Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Chance the Rapper: ‘I have a bigger voice than Donald Trump’ – Chicago Tribune

John Lennon famously provoked outrage across the Bible belt in 1966 when he made his widely misunderstood claim that The Beatles were "more popular than Jesus."

Now Chicago's own Chance the Rapper says he has "a bigger voice than Donald Trump" and he wasn't talking about the president's singing chops.

"I just have a larger platform than all politicians," the artist born Chancelor Bennett told the NPR podcast "What's Good with Stretch & Bobbito."

"I have a bigger voice than Donald Trump, you know what I'm saying? Than literally anybody that works in politics. So yes I can connect with people on a level of appealing as a person who is a citizen, who still does, you know, what he wants."

Beloved though he may be, Chance's math is a little off, at least when it comes to online clout. The president has 35 million Twitter followers, while Chance has 5 million.

Still, Chance, whose father, Ken Bennett, once worked as a deputy chief of staff for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, sounded a little more like Trump than he may have intended, when he added, "I have ideas for how to voice opinions and make change that other people just don't have."

Trump did not respond Wednesday.

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Continued here:
Chance the Rapper: 'I have a bigger voice than Donald Trump' - Chicago Tribune

Donald Trump’s Childhood Home In Queens Is On Airbnb For $725 A Night – HuffPost

President Donald Trumps old childhood home in Jamaica Estates, Queens is now listed on Airbnbfor a mere $725 a night. Considering Trump reportedly called the White House a real dump,maybe hed like to check it out.

The listing says the home can fit up to 20 guests, as it has five bedrooms, 3 and a half bathrooms and a whopping 17 beds.

Not much has been changed since the Trumps lived here, the kitchen is original and the opulent furnishings represent the style and affluence in which the Trumps would have lived, reads the description of the home. This is a unique and special opportunity to stay in the home of a sitting president.


According to The New York Times, the house was built in 1940 by Trumps father, Fred C. Trump, and the president lived there until he was 4 years old.

The Airbnb listing makes it clear the house is not affiliated with the White House, President Trump or the Trump organization, but Trump still has a big presence in the house.

There is a giant cut out of Donald in the Living Room, he is a great companion for watching Fox News late into the night, the owner noted in the listings description.There is also a print and a few framed photos of Trump scattered throughout the house.




Airbnb verified the listing to HuffPost.According to Newsweek, the listing was also verified by Misha Hagani, principal of Paramount Realty USA, who sold the house to an anonymous buyer for $2.14 million in March.

The operator of the Airbnb listing is someone I know and they contacted me to tell me that this is what their plan is, Hagani said.

Shannon Stapleton / Reuters

Head over to Airbnb to check out the rest of the listing.

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Donald Trump's Childhood Home In Queens Is On Airbnb For $725 A Night - HuffPost

Trump hits new polling low as base shrinks – Politico

President Donald Trump says his base of support is bigger and stronger than ever before. But his claim is contradicted by a steady stream of recent polling showing that the share of Americans who approve of Trumps job performance is shrinking, along with the share of Americans most enthusiastic about his presidency.

However you measure the presidents base, it has diminished, not increased, in the seven months hes been in office. Its a slide hell need to reverse to avoid dragging down the GOP in the midterms and to have a more credible shot at reelection.

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A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows Trumps approval rating slipping to the lowest point of his young presidency. While hes confounded the polls before, its the trendline that should be most worrisome to the White House.

Only 40 percent of registered voters approve of the job Trump is doing as president, the new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows, down from a high-water mark of 52 percent in March. And the percentage who approve strongly one way to measure the size of Trumps most fervent supporters is also at a new low: just 18 percent.

That fits with other surveys conducted over the past few weeks, all of which show Trump at or near the low-water marks for each pollster. And there is evidence Trumps backslide has eroded some of his electoral base: The president has lost ground with Republicans and the independent voters that propelled him to victory.

Trumps approval rating among self-identified Trump voters is at 81 percent, down from 86 percent last week. And among Republican voters in the new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, the president is at 76 percent, down slightly from 79 percent last week.

