Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Chrissy Teigen: Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter – ABC News

Chrissy Teigen has been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, but now he won't see her messages.

On Tuesday, the model said that the president blocked her on Twitter after she mocked one of his tweets about the Senate health care bill vote.

As a result, she will no longer be able to view his profile, nor will she be able to direct messages at him.

"After 9 years of hating Donald J Trump, telling him 'lol no one likes you' was the straw," she tweeted today, together with a screenshot showing the president had blocked her from his personal account.

According to The Associated Press, earlier this month the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University filed a lawsuit against Trump in New York City for blocking his detractors on Twitter, claiming it was an opinion-based restriction that violated the Constitution. The AP reported that former White House press secretary Sean Spicer and White House director of social media Dan Scavino were also named in the suit.

A spokesperson for the White House did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

Continued here:
Chrissy Teigen: Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter - ABC News

Why ‘Lying Donald’ Trump can’t stop slandering Hillary Clinton – The Hill (blog)

In his seventh month as president, Donald TrumpDonald TrumpDem rep: Trump can't deliver on promise because of Russia probe Trump turns up heat on AG Sessions over recusal Trump: 'I won't say' that I should be on Mount Rushmore MORE continues to obsessively attack Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonTrump turns up heat on AG Sessions over recusal Mellman: Trump love? Overnight Cybersecurity: Senate Judiciary reportedly drops Manafort subpoena | Kushner meets with House Intel | House passes Russia sanctions deal | What to watch at 'hacker summer camp' MORE. As recently as Tuesday morning, Trump took to Twitter to demeanhis attorney general, Jeff SessionsJeff SessionsSenate Dem: Were trying to block a recess appointment to replace Sessions Sessions planning to announce leak investigations: report Trump turns up heat on AG Sessions over recusal MORE, and demand he investigate the woman who defeated him in the popular vote in 2016. Trump again used the phrase "crooked Hillary" in a tweet on Monday as he continues his fanatical attacks against her.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines obsession as "a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling." It is historically unprecedented for a president in his seventh month in office to continue attacking his opponent in the last presidential election.

I now propose that the use of "lying" next to Donald's name is factually accurate, while the use of "crooked" next to Hillary's name is a falsehood that will remain untrue no matter how many times it is repeated.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!

Recently, the New York Times, as an example of the free press' fine work that Trump continues to vilify published a long list of the president's lies, which has been updated as recently as July 21.

Therefore, while I do not expect to repeat these words often in future pieces, I refer today to "Lying Donald."

No matter how many times Trump repeats his slander, Hillary Clinton is not crooked. As a government official, she has never acted in a crooked manner because of the influence or money she received. Never. Not once.

One can say our entire system is crooked, as Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersOvernight Healthcare: Senate votes to begin ObamaCare repeal debate | McCain returns to vote | GOP floats scaled-down healthcare bill OPINION | Healthcare vote a political death wish for GOP in 2018 Senate parliamentarian: More parts of ObamaCare repeal will need 60 votes MORE (I-Vt.) has correctly stated so often, because of the influence of special interest money. But on the question of Trump vs. Clinton, Hillary Clinton looks like Mother Theresa compared to Donald Trump on matters involving crony capitalism and conflicts of interest.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign - "quietly working to boost Clinton." So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity

On Monday,Jared Kushner said, among other things: "Donald Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won." But If Trump's message was so much better than Clinton's, why did he lose the popular vote to her by the substantial margin of nearly 3 million votes?

Hillary Clinton was subject to the most well-financed and international campaign of personal destruction, character assassination and defamation in the history of American politics and democratic nations, but she still won nearly 3 million more popular votes than Trump.

Clinton was relentlessly slandered by the Russian "deep state" under the command of a Russian dictator who used covert action designed to destroy Clinton and elect Trump, while she was simultaneously attacked with similar defamations by the now-president. Whether or not it is proven that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, she still defeated Trump by nearly 3 million votes.

Clinton was also relentlessly slandered by the powerfully-financed apparatus of the Republican party and congressional Republicans, who misused taxpayer money to subsidize a four-year witch hunt against her. Yet, she still defeated Trump by nearly 3 million votes.

So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?

