Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump’s Recent Policy Reversals Reflect Business Influence – Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Donald Trump's Recent Policy Reversals Reflect Business Influence
Wall Street Journal (subscription)
President Donald Trump and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg held a joint press conference on Wednesday, where Mr. Trump reiterated his commitment to the alliance and its expansion. They also spoke about how the alliance can best address ...
Donald Trump now backs
Sean Spicer Throws In the TowelThe Atlantic
Trump's stunning u-turns on NATO, China, Russia and SyriaCNN
PolitiFact -Daily Beast -Wall Street Journal
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Donald Trump's Recent Policy Reversals Reflect Business Influence - Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Critics Fear Donald Trump Is Backing Off China Trade Crackdown – Huffington Post

President Donald Trump announced in a Wednesday interview with The Wall Street Journal that he would not try to label China a currency manipulator.

It was one of several recent about-faces on policy from Syria to NATO to the Federal Reserve hailedby mainstream political analysts as evidence that Trump is finally walking back some of the more unorthodox stances from his presidential campaign.

But some economists who agree that China is not presently depressing its currency nonetheless worry that Trumps evolving thinking could signal a diminished appetite for tackling the broader issue of Chinas currency policies and the closely related issue of its massive global trade surplus.

Jared Bernstein, a senior fellow at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, welcomed Trumps recognition that China is no longer manipulating its currency as an indication that the president is being more connected to the reality of the situation than he was.

He is nonetheless concerned that Trumps comments could reflect the rising influence of Goldman Sachs alumni such as National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and deputy national security adviser Dina Powell who, by virtue of their backgrounds, are more sympathetic to the status quo.

There is still the potential for significant and distortionary imbalances in international trade and finance. One worries that the Goldman [Sachs] wing of the White House is kind of assuming that away, said Bernstein, who was former Vice President Joe Bidens chief economist from 2009 to 2011.

Former finance executives are less likely to view rebalancing trade with China and other trading partners as an urgent priority, since making it easier to import cheaper foreign goods has fattened the profits of companies they invest in, Bernstein argued.

If you are a multinational corporation your stakes in the game are pretty different than a family in a manufacturing community in the Rust Belt, he said.

As Bernstein noted, Trump was technically correct when it comes to Chinas current behavior.

Currency manipulation is when a country uses foreign currency it earns from exporting goods to buy up assets denominated in that currency. By stockpiling foreign currency, such as U.S. dollars, the purchasing country can raise a currencys value on the global market, thereby making goods sold in that currency more expensive and less competitive.

The exact criteria used to determine whether a countrys currency policies have crossed the line into manipulation vary.

It is clear though that China has not been manipulating its currency in a way that would advantage its exports for a few years now. In fact, for over a year and a half, Chinas central bank has been propping up the yuan by steadily selling off its foreign currency reserves. It now holds some $3 trillion in foreign reserves, down from a peak of almost $4 trillion in 2014.

Of course, China is acting to stave off a precipitous drop in the yuans value as an economic slowdown prompted its citizens to move their money overseas. Its actions have not resulted in an appreciable rise relative to the dollar. The yuan has roughly the same value relative to the dollar that it had in 2010.

Some centrist and liberal economists who disagree with Trump on other matters, however, were sympathetic to his insistence that the U.S. needed to reduce its trade deficit with China even when they disliked the way he went about saying it. From the early to mid-2000s through about 2013, China was indeed manipulating its currency, the largest of several techniques it used to become a net exporter of goods to both the United States and the world.

A broad array of experts now agree that these practices contributed to a massive loss in U.S. manufacturing jobs that harmed the American middle class. A January study released by Robert Scott, director of trade and manufacturing policy research at the labor-backed Economic Policy Institute, estimated that trade with China cost the U.S. 3.4 million jobs from 2001 to 2015, the vast majority of them in manufacturing. An academic study using more conservative assumptions concluded that Chinese trade deprived the U.S. of as many as 2.4 million jobs from 1999 to 2011.

Economists who believe the trade deficit should be smaller argue that Chinas accumulated surplus of foreign currencies still tilts the scales for its exports.

While it may be technically true that China is no longer acquiring dollar-denominated assets, they still hold more than $3 trillion in foreign currency reserves, and probably $1 trillion in other investments, Scott said. It is clear that Chinas currency needs to rise in value.

