Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

How does Donald Trumps Covid care compare to the average 74-year-olds? – The Guardian

From getting a helicopter ride to a military hospital with a specialized suite to receiving experimental drugs made available to fewer than 10 people, Donald Trumps experience with Covid-19 has been very different from that of your average 74-year-old American with a serious illness.

The president ignored these disparities after returning to the hospital on Monday night and in a video from the White House Trump said of Covid-19: Dont be afraid of it.

Heres a look at how different the experience of catching Covid-19 is for the most powerful 74-year-old in the US compared with most of his fellow citizens:

First, there is the simple step of realizing someone has the illness.

Trump had access to regular testing, something most, if not all, 74-year-olds do not.

As a white male, Trump was less likely to test positive for the virus. Though testing rates are similar across racial and ethnic groups, Hispanic patients were more than two and a half times more likely to have a positive result and Black and Asian patients were nearly twice as likely to test positive compared with white patients, according to Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

This suggests people of color face increased barriers to testing which delay their ability to get a diagnosis until their condition is more serious.

People who test positive for Covid are usually told to monitor their symptoms at home, no matter what their age.

Trump was able to take a helicopter to a military hospital once he tested positive. And at his home, the White House, the president will be receiving an outstanding level of care from a team of well-equipped, dedicated medical staff.

He will have access to an at-home clinic with exam rooms and hospital equipment, including supplies to perform emergency lifesaving procedures. In an emergency, he can also turn to his fleet of helicopters to get him to the hospital in a few minutes.

Dr Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease physician at the Medical University of South Carolina, said: The president has access to the best specialists, the best medical care and really any medical countermeasure that he would ever want. That is not the medical care most people have in the United States, or in the world.

If a 74-year-old is admitted to the hospital, they could, like the president, have access to the antiviral drug remdesivir.

But unless they enroll in a clinical trial, they cant access the experimental antibody treatment Trump is receiving. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, which makes the antibody cocktail, said it had been made available to fewer than 10 people outside of a clinical trial.

After Trumps oxygen levels fell, he also received a steroid usually reserved for people in more severe stages of the illness. Trumps doctors have not clarified if he was given the steroid, dexamethasone, because his illness was more severe than they have described or for a different reason.

Trump is the only person in the world known to be taking that combination of medication treatments. And typically, people are not discharged from the hospital while taking an injectable, experimental drug. The fact that hes able to do that shows how different his care is compared to other people, Kuppalli said.

The president does not have to worry about the cost of his healthcare, even after paying $750 in taxes in 2017, because free health coverage is a perk of being the president.

The other 74-year-olds are mostly looking to the government health insurance for adults 65 and older, Medicare, to cover their costs. Those who arent covered by it either have employer-sponsored health insurance or are not eligible for it because they arent citizens or permanent residents.

After being admitted to the hospital, if a 74-year-old patient has basic Medicare, they would be subject first to the $1,408 deductible, the cost they have to pay before insurance kicks in. Most Medicare beneficiaries have additional coverage which reduces these costs, but 6.1 million people just have the basic package.

If someone with the basic package must stay in the hospital longer than the president, for more than 60 days, they must also pay $352 for each additional day in the hospital.

It is not entirely free for people with Medicare supplements. Add-ons to the program can cost older adults up to $461 in monthly premiums and what is covered depends on what supplement they have.

Like Trump, most 74-year-olds would not need to worry about the cost of treatments such as supplemental oxygen. Much of the other care he is receiving, however, would not be covered for most older adults.

Tricia Neuman, executive director of KFFs program on Medicare policy, said it would be highly unusual for Medicare to cover an air ambulance, experimental drugs like the Regeneron antibody cocktail or remdesivir if it was being administered at home (it should be covered in the hospital).

Medicare patients would, unlike the president, have to pay for the over-the-counter drugs he is taking including vitamin D, zinc, melatonin and aspirin.

Despite the unique level of care Trump has access to, at the end of the day, he is still a 74-year-old man, which puts him at high risk of suffering severe respiratory problems because of his Covid-19 infection.

People between 65 and 74 are also 90 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than people between 18 and 29, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The rates are worse for Black and Hispanic patients. Across age group and sociodemographic factors, they have twice as high a death rate as white patients, according to KFF.

Kuppalli said the presidents existing health vulnerabilities, along with his decision to withhold information about his symptoms, raise questions about his fitness for office.

Kuppalli said: This is somebody who could really have many challenges in the next few years as president, and his ability to execute his functions as president as result of the long-term symptoms of the disease.

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How does Donald Trumps Covid care compare to the average 74-year-olds? - The Guardian

This is a stunning and historic rebuke of Donald Trump’s presidency – CNN

In an editorial titled "Dying in a Leadership Vacuum," the editors of the Journal blasted President Donald Trump (although not by name) for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Here's the key bit:

"Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences. Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment. Reasonable people will certainly disagree about the many political positions taken by candidates. But truth is neither liberal nor conservative. When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent. We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs."

