Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

In the Coronavirus, Donald Trump Has Met His Matcha Reality That Won’t Budge to Alternative Facts – Mother Jones

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If your morning (or late night) was anything like mine, it was consumed with speculation about what it means that the president has tested positive for coronavirus. Thats a natural impulse, and cable hosts and social media pundits will continue obsessing over the tiniest clues from a White House that has consistently revealed too little, too late.

But what has stuck with me this morning is the point my colleague David Corns makes herethat were dealing with two diseases: Coronavirus, and disinformation.

One of the best weapons to deploy against a killer virus is accurate informationthat is, the truth, David writes. If the public is fully and well informed about the dangers and the best counter-measures, the better the chances this threat can be arrested. Instead, the president is one of the worlds leading disinformation agents. And given that Trump has demonstrated he will do practically anything to win reelectionbelittle a pandemic, appeal to racism, encourage confrontation and possible violence, make false charges of voting fraud, use Russian disinformation, debase the discourse, place his own supporters at risk, and crassly exploit the White House and US government agenciesthere is no reason to expect he will be honest with the voters about any aspect of the White House coronavirus crisis.

David is rightand one of the grimmest aspects of this moment is that the victims of Trumps denialism, already numbering in the millions, now include the president himself. In the coronavirus, Donald Trump has met his matcha reality that wont budge to alternative facts. The virus isnt susceptible to bullying, lying, or gaslighting, instead it thrives on all of these. You can call public health policy a hoax and masks oppressive, you can muzzle the scientists and rhapsodize about how it goes away. The virus doesnt care.

The president hasnt had a lot of experiences like that. His enablers and his own narcissism have always worked to create a bubble of self-serving fictions for him, a bubble rarely pierced by reality. In Trumps alternate universe, the pandemic is under control, and the biggest threat to Americans were antifa super-soldiers and low-income housing marring the lives of suburban housewives. In that world, only one thing is consistent: Whatever the problem, only Donald Trump can solve it.

But the virus doesnt care. And every once in a while, weve seen Trump catch a glimpse of that. Thats the voice you hear on the Bob Woodward tapes: The germaphobe president riffing about how you dont have to touch things, but the air? You just breathe the air, thats how its passed, and so thats a very tricky one.

Those words have a grim resonance now. Trump has not shown compassion for the hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by a pandemic he could have done much to thwart. But that doesnt mean compassion must be denied him. As he battles the illness, we can wish him a speedy recovery. But we can also not forget the lethal consequences of his actions for so many others who have not had access to the kind of care he will receive.

Theres one thing you can count on at this confusing moment: Mother Jones journalists like David will be on the job, unfazed by the chaos of the headlines, focused on cutting through the fog of disinformation. Well keep you posted as we can. Meanwhile, please, please, stay safe and well.

See the article here:
In the Coronavirus, Donald Trump Has Met His Matcha Reality That Won't Budge to Alternative Facts - Mother Jones

Donald Trump 2016 calls BS on Donald Trump 2020 – The Arizona Republic

Opinion: To divert attention from his inept pandemic response, Trump has reverted to his 2016 rhetoric. Call him on it.

President Donald Trump(Photo: Susan Walsh, AP)

This is Donald Trump speaking at the Republican National Conventionfour years ago.

He said, Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.

He continued, I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.

So, what happened?

That sounds exactly like Donald Trump speaking in 2020. What happened to safety being restored beginning January 20th 2017?

Because instead of fixing the problem, Trump appears to have made it worse.

On purpose.

Not long ago, Trump said, Im the only thing standing between the American dream and total anarchy, madness and chaos.


If thats true, after four years in office, it's an admission of failure.

Unless, of course, all that talk about madness and chaos isnothing but campaign rhetoric meant to divert attention from Trumps bungled pandemic policy that has seen six million Americans infected and more than 180,000 killed.

And counting.

Trump has no interest in calming any of the recent civic unrest. Hes not trying to prevent madness and chaos. Hes trying to create it. He believes he needs it to win the election. He is, as Rolling Stone called him recently, the no lives matter president.

