Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Watch Donald Trumps Old Casino Be Blown to Smithereens, If Youre Into That Sort of Thing – Vanity Fair

Donald Trump spent the last four years committing numerous crimes big and small, the most serious one being his incitement of the violent mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6. Unfortunately, because of his inexplicable stranglehold on the Republican Party, hes gotten away with all of it. That has unsurprisingly left millions of people feeling variously disappointed, confused, and angry, with few ways to channel their feelings (aside from hoping hes hit with a never-ending tide of lawsuits and/or a prison sentence). Luckily, this week has fortuitously brought with it some much-needed catharsis, in the form of a Trump property being literally blown to smithereens.

On Wednesday morning, the derelict Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City was blown up before an audience of paying guests, after demolition crews placed approximately 3,000 sticks of dynamite around the structure to send its 34 stories crumbling to the ground. Its an end of a not-so-great era, Jennifer Owen, who bid $575 to win a front-row seat to the show, told The New York Times. If you werent able to make it down to A.C., dont worry, you can watch the implosion over and over and over again at your leisure:

Trump Plaza was one of a trio of casinos the ex-president owned before his gambling business went belly up and filed for bankruptcy, leaving, per The New York Times, a trail of unpaid contractors and suppliers. Opening day on May 14, 1984, reportedly involved malfunctioning slot machines and left two women injured when a faulty fire alarm caused a rush of gamblers trying to leave the building. In 2009, Trump resigned as chairman of the company, retaining just a 10% stake, and on September 16, 2014, the Plaza shuttered for good, closing out a run as the worst-performing casino in Atlantic City. After that, NJ Advance Media notes, the building sat vacant, sending pieces of debris flying onto the boardwalk every time noreasters traveled up the coast, which is clearly a metaphor for something. During his first State of the City in January 2020, Mayor Marty Small said it was his goal to tear Trump Plaza down, adding: Its an embarrassment, its blight on our skyline, and thats the biggest eyesore in town.

Trumps old casino wasnt the only thing getting the boot this week though. His Mar-a-Lago helipad is also in the process of getting the heave-ho. Per the Daily Mail:

Demolition crews have arrived at Mar-a-Lago to rip out Donald Trumps helipad after his exemption from Palm Beachs helicopter-free zone rule was revoked when he left office. Construction workers were seen at the former president's sprawling estate Tuesday with a red digger and concrete cutting equipment, demolishing the concrete helicopter landing pad set among the towering palm trees. Its removal, handled by contractor Pyramid Builders of Palm Beach, from the western lawn of the 17-acre property will cost in the region of $15,000, the permit shows.

Palm Beach does not allow helipads in its town but made an exception for Trump while he was president, on the condition it only be used for presidential business and be removed again when he left the White House. The town of Palm Beach issued a permit for the helipads demolition on February 2. Town Manager Kirk Blouin said there had never been any question that it would be removed as soon as Trump was no longer president, according to Palm Beach Daily News.

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Watch Donald Trumps Old Casino Be Blown to Smithereens, If Youre Into That Sort of Thing - Vanity Fair

Trump will be ‘busy’ with lawsuits for the rest of his life: Laurence Tribe – Yahoo Finance

House Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) the chair of the Committee on Homeland Security filed a lawsuit on Tuesday accusing former President Donald Trump of conspiring to incite the deadly attack on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol.

The filing marks the latest in a slew of lawsuits and probes that center on a range of allegations, including efforts to influence election officials in Georgia, defame women who accused him of sexual assault, and manipulate the value of his assets for tax and loan purposes.

In a new interview, Laurence Tribe one of the nation's top constitutional law scholars, who briefly served at the Justice Department during the Obama administration told Yahoo Finance that Trump faces a "a huge number of lawsuits" that will occupy his attention for the remainder of his life.

It remains unclear whether Trump will end up serving time in prison, Tribe says, predicting that no matter the outcome of litigation Trump will "gradually fade away," in part due to the grueling demands of his legal defense.

"He is fully subject to civil and criminal lawsuits both state and federal across the land," says Tribe, a professor emeritus of constitutional law at Harvard University Law School who taught there for more than 50 years.

"It's a panoply of charges," he adds. "So [Trump] is going to be busy defending himself from now until the end of his life."