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A closer look at those Trump voters who approve of the presidents job performance shows that the Trump base isnt even closer together, as the president said on Twitter this week. Among Trump voters who approve of his job performance, they are equally divided between those who approve strongly, and those who approve only somewhat.

Overall, just 41 percent of voters who say they supported Trump last year strongly approve of the job he is doing, equal to the 41 percent who approve only somewhat. Ten percent of Trump voters disapprove of his job performance somewhat, while 7 percent strongly disapprove.

"Unabated by the turbulence of the last six months, there remains a core base of ardent Trump supporters," said Morning Consult co-founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "However, that base has unquestionably declined since the president took office. In late January, 56 percent of Trump voters strongly approved of the president, and just 1 percent disapproved. Today, 41 percent strongly approve, and 17 percent disapprove."

Trump isnt bringing converts into his base, either, the poll shows. Among voters who say they backed Hillary Clinton last year, more than 3 in 4, 78 percent, strongly disapprove of Trump. Only 8 percent of Clinton voters even somewhat approve of Trump.

The new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll was conducted Aug. 3-6, surveying 1,992 registered voters. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points.

The ongoing contraction of Trumps base has accelerated over the past month. Those trends show Trumps approval rating has fallen because certain segments of Republicans and independents have soured on him.

In a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll a month ago, Trumps overall approval rating (46 percent) and strongly approve rating (24 percent) were about 6 points higher than in the current survey. But over the past month, Trump has lost 7 points in strong approval among Republicans and 6 points among independents, compared to just 1 point among Democrats. Trumps strong approve number has dropped 8 points among voters who said they supported him in the 2016 election, from 49 percent to 41 percent.

Its not only the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that shows Trump fading during his first summer in office. Separate surveys from CNN (38 percent approval), CBS News (36 percent), Gallup (37 percent), Quinnipiac University (33 percent), Investors Business Daily/TIPP (32 percent) and Rasmussen Reports (41 percent) show Trumps approval ratings either at or within a few percentage points of his low-water marks.

And in each of them, there are warning signs about the size and enthusiasm of Trumps base. In the CNN poll which was conducted by SSRS, the networks new polling partner the percentage of Americans who strongly approve of Trump contracted to 24 percent, compared to 30 percent and 33 percent in CNN/ORC polls in early March and early February, respectively. In the Quinnipiac poll, Trumps strong approval number contracted from 28 percent in late June to 23 percent now.

The Investor's Business Daily/TIPP poll notes that Trump has lost significant ground with core groups over the past month. Trumps approval rating is down 12 percentage points since July among Republicans, even as it was relatively unchanged from already-low records among Democrats and Republicans. Trumps decline in the Midwest (minus-7 points) is larger than the overall 5-point drop in his approval, as was his 7-point dip among white men.

In the CBS News poll, there are signs it could be difficult for Trump to recover, even as he touts continued economic growth in his first six months in office. Asked to choose which is more important in evaluating Trump the culture and values that you believe in or your economic and financial well-being 48 percent say culture and values, while only 37 percent say their economic and financial well-being is more important.

The presidents response to these surveys so far suggests he doesnt believe them and hes sought to discredit the results among the public.

After 200 days, rarely has any Administration achieved what we have achieved..not even close! Trump tweeted Tuesday afternoon, adding in a second sentence, Don't believe the Fake News Suppression Polls!

Earlier in the week also on Twitter Trump cited recent campaign rallies in [Pennsylvania], Iowa, Ohio and West Virginia as evidence that his supporters were still with him.

The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs ... Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & so much more have driven the Trump base even closer together, Trump tweeted. Will never change!

But inside Trumps own White House, there does seem to be some acknowledgment of the presidents falling poll numbers, even if the chief executive insists that they are fake.

His approval rating among Republicans and conservative[s] and Trump voters is down slightly, Kellyanne Conway, a former Republican pollster currently serving as counselor to the president, said on ABCs This Week on Sunday. It needs to go up.