Trump wants trouble. He wants chaos. Anything to change the subject from his failed pandemic response.

Its why he does things like retweet images and make statements thatessentially to applaud his supporters for shooting paintballs and pepper spray at demonstrators in Portland.

He's willing to putlives in danger.

Trump has a new ad campaign purporting to show what Joe Bidens America will look like. What the ads dont say, of course, is that all of images are taken from demonstrations happening in Donald Trumps America. The hate speech, the support for white supremacists, the violent rhetoric, they are on Trump.

He wants to scare you into voting for him.

Its the exact same campaign he ran four years ago, and since some of you fell for it hes trying it again.

But this time Trump is the one with the record. Hes had four yearsin office. You dont have to imagine Trumps America. Were living it. And if you compare what Trump said in 2016 to what hes saying now you can draw only one of two conclusions.

Either he failed. Or hes lying.

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Donald Trump 2016 calls BS on Donald Trump 2020 - The Arizona Republic

Kid Rock will join Donald Trump Jr. for Trump rally in Michigan – USA TODAY

Detroit Free Press Published 9:26 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2020

Kid Rock and Loretta Lynn had a "hillbilly soiree," according to Lynn's granddaughter. USA TODAY

Kid Rock will join Donald Trump Jr. in an event to promote the president's reelection campaign Monday.

The two will also be joined by Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump Jr.'s girlfriend who serves as President Donald Trump's senior adviser.

The event will take place at Bumpers Landing Boat Club in Harrison Township at 7 p.m. This will be the second campaign event forTrump in Michigan in a week.

This isn't the first time the Detroit rocker has publicly gotten political. A vocal Trump supporter, Kid Rockhas expressed support for the president in the past, posting a photo next to Trump on a golf course.

Donald Trump Jr., and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle arrive before President Donald Trump speaks from the South Lawn of the White House on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)(Photo: Evan Vucci, Associated Press)

In June 2019, he described the president as "down-to-earth and cool," while reflecting onhis "awesome"round of golf with Trump at theDetroit Golf Clubin March,where they talked politics among "everything else."

"I always thought Obama was cool as (expletive). I didn't like his politics, but I'm like: That's one cool (expletive). You kind of have to be for president," Rock said. "Trump was just off the map, I have to say. And that's politics aside," he said in June.

'Down-to-earth and cool': Kid Rock talks golfing with President Trump

Trump campaign: Neil Young posts lawsuit against Trump campaign over song use at political events

That same year, he received backlash on social media for insulting Taylor Swift in August, writing that she "wants to be a democrat (sic) because she wants to be in movies."

"And it looks like she will suck the door knob off Hollyweird to get there. Oldest move in the book. Good luck girl," he continued.

Celebrities such as Chrissy Teigen and Patricia Arquette responded to the "All Summer Long" singer's tweet, with the former calling him "pathetic."

Music: Trump, flanked by Kid Rock, signs landmark Music Modernization Act into law

'Stop playing my song': Panic! at the Disco's Brendon Urie criticizes Trump for using 'High Hopes' at rally

Contributing:SaraMoniuszko, Brian McCollum


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Kid Rock will join Donald Trump Jr. for Trump rally in Michigan - USA TODAY

Kenosha Is a Test Of Donald Trump’s ‘Law-and-Order’ Message. It Doesn’t Seem to Be Working. – TIME

Rolando Morales is the kind of voter that President Donald Trump is desperate to win. A 41-year-old stay-at-home dad in Racine, Wis., Morales voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and his wife and her family are solid Democrats. But hes alarmed by the violence that erupted in nearby Kenosha after police shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back on Aug. 23.

Before Kenosha, I would have said I would never vote for Trump, says Morales, gripping a sandwich outside a Jimmy Johns. Now, its like: Maybe. I saw the city get burned down.