The Senate on Saturday acquitted Trump of an impeachment charge that alleged he had incited the Jan. 6 attack, falling 10 votes short of the 67-vote threshold necessary for a conviction. But many of the Republican Senators who voted to acquit, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), said Trump could face charges in the criminal justice system for his actions.

The lawsuit filed by Thompson on Tuesday follows a criminal probe opened by prosecutors in Georgia last week over Trump's attempt to overturn the outcome of the election. Trump also faces defamation lawsuits filed by former Elle columnist E. Jean Carroll and former "Apprentice" contestant Summer Zervos, who allege Trump wrongfully described their sexual assault claims against him as false.

Story continues

Plus, Trump faces separate probes from New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance over alleged financial impropriety tied to his corporate and personal conduct. The investigation from James, which is civil and not criminal, focuses on whether Trump improperly inflated the values of his properties.

Meanwhile, Vance is pursuing a criminal probe into possible insurance, tax, and bank-related fraud into Trump's business dealings, The New York Times reported in December. Progressives have also been urging Joe Biden's Justice Department to investigate Trump, as well though the current president has expressed reluctance to prosecute his predecessor.

Still, Trump no longer enjoys immunity from criminal prosecution that may have been afforded to him while in office, Tribe said.

"The only immunity that a former president has is for actions that are within the outer perimeter of his official power," Tribe says, suggesting that such protection likely does not apply to any of the lawsuits or probes he currently faces.

Tribe spoke to Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer in an episode of Influencers with Andy Serwer, a weekly interview series with leaders in business, politics, and entertainment.

Over his career, Tribe argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court and wrote a number of books, most recently "To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment," which he co-authored with Georgetown University Law Professor Joshua Matz.

Tribe's list of former students includes top figures on both sides of the aisle: former President Barack Obama, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and House Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the lead House impeachment manager who made the case against Trump.

Speaking to Yahoo Finance, Tribe expressed uncertainty about whether Trump would ultimately face conviction or liability in any of the current or prospective lawsuits. But Tribe predicted that the series of legal actions would diminish Trump's prominence.

"There may be political decisions by the Justice Department to turn the page," Tribe says. "I do think in the court of history, he will be convicted."

"He himself will gradually fade away, whether in an orange jumpsuit or not," he adds.

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Trump will be 'busy' with lawsuits for the rest of his life: Laurence Tribe - Yahoo Finance

Lawsuits arrive for networks and lawyers who backed Donald Trump – The Economist

DURING HIS first campaign for the American presidency in 2016, Donald Trump said he wanted to open up our libel laws to make suing news outlets easier. Those plans did not materialise. But in the aftermath of Mr Trumps extraordinary challenges to his re-election loss and amid his second impeachment trial, defamation law is back in the headlines.

Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, both voting-technology companies, have sued or are gearing up to sue three right-wing cable news networks, some of their hosts and two of Mr Trumps lawyers for claiming their devices were used to steal the election for Joe Biden. Such claims are a central element of the false voter-fraud theory that fuelled the storming of the Capitol on January 6th, resulting in the deaths of five people. Dominion has launched a pair of $1.3bn lawsuits against Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, Mr Trumps legal adviserswith more to come. On February 4th Smartmatic filed its own 276-page suit against Fox and three of its commentators (Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro), as well as Mr Giuliani and Ms Powell, for $2.7bn.

Whether potentially defamatory statements are written (libel) or spoken (slander), the aggrieved party has to clear a high bar in America, where the constitutions First Amendment protects free speech and freedom of the press. In Britain defendants must usually show their utterances were true or amounted to fair comment. In America it is plaintiffs who have the burden of proof; they lose unless they can prove the defendants statements were false but presented as claims of fact. Establishing defamation also means showing the speaker was negligent and damaged the plaintiffs reputation.

Many defamation cases founder because the statements concerned turn out to be protected expressions of opinion or hyperbole rather than factual claims. Others fail because of uncertainty about the truth of the disputed statements. A prominent First Amendment lawyer who says he has a natural antipathy towards libel suits nevertheless thinks Dominion and Smartmatic have very strong cases because the claims in question are so clearly presented as factualand so clearly false.

