Update with video Well, spoke too soon. With Aidy Bryant doing a spot-onSarah Huckabee Sanders, Melissa McCarthys Sean Spicerquickly and brashly took his rightful place at the podium, sputtering, berating and using Russian nesting dolls for a visual aid. Riled by reporters questions, Spicey embarked on a (pre-taped) podium road trip to confront his boss about being fired all to the tune of Simon & Garfunkels Only Living Boy In New York and finally sharing the stage (and a big kiss) with Alec Baldwins Trump. That should really get the Fire Colbert folks going. (Watch the Spicer sketch above, and the Trump cold open below).
Previous Maybe Melissa McCarthys Sean Spicer was hiding in the bushes somewhere. TonightsSaturday Night Lives cold open went to Alec Baldwins Donald Trump, interviewed by Michael Ches Lester Holt or as Trump called him, Jazzman, O.J, Kenan and Tupac.
The first blast ofthe shows satire went to Trumps axingof FBI Director James Comey. I fired him because of Russia, Trump/Baldwin said. I thought, hes investigating Russia, I dont like that, I should fire him.
Responded a stunned Holt, Did I get him? Its all over? Then, No, I didnt. Nothing matters.
Enter Mikey Days Paul Ryan, delivering ice cream, and a defiant Trump making a Nixon-esque two-handed Victory salute for two scoops.
So who will replace Comey? I can promise you, whoever I choose is going to be so bonkers youre going to wishlike hell it was Judge Judy. Trump said. Asked about how that would look, Trump said, Think I care about optics? I sit in ever chair like its a toilet.
Melissa McCarthy, hosting for the fifth time, no doubt will appear as Spicey later in the show. Yesterday, she was spotted riding her podium through midtown Manhattan.
During her opening monologue tonight, she gave a lucky mother a backstage tour, running into Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.
Heres the cold open:
Read the original post:
'SNL': Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump & Melissa McCarthy's Sean Spicer Return With A Kiss Update - Deadline