In the aftermath, Trump visited the city to pose in front of burned buildings, denouncing the anti-police and anti-American riots. But his true audience was not necessarily the people of Kenosha: it was the white suburban voters who could make or break his chances at re-election.

A peaceful gathering early Tuesday near the site where Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha, Wis., on Sept. 1, 2020.

Patience Zalanga for TIME

Trump won the presidency in large part due to his success in suburban battlegrounds. In 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney fought to a near-draw across suburban areas; in 2016, Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the suburbs by 5 points. But since then, Trumps support among suburban voters has dipped. In the 2018 midterms, Democrats made huge inroads in the suburbs, winning districts in red states like Kansas and Oklahoma. According to a New York Times/Siena poll in June, Biden led Trump by 16 points in the suburbs, especially among voters with a four-year college degree. Whether or not the President gets a second term hinges on winning these voters back.

This fall, its entirely possible that a surge in Democratic votes in suburban Wisconsin tips the state and the Electoral College, says Ben Wikler, chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party.

Which is why the Trump campaign is doing everything it can to scare suburban voters into sticking with him. In recent weeks the dominant theme of his campaign has been stoking fear of unrest and promising law & order to anxious white suburbanites. The Republican National Convention highlighted the story of a white St. Louis couple who pointed their guns at Black Lives Matter protesters passing by their home. In one tweet directed at the Suburban Housewives of America, Trump said Biden will destroy your neighborhood and your American dream; I will protect it! In case the message wasnt clear, his campaign sent out a text yesterday that read: ANTIFA THUGS WILL RUIN THE SUBURBS!

Protestors clash outside a county courthouse after the President departs Kenosha, Wis., on Sept. 1, 2020.

Patience Zalanga for TIME

Kenosha County is a case study of whether this message can work. Its full of suburbs and exurbs surrounding the main city, Kenosha, that was blighted after Blakes shooting. Most of the windows downtown are boarded up and tagged with murals and graffiti, and the smell of smoke from burned buildings still hung in the air days after the violence subsided. The county went for Obama by 12 points in 2012 before Trump erased that deficit and barely eked out a win there in 2016; two years later, Democratic Governor Tony Evers won it by 4 points.

So is Trumps strategy working? Polls paint a murky picture, and it varies by state. Take Pennsylvania: One Monmouth poll in early September showed the race tightening in Trumps favor in swing and suburban districts in Pennsylvania, while a recent NBC/Marist poll showed Biden leading Trump by nearly 20 points among suburban voters there. A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 80% of Americans were very or somewhat concerned with the protests, but not in a way that benefited the President: 55% said that Trumps comments about the protests had made the situation worse, while 59% said Biden would do a better job handling the protests and 56% said Biden would do a better job keeping me and my family safe.

And on the ground, Trumps bet on fear-mongering seems to have met limited success. In dozens of interviews in Kenosha and its surrounding suburbs in recent days, nearly every voter I spoke with agreed that the violent protests were unacceptable. Yet many suburban voters blamed Trump for inciting racial conflict.

Boarded-up windows on businesses let patrons know they are still open in Kenosha, Wis., on Sept. 2, 2020.

Patience Zalanga for TIME

People here might be concerned about law and order, but they dont want a President whos stoking the fire; they dont want him to pour on kerosene, says Charlie Sykes, a longtime conservative radio host in Wisconsin and an anti-Trump Republican who is now editor-at-large of The Bulwark. These really crude race based-appeals just dont seem like theyre gonna resonate among suburban Wisconsin voters this year.

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Meanwhile, Bidens denunciation of the violence and his refusal to adopt Black Lives Matters demands to defund the police have made it harder to paint him as soft on crime. Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting, he said in an August 31 speech in the aftermath of Blakes shooting, before adding: Do I look to you like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? (The Trump campaign has to get its story straight: before they were attacking Biden as soft on crime, they were attacking him as too tough on crime, slamming him as the architect of mass incarceration.)