And, the New England Journal of Medicine isn't some fly-by-night organization. It was founded in 1812(!) by John Collins Warren, a doctor and an academic. It was the first medical journal published in New England. It has continued to be one of the most sought-after places for innovative and important medical research to be published. "Our mission is to publish the best research and information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice and to present this information in understandable, clinically useful formats that inform health care delivery and improve patient outcomes," reads the NEJM website.

So, when the editors of such a prestigious medical journal feel the need to break with their 200-plus year tradition of not weighing in on presidential politics, we need to pay attention. Especially when they conclude things like the Trump administration has "taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy" and "the magnitude of this failure is astonishing." (Worth noting: The editors never explicitly endorse former Vice President Joe Biden in their piece.)

To be clear: This editorial will not change most peoples' minds about the presidential election. For Trump backers, they will dismiss it as the work of a bunch of academic elitists who never liked Trump anyway. For Trump detractors, this editorial will simply be a(nother) data point in their case for why Trump should be voted out in 26 days' time.

This is a massive crisis. It has already cost us so much -- in terms of lives lost and jobs gone. Not to mention the psychological toll. And the impact on kids of learning virtually for months.

There is no question that Trump's slow response to the crisis, his administration's struggle to expand testing capacity, his advocacy of unproven treatments and his skepticism about mask-wearing have had a decidedly negative impact on how Americans have dealt with the pandemic.

That is not political. That is fact. And it's because of those facts that people and institutions that have never been political before -- like the New England Journal of medicine -- feel compelled to speak out about just how not normal this all is.

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This is a stunning and historic rebuke of Donald Trump's presidency - CNN

After Donald Trump’s deranged balcony address, we’re all gasping together – The Guardian

A rare moment of unity in the US election, as Donald Trump marked his return to the White House by gasping along with his detractors. On Monday night, the president puffed up the front staircase of his residence, his face coated in several more gallons of paint than the front elevation of the building. Dont let it dominate your lives, he panted of the virus, a bad case of which tends to dominate your death.

Yet there he was, this hideous kink in the arc of history, giving the most dangerous balcony performance since Michael Jackson had his baby crowdsurf off one. The American people are all Blanket now.

As for the optics, deranged balcony address is certainly a look but not one that tends to end well. How might this version turn out? Unfortunately, its not a question Trumps attention span equips him to answer. His reference points for the form are the occasional three minutes of historical documentaries hes forced to watch while searching his stomach-folds for the TV remote. It feels like he switches over to Fox News before discovering how a whole series of 20th-century balcony stories ended.

Still: dont call him Wussolini. He beat this illness which he still very much has like a man. One of the really manly ones, who takes all the best drugs and leaves everyone else exposed and misled and unprotected. Even so, early reactions to the gasping spectacle suggest the move could only have backfired more if Trump had ascended the front steps via a hastily installed stairlift carrying a pack of adult diapers.

Once hed wheezed through the unpleasantries, all that remained was to remove his mask and set about infecting any remaining staff yet to be exposed to his droplets. Think of Trump as the 83rd Airborne, parachuting his deadly particles deep into butlers respiratory systems. He wont give you a Purple Heart, but he might give you purple lungs.

Alas, its disappointing to find potential victims failing to feel grateful for the opportunity. One current secret service agent assigned to the first familys detail expressed frustration, telling CNN: Were not disposable. Two housekeeping staff have already tested positive for the virus. As the events of the past week show, the presidents respect for human life is so low that he is willing to send an entire army of servants into 14-day isolation or worse in order to keep up a steady stream of trans-fats being fed to him. Dying in the line of duty used to mean taking a bullet for the president; it could now involve taking him a Diet Coke. Thank you for your drinks service.

As for how Trump spent the rest of his evening, I assume it was straight on to the monstrous leaders WhatsApp to josh with the other bros about how they kill their underlings. RocketmanKim loves a firing squad, Vlad69s a huge chemicals guy, but Trump just clears his throat while being brought his fourth burger of the day. Boom! I cough on them like a bitch! When youre famous you can do that.

Face it, hes absolutely bossing the likes of Kim and Xi and MBS in the fantasy evildoer leagues. Its not that the other guys dont have lethal motorcades and abysmal interiors taste and balcony addresses and death cults and doctors who mislead the world. But doing them in a democracy well, that makes it triple points.

Speaking of physicians who really need to heal themselves, what a striking misinformation campaign its been from presidential medic Sean Conley, who has been continually obfuscating about Trumps condition since calling his symptoms mild, only for even the White House to contradict him. For me, thats the new low. Of course, we now expect the president of the United States to lie as default to tell us black is white, or up is down, or to claim he never said something hes on camera saying. But for a professional and senior doctor to mislead apparently without remorse shows how necrotic the body politic has become, from the very top down. The lying, the reality-denying is not a one-off case its the other epidemic.

In fact, its kind of amazing that conspiracy theorists have lined up so supportively behind Trump, when hes really the most convincing proof yet of all their worst fears. The Man really is lying to them, he really is wicked, and he really does want to kill them. The damning evidence is right there in front of everyone. Only, instead of begging Oliver Stone to make a film about it, they want to give Trump a second term.

