting was unveiled in 2018 along with Amy Sheralds portrait of Michelle Obama, both drew gushing praise from art critics and long lines of selfie-takers.

Its worth pondering what the atmosphere will be like when the official Trump portrait does debut, whenever that may be. As with the Obama paintings, the museum plans to have an unveiling ceremony for the Trump family and invited guests. (The Obamas attended in person.) When the time comes, will throngs of MAGA art appreciators flock to the Portrait Gallery to take in the Trump visages? If so, the museum says they will be welcome.We are a non-partisan institution and understand that there are public opinions on both sides of the fence, National Portrait Gallery director Kim Sajet said in a statement to Washingtonian. As with all recent presidential commissions, we are unable to speculate as to how visitors will receive the portraits once completed. That is the beauty of portraiture: How it is received is always different for different people.

Theres no word yet on who might actually paint the portraits. One artist who seems unlikely to be on the short list: Julian Raven, the pro-Trump painter who sued the National Portrait Gallery after it rejected one of his massive paintings of the president. (The suit was later dismissed.) But Raven seems to have recently broken with the ex-president. After the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, Raven wrote a Facebook post calling on Trump to resign.

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Jane is a Chicago transplant who now calls Cleveland Park her home. Before joining Washingtonian, she wrote for Smithsonian Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times. She is a graduate of Northwestern University, where she studied journalism and opera.

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A Donald Trump Painting Is Coming to the National Portrait Gallery - Washingtonian

Democrat Jeffrey Turco, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, wins Massachusetts House special election to fill –

A Massachusetts attorney who served on Winthrops Town Council and School Committee won a special election Tuesday to fill the seat left vacant by the departure of former Democratic House Speaker Robert DeLeo.

Democrat Jeffrey Turco, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, won the low-turnout special election, according to unofficial results posted by the city of Revere. The district spans parts of Revere and Winthrop.

Turco told the Boston Herald that hed use his time on Beacon Hill to try to fill the gap in vocational education and put more resources toward helping those suffering from substance abuse and mental illness.

DeLeo, a Democrat from Winthrop, was first elected in 1991. He had been speaker for 12 years, taking over after the January 2009 resignation of former Democratic Speaker Salvatore DiMasi, who was later convicted of federal corruption charges including conspiracy, extortion and theft of honest services by fraud.

DeLeos 12 years as speaker was the longest in state history.

His longtime deputy, Ronald Mariano, succeeded him as speaker.

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Democrat Jeffrey Turco, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, wins Massachusetts House special election to fill -

James Blassingame and Sidney Hembys Lawsuit Against Donald Trump – The New York Times

Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 03/30/21 Page 9 of 40 25. As before, members of far right-wing hate groups appeared at the second Million MAGA March, and Trump followers clashed with D.C. police, at least eight of whom were injured. Four people were stabbed. The police made over thirty arrests including ten arrests for assault on a police officer, eleven arrests for simple assault, one arrest for assault with a deadly weapon, and two arrests for possession of a prohibited weapon. 26. Officials warned Trump that his incendiary rhetoric about the election could cause injury or death, but he persisted. On December 1, 2020, as Trump placed increasing pressure on Georgia election officials to overturn the state's results which favored Joe Biden, one official, Gabriel Sterling, gave a press conference in which he reported on death threats made to Georgia election workers, and addressed Trump, saying, Mr. President, you have not condemned these actions. ... This has to stop. ... Stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone is going to get shot, someone is going to get killed. And it's not right. Despite this, Trump never condemned the threats made against Georgia election officials, and four days before the January 6 insurrection, he implored Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger during a phone call to throw out enough lawfully cast votes to swing the election in his favor. 27. As his efforts with state officials and in the courts failed, Trump began to focus on January 6, 2021, the date Congress was set to count the state-certified election results. On December 19, 2020, Trump began promoting a January 6 rally to his followers: 9

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James Blassingame and Sidney Hembys Lawsuit Against Donald Trump - The New York Times

The Unlikely Team of Prosecutors Hunting Trump in Georgia – The Daily Beast

A sheriffs deputy who went to law school but remained a cop for another two decades. A prosecutor best known for tackling juvenile offenders. And the guy who literally wrote the book on racketeering cases against mafia goons.

This is the team Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is assembling to investigate Donald Trumpto go after his advisers and their attempts to manipulate election results in Georgia.

In interviews with Willis, her staff, five former members of the team, and several people who interacted with them, The Daily Beast has learned there are now two grand juries underway in Fulton County, and jurors in these secret proceedings will soon be asked to issue subpoenas demanding documents and recordings related to the Trump investigation.

I suspect that's in the very near future, Willis told The Daily Beast.

There are now two grand juries underway in Fulton County, and jurors will soon be asked to issue subpoenas demanding documents and recordings related to the Trump investigation.