The yuan would need to rise in value by 25 to 30 percent to reasonably rebalance global trade, he estimated.

Few dispute that China needs less than the $3 trillion in foreign currency reserves it currently holds to withstand a major financial shock.

In fact, it needs no more than $2 trillion and probably significantly less, according to Joseph Gagnon, a senior fellow at the centrist Peterson Institute for International Economics who has co-authored a book on currency manipulation due out in June, Currency Conflict and Trade Policy: A New Strategy for the United States.

Gagnon agrees with Scott about the need for the U.S. to rebalance trade with China, albeit for different reasons. He maintains that importing so many goods from China and other nations is financially unsustainable for the United States because of the private and public borrowing it requires.

But Chinas steady drawdown of its currency reserves in recent years has convinced Gagnon that Trump should not pressure China to further reduce its stockpile at this stage.

I would be hard-pressed to justify asking China to do more than its already been doing in the past two years on the currency, said Gagnon, a former economist at the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. To fault them right now would be insane because it would be punishing good behavior.

Carlos Barria/Reuters

Trade negotiations are always a give and take between the different parties, however. Eswar Prasad, a Cornell professor who led the International Monetary Funds China desk in the 2000s, told The New York Times that the United States was aware of the currency manipulation issue at the time, but obtaining greater market access, better intellectual property rights protection, easier access to investment opportunities were simply higher priorities.

Prasads comments support the belief of economists such as Dean Baker, co-director of the progressive Center for Economic and Policy Research, that putting more emphasis on issues like currency that affect workers could lead to significantly different outcomes.

The trade-offs to date have been in favor of the pharmaceutical industry, the entertainment industry, the software industry, the financial industry, and against U.S. workers. And Id flip those priorities, he said.

Trump seems to have a different type of bartering in mind when it comes to U.S.-China commerce. He tweeted on Tuesday that he is open to relaxing his trade-related demands on China if it would help defuse tensions with North Korea.

The comments disconcerted Scott of the Economic Policy Institute.

I am increasingly concerned that Trump is going to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors and not sanction China for currency manipulation and trade off the interests of working Americans for other vague foreign policy goals like convincing the North Koreans to slow down production of nuclear weapons. It is a serious mistake, Scott said.

Trying to achieve geopolitical goals through policies that enable offshoring of manufacturing jobs rarely works, he added.

Asked whether Trump still views Chinas currency value as problematic and plans to take steps to address it, the White House referred The Huffington Post to press secretary Sean Spicers comments about Trumps currency manipulation pivot on Thursday.

Its a very complex issue and Im going to leave it to the president to specifically answer that, Spicer said. The president is going to continue to make significant progress when it comes to that issue and to how our relationship is with China.

Spicer also dismissed the notion that Trump had dramatically changed the policy positions that he campaigned on.

If you look at whats happened its those entities or individuals in some casesor issues evolving toward the presidents position, he said.

Here is the original post:
Critics Fear Donald Trump Is Backing Off China Trade Crackdown - Huffington Post

Donald Trump must be taken seriously – Washington Times

Washington Times
Donald Trump must be taken seriously
Washington Times
If chaos is the sign of growth and sometimes that's a fair description of progress Donald Trump is on course to build an administration that can survive the fits, starts and mistakes of a drawn-out opening night. The rest of the world has to ...

See the article here:
Donald Trump must be taken seriously - Washington Times

Donald Trump News and Photos | Perez Hilton

Every court has its clown.

But since our President is already a clown, that makes Sean Spicer a talking balloon animal.

The White House Press Secretary tried to justify Donald Trump's decision to airstrike Syria last week and, in doing so, essentially told the entire press corps that he flunked World History in high school. (Sad!)

On Tuesday, Spicer painted Syrian president Bashar al-Assad as a villain more sinister than Adolf Hitler by proclaiming the Nazi leader "didn't even sink to chemical weapons" on his people like al-Assad has been accused of.

We guess he forget about the millions of Jews who were killed in gas chambers during WWII but thankfully, White House reporters (and the Internet) were quick to remind him.

Sadly, this isn't Spicer's first perplexing moment at the podium. Relive the press secretary's most profound snafus (below)!