Morning Consult is a nonpartisan media and technology company that provides data-driven research and insights on politics, policy and business strategy.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents Toplines: | Crosstabs:

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Read more from the original source:
Trump hits new polling low as base shrinks - Politico

The 7 Most Mind-Boggling Moments From Donald Trump’s Wall …

During his conversation with Wall Street Journal editor-in-chief Gerard Baker and other staffers, Trump lied about the reaction to his Boy Scouts speech, referred to his 36-year-old son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, as a good boy, and answered a question about infrastructure by railing against Hillary Clinton.

Here are all the moments in the interview that made us reflect deeply about who we are and how we got here:

He fabricated claims about the reaction to his Boy Scouts speech.

Trump gave a strange, meandering speech to the Boy Scouts of America last month that was criticized for being too political. The group later apologized, saying that the speechs political rhetoric was never our intent.

When the Journal editors said that the speech got mixed reactions from former scouts, Trump shot back that, They loved it... it was no mix. The president then claimed that the head of the Boy Scouts personally called him to tell him that, it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. The group reportedly deniedthat such an exchange ever took place.

Trump responded to a question about infrastructure by bragging about winning Ohio.

Asked about how he planned to work with Democrats in Congress to achieve his infrastructure goals, Trump brought up his former Democratic presidential rival Clinton.

She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads, the president said. She didnt do a positive ad, virtually. And she lost easily.

And then, as if unaware his presidential campaign ended after the election, Trump said that were substantially up in swing states like Ohio.

You know, I won the state by 9 or 10 or something, by 9 or 10 points, without any governor support, OK? he said. So you have the governor of Ohio not supporting you and you win by almost 10 points, which is pretty good because Ohios not if you remember, you guys were always saying you have to win Ohio, right?

He falsely claimed that he has passed more bills during his first six months in office than any other president.

I honestly believe for six months I have done more than just about any president when you look at all of the bills that were passed, 42, 43, he said.

This is a claim hes made before. But according to The New York Times,Jimmy Carter signed 70 bills during the same time period as president, while Bill Clinton signed 50.Franklin Delano Roosevelttopped them all by signing 76 bills in his first 100 days.

Trump said there would be no other staff changes within the White House in the immediate future.

He said New Yorkers should just move across the country if they cant find work.

Im going to start explaining to people when you have an area that just isnt working like upper New York state, where people are getting very badly hurt and then youll have another area 500 miles away where you cant you cant get people, Im going to explain you can leave, its OK, dont worry about your house, he said. You know, a lot of them dont leave because of their house. Because they say, gee, my house, I thought it was worth $70,000 and now its worth nothing. Its OK. Go, cut your losses, right?

Trump hinted that he might fire the man leading the investigation into his campaigns connections to Russia.

After firing FBI director James Comey, the Justice Department appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel in charge of the probe. But as the investigation widens, speculation has grown that Trump could fire Mueller too.

Asked by the Journal editors if Muellers job was safe, Trump said, No.

No, were going to see, he said. I mean, I have no comment yet, because its too early. But well see. Were going to see.

Trumps latest frustrations with the probe include reports that Mueller would be looking into the presidents personal finances, as well asrevelations about a meeting his eldest child,Donald Trump Jr., had with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer.

Several members of Congress have warned Trump against firing Mueller.

Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said.

Speaking of Russia, Trump also lied and said no one on his team ever spoke with Russian officials.

I was never involved with Russia, the president told the Journal. There was nobody in the campaign. Ive got 200 people that will say that theyve never seen anybody on the campaign.... theres nobody on the campaign that saw anybody from Russia. We had nothing to do with Russia.

Multiple members of his inner circle met with Russian officials during the campaign, according to a seemingly endless series of reports.Even his elder son, Donald Trump Jr., has admitted that he knew in advance that his meeting with lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya was related to the Kremlins support of his father.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Trump appointed Mueller as special counsel.

See original here:
The 7 Most Mind-Boggling Moments From Donald Trump's Wall ...

Donald Trump punches CNN in a juvenile tweet – Jul. 2, 2017

On Sunday morning the president's personal Twitter account, which has 33 million followers, posted a 28-second video of a WWE broadcast. The video was edited to show Trump beating up a man with a CNN logo on his face.