Its practically unheard of for a regional prosecutor to target a former U.S. president. But this is Donald Trump. Manhattans district attorney and New York States attorney general have active investigations. And so does the DA of Fulton County, Georgia. The case in Georgia may be the strongest; theres a trove of evidencedocuments, phone calls, witnessesthat Trump personally interfered with and pressured elections officials in Atlanta as they recounted votes.

Trumps now infamous Jan. 2 call, in which he pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes, became public on Williss first day in office.

Three cases were referred to her office from the Office of the Secretary of State, she said. The monumental task of conducting this investigation has fallen on the DAs new anti-corruption team, once known as the public integrity unit. Its a small team that traditionally investigates police misconduct and corrupt local government officials. Willis decided to scrap and rebrand the team because of its troubled history, one that has repeatedly drawn rebuke in Atlanta. Over the decades, the team has proved incapable of handling its regular caseload, derailing careers by leaving accused cops stuck at desk assignmentsand forcing impatient families to wait years for basic answers.

With Trump, theyre now faced with the highest of high-profile potential defendantsone with enormous political backing and a legion of followers from whom he can instantly raise millions of dollars for his defense.

That checkered past is why attorneys, like Paul Kish, who have defended public officials targeted by previous iterations of that prosecution unit, had this to say: I think they're so far out of their league it's not even funny.

But its exactly why Willis, driven to run for DA partly by the frustration at the previous ones failure to clamp down on public corruption, quickly made good on her campaign promise to destroy the old version of the team. When first asked about the units past, Willis responded with a sharp one-line email: Public Integrity died on 12/31/2020.

She later told The Daily Beast that she removed all but one member of the previous team: the investigator Raymond Baez, who interviewed to keep his job and said he was deeply incensed at corrupt cops he encountered while growing up in Puerto Rico. It convinced Willis that he deserved to stay on. She even promoted him to assistant chief.

I thought he was a man of integrity, Willis said.

As for the other members of the team? A former cop, Sonya Allen is now the chief senior assistant district attorney. Allen worked at the nearby Cobb County Sheriffs Office for nearly 30 years, rising through the ranks on the narcotics and fugitive units and eventually reaching second highest rank in the department. What sold Willis on her: Allen was the cop who investigated how a man on trial for rape, Brian Nichols, escaped custody and killed the Fulton County Superior Court judge presiding over his case.

Brian Watkins, who was just named deputy of anti-corruption, started out as a prosecutor in the eastern part of the state. He tried fraud and murder cases before switching to private practice for more than a decade, when he defended public officials accused of crimes. He is the only member of the team currently listed on the DAs website. We researched him greatly. He didnt have any blemishes, Willis told us.

Meighan L. Vargas is a former prosecutor who has previously expressed how she loves solving the puzzles that trials present. She spent a few years at a boutique law firm in Atlanta before deciding to return to join this effort.

Another member of the new team is Shannon Trotty, who previously directed the DAs juvenile division. She has a history of showing restraint. When middle schoolers sickened their classmates in 2019 by lacing Valentines Day treats with THCthe main psychoactive ingredient in cannabisTrotty advised against charging them with a crime because no one could prove the students had knowledge and intent.

Willis also pulled a prosecutor from the complex trial division, Sau Chun Chan, who was just admitted to practice law in Georgia two years ago.

Im having to broaden the unit it never looked at election fraud before now, Willis said.

I think they're so far out of their league it's not even funny.

defense attorney Paul Kish

Willis has publicly acknowledged that she also hired John E. Floyd, a nationally-renowned expert on state RICO charges, who is expected to consult this team. Thats relevant, given that her office is looking into the potential use of racketeering charges against Trumps inner circle. Prosecutors would have to prove a pattern of corruptionthe same way they show that mafia bosses direct underlings. Their mission would be to show that Trump and his lieutenants conspired in a criminal enterprise to undermine a legitimate election.

Willis is looking to hire three more lawyers and one more investigator (a position that usually goes to former cops whose job it is to pair up with the prosecutor).

The unique nature of anti-corruption work necessitates hiring prosecutors who do a lot more detective work on their own, said Carranza Pryor, who worked on the previous public integrity team in 2016. Unlike other prosecutors, who typically get handed a police case file detailing homicide or sexual crimes with notes and interviews already conducted, anti-corruption work starts with the attorney.

There's more privacy, secrecy, and isolation because of the sensitivity of the work, Pryor said. There's a lot more time at your desk, a lot more research and review of documents and records. You have more of an opportunity to reflect, take a breath, and be more deliberate than other offices.

In the Trump case, prosecutors will start with damning audio recordings that have already been revealed by The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

Those who know Willis personally do not doubt her ability to handle this case.