But like nearly everything in Trumps America, both Democrats and Republicans in Kenosha and the surrounding areas saw what they wanted to see in the shooting of Blake and the subsequent racial-justice protests. For Trump supporters, it reinforced the need for law and order; for Biden supporters, the need for new policing policy and national healing. Trump thought it would terrify white voters into coming back to his base; Biden thought it was inspire suburban voters to embrace his message of unity. It turned out to be just another Rorschach test for a tribal nation.

A young boy gets his haircut at the community gathering hosted by Jacob Blakes family in Kenosha, Wis., on Sept. 1, 2020.

Patience Zalanga for TIME

Supporters of the President said they credited him with ending the violence and voiced skepticism of the Black Lives Matter movement. Why should Black lives matter any more than anybody elses? says JoAnn Clickner, 85, a Trump supporter in nearby Racine. Miss Black America and Black this and Black thatjust obey the law and do what youre supposed to do. Clickner says she supports the President because we need a leader, a ruler who can handle things.

Mayhem and anarchy has been going on, says Rhonda Dutton, a 61-year old retired carpenter who supports the President. Its very upsetting to see our town be destroyed for something that could have been easily avoided if you had just obeyed commands.

But dismay at the damage done by protesters doesnt necessarily translate into support for Trump. I cried when I walked through downtown. I think the President is inciting a lot of this racist talk, says Carole Mills, 75, a retired teacher, on her way out of a Dollar Tree in Kenosha. Theres a lot of people who dont like either one, but theyd prefer Biden over Trump.

A street vendor selling T-shirts observes a crowd of protesters marching near the county courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Sept. 1, 2020.

Patience Zalanga for TIME

The destruction of our beautiful old buildings has been disheartening, adds Toni Detert, 63, a retired retail manager in Kenosha. Still, she says, Trumps visit was a political ploy, and she plans to vote for Biden.

In fact, Rolando Morales appeared to be a rare specimen in these parts: the unlikely voter whose views may have been swayed by the events of the last few weeks. In more than 50 interviews, he was one of the only people who said he was considering changing his vote because of the events in Kenosha. The only thing about Trump thats positive is law and order. We need more of that, he says.

Yet when pressed, it seemed like Morales was starting to make up his mind. Morales says he wants a President whos gonna pull humanity together. In the end, he says, Biden will probably get his vote.

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Write to Charlotte Alter at

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Kenosha Is a Test Of Donald Trump's 'Law-and-Order' Message. It Doesn't Seem to Be Working. - TIME

Trump Health Aide Falsely Alleges Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt – The New York Times

I dont like being alone in Washington, he said, describing shadows on the ceiling in my apartment, there alone, shadows are so long. He then ran through a series of conspiracy theories, culminating in a prediction that Mr. Trump will win re-election but his Democratic opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr., will refuse to concede.

And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin, he said. The drills that youve seen are nothing. He added: If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because its going to be hard to get.

Mr. Caputos installation at the agency was a White House move to assert greater control over Alex M. Azar II, who has been Mr. Trumps secretary of health and human services since 2018. His job is to coordinate the messaging of an 80,000-person department that functions as the center of the American public health bureaucracy and includes the Food and Drug Administration, the C.D.C. and the National Institutes of Health, which lead the governments pandemic response.

Mr. Caputo boasted in his Facebook talk that the president had personally put him in charge of a $250 million public service advertising campaign intended to help America to get back to normal.

Despite the criticism of his teams interference with C.D.C., Mr. Caputo said he expected to remain in his post because Mr. Trump supported him. Im not going anywhere, he said. I swear to God, as God is my witness, I am not stopping.

His Facebook presentation comes as Mr. Trump has increasingly singled out federal government scientists as targets, complaining without evidence that they were deliberately trying to subvert his administrations efforts to fight the pandemic for their own political reasons.

Mr. Caputo echoed those sentiments, saying scientists deep in the bowels of the C.D.C. have given up science and become political animals.

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Trump Health Aide Falsely Alleges Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt - The New York Times