Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump Called New Hampshire a ‘Drug-Infested Den’ in Call With Mexican President – TIME

Updated: 11:27 AM ET | Originally published: 11:21 AM ET

In a phone call with Mexican President Pea Nieto in January, President Donald Trump said he won support in New Hampshire "because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den," a reference to the state's opioid crisis .

A transcript of Trump's Jan. 27 phone call during which he faulted Mexico for the flow of illegal drugs into the U.S. was obtained and published by the Washington Post on Thursday.

"They are sending drugs to Chicago, Los Angeles, and to New York. Up in New Hampshire I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den is coming from the southern border," Trump told Pea Nieto.

Trump who won the Republican primary in New Hampshire but lost the state to Hillary Clinton in the general election campaigned in New Hampshire on a promise to solve the opioid addiction epidemic.

"We are becoming a drug-addicted nation and most the drugs are coming from Mexico or certainly from the southern border," Trump told Pea Nieto in the call. "We have a massive drug problem where kids are becoming addicted to drugs because drugs are being sold for less money than candy because there is so much of it."

The New Hampshire comment drew ire from Democratic leaders as well as the state's Republican governor on Thursday.

"The President is wrong. Its disappointing his mischaracterization of this epidemic ignores the great things this state has to offer, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said in a statement. " Our administration inherited one of the worst health crises this state has ever experienced, but we are facing this challenge head on."

Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan called the remarks "disgusting." "Instead of insulting people in the throes of addiction, @POTUS needs to work across party lines to actually stem the tide of this crisis," she said on Twitter.

"Its absolutely unacceptable for the President to be talking about NH in this way a gross misrepresentation of NH & the epidemic," New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, said in a tweet , calling for Trump to apologize.

The rest is here:
Donald Trump Called New Hampshire a 'Drug-Infested Den' in Call With Mexican President - TIME

Donald Trump Takes Center Stage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival – TIME

Zach Tomasovic and Nate McLeod as Donald Trump and Jared Kushner in Trumpus InterruptusEmily Lipson

President Donald Trump is due to be forced out of office. The commander-in-chief has been caught in a plot with Russian President Vladimir Putin , and is desperately working to save his presidency with the help of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner . The rest of the world is in chaos. It may sound like a grim prophecyor a liberal fantasybut in fact it's the premise of Trumpus Interruptus , a comic play due to be performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer.

This August, artists from both sides of the Atlantic are placing American politics at the heart of the Edinburgh Fringe, which claims to be the worlds biggest arts festival. Donald Trump may work 3,458 miles from Scotlands capital but he'll be on center stage there, as at least 23 shows at this year's festival will seek to explore the past, present and future of his Presidency. Last year there was only one.

The "Fringe," which runs this year from Aug. 4-28, has been a platform for young artists to make a name for themselves ever since it began in the late 1940s. It's where the likes of Alan Bennett and Dudley Moore rose to prominence in the 1960 sketch show Beyond the Fringe and where a young playwright named Tom Stoppard had his first success with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in 1966. Alan Rickman, Rowan Atkinson, Steven Berkoff, Billy Connolly and others launched their careers on its stages. It's uniquely democratic; the organizers do not select or commission the shows and absolutely anybody can perform if they can cover their costs. This year, over 3,300 shows will be staged. Many choose to perform for free, funding their shows by donations and working in the venues in lieu of a hire fee.

The festival is also no stranger to controversy. Most famously, Jerry Springer: the Opera was first staged there in 2002, which was boycotted by Christian groups for its foul-mouthed portrayals of Biblical figures including God and Jesus Christ. In 2015, pro-euthanasia Dr. Phillip Nitschke, who is banned from practicing medicine in his native Australia, put on a show that explored how to circumvent the laws on assisted suicide but first had to prove to local government officials that he wasn't going to gas the audience . Elizabeth Burchell, a spokeswoman for the festival said at a briefing on June 7 that theres always something to challenge audiences at the Fringe. But thats what art, theatre and what we do is all about. Its actually provoking that debate and that discussion. It will be really interesting to see how that unfolds at the festival.