She's a great prosecutor. She's a gifted trial attorney. And shes remained an active trial attorney, said Peter Odom, a former prosecutor who tried his first murder case alongside her in 2007.

Its really a leadership question. The biggest challenge to doing a case involving the president and the [Georgia] secretary of state is the glare of the spotlight. Really, it's just another case like any other. It's a conspiracy case. There's plenty of evidence. There's phone calls. Everything is public record. Proving the case is not hard. The hardest part is that the president has almost unlimited resources. He's going to hire the best attorneys. There's going to be a huge procedural battle. Every dotted i and crossed t in the indictment will be attacked.

And thats where this units past could come back to haunt it.

The birth of the public integrity unit was precipitated by failure. It all started when the District Attorney's Office received a case it wasn't able to handle. Michael Hightower, then a promising young Fulton County commissioner, had accepted nearly $25,000 in bribes for helping a businessman win government contracts. Then-DA Paul Howard had key evidence, but he realized his office just wasn't capable of pursuing this kind of basic public corruption case. So instead, he passed it along to federal prosecutors who got the politician convicted.

Howard started the specialized team the very next month, in July 2000, tasking them with investigating public officials and law enforcement. It was a celebrated move by Georgias first elected Black district attorney, as it promised more accountability for police officers who kill without justificationdecades before it became the national zeitgeist it is now.

To lead the team, he hired Stacey K. Hydrick, a prosecutor at the state Attorney General's office who had just taken down two state senators, Ralph Abernathy III and Diana Harvey Johnson. Hydrick immediately set her sights on corruption at the nearby DeKalb County Jail. Two guards were later nailed for taking bribes to let inmates get short vacations outside the facility.

Im having to broaden the unit it never looked at election fraud before now.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis

The public integrity unit was plagued with resource problems from the start. The DAs office, headquartered at the courthouse, was denied the $41,850 it had initially requested to lease an off-site office space so that the unit could be separated from the rest of the DAs office. The idea was to create space in order to further secure its independence as a government watchdog. And when Howard did finally manage to move the team, he placed them at a building across the streetat a sleek new development owned by a corrupt former Congressman. Inevitably, the public integrity unit found itself in the awkward position of investigating its own landlord.

It was not a good experience, and I ended up asking to be taken off the team, said Odom, who was on the team at the time and is now in private practice in Washington, D.C. I didn't feel the unit had anything to do with integrity. And there were certain aspects of the job that required me to do questionable things I wasn't willing to do.

The DA at the time gained a reputation as an indecisive micromanager who held back the team because he repeatedly demanded further investigation on cases that investigators considered clear-cut, according to several former prosecutors on that team. As time went by, the units case backlog grew. By the time Howard was forced out of office last year, there were nearly 125 public corruption cases sitting incomplete, according to the current DA. The unit had 43 pending cases of excessive force by police officers dating back years, and 41 of those had yet to be charged with any crime.

I think it was a lack of strength, if you really want to know the truth, Willis told the Beast. People would investigate and investigate til their wheels spin. And you have to have a lot of courage to make decisions in those cases.

Most past investigations against politicians ended with little fanfare. Former members of the team cited several instances where a person running for local office lied about their home address or a criminal record that would render them ineligible. Prosecutors would avoid trial and just get them to withdraw the paperwork. And no target was ever as powerful as ex-President Trump.

I don't think there's anyone comparable with what the team is faced with now, said Melissa Redmon, who led the team from 2013 to 2019 and left to direct the University of Georgia law schools prosecutorial justice program.

Odom, Redmon, and several other friends of the current district attorney said that she has her work cut out for her. She is simultaneously remaking an entire DAs office that was widely considered broken and ineffectivewhile pursuing what could be the most historic case ever to come out of that office.

Willis told the Beast that she is now utilizing two ongoing grand juries to clear the case backlog, and she has requested additional funding from Fulton County. The new anti-corruption team will be located at a separate office, across the street in the Fulton County Government Center where it has been for years. Behind a single keypad-locked door is a series of narrow halls lined with boxes, filing cabinets, and a windowless conference room, according to those who worked there.

But given the sensitivity of the high-stakes investigation into the powerful billionaire who until recently held the reigns of the federal government, Willis hinted that some extra security precautions have been taken.

Um some investigations occur in separate places. How about that? Willis said.

The new district attorney is also adamant that she will show more decisiveness than her predecessor, which will mean a more effective anti-corruption unit as it considers election fraud, racketeering, and false statement charges against Rudy Giuliani and other members of Team Trump.

My philosophy is just: Were going to call balls and strikes. And it is what it is, Willis said. Were just going to use the law and the facts. Im not going to worry about the politics of that. And I do understand what Im saying. If that means Im only the DA for one term thatll be what God has me do for these four years.

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The Unlikely Team of Prosecutors Hunting Trump in Georgia - The Daily Beast