A short time later, the official @POTUS account retweeted Trump's tweet to its 19 million followers. It is one of the president's most-shared, most-retweeted posts ever.

Sunday marked another escalation in Trump's ongoing war against the news media -- and against CNN in particular.

Trump, a frequent CNN viewer, regularly lashes out at the network's coverage.

Some of his fans laughed at the video. Others rolled their eyes. But it was taken seriously by members of the media, some of whom have faced threats for their reporting.

Some Twitter users flagged the tweet and reported it to the social networking company, saying it violated the company's terms of service prohibiting "hateful conduct." But Twitter said it determined that the tweet is not a violation.

In a statement, CNN called it a "sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters."

The statement brought up the fact that Trump's deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said just a few days ago that "the president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary."

"Clearly" Sanders "lied," the CNN statement said.

"Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office," the statement added. "We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

Several journalism advocacy groups also weighed in.

"We condemn the president's threat of physical violence against journalists," the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said. "This tweet is beneath the office of the presidency. Sadly, it is not beneath this president."

And Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, said "I think it is unseemly that the president would attack journalists for doing their jobs, and encourage such anger at the media."

Before becoming president, Trump sometimes appeared at WWE matches and occasionally joined in the fighting. So it was relatively easy for someone to tweak the old video and superimpose the CNN logo onto the other fighter's face.

Who created the anti-CNN video? There was no immediate answer, but a version of the video appeared on a pro-Trump Reddit thread several days ago.

Some commentators, especially those inclined to support Trump, laughed at the video and savored the president's latest media critique.

Others derided the video as juvenile and unbecoming of the U.S. president.

Infographic: Trump tweets and the TV news stories behind them

"It's not just anti-CNN. It's anti-freedom of the press," CNN political analyst Carl Bernstein said on "Reliable Sources" on Sunday. "It's very disturbing. There's nothing lighthearted about it whatsoever."

CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post have been some of the president's recent targets.

On Saturday Trump tweeted that he wants to rebrand "Fake News CNN" as "Fraud News CNN."

Sunday's video reiterated that message with a Photoshopped "FNN" logo.

Several prominent Democrats, including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, condemned the video.

"Violence & violent imagery to bully the press must be rejected," Pelosi wrote. "This #July4th, celebrate freedom of the press, guardians to our democracy."

Congressman Adam Schiff pointed out that a journalist in Montana was recently body-slammed by Greg Gianforte, a Republican businessman running for office at the time. (Gianforte won the election, and he is now in the House of Representatives.)

Putting the focus on Trump, Schiff asked, "Where will his downward spiral take us?"

Mike Coffman, a Republican member of the House from Colorado, replied on Twitter: "Exactly what I meant when I said, #StopTheTwitterTantrums"

On ABC's "This Week," anchor Martha Raddatz asked Homeland Security Adviser Thomas Bossert to react to the video.

"No one would perceive that as a threat. I hope they don't," he said.

Ana Navarro disagreed. She called Trump's tweet "an incitement to violence. He is going to get someone killed in the media." Navarro, a Republican who is fiercely critical of the president, is a commentator on both CNN and ABC.

Some other Republicans suggested that there was an overreaction to the video.

Ben Ferguson, a conservative talk show host and CNN commentator, said he thought Trump's WWE tweet was one of the more "humorous moments" of the president's never-ending feud with the media.

"I don't think it incites violence," Ferguson said on "Reliable Sources." "He's trying to make it abundantly clear that there are people in the media who have made it their personal mission and their job to destroy this president."

Other guests on "Reliable Sources" said Trump should differentiate between reporters who are trying to find out facts and commentators who sometimes express extremely harsh opinions about the president.

Bernstein noted that Trump himself has embraced news coverage from CNN and other outlets when it benefits him personally.

"When it suits him, it's great news. When it doesn't, it's 'fake news,'" Bernstein said. "And the nexus of fake news in America is the Trump White House."

CNNMoney (New York) First published July 2, 2017: 11:00 AM ET

See the original post here:
Donald Trump punches CNN in a juvenile tweet - Jul. 2, 2017