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Nationwide Tax Day Marches Demand Donald Trump Releases His Tax Returns – Huffington Post

WASHINGTON Tens of thousands of activists demonstrated in cities across the country on Saturday the date when Americans taxes are normally due to demand the release of President Donald Trumps tax returns.

The largest marches took place in New York City and Washington, D.C. Some 100 other cities hosted smaller marches.

Protest organizers estimated that over 25,000 people attended the rally in Washington, D.C., and 20,000 people participated in New York City.

Together, the rallies across the country were among the largest anti-Trump demonstrations since theWomens March drew millions of people into the streets on Jan. 21.

Trump says only the media cares about this taxes. Today, weve proved him wrong. Its time for Trump to come clean, so we know who hes really working for, said Working Families Party national membership director Nelini Stamp, a keynote speaker at the New York City, in a statement following the march.

In Washington, D.C.,the march began with a rally at the U.S. Capitol followed by a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the Internal Revenue Service headquarters and the Trump International Hotel where protesters chanted shame in unison. The rally at times played the role of an all-purpose demonstration against Trump, replete with derisive condemnations of the president including references to alleged collusion of staff members from his presidential campaign with the Russian government.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee, gave one of the most impassioned speeches at the U.S. Capitol. Waters, who has become a leading voice of opposition to Trump,vowed to impeach the president for his contemptible actions, as she led the crowd in a chant ofimpeach 45.

I have laryngitis. But the only way I would not have been here with you today is if they cut my throat and stopped me from talking, she declared. If he thinks he can get away with playing king, hes got another thing coming!

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee, declared during his speech,We are taking the gloves off to say knock off the secrecy Mr. President and publicly release your own tax returns!

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) was another leading Democrat to address the D.C. crowd, along with several policy experts and progressive leaders.

The rallies also featuredDonny the Tax March Chicken, an inflatable chicken made to resemble Trump. The gag is intended to mock Trump for being too chicken to reveal his tax returns.

The marchs speakers were also calling for a fairer taxation system,which they argue is unfairly skewed to the advantage of wealthy people including Trump.

The progressive organizations and labor unions sponsoring the march include Indivisible, Americans for Tax Fairness,, Public Citizen, Demos, Credo, the Working Families Party, the National Womens Law Center and the American Federation of Teachers.

The coalition of liberal groups organized the Tax March, as they called it, to coincide with April 15, because its usually Tax Day the final day for individuals to submit their tax returns.

This year, individual tax returns are due on Tuesday, April 18, since April 15 is a Saturday and on Monday, federal government workers have the day off work for Emancipation Day, a Washington,

Trump is the first president in four decades who has not released his tax returns or comparable financial information. The practice became a tradition when former President Richard Nixon released his returnsafter he was audited.

In January, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway insisted that Trump would never release his returns, arguing that his election proved that people didnt care about it.

But Trumps critics believe his refusal to disclose his tax returns is a sign that he has something to hide. Questions about his motives have led to speculation that they contain evidence of either major tax avoidance or financial ties to figures close to the Russian government.

The FBI confirmed in March that it is investigating Trump associates for their possible ties to Russia, raising the possibility that the presidents allies participated in the alleged Russian interference efforts in some capacity.

Watch the complete Washington, D.C., rally here, and the New York City rally here.

Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

In D.C.,speakers mixed partisan red meat with sincere appeals for transparency and stinging indictments of wealthy tax avoidance.

A Trump impersonator regaled the crowd with a nasal, self-mocking routine that concluded with fake secret service members showering protesters with shredded paper that represented destroyed copies of his tax returns.

Rep. Waters told the crowd that the presidents missile strike on an airfield in Syriawas an attempt to generate phony tension between his administration and Russian President Vladimir Putin, a patron of the Syrian regime.

Trumps motives and his actions are contemptible. And I will fight every day until he is impeached, she declared.

Heather McGhee, president of the liberal think tank Demos, focused on the way tax loopholes and other schemes rich people use to avoid taxes have deprived public institutions and services of much-needed revenue.

Every year at budget time were coming up short. They tell us there is not enough money to make the schools better or even keep them open in some neighborhoods, McGhee said.

Across the country, Americans are calling bullshit! she concluded, prompting the crowd to repeatedly chant bullshit in response.

And Rep. Raskin, a constitutional law professor who represents the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., protested the lack of voting representation in Congress for D.C.s nearly 700,000 residents despite the billions of dollars in taxes they pay.

He also argued that Trump must disclose his tax returns before he embarks on an effort to reform the countrys tax system.

We cannot debate tax policy in America unless we know what personal, family and business interests are motivating and defining your proposals, he said.

The majority of the activists at the tax march in Washington, D.C., appeared to come from the greater metropolitan area, including the Maryland and Virginia suburbs.

