Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump la Mode – New York Times

New York Times
Donald Trump la Mode
New York Times
You heard it here first: James Comey was fired because during his White House dinner with Donald Trump, when dessert arrived, he noticed that the president had two scoops of ice cream to his one, and dared to remark on it. Don't believe me? O.K., I did ...

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Donald Trump la Mode - New York Times

Donald Trump Does Not Surprise – New York Times

New York Times
Donald Trump Does Not Surprise
New York Times
The reaction to the sacking of James Comey is the latest illustration. Far too many observers, left and right, persist in being surprised at Trump when nothing about his conduct is surprising, persist in looking for rationality where none is to be ...
Former Employees of Donald Trump Say They Saw Him Tape ConversationsWall Street Journal (subscription)
The high stakes of the Comey controversyCNN
A malicious child acts out: Donald Trump, Jim Comey and the toxic triumph of kidult cultureSalon
Fox News -Washington Times -PolitiFact
all 17,224 news articles »

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Donald Trump Does Not Surprise - New York Times

Donald Trump Tweeted ‘We’ And Started A Movement – HuffPost

Something amazing happened on Twitter on Saturday. The President of the United States, arguably one of the most controversial people on the platform, tweeted one word with two letters and so much power.

Donald Trump, or a White House staffer representing Trump,typed We, then hit the tweet button, sending the word to the presidents 29 million followers.

The series of events that happened next unraveled quickly. According to BuzzFeed, the operator of POTUS Twitter account deleted the tweet within minutes, but not before it was memorialized by the quick-thinking people of Twitter.

First, people tweeted out snarky remarks about the two-letter tweet, as people have been known to do when someone notable fumbles on Twitter.

Then people started completing the one-word prompt with music lyrics.

Later, people began to rally behind Trumps We tweet, which by then had long been deleted and replaced with a rather boring promotional tweetabout the presidents interview with Fox News Judge Jeanine.

In a rare moment of unity,people began using the #We hashtag to speak about what they want for their country. Most tweets targeted the president for a variety of reasons missing tax returns, potential ties to Russia, healthcare but some contained simple requests for the president to take care of and protect the country the best he can.

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Donald Trump Tweeted 'We' And Started A Movement - HuffPost

Donald Trump Boasts Of Press Briefing Ratings While Threatening To Pull The Plug – Deadline

Donald Trump threatened to get rid of the daily White House press briefing, but then boasted to Fox News Channels Jeanine Pirro in an interview that the briefings are the highest-rated thing in daytime TV. He also took credit for the numbers, making his cancellation threat sound more like gas-baggery. And, since the interview that aired tonight on FNC was taped earlier in the week, NYT has reported Trump is mulling whether to beef up his communications department and bring in Fox News producers.

In the Q&Athat aired tonight, Trump clearly was miffed his reps took heat at the weeks briefings for initially saying Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. When that did not pass the smell test, a new explanation was offered: Trump decided in January to fire Comey and there was no good time.

Are you moving so quickly that your communications department cannot keep up with you? Pirro suggested in the taped interview.

Yes, thats true, Trump said.

So what do we do about that? Pirro asked.

We dont have press conferences just dont have them. Unless I have them every two weeks and I do them myself, we dont have them. I think its a good idea, he said. Trump said he would make up his mind whether to scrap the briefings over the next couple weeks. He happily forecast the networks would be very unhappy, because ratings are so high. I dont know what these networks would do, theyre going to start to cry. They get great ratings from me, and yet they dont treat us fairly.

Trump defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders who took over the briefings in the thick of the Comey canning controversy while Spicer was on reserve duty. But, Trump said, they cant keep up with him.

Heres the thing, the difference between me and another president, Trump explained. Another president, I wont use names, but another president doesnt do what Im doing they really dont. Im not saying that in a bragging way. Another president, Jeanine, will sit in the Oval Office and do practically nothing all day. Im doing every minute of the day Im doing something.

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Donald Trump Boasts Of Press Briefing Ratings While Threatening To Pull The Plug - Deadline

‘SNL’: Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump & Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer Return With A Kiss Update – Deadline

Update with video Well, spoke too soon. With Aidy Bryant doing a spot-onSarah Huckabee Sanders, Melissa McCarthys Sean Spicerquickly and brashly took his rightful place at the podium, sputtering, berating and using Russian nesting dolls for a visual aid. Riled by reporters questions, Spicey embarked on a (pre-taped) podium road trip to confront his boss about being fired all to the tune of Simon & Garfunkels Only Living Boy In New York and finally sharing the stage (and a big kiss) with Alec Baldwins Trump. That should really get the Fire Colbert folks going. (Watch the Spicer sketch above, and the Trump cold open below).

Previous Maybe Melissa McCarthys Sean Spicer was hiding in the bushes somewhere. TonightsSaturday Night Lives cold open went to Alec Baldwins Donald Trump, interviewed by Michael Ches Lester Holt or as Trump called him, Jazzman, O.J, Kenan and Tupac.

The first blast ofthe shows satire went to Trumps axingof FBI Director James Comey. I fired him because of Russia, Trump/Baldwin said. I thought, hes investigating Russia, I dont like that, I should fire him.

Responded a stunned Holt, Did I get him? Its all over? Then, No, I didnt. Nothing matters.

Enter Mikey Days Paul Ryan, delivering ice cream, and a defiant Trump making a Nixon-esque two-handed Victory salute for two scoops.

So who will replace Comey? I can promise you, whoever I choose is going to be so bonkers youre going to wishlike hell it was Judge Judy. Trump said. Asked about how that would look, Trump said, Think I care about optics? I sit in ever chair like its a toilet.

Melissa McCarthy, hosting for the fifth time, no doubt will appear as Spicey later in the show. Yesterday, she was spotted riding her podium through midtown Manhattan.

During her opening monologue tonight, she gave a lucky mother a backstage tour, running into Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

Heres the cold open:

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'SNL': Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump & Melissa McCarthy's Sean Spicer Return With A Kiss Update - Deadline