The Smartmatic lawsuit cites dozens of allegedly defamatory statements. On November 13th Mr Giuliani said on Fox Business that Smartmatic was founded as a company to fix elections with technology that is extremely hackable. Two days later Ms Powell told Ms Bartiromo on Fox that her client won by not just hundreds of thousands...but by millions of votes that had been shifted to Mr Bidens column by Dominions and Smartmatics software which, she asserted, was designed to rig elections. She also suggested that Dominion had ties to Hugo Chvez, a Venezuelan dictator who died in 2013. On November 21st Mr Dobbs, host of the top-rated Fox Business show that was cancelled a day after Smartmatic filed its suit, said the companies had waged a cyber-attack on our election.

None of these allegations has been corroborated. But Dominion and Smartmatic say that, however baseless, the charges have severely damaged their reputations and are costing them business worldwide. Dominion says that Ms Powells claims are demonstrably false. The company was not created in Venezuela to rig elections for a now-deceased Venezuelan dictator but founded in Toronto for the purpose of creating a fully auditable paper-based vote system that would empower people with disabilities to vote independently on verifiable paper ballots.

The grandiose accusations against Smartmatic are particularly curious, because the company had no role in Americas recent election other than to assist with voting technology in Los Angeles Countywhere vote totals were never in dispute. The earth is round, Smartmatics complaint begins. The election was not stolen, rigged or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.

Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer representing E. Jean Carroll in a defamation case against the 45th president, believes the lawsuits are likely to overcome the usual hurdles. She thinks Smartmatics claims may be harder to pin on Ms Pirro and Ms Bartriromo, though, because they largely handed the microphone to guests who made the outlandish claims and were careful not to voice the accusations themselves. Mr Dobbs was less circumspect, so he and therefore Fox may be, in Ms Kaplans eyes, on the hook, along with Mr Giuliani and Ms Powell.

On February 8th Foxs lawyer, Paul Clement, who was solicitor-general under George W. Bush, filed a motion to dismiss Smartmatics suit. (Similar filings on behalf of the hosts came on February 12th.) The network and its hosts, Mr Clement argued, were simply covering a major news event. An attempt by a sitting president to challenge the result of an election, he wrote, is objectively newsworthy. If hosts merely allow guests to state claims, without amplifying the ideas in their own words, that is a powerful defence against defamation. But Mr Clements motion did not attempt to refute each allegation in Smartmatics complaint, perhaps because some statements can easily be defended while others cannotand Fox has legal exposure if any of its employees comments prove defamatory.

Another point of contention is whether the voting companies are public figures, about whom American defamation law enforces a more rigorous standard that would make their claims harder to sustain. If so judged, the companies must prove that Foxs hosts and Mr Trumps lawyers acted with what the law terms actual malice, meaning that they either knew the statements were false or the speakers showed reckless disregard for the truth, as opposed to simply negligence. Mr Clement argues Smartmatic is clearly a public figure and should have to clear the higher bar. Ms Kaplan disagrees: dragging an otherwise obscure company into a cable-news controversy does not transform it into even a limited-purpose public figure, she says, especially since it had such a minor role in the 2020 election. The Supreme Court has held that only individuals who have thrust themselves to the forefront of particular controversies count as limited-purpose public figures.

But even if a judge sees Smartmatic as a public figure, the company may have enough evidence to proceed against Fox. And it may have the strongest case against Mr Giuliani and Ms Powell, as Mr Clements motion seems to acknowledge: If those surrogates fabricated evidence or told lies with actual malice, then a defamation action may lie against them.

Mr Trumps lawyers may face the most legal jeopardy, but the networks seem aware of their own vulnerability, too. After Dominion and Smartmatic warned Newsmax they might sue, its anchors read canned disclaimers on air and cut off Mike Lindell, a prominent businessman who advised Mr Trump late in his presidency, as he repeated claims of election theft. We dont want to relitigate the allegations that youre making, Mike, said Bob Sellers, the anchor, during the chaotic exchange, before walking off the set in mid-interview.

OANN has been alternately confrontational and conciliatory as lawsuits develop. In December it responded to Dominions request to preserve documents for a possible legal action by demanding that Dominion preserve documents, too, so OANN could attempt to prove the company engaged in election fraud. But when the network aired a film by Mr Lindell repeating his allegations, it prefaced the broadcast with a lengthy disclaimer.