Given the ongoing drama inside the White House, it's perhaps inevitable that some feel it will make great theater. Zach Tomasovic, the 25-year-old author of Trumpus Interruptus , originally wanted to fictionalize a conversation between Trump and a journalist. But the 25-year-old comedian from Pennsylvania eventually decided that exploring the Presidents impeachment in a theater setting would allow him, and his audience, to see how something like that might play out. Trump is a muse, he says. This guy has inspired a lot of art and a lot of comedy. To bone up on playing the nation's 45th President, he jokes, he's attempting a little fourth grade reading.

It's not just Americans making light of the Trump presidency, though. British student Adam Woolf, 21, has directed and produced Trumpd! , a musical that he says is more silly than serious. Woolf is a member of Cambridge Universitys famous Footlights , a comedy troupe which boasts big names like John Cleese, Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson and John Oliver as former members. Trumpd! is again set in the future. The year is 2030 and Trump is getting round to building The Great Border Wall of Mexico in the fourteenth year of his first term.

When he first started working on the show in January 2016 Trump wasnt even the Republican nominee, Woolf says, and it was tricky to find a balance at first. Hes such a ridiculous figureto the point where you cant satirize him because he does that himself, Woolf says. We went between being very very silly and trying to cast a judgement." Now, he continues, "there is something for everyone in it. People who like comedy, people who like musicals, people who like satire.

Neither Tomasovic nor Woolf seem to be particularly worried that the Edinburgh crowds might revolt against their depictions of Donald Trump as some did when he was depicted as Julius Caesar in New York in June. After news spread that a Trump-like character was being assassinated onstage every night, a right-wing protestor disrupted the scene screaming this is violence against Trump! while another filmed it. The play reportedly resumed within a minute.

Woolf says hes not expecting a huge amount of backlash, bearing in mind we are in Edinburgh and not in America. Tomasovic, the creator of Trumpus Interruptus , is even convinced that Republicans would like his show. I think that you can laugh regardless of political allegiances ... laughter is a universal truth, he says. But he adds that the commander-in-chief might disagree. The biggest thing that unsettles Trump is that the world laughs at him.

But it's not just theater where Trump is showing up. Festival-goers can also learn about fringe politics in Trump's America, as VICE contributor Harmon Leon will reveal how he infiltrated anti-immigration vigilantes, abortion protesters and Christian gay conversion therapists. Archivist Rachel Hosker from the University of Edinburgh will be investigating whether archives hold facts, or alternative facts in a show entitled Alternative Facts: Is the Truth in the Archives? And of course, Edinburgh's legions of standups are ready to use Trump as a muse. Seattle-based comedian Erich McElroy is even pledging to Make the Fringe Great Again.

Trump isnt even the only figure from last years election to take center stage. Oliver Chinyere, who worked on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, has a one-man show Unprecedented and Unpresidential: How Hillary Lost the Election, in which he will provide insight into the downfall of Trump's onetime rival. The 33-year-old now works for Airbnb but worked as a digital analyst in Clinton's Brooklyn HQ, where he worked with celebrities like Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham to boost Clintons chances.

In the show, which TIME saw in a preview in London in July, he explains how "we cocked it up" standing alongside a life-size cardboard cutout of Trump, with words like "Benghazi" and "emails" pinned to it. Although the President is a "fascinating phenomenon," he told TIME , his show is more about " insight and foresight.

Chinyeres talk offers a less apocalyptic vision than Trump'd! and Trumpus Interruptus , but he does admit he was a little bit scared of the crowd reaction when he performed a version in New York earlier this year. Chinyere has to return to his day job, although he hints that hed very quickly return to campaigning if Michelle Obama ran in 2020. But Tomasovic has ambitions to take Trumpus on a West Coast tour and an Off-Broadway run. We would eventually like to take it to places that it wouldnt normally show, he adds.

The Fringe Festival, which turns 70 this year, has adopted the slogan "defying the norm since 1947" so perhaps it's little surprise so many shows are reacting against the status quo in Washington. And if anybody takes issue? Tomasovic has a suggestion to loosen them up: I would say why dont you just go and drink a pint.

