8 Minutes After Saying ‘I Don’t Like Pinocchios,’ Donald Trump’s Nose Grows – HuffPost
WASHINGTON PresidentDonald Trumppaused after falsely claiming Monday that hes signed more bills and Im talking about through the legislature than any president ever.
I better say think, otherwise theyll give you a Pinocchio, Trump said, referring to The Washington Posts rating system for fact-checking politicians statements. And I dont like those, I dont like Pinocchios.
It took roughly 8.5 minutes for Trump, who has an extensive history of lies, to deliver what appears to be another doozy taking credit for the creation of tens of thousands of new mining jobs.
In Pennsylvania, two weeks ago,they opened a mine, the firstmine that was opened in decades. Opened a mine! he said during a speech to kick off the White Houses Made in America week, referring to the states new coal mine. And you know all the people that were saying the mining jobs?Well we picked up 45,000 mining jobs in a very short period of time. Everybody was saying, well,you wont get any mining jobs. We picked up 45,000 mining jobs.
And the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, Trump boasted. And were very proud of that.
While Americas miners may be happy with the administrations push for increased fossil fuel development, theres a problem: The number of coal mining jobs has increased by roughly 800 since Trump became president.
In a pair of posts to Twitter, Washington Post Fact Checker columnist Glenn Kessler addressed both Trumps Pinocchio comment and his claim about mining jobs.
Well, this is how you end up with Pinocchios! Kessler wrote, linking to the Posts fact-check of a similar claim made by the head of the Environmental Protection Agency last month.
In a series of TV interviews on June 4, in which he defended Trumps decisiontowithdrawthe U.S. from thehistoric Paris Agreement on climate change, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt bragged that the administration had added 50,000 jobs.
Since the fourth quarter of last year until most recently, weve added almost 50,000 jobs in the coal sector, he told NBCs Meet the Press. In the month of May alone, almost 7,000 jobs.
However, there are only 50,800 coal mining jobs nationwide, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In another interview June 4 with Fox News, Pruitt said that since the fourth quarter weve had almost 50,000 jobs created in the mining and coal sector alone, being careful to not pin the number specifically to coal.
For his claim, Pruitt earned four Pinocchios the worst kind of falsehood from the Post.PolitiFact gave Pruitts claim a grade ofmostly false.
The Washington Post noted in its analysis that the increase in all mining and logging jobs since Trump took office was, at the time, around 33,000. Including preliminary figures for June, BLS estimates roughly 47,000 new mining and logging jobs have been added since December.
Trump didnt mention logging in his remarks Monday.
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8 Minutes After Saying 'I Don't Like Pinocchios,' Donald Trump's Nose Grows - HuffPost