There were, nonetheless, many people who traveled long distances to participate in the event.

Heavy machinery salvage businessman Paul Kelly, 55, and his son Stafford Kelly, 19, took the train up from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They were sporting hard hats from their line of work.Stafford Kelly was holding a red and yellow Trump flag with old Soviet insignia, while his father held a Syrian flag as a gesture of solidarity with the Syrian people.

We should let the refugees in instead of bombing them, Paul Stafford said.

He identifies as an independent and was not involved in politics until Trumps election.

We gotta do something to oppose this administration, he said. The Russian connections, the misogyny, the sexism, the racism its pretty much just un-American.

Here are some images from tax marches across the country:

This article has been updated with new details on rally developments throughout.

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Nationwide Tax Day Marches Demand Donald Trump Releases His Tax Returns - Huffington Post

What Kind of Pet Should Donald Trump Get? – New York Times

New York Times
What Kind of Pet Should Donald Trump Get?
New York Times
Of all the stains besmirching the Trump presidency the ethical lacunae, the spasmodic policy fits, the Golf Digest aesthetic none looms so large as the absence of a White House pet. Breathes there a man with a soul so dead that he doesn't want ...

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What Kind of Pet Should Donald Trump Get? - New York Times

Melissa McCarthy returns to ‘Saturday Night Live’ as Sean Spicer, Alec Baldwin reprises Donald Trump – ABC News

Both Alec Baldwin and Melissa McCarthy returned to "Saturday Night Live" this weekend to reprise their roles as President Donald Trump and White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

In one sketch, McCarthy's easily agitated Spicer holds one of his infamous press briefings dressed as the Easter Bunny. The sketch pokes fun at Spicer's controversial comments this past week comparing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad with Adolf Hitler, which left many observers calling for his resignation.

"Everybody shut up so I can apologize," McCarthy's Spicer says. "You all got your wish this week, didn't you? Spicey finally made a mistake."


The show's cold open featured Baldwin's Trump speaking with Vice President Mike Pence, played by "SNL" cast member Beck Bennett, in the Oval Office.

The sketch poked fun at the president's frequent visits to Mar-a-Lago, his achievements so far, in-fighting in the White House, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


"So many memories in this room," Baldwin's Trump says during the cold open. "This is where I met with the Chinese president."

Bennett's Pence corrects the president, saying, "That was at Mar-a-Lago, sir."

Baldwin's Trump continues, "This was where I ordered the Syrian strike."

Yet again, Bennett's Pence corrects the president: "That was also at Mar-a-Lago, sir."

The cold open also mocks the president's knowledge of foreign affairs.

Says Baldwin's Trump: "Remember when I refused to shake the hand of that little German boy?"

"You mean, Angela Merkel?" says Bennett's Pence.

"Whatever his name is," responds the commander in chief.

As the show has in the past, the cold open portrayed White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as the Grim Reaper.

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Melissa McCarthy returns to 'Saturday Night Live' as Sean Spicer, Alec Baldwin reprises Donald Trump - ABC News

Donald Trump’s election flips both parties’ views of the economy – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

Do political views color perceptions of the economy? Washington Bureau Chief Craig Gilbert fills us in.

Having Donald Trump in the White House has had a revolutionary effect on the economic outlook of Wisconsins most partisan voters, recent polling suggests.

In a flash, it has turned Republicans into rosy optimists and Democrats into dour pessimists, reversing the mood of voters in both parties.

You probably didnt need a poll to tell you that.

But the polling also tells us something more stark and fundamental about the partisan prism through which many voters see the world.

Trumps election did more than change the expectations of Republicans and Democrats about the economys future performance.

It altered their assessments of the economys actual performance.

When GOP voters in Wisconsin were asked last October whether the economy had gotten better or worse over the past year, they said worse by a margin of 28 points.

But when they were asked the very same question last month, they said better by a margin of 54 points.

Thats a net swing of 82 percentage points between late October 2016 and mid-March 2017.

What changed so radically in those four and a half months?

The economy didnt. But the political landscape did.

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Republican Trump replaced Democrat Barack Obama as president. With their own party now in power, Republicans overwhelmingly upgraded their evaluations of Americas economic performance.

Thats a testament to the power of partisanship to rewrite our perceptions, even when the objective reality has hardly changed, says the Marquette University Law Schools Charles Franklin, who conducted the polls cited above.

Something similar has happened in the nation as a whole. As the New York Times reported recently, Republicans and Democrats have done an about-face since the election in their economic outlook, with the partisan gap in national consumer sentiment bigger than ever before.

The Wisconsin polling is a striking illustration. Asked last month if, looking ahead, they expect the economy to get better, worse or stay the same over the next year, GOP voters chose better over worse by a margin of 80 points. Democratic voters chose worse over better by a margin of 43 points.