Read more:
Donald Trump Takes Center Stage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - TIME

Can Donald Trump grow up in office? – Washington Post

President Trump said his new chief of staff John Kelly will do a "tremendous job," after his swearing-in on July 31. "We have a tremendous group of support, the country is optimistic and I think the general will just add to it," Trump said. (The Washington Post)

Readers of Spoiler Alerts might be aware that, on the side, I have been curating a Twitter thread about the myriad ways that President Trumps own staff appears to treat him or talk about him like a toddler. It starts here:

Somecommentators have pushed back on the toddler analogy. In2015, however,Trump himself told a biographer that he feels that his emotional temperament has been unchanged since he was 6years old. Ive found enough examples of Trumps toddler-like behavior inthe thread for FiveThirtyEight to do a big data analysis of it if it chooses to do so.So maybe the toddler analogy has some analytic bite.

One of the more recent additions to my thread came from this intriguing detail in an Associated Press report about new White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly:

[Secretary of Defense James] Mattis and Kelly also agreed in the earliest weeks of Trumps presidency that one of them should remain in the United States at all times to keep tabs on the orders rapidly emerging from the White House, according to a person familiar with the discussions. The official insisted on anonymity in order to discuss the administrations internal dynamics.

Clearly Kelly and Mattis seem to feel that the president of the United States needs adult supervision. This raises an interesting question: Can Kelly structure the White House to make Donald Trump grow up a little bit? In the words of Bull Durham, can Kelly mature the kid?

The initial reports have been encouraging. Consider this from Axioss Mike Allen and Jonathan Swan:

Gen. John Kelly, the new White House chief of staff, has taken control in dramatic fashion, and is already imposing unmistakable signs of order after just a few days on the job.

Even POTUS appears to be tryingto impress his four-star handler, picking up his game by acting sharper in meetings and even rattling off stats.

The most consequential workplace in America has been one of the most dysfunctional. General Kelly took an instantly assertive tack, and some of the overt shenanigans stopped overnight.

Kelly has also made sure that people who bring out the worst in Trump have exited the building. To use the language of child care, Kelly got rid of some bullies. He fired Trump mini-me Anthony Scaramucci on his first day. National security adviser H.R. McMaster has taken advantage of Kellys appointment to finally clean house within the NSC staff.

Kelly has also helped ensure that Trump is not exposed to scary ghost stories, as Politicos Josh Dawsey reports:

Since starting this week, Kelly has told aides that anyone briefing the president needs to show him the information first. The Trump West Wing tradition of aides dropping off articles on the presidents desk then waiting for him to react, with a screaming phone call or a hastily scheduled staff meeting, must stop. He will not accept aides walking into the Oval Office and telling the president information without permission or without the information being vetted.

He basically said, The president has to get good briefings, he has to get good intelligence, one senior White House official said. We have to be putting him in a position to make good decisions.

In the West Wing, many of the presidents most controversial decisions have been attributed to bad information, partially because the president is easily swayed by the last person he has talked to or the last thing he has read.

These are all good steps!! Having a new daddy authority figure like Kelly emerge might make Trump more disciplined and more eager to act like a big boy. Kelly has already managed to eliminate some bad seeds and bad information helping to make Trump act worse than he otherwise would.

So, is this the beginning of a new, more disciplined Trump?Nah, not likely.

First, even as all these positive stories emerged about Kellys influence today, consider Trumps statement as he signed a Russia sanctions bill he did not want to sign but had no choice due to its overwhelming popularity in Congress. Here are the super-petulant parts:

The bill remains seriously flawed particularly because it encroaches on the executive branchs authority to negotiate. Congress could not even negotiate a health-care bill after seven years of talking. By limiting the Executives flexibility, this bill makes it harder for the United States to strike good deals for the American people, and will drive China, Russia, and North Korea much closer together. The Framers of our Constitution put foreign affairs in the hands of the President. This bill will prove the wisdom of that choice

I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars. That is a big part of the reason I was elected. As President, I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress.