Clinton was relentlessly slandered by conservative super pacs, financed by huge sums of dark money, whose "fake news" attacks against her were megaphoned by certain transparently-conservative players in the media. Yet, she still defeated Trump by nearly 3 million votes.

Here is why "Lying Donald" keeps saying "Crooked Hillary":

Donald Trump is obsessed and consumed by two matters: the ongoing investigation of the Russia scandal that may now be impeded by an obstruction of justice and his uncontrollable urge to keep attacking the woman who defeated him by nearly 3 million votes in the popular vote.

While "Lying Donald" acts like a man terrified by the facts that Russia investigators will find and the constitutional result they may bring, Hillary Clinton has emerged with her dignity, honor, historical achievements and popular vote victory intact for today,tomorrowand forever.

Brent Budowsky was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Chief Deputy Majority Whip Bill Alexander (D-Ark.). He holds an LL.M. degree in international financial law from the London School of Economics. He is a longtime regular columnist for The Hill and can be contacted

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill.

Continued here:
Why 'Lying Donald' Trump can't stop slandering Hillary Clinton - The Hill (blog)

Report: Donald Trump Will Visit Long Island This Week – New York Magazine

Ad will collapse in seconds CLOSE July 25, 2017 07/25/2017 12:02 pm By Jen Kirby Share Stopping by. Photo: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump will reportedly make a stop on Long Island this week to talk about the MS-13 gang and other law-enforcement issues. MS-13 is why hes coming, New York congressman Peter King told Newsday. Its why he picked this location.

Trump will likely host the event in Suffolk Country, where federal prosecutors last week charged a total of ten MS-13 gang members for a brutal quadruple homicide in April.

President Trump has vowed to crack down on the gang and targeted the deportation of MS-13 members, many of whom have ties to Central America. MS-13, you know about MS-13? Trump said in April. Its not pleasant for them anymore. Thats a bad group. Not pleasant for MS-13 get them the hell out of here, right? Around the same time and prior to his public beleaguerment Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a speech on MS-13 in Central Islip, Long Island, promising that the Trump administration would crush the gang through prosecution and immigration enforcement.

Newsday says White House officials have not confirmed the Long Island visit. Its also unclear whether such a trip to the New York suburbs might finally include a return to Trump Tower.

John McCain Gives Heroic Speech Denouncing Terrible Thing That He Just Voted For

The 14 Most Inappropriate Moments From Trumps Speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree

Shockingly, Trump Doesnt Know Who Hezbollah Are Or What They Do

What I Know About My Best Friends Murder

Your Guide to the Similar-Looking Men of Dunkirk

Stephen Colbert Updates the Boy Scout Oath After Trumps Speech to the Troops

James Gunn Wants to Make It Perfectly Clear He Does Not Have Sex With Raccoons

French Roast in Greenwich Village Will Close Tonight

The Most Extravagant Real Housewife Explains What It Takes to Look Like Her

President Trump Promises to Raise Taxes on Rich, Is Lying

Nine Republicans voted against the bill McConnell crafted in secret, but they may wind up supporting whatever he comes up with next.

If theres upward revision its going to be on high-income people, says Trump. Yeah. thats not what his plan does.

Who woulda thunk it?

The process is arcane; the outcome, unpredictable.

The former Trump campaign chair will no longer face a public hearing on Wednesday.

MTA chairman Joe Lhota presented some near-term steps including signal overhauls and getting rid of vague announcements.

The senator calls on his colleagues to abandon their indefensible approach to Obamacare repeal minutes after voting to let them keep at it.

Senate Republicans dont know what their health-care bill is, or what it does, but they just voted to advance it to debate.

He may have picked the wrong target for his outrage this time.

The GOP figures out new ways to delay making painful decisions about health-care policy.

That kind of anger scares me, Fox host Kat Timpf said.

Why would Texas rush into the kind of bathroom bill controversy that was so damaging to North Carolina? Its about Gregg Abbotts political future.

Hes so unattractive, its unbelievable.

The White House staff cant leak to the press if there is no White House staff.

Long Island congressman Peter King says he is coming to discuss MS-13.

The strangest of buddy comedies continues.

Senate Republicans dont know what their bill is or what it does. But theyre going to vote on it, anyway.

In one all-too-easy step, the president could free himself from the Russia investigation.