That is the biggest partisan gap Marquette has ever recorded on this question in 42 polls dating back to the beginning of 2012. And it represents a huge shift since last fall for voters in both parties.

But the Wisconsin polling adds some other wrinkles to thisstory.

In its polls, Marquette poses a second question on the economy, asking voters to rate its performance over the past year.

Across more than five years of Wisconsin surveys, the results show some very distinctive patterns.

One is that the Republicans have shifted more dramatically in their views of the economy than Democrats, from overwhelmingly negative during much of the Obama presidency to overwhelmingly positive with Trump now in the White House. Democrats assessments of the economy darkened after Trumps election, but the shifts in their views have been much more modest.

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Two, the economic perceptions of both Republicans and Democrats have routinely seesawed with the states election cycles.

In presidential campaign seasons, Democratic voters have given the economy their best grades, Republicans their worst grades. Why?

One explanation is that the run-up to an election is when partisan voters are most likely to see the economy through a partisan lens. With Democrat Obama in the White House and his economic record a key campaign issue, his supporters see the economy in the best possible light, his opponents in the worst possible light.

In late October of 2012 on the cusp of the presidential election 59% of Wisconsin Democrats said the economy had gotten better over the previous 12 months. That is the highest figure recorded in 42 Marquette polls over five-plus years.

In the same survey, only 5% of GOP voters said the economy had gotten better. That is the lowest figure ever recorded by Marquette.

But just the opposite was true during the state's campaigns for governor, with Wisconsin Democrats givingthe economy their worst grades, Republicans their best.

For example, Democratic views of the economy worsened during the recall election over Gov. Scott Walker in the summer of 2012, improved during the fall 2012 presidential campaign, worsened during the 2014 race for governor, and improved again during the 2016 presidential campaign.

SPECIAL REPORT:Democratic, Republican voters worlds apart in divided Wisconsin

GOP perceptions moved in the reverse direction.

Why would elections for governor produce a different pattern in Wisconsin than elections for president?

One fundamental difference is that in the 2012 and 2014 races for governor, the politician whose record in office was under scrutiny was a Republican Walker. As a result, both parties adopted an entirely different economic message than the one they had during the most recent two presidential campaigns.

Walker aggressively touted the states economic performance under his leadership, while Democrats attacked it.The result? Republican voters grew more positive about the economy and Democrats grew more negative.

In fact, the best grades Republicans have ever given the economy in Marquettes more than five years of polling were on the eve of the 2014 election, when Walker was seeking a second term.That was also when Wisconsin Democrats gave the economy their very worst grades in 42 Marquette polls.

In short, Democrats and especially Republicans in Wisconsin have changed their views of the economy far more than actual economic conditions have changed. And those views have shifted in concert with the election cycles.

The polling suggests that many partisan voters look to their preferred candidates for cues about how to view the economy, says Franklin, which shows how much even economicreality is filtered through our subjective perceptions by voters own partisan leanings.

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Donald Trump's election flips both parties' views of the economy - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

Donald Trump to Be First President Since Reagan to Speak at NRA Annual Meetings – Breitbart News


He will speak to the NRAs 2017 Leadership Forum in Atlanta on April 28.

Breitbart News reported that the NRA endorsed Trump on May 20, 2016, during the 2016 Annual Meetings in Louisville, Kentucky. Thereafter, the NRA campaigned for Trump, and Trump reminded voters again and again that he would work with the NRA to save the Second Amendment if elected.

Trump will now return to speak to the gun rights group that cheered him to victory last year.Bloomberg reports that this will make him the first U.S. president to address the gun-rights group since Ronald Reagan in 1983.

Trumps speech to the NRA will occur two months to the day after he signed a repeal of Barack Obamas Social Security gun banwhich would have allowed the Social Security Administration to strip beneficiaries of the Second Amendment rights without due process. The speech also comes nearly two months after his Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, ended an Obama-era ban against using lead ammunition on federal lands.

On April 13, 2017, Breitbart News reported that the Trump administration has been quietly rolling back other Obama-era gun controls behind the scenes. McClatchy reported that federal agencies have narrowed the definition of fugitive, thereby limiting the number of people prohibited from gun possession because they are included in a fugitive database. Trump officials have also signaled that they may no longer defend the Army Corps of Engineers ban on carrying loaded firearms and ammunition on federal lands.

Trumps greatest pro-Second Amendment accomplishment was nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and securing his confirmation. Trump had promised to use SCOTUS to save the Second Amendment from people like Hillary Clinton, and Gorsuch is widely viewed as a fulfillment of that promise.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

Originally posted here:
Donald Trump to Be First President Since Reagan to Speak at NRA Annual Meetings - Breitbart News