Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Old Man Makes Entire World Watch Vacation Slideshow – Slate Magazine (blog)

President Donald J. Trump astounded the world again on Sunday, revealing that, in addition to mastering trade policy, real estate, and golf, he is also a visionary filmmaker. Eschewing Hollyweird traditions of trailers and trailers for trailers, the auteur-in-chief released his masterpiece directly to the people, 100 percent free. So crank the volume, because this film should be played LOUD:

Wow. While Trump has always worn his influences on his sleeveD. W. Griffith, Leni Riefenstahl, Veit Harlan, the list pretty much ends therehis latest work exceeds them all from frame one. Has any single image captured the modern condition of despair better than Trumps opening shot?

Twitter User @realDonaldTrump

A still photo of the president of the United States angrily explaining something to his wife, who is not paying attention, badly compressed so that it looks pixelated beyond belief, with audio that has been carefully miscued to allow a full second of sheet-music rustle before the brass comes in: David Lynch couldnt fit that much unease on screen if you gave him two TV shows and a feature film. Our authority figures are crumbling as digital technology scrambles and distorts our feeble attempts to connect with each other, Trump seems to be saying, and for the rest of his film, he pokes and prods at the disconnect between the countrys traditional conceptions of leadership, heroism, and happiness and the all-consuming black hole occupying the White House.

It becomes clear almost immediately that the cleverly disquieting use of miscued audio at the beginning wasnt an anomaly: Like Martin Scorsese or Mikheil Chiaureli before him, Trump considers the soundtrack to be a crucial part of his project. In this case, hes selected the First Baptist Dallas choir and orchestras legendary Kennedy Center performanceof their original song, Make America Great Again. Thats Robert Jeffress congregationyou may remember him from his beliefs that Catholicism, Mormonism, and Islam are Satanic cultsand its clear that Jeffress outspoken support of Trump has put the filmmaker-president in a biblical mood. (Specifically, an ostensibly Christian denomination embracing fascist kitsch in order to suck up to a morally depraved leader suggests Matthew 7:15, just for starters.)

As Trump pulls us deeper into his personal cinematic nightmaretheres a chilling montage of bad photos of him smiling unconvincingly at other world leadersthe ever-widening disconnect between sound and image brilliantly echoes the disconnect between Americas self-image and our actions on the global stage. Step into the future, the choir sings, as Trump reminds us that this was apparently one of the best photos taken at the G-20 Summit:

Twitter User @realDonaldTrump

Step into the future, indeed! And thats before the montage of pictures of unelected adviser Ivanka Trump hanging out with world leaders, or the bizarre shot of a videoconferencing monitor with an even-more-blurry-than-usual image of Trump on it. It all builds to an astonishing climax: Trump pairs the songs highest, loudest notea great so high-pitched that the choir cant quite sing itwith this image of Putin staring at him with equal parts contempt and disbelief:

Twitter User @realDonaldTrump

Another masterpiece from our philosopher-king!

Go here to see the original:
Old Man Makes Entire World Watch Vacation Slideshow - Slate Magazine (blog)

Donald Trump appeared in music video from Russian pop singer connected to Trump Jr. meeting – Consequence of Sound (blog)

The New York Times reported Sunday that Donald Trump Jr. and several other members of Donald Trumps presidential campaign staff met with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have damaging information about Hillary Clinton. The meeting, which took place in June 2016, was set up by an associate of Trump Jr, identified by the Washington Post as a music publicist named Rob Goldstone.

In the late 1980s, Goldstone worked in Australia representing international artist touring the country, including Michael Jackson, Tracy Chapman, BB King, and James Taylor. He also worked with corporate clients such as The Hard Rock Cafe, Richard Bransons Virgin Megastores, and HMV Music Stores. More recently, Goldstone served as the manager for a Russian pop singer named Emin Agalarov.

Both Agalarov and his Russian billionaire father,Aras Agalarov, have close ties to the Trump family.Aras Agalarov sponsoredthe Miss Universe Pageant when it was held near Moscow in 2013. The father and son also had committed to building Trump Tower in Russia prior to his run for president, which contradicts previous statements by Trump that he has no ties or business interests in Russia.