While its handy shorthand to describe single-payer proposals as Medicare for all, the retirement program might not work that well for everyone.

Who is she? And how did she get to be head of our schools?

Here is the original post:
Report: Donald Trump Will Visit Long Island This Week - New York Magazine

Donald Trump doesn’t want to fire Jeff Sessions. He wants Sessions to quit. – CNN

Michael Flynn, Trump's national security adviser, was let go only after he lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. (And after Flynn's firing, Trump has expressed regret that he had to go.) White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned Friday but, according to all available reporting, Trump wanted him to stay on even after hiring Anthony Scaramucci as communications director.

The one exception: Trump fired FBI Director James Comey due, according to the President, to his aggressive stance in relation to the Russia investigation.

(Side note: To show just how much Trump has changed perceptions and expectations of how a president acts, imagine for a second Barack Obama sending this same tweet out about Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch. It's literally impossible to conceive of.)

Add it up and here's what you get: Trump wants Sessions gone. But he doesn't want to swing the proverbial sword. He wants to make Sessions' life so uncomfortable that Sessions throws up his hands and walks away.

What does Trump do in the wake of that statement? Ramps up the rhetoric against Sessions so there can be no debate between reasonable people that Trump wants his attorney general to go do something else. But he doesn't do it to Sessions directly; he does it via a serious of public statements and leaks.

Sessions hasn't responded to this latest Trump volley. But, at this point, it is very tough for Sessions to simply ignore the message coming out of the White House. And that message is: We want you gone. So, go.

Original post:
Donald Trump doesn't want to fire Jeff Sessions. He wants Sessions to quit. - CNN

Donald Trump may be the only politician who isn’t sure Russia meddled in the election – CNN

On Sunday, Trump's newly minted communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, acknowledged that the boss still isn't convinced.

Here's the thing: The debate over whether or not Russia engaged in a coordinated and widespread effort to meddle in the 2016 election isn't a debate. Everyone in a position to know -- from the intelligence community to members of Congress on both sides of the aisle -- believes that Russia did this.

The FBI, CIA, National Security Agency and Office of the Director of National Intelligence all agree that not only was the meddling the work of the Russians but that it was designed to help Trump's campaign and hurt Hillary Clinton's.

The only person of any prominence who doubts those conclusions is the man sitting in the Oval Office. Trump is on an island, a man apart on the Russia issue. (The people who work for him, like Scaramucci, don't really count -- they are doing and saying what their boss tells them to.)

Trump's hesitancy to put the blame on Russia is beyond doubt. Why he is so unwilling to do so is a bit murkier -- although Scaramucci shed considerable light on the President's motivations in his Sunday interview with Tapper.

"The mainstream media position on this, that they interfered in the election," Scaramucci said. "It actually, in his mind, what are you guys suggesting? You're going to delegitimize his victory?"

And there you have it.

To Trump, any acknowledgment that Russia actively meddled in the 2016 election with the express purpose of helping him to win is the equivalent of saying he didn't win fair and square and maybe shouldn't have won at all.

When Trump hears Russia, he sees an attempt to rob him of the single greatest accomplishment in his life -- not to mention the best proof point he's had in his 71 years on earth that he is much, much smarter than the so-called elites.

It is, in his mind, a fundamental attack on not just his presidency but him. They are saying he didn't win because they can't accept that he proved them all wrong, Trump thinks to himself.

Which is, of course, bunk.

You can believe that Russia attempted to meddle in the election to benefit Trump AND that he won and is the duly elected President. It's not an either/or proposition.

The evidence suggests that Russia's coordinated release of emails gathered by a hack into the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's account played a role in the outcome. How big? It's virtually impossible to know given the variety of other factors -- most notably then-FBI Director James Comey's decision to re-open the Clinton email server case -- that influenced how voters made up their minds.

What Trump seems unable to accept is that no matter what Russia did, he still won. And that he will be President through 2020 no matter if he says that, sure, Russia meddled in our election, or not.

Trump's blind spot on Russia has caused him a huge amount of problems in his first six months in office as he and his staff twist themselves into pretzels to find alternative explanations for something the intelligence community is unanimous on.

Chalk it up to Trump being his own worst enemy -- again.

See the original post:
Donald Trump may be the only politician who isn't sure Russia meddled in the election - CNN