This is the Toddler Trump that I have come to expect! Its also unfortunatelyconsistent with how he has behaved in other venues that require grown-up behavior, like speeches in front of Boy Scouts or national security meetings.

Even Kelly knows that there are limits to his ability to force Trump to grow up. According to Dawsey:

Kelly and senior West Wing officials dont believe Trump will fully change. He is not going to stop tweeting, for example, and they expect him to keep dialing old friends in New York after hours and that he will likely huddle with aides when Kelly is not around. Senior officials are likely to still give him articles to read without Kelly knowing. Hes not under the impression he can tell Donald Trump, Oh, youre going to do it my way, one Kelly associate said. Hes not delusional about it.

As I noted a few months ago, Trump is a mercurial guy.His desire to impress Kelly is likely to fade. This will be particularly true the first time something bad happens and Trump blames Kelly for it.

One thing that could work to Kellys advantage, paradoxically, is how poorly Trump is polling right now. Hes polling really badly, according to Gallup, RealClearPoliticsand FiveThirtyEight. This will not put him into a good mood, but if this is a local nadir and he experiences a dead cat bounce, Kelly will be the beneficiary. Kelly might be able to advise Trump on how to think strategically and how to exercise power more effectively. That aint beanbag.

Still, toddlers are gonna toddler. Trumps attempt to impress Kelly and behave like a big boy will fade after the first Twitter tantrum. It is just a question of when.

Read the original here:
Can Donald Trump grow up in office? - Washington Post

Donald Trump, Who Is Historically Anti-Vacation, Is Finally Taking One – Vanity Fair

By Joe Raedle/Getty Images.

Everybody needs vacations. Its so very American to run ourselves ragged; were a vacation-poor country. But now running yourself ragged is out, and self-care is in. Meditation apps not only exist, theyre more popular than ever. Gwyneth Paltrow is making good money off the recommendation to earth, which, when used as a verb, means to walk without shoes on. The phrase self-care exists. President Trump, too, could probably use a vacation. In a little over six months of leadership, hes signed some partially unconstitutional executive orders and rolled back environmental policy reform; hes given an emotional speech to a gathering of young boys, and made some phone calls to our allies; hes hired and fired staffers. Its safe to say hes stressed out.

Its just that hes a vocal opponent of vacations. He hates em. Cant stand em. Cant stand people who take em, historically. In 2004, he advised those reading Trump: Think Like a Billionaire, Dont take vacations. Whats the point? If youre not enjoying your work, youre in the wrong job. Well over a decade ago, he told Larry King on his show that most of the people I know that are successful really dont take vacations. Their business is their vacation. I rarely leave. You know that. You and I are friends. How often do you see me going away?

And he doesnt just use himself as an example. He uses other peoples vacation habits to illustrate his point. Look:

How could one convince this guy to put his feet up for once? How are we going to get him to ignore his natural setting of work, work, work, go, go, go, and make him see reason? That it can only help to take a little time for himself?

Someone, it seems, has figured that out, as the Associated Press announced on Thursday that the president is taking 17 days off in August, which hell spend in Bedminster, New Jersey, a golf club that he owns. The break starts Friday, as in tomorrow (White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has neither confirmed nor denied the exact departure date or length of time hell be gone). There must be exceptions to his maxim, "If youre not enjoying your work, youre in the wrong job." There must be.

Donald Trump, Who Is Historically Anti-Vacation, Is Finally Taking One - Vanity Fair

Donald Trump’s support plummets to historic new depths – MSNBC

Donald Trump's support plummets to historic new depths
Eric Trump, who's ostensibly steering clear of politics and helping run his father's business, appeared on Fox News this week and boasted about Donald Trump's broad popularity. My father has the voice of this country, he said. The people of this ...
Quinnipiac poll: President Trump's job approval sinks to 33%USA TODAY
Donald Trump's Approval Rating Just Hit a New LowTIME
Donald Trump's approval rating plunges to new
The Independent -CNBC
all 168 news articles »

Read the rest here:
Donald Trump's support plummets to historic new depths - MSNBC