And somewhat randomly, Trump appeared in a music video forEminAgalarov (via Think Progress). The 2013 video for Another Life depicts Trump in a board rooming firingAgalarov. Watch it below.

According to the Washington Post,Goldstone set up the meeting with Trump Jr. at the request of an undisclosed Russian client, who is believed to beAras Agalarov. The lawyer,Natalia Veselnitskaya, has close ties with individuals and companies close to the Kremlin.

So to recap, Donald Trump starred in the music video from a Russian oligarchs pop singer son who is represented by a music publicist namedRob Goldstone. Goldstone recently set up a meeting with Trumps son during which a Russian lawyer connected to the Kremlin offered damaging info on Hillary Clinton. And thats what we know so far.

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Donald Trump appeared in music video from Russian pop singer connected to Trump Jr. meeting - Consequence of Sound (blog)

Why Does Donald Trump Keep Dissing Jews? – The New York Times – New York Times

Then there was an initial, strange silence from Trump and his aides about a rash of anti-Semitic vandalism and bomb threats around the country in January and February.

In May, in Israel, Trump insisted on a much shorter stop at Yad Vashem, an important Holocaust memorial and museum, than either Barack Obama or George W. Bush had made, and he stuck to that plan even as many Israelis and American Jews cried foul. The tone-deaf breeziness of his approach was accentuated by the message he left in the visitors book: It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends so amazing & will never forget! As Yair Rosenberg of the Jewish magazine Tablet tweeted, it was basically just what teenagers write in each others high school yearbooks.

Ivanka Trump went to the Warsaw memorial in her fathers stead, though Trump softened that blow somewhat by mentioning, in his big Warsaw speech, that the Nazis systematically murdered millions of Polands Jewish citizens.

Ivanka converted to Judaism to marry Jared Kushner, and the couples key roles in the White House mean that Trump has observant Jews at the very core of his presidency and of his life.

But that didnt stop him from making remarks to Jewish Republican donors in December 2015 that seemed to play into an anti-Semitic stereotype. Im a negotiator like you folks, he said, later adding: Is there anybody that doesnt renegotiate deals in this room? Perhaps more than any room Ive ever spoken to.

During his presidential campaign, he embraced the favor of groups and people who trafficked in white supremacy. He re-tweeted material from proudly anti-Semitic Twitter feeds, and prompted a furor by promoting an image that placed Hillary Clintons face atop a pile of cash and beside a six-pointed star on which most corrupt candidate ever was written.

The website PolitiFact concluded that it was unlikely that the Trump campaign intended to put out a Star of David image. In fact, the campaign moved to replace the star with a circle when the image gained attention. Even so, PolitiFact noted, Trump had an unusual habit of using social media to broadcast material that comes from sources with a history of spreading racism, anti-Semitism or white supremacy.

Im not convinced that Trump is much of an anti-Semite, any more than Im convinced that hes much of a homophobe. (Racism and sexism are another matter.) But I think hes so thirsty for, and intoxicated by, whatever love comes his way that hes loath to rebuff the sources of it.

A prominent Jewish Republican put it well. I think Trump is such a pathological narcissist that the act of telling people who love you that you reject them he cant get around that, he told me, interpreting Trumps reasoning this way: What can be wrong with them? Theyre for me!

Trump is disinclined to denounce any constituency or tactics that elevate him to the throne, where hes sure that he belongs. The outcome validates even the ugliest and most divisive ascent.

I dont think hes goading these people or associating with them because he shares their views, the Republican added. I do think that hes so insensitive about the presidency about the responsibilities of the leader of the free world that he doesnt realize its not enough to say, once or twice, I dont agree with them. He doesnt realize that you have to be very clear. And he doesnt realize or care that hes validating and encouraging them.

He doesnt understand the message of zipping through Yad Vashem when predecessors lingered, because hes less concerned with the weight of his office than with the whims and convenience of Donald Trump. Its all about him, always and if hes sure in his own heart that hes good with Jews, then he shouldnt have to prove it.