The First Amendment grants plenty of room for robust debate; plaintiffs seeking damages for defamatory statements face an appropriately steep climb. On the rare occasions when libel or slander claims stick, the defamed entity is typically the only compensated party. These voting-technology suits may offer a wider public benefit: curbing the spread of disinformation that destabilises democracy itself.

See the rest here:
Lawsuits arrive for networks and lawyers who backed Donald Trump - The Economist

Donald Trump breaks media silence with call to Fox following death of US conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh – ABC News

Donald Trump has paid tribute to conservative American radio commentator Rush Limbaugh, who has died at the age of 70.

Limbaugh's death came a year after he announced that he had lung cancer.

A leading voice of the American political right since the 1980s, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Mr Trump last year.

The former president called Fox News to thank Limbaugh for supporting his baseless campaign to overturn last year's US election results, saying he still believed he won November's election.

"Rush Limbaugh thought we won," Mr Trump said.

"And so do I by the way. I think we won substantially ... You would have had riots going all over the place if that happened to a Democrat. We don't have the same support at certain levels of the Republican system."

Mr Trump lauded Limbaugh as a "legend" with impeccable political instincts who "was fighting till the very end".

Former president George W Bush said Limbaugh "spoke his mind as a voice for millions of Americans".

Limbaugh pioneered the American media phenomenon of conservative talk radio and became an enthusiastic combatant in the US culture wars.

His appeal, and the success of his top-rated radio show, rose from his brash and colourful style, his delight in baiting liberals and Democrats and his promotion of conservative and Republican causes and politicians.

His radio show became nationally syndicated in 1988 and quickly built a large and committed following, making him wealthy in the process.

Mr Trump, who pursued right-wing populism during his four years in the White House, awarded Limbaugh the highest US civilian honour during his 2020 State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

Former first lady Melania Trump placed the Medal of Freedom around his neck after her husband lauded him as "a special man beloved by millions of Americans" and "the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet".

The honour came a day after the radio star announced his cancer diagnosis.

At the time Limbaugh said he planned to continue to do his program "as normally and as competently" as he could while he underwent treatment.

Limbaugh espoused an unflinchingly populist brand of conservatism during a daily show broadcast on more than 600 radio stations across the US.

Long before Mr Trump's rise in politics, he was pinning insulting names on his enemies and raging against the mainstream media, accusing it of feeding the public lies. He called Democrats and others on the left "communists", "wackos", "feminazis", "liberal extremists" and other slurs.

Railing against left-wing causes from global warming to healthcare reform, he helped shape the Republican Party's agenda in the media and mobilise its grassroots supporters.

When actor Michael J Fox, suffering from Parkinson's disease, appeared in a Democratic campaign commercial, Limbaugh mocked his tremors. When a Washington advocate for the homeless killed himself, he cracked jokes. As the AIDS epidemic raged in the 1980s, he made the dying a punchline. He called 12-year-old Chelsea Clinton a "dog".

He suggested that the Democrats' stand on reproductive rights would have led to the abortion of Jesus Christ. When a woman accused Duke University lacrosse players of rape, he derided her as a "ho", and when a Georgetown University law student supported expanded contraceptive coverage, he dismissed her as a "slut". When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, Limbaugh said flatly: "I hope he fails."

Limbaugh had experienced a variety of medical problems over the years, including a loss of hearing, reversed by a cochlear implant, as well as an addiction to prescription painkillers that landed him in rehab in 2003.


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Donald Trump breaks media silence with call to Fox following death of US conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh - ABC News

Opinion | The Disgraceful Acquittal of Donald Trump – The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re Senate Acquits Trump in Capitol Riot; 7 Republicans Join in Vote to Convict (front page, Feb. 14):

Forty-three Republican senators put their political party and their careers ahead of the nation and voted to acquit former President Donald J. Trump in his second impeachment trial. These senators have given a green light to future presidents to say and do whatever they wish on their way out the door, including trying to overturn an election through violence.

Although the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, gave an impassioned speech after the vote decrying Mr. Trumps actions, his assertion that he couldnt vote to convict Mr. Trump because he is out of office will give a get out of jail free card to future presidents.

This vote should haunt the Republican Party for a long time, and history will not treat it kindly. Lets hope that our democratic institutions survive this disgraceful acquittal.

Edwin AndrewsMalden, Mass.