Like me, you probably hate to see a conspiracist wimp out of their beliefs just when its coming up roses for them. Its as if the moon landing hoaxers were signing over their life savings to Nasa, or the flat Earthers booking a round-the-world ticket. So come on, guys back yourselves! After all, if not now, then when?

Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist

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After Donald Trump's deranged balcony address, we're all gasping together - The Guardian

CNNs Chris Cuomo Rips Donald Trumps Choreographed Return To White House: What A Bunch Of Bullsh*t – Deadline

Theres no love lost between CNN host Chris Cuomo and Donald Trump. That was crystal clear as Cuomo went on camera shortly after Trump returned from Walter Reed Medical Center.

After landing in Marine One, a COVID infected Trump walked up the stairs of the South Portico, removed his mask and looked out from the balcony defiantly for several minutes as official photographers snapped his photo and news cameras captured the scene.

Staffers could be seen behind him inside the building as Trump walked into the White House. He did not put his mask back on. But then Trump walked back out, stood for a few seconds and returued to his staffers, still without his mask.

CNNs White House reporter Kaitlyn Collins says the exit and re-entry was a reshoot, possibly for a campaign video, as photographers and videographers captured Trumps arrival before staffers.

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Over video of Trump standing on a White House balcony on Monday night Cuomo said sarcastically, There he is, hair blown majestically. Reshooting the scene for his own ad.

I hold rallies, Cuomo imagined Trump saying, and I tell you to ignore masks. Im going to rip mine off as I vanquish the virus because I am a leader!

Cuomo then retuned to reality and said plainly to the camera, What a bunch of bullsh*t.

He didnt just walk in the White House one time with no mask tonight, said Cuomo. He had his video crew capture that stupid scene again so he could put out propaganda.

Cuomo railed against the fact that Trump, who has seemingly already infected over a dozen White House staffers, was taking off his mask for the camera and then entering an enclosed space with other people who could become infected.

You want a metaphor, said Cuomo, Youve got a president who is a drunk driver who is pushing others to drive drunk. Thats what he is.

Do I want to see a drunk driver get hurt? Hell no. But I worry more about the people he hits, said the CNN host.

Trump later tweeted a video seemingly made made in the White House doorway saying of the virus, Dont let it dominate youYoure going to beat it!

Others pointed out that during his time on the balcony the president, who needed supplemental oxygen at least twice during his stay in the hospital, seemed to be gasping for air as he posed for photos.

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CNNs Chris Cuomo Rips Donald Trumps Choreographed Return To White House: What A Bunch Of Bullsh*t - Deadline

Trump Cleared to End Isolation Hours After Large White House Event – Voice of America

U.S. President Donald Trump held a large political campaign rally at the White House Saturday, his first public event since he tested positive for the coronavirus that has, according to Johns Hopkins University, claimed over 214,000 lives in the United States.

Hours later, the presidents physician, Dr. Sean Conley, released a statement saying the president is no longer a risk of transmitting the virus to others, according to the results of a COVID test taken Saturday morning. By U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards, Conleys statement said, the president could safely stop isolating from others.

The rally marked the resumption of public campaign activities for Trump, who was hospitalized for three nights for treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

As questions lingered about his health, Trump spoke from a balcony without wearing a mask, telling a crowd largely made up of Black and Latino people, who have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus, there are a lot of flareups, but its going to disappear.

He said, without evidence, a vaccine is coming very, very quickly in record time.

All attendees were required to wear masks to what was billed as a peaceful protest for law and order White House event. They were urged to practice social distancing and were given temperature checks and asked to complete a brief questionnaire. The Associated Press reported that most in the crowd that gathered for his speech wore masks, but there was little social distancing.

The presidents last public event, the announcement of his Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, took place Sept. 26 in the Rose Garden and was attended by more than 200 people, most of whom didnt wear a face mask. It has since been described as a coronavirus super spreader an event that is linked to a large number of new infections. After the Rose Garden event, more than two dozen people were reported to have contracted COVID-19, including Trump, first lady Melania Trump and several aides.

The law and order event was announced as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. governments top infectious-disease expert, warned the White House to avoid large gatherings of people without masks.

Trumps doctors said the president began experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 on Oct. 1. Trumps White House physician, Conley a commander in the U.S. Navy, said in a statement Thursday that Trumps condition remained stable and devoid of any indication to suggest progression of the illness, and that Trump could safely resume holding events Saturday.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have recovered from the infection continue to wear masks and take social distancing precautions. Trump, who received experimental treatments for the coronavirus while hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, has been inconsistent in wearing masks during the pandemic.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will take his campaign to Erie, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the first presidential candidate to visit the city since Trump in 2016.

The Erie County Democratic Party said Biden will meet with business owners, members of organized labor and other community members. The party said Bidens visit will not be a major public event due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis in the U.S.

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Trump Cleared to End Isolation Hours After Large White House Event - Voice of America