Go back to his mini-tantrum during a White House news conference in February, when a reporter for a Jewish magazine tried to ask him whether he was paying proper heed to the anti-Semitic bomb threats. Trump interpreted the question as an indictment not of his behavior but of his being I am the least anti-Semitic person that youve ever seen in your entire life! he trumpeted and turned the discussion toward the big, bad media. Forget about any persecution of Jews. Lets talk about the persecution of Trump.

You can be only so considerate to others when you never stop considering yourself. And the flamboyantly nonconformist culture of Trumps presidency has downsides. This administration shrugs off and throws away some rituals and niceties that do matter to people, estranging them in the process.

Gay Pride Month came and went without even a banal word of recognition from the White House. So while Trump likes to crow, in a hallucinatory fashion, that gays love him, we made do in June with a tweet from his outsourced conscience, by which of course I mean Ivanka.

Some of this is Steve Bannon and his ilk. Their idea of nationalism is chilly to the recognition of subgroups, including Jewish Americans.

Some of it boils down to an absent professionalism. Trump isnt matching the respectful choreography of other presidents because theres no one in his inner circle familiar with the dance. Kushner, Bannon, Stephen Miller and Reince Priebus are all new to this kind and level of work. They lack institutional memory, along with any awareness of how easily those blind spots become insensitivity.

I cant know definitively how Trump feels about Jews or gays or a whole lot else. But I can see clearly his sloppiness and self-absorption, and theyre cause enough for alarm.

See original here:
Why Does Donald Trump Keep Dissing Jews? - The New York Times - New York Times

Ivanka Trump takes Donald Trump seat at G20 leaders’ table – BBC News

BBC News
Ivanka Trump takes Donald Trump seat at G20 leaders' table
BBC News
In an unusual move Ivanka Trump briefly took her father Donald's seat at a summit of world leaders on Saturday. The US president had stepped away for a meeting with the Indonesian leader during the G20 meeting. Ms Trump is an adviser to her father, but ...
Trump Says Ivanka's Life Would Be Easier if She Weren't His
Donald Trump says he's made Ivanka's life harderNew York Post
Donald Trump's nepotism has reached new heights, and could have far-reaching consequencesThe Independent
CNBC -The Sydney Morning Herald -Bloomberg
all 383 news articles »

Go here to read the rest:
Ivanka Trump takes Donald Trump seat at G20 leaders' table - BBC News

G-20 Summit: Top Five Takeaways From Trump’s Trip –

HAMBURG, Germany President Donald Trump's G-20 trip was dominated by news of his "very robust" first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin but other critical issues hinged on his ability to maneuver through diplomatic channels.

After a rough reception last month during the NATO summit, foreign policy experts predicted an icy reception for Trump especially as his recent policy pronouncements on climate and trade put him out of step with the other allies gathered in Germany.

But the international trip played better than that Brussels stop, according to Jamie Fly, a senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund, and Trump seemed to have "navigated some of the differences that everyone knew would exist with the Europeans."

Optics was but one of Trump's challenges, however. These five issues are the top takeaways of the summit:

Tensions over North Korea were already high before the G-20, with urgency for a resolution over how to handle the isolated nation renewed after an intercontinental ballistic missile test earlier in the week.

"Something has to be done about it," Trump reiterated at the start of a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday, adding that he appreciates what's been done by China regarding North Korea.

That's a new tone from the one Trump took days earlier, chastising China for growing their trade relations with the regime of Kim Jong Un.

"So much for China working with us but we had to give it a try!" Trump tweeted Wednesday.

The Xi-Trump meeting lasted over an hour and a half, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters in a plane gaggle en route to Washington. It would have lasted longer, he said, "if we didn't have to get pulled out to leave."

The White House strategy in North Korea has counted heavily on a helping hand from the Chinese, but Secretary of State Rex Tillerson described their actions Friday as "uneven."