To the Editor:

If Republican senators chose to acquit former President Donald Trump because they needed to save their political careers, even though they believed he was guilty as charged, that makes me very sad. However, if they voted to acquit because they did not believe he was guilty, that totally terrifies me. God save our democracy, for these senators most certainly will not.

Janice LillyBloomington, Ind.

To the Editor:

Question for senators voting to acquit former President Donald Trump: What would Mr. Trump have to have done for you to vote to convict him?

Richard RosenthalNew York

To the Editor:

For Mitch McConnell to publicly profess Donald Trumps guilt, while hiding behind his claim of the unconstitutionality of the impeachment trial, is hypocrisy par excellence from the master of hypocrisy. Mr. McConnell himself refused to call back the Senate to receive the article of impeachment while Mr. Trump was in office, thereby creating the very impediment to conviction he cites.

Given that the House voted to impeach on Jan. 13, and this trial took five days, there would have been time for the trial to reach its conclusion before the change of administration on Jan. 20.

Anne-Marie CornerPhiladelphia

To the Editor:

As I closely followed the impeachment trial of the former president, I was horrified watching an angry mobs brutality inflicted upon the Capitol Police. I was left wondering how these 43 Republicans who voted to acquit Donald Trump can walk through the doors of the Capitol, the scene of the crime, and look into the eyes of the Capitol Police and not feel ashamed. Ashamed that they valued Mr. Trumps base and lies above the lives of their protectors.

Susan FerioliMahwah, N.J.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump has gotten away with it, again.

How many more times will this man do something nefarious and walk away as though hes done nothing wrong? He has stiffed people on their fees, groped women, interfered with elections. Worst of all, he incited a rebellion against the United States. Every time, he walks away.

It is said that Mr. Trump may face legal actions from New York and other states for various other questionable actions. Will he walk away from those, too?

Marshall H. CossmanGrand Blanc, Mich.

To the Editor:

Republicans have cast their lot and made a statement that will haunt them forever. They have shown America that for them, party is more powerful than country, and they let a tyrant get off scot-free. They have learned nothing these last few weeks. A sad, sad day for democracy.

Peter SamtonNew York

To the Editor:

Like millions of other Republican voters, Im committing to vote out every elected G.O.P. official who in any way contributed to Donald Trumps two acquittals. He remains guilty. The evidence horrifically proved it. They knew it, yet they drank more Trump Kool-Aid; thus, they empower him still. God and the watching world forgive us!

We voters will unite to end his tyranny ourselves and throw out all these unconscionable enabling bums in every election hereafter!

A.M. ReedLawrence, Kan.

To the Editor:

I think the House impeachment managers made a mistake in not calling witnesses. Their closing arguments, like their arguments over all, were brilliant. But they had them on the run and they let them go. Im angry and frustrated, but Im also very proud of the impeachment managers and their noble fight (thats right, fight) against such overwhelming odds.

Jefferson ParsonAshland, Ore.

To the Editor:

There was only one question for senators to ask themselves when voting whether to convict: Would the mob have attacked the Capitol with the Congress sitting in session but for Donald Trumps lies that the election was stolen and his direction that they march on the Capitol?

Representative Liz Cheney answered that question in a statement last month: The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of their attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the president. The president could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not.

Mr. Trumps actions in the weeks following the election and on Jan. 6 were an abuse of power unlike anything we have ever seen. It was craven cowardice for Republicans to put Mr. Trump before country.

Mary Ann LynchCape Elizabeth, Maine

To the Editor:

As the Capitol was under attack, did Donald Trump say he loved our Capitol, our senators, our police force, our democracy, our Constitution and our Republic? Or did he say he loved those who beat our police with hockey sticks and flags and fire extinguishers? And loved those who shattered our Capitol windows, doors and monuments with ladders and shields and makeshift ramming devices?

And loved those who ransacked Senate desks and offices? And loved those who pledged, in service of Mr. Trump, to kill our vice president?

Remind me again exactly whom Mr. Trump said he loved.

Erin ScottBarnegat Light, N.J.

To the Editor:

On this Presidents Day weekend, how do we explain the outcome of the impeachment trial to our children and grandchildren. They and the whole world have been watching.

Judith Van HoornEl Cerrito, Calif.

Opinion | The Disgraceful Acquittal of Donald Trump - The New York Times