The United States has kept the pressure on Beijing sanctioning a Chinese bank last week and excluding China from a trilateral meeting with leaders from South Korea and Japan prior to the start of the G-20. That meeting yielded a joint statement from the three countries, pressing for the early adoption of a new U.N.Security Council resolution that would put additional sanctions on North Korea to show "that there are serious consequences for its destabilizing, provocative, and escalatory actions."

U.S. bombers practiced their attack capabilities at a training range in South Korea on Friday, NBC News learned a clear show of force to the North Korean regime just days after they tested the intercontinental ballistic missile.

Local media reported that the bombers flew close to the demilitarized zone that separates North and South Korea, but they did not cross demarcation lines.

Perhaps the most-watched policy piece of this summit of world leaders was on climate change as it related to the Paris Climate Agreement. After a climate change session, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters Trump participated and "even made a contribution" to discussions.

But by the end of the two-day summit, America was officially standing alone.

The United States was singled out in a G-20 statement for its stance on climate issues, and the other countries took the uncharacteristic step of noting America's lone position in rebuffing the accord.

"We take note of the decision of the United States of America to withdraw from the Paris Agreement," the end-of-summit document read. "The United States of America announced it will immediately cease the implementation of its current nationally-determined contribution and affirms its strong commitment to an approach that lowers emissions while supporting economic growth and improving energy security needs."

The other G-20 leaders called the Paris Agreement "irreversible" and French President Emmanuel Macron announced an end-of-year summit in France to fete the accord's two-year signing anniversary.

But the White House balked at the idea that the statement was done to brush aside the United States.

National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn told reporters on Air Force One that "it was never a situation where there was isolated forces" as "everyone accepted" the U.S. decision to get out of the Paris Agreement early on.

Another instance that set the U.S. apart from its G-20 partners came on trade, with leaders giving an early rebuttal to possible U.S.-imposed tariffs on steel imports a decision the White House is expected to move on soon.

On Friday, European leaders were direct in their opposition. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker promised, metaphorically, that "we are prepared to take up arms if need be," but hoped it wouldn't be "actually necessary."

President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a panel discussion on the second day of the G20 summit on July 8, 2017, in Hamburg, Germany. Pool / Getty Images

Experts told NBC News before the G-20 that

In closing out the summit in her home country, Merkel told reporters that G-20 leaders were clear that markets must be open, while fighting against protectionism and unfair practices.

Fly, who served on the National Security Council and in the Pentagon during the administration of George W. Bush, said the Trump administration should be cautious on the pending tariffs decision.

He told NBC News that it needs to "make sure that they're not, at the end of the day, going after countries that are really not the root of the problem on that issue."

Trade tensions, he noted, are "added to all the other emotions about Trump and about Paris Climate Agreement withdrawal that the imposition of tariffs that affect our European allies would have a very negative impact on Trans-Atlantic relations."

Tillerson announced Friday that the United States, in tandem with Russia and Jordan, agreed to a de-escalation in southwest Syria, a "first indication of the U.S. and Russia being able to work together in Syria."

National security adviser H.R. McMaster said Saturday that a "de-escalation zone" will go into effect noon local time (5 a.m. ET) Sunday.

But there have been ceasefire attempts before amid the country's civil war and questions remain over who will be monitoring the ISIS-ravaged region.


"At the end of the day, this is Syria," one senior State Department official said Friday, briefing reporters anonymously to better discuss details of the ceasefire deal and acknowledging the complications there.

The question also remains of what to do with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Tillerson has said of the country's future: "There will be a transition away from the Assad family."

The White House pledged $50 million to a new World Bank initiative geared toward breaking down barriers to female economic empowerment.

The introduction of the Ivanka Trump-backed group drew Merkel, Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the podium to praise efforts to help women around the world achieve greater success.


Ivanka Trump's White House role is nebulous, but she has consistently focused on projects that support female economic advancement. Her role in this particular initiative would not be one of a fundraiser, a senior administration official insisted, but instead, one of a global champion and advocate.

Original post:
G-20 Summit: Top Five Takeaways From Trump's Trip -