CLICK HERE to view "6 RIDICULOUS Sean Spicer Moments!"

CLICK HERE to view "6 RIDICULOUS Sean Spicer Moments!"

CLICK HERE to view "6 RIDICULOUS Sean Spicer Moments!"

CLICK HERE to view "6 RIDICULOUS Sean Spicer Moments!"

CLICK HERE to view "6 RIDICULOUS Sean Spicer Moments!"

See the article here:
Donald Trump News and Photos | Perez Hilton

Donald Trump’s on-the-job training – CNN

Various Trump officials for instance struggled to get on the same page Tuesday over the question of whether Russia knew in advance about the chemical weapons attack by its ally President Bashar al-Assad's government that killed more than 80 civilians.

The apparent contradictions were symptomatic of the Trump team's failure to agree a public line on its first big national security test. Haley's comments and a string of other seemingly jarring interventions by officials are raising questions about the coordination of the foreign policy process between the National Security Council, the State Department and the Pentagon and may reveal a lack of basic strategic planning and messaging in the still understaffed administration.

The last few days have seen a flurry of gaffes, walk-backs, vague, sometimes conflicting statements and off-the-cuff policy making by President Donald Trump himself, Tillerson, Haley and Spicer.

A similar realization is now becoming evident on foreign policy.

Yet his heartfelt response to horrific images of gassed children in Syria, and decision to launch military action, appeared to completely reverse his stated foreign policy intentions. His instinctual move to order his first major military actions of his presidency also raised concerns that he was basing military action on emotion before arriving at a strategic long-term determination of next steps or the consequences of bombing Syria.

Tuesday was yet another dizzying day for America's allies, enemies and analysts as they try to arrive at clarity about Trump's intentions.

Attempts by the administration to explain its strategy on Syria and to shame Russia for its backing of Assad were blown out of the water by a huge blunder by Spicer.

Trump's spokesman reached for an unwise comparison by saying that even Adolf Hitler had never used chemical weapons against civilians during World War II, despite the gassing of millions of Jews and other minorities in death camps.

Spicer appeared on CNN's "The Situation Room" on Tuesday to apologize for the Hitler analogy.

"It was a mistake, I shouldn't have done it. I won't do it again. It was an attempt to do something that should not have been done. There really was no explaining it," he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Former Bill Clinton chief of staff Leon Panetta, who served another Democratic President, Barack Obama, as CIA chief, praised Spicer for apologizing but said his comments were a damaging distraction for the administration.

"When he says the kind of stupid things that he did today, it hurts the administration, it changes the story," Panetta said.

Spicer is not alone in muddling the administration's message and fogging perceptions of the Trump administration's Syria policy.

The President himself also weighed in on Tuesday, blaming the previous Obama administration's failure to enforce a US red line over the use of chemical weapons -- though did not bring much clarity to the situation.

"We are not going into Syria," Trump told Fox Business Network.

It was left to Mattis, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, to clarify that America's policy was still primarily geared towards destroying ISIS and not regime change. He said the missile strikes were a separate attempt to outlaw the use of chemical weapons.

"There is a limit, I think, to what we can do. And when you look at what happened with this chemical attack, we knew that we could not stand passive on this," the former general told reporters.

"But it was not a statement that we could enter full-fledged, full-bore into the most complex civil war probably raging on the planet at this time."

Mattis however, in his sober way did make clear to Assad that using chemical weapons again would draw a response, but did so in a way that avoided putting the administration's credibility on the line and highlighted the lack of precision and restraint evident in other administration statements.

But the Syria confusion is not only unfolding example of the administration learning that events have a way of quickly testing an inexperienced White House.

Events of the last few days appear to have completely reshaped the assumptions that Trump brought into office about improving relations with Russia that have pitched to their lowest point since the Cold War.

"If we got along with Russia and Russia went out with us and knocked the hell out of ISIS that is OK with me folks," Trump said at a campaign rally in October. Then-candidate Trump expressed his admiration for President Vladimir Putin many times, including in an NBC interview in September.

"If he says get things about me, I am going to say great things about him," Trump said. Back in August, Trump told supporters: "there is nothing I can think of that I would rather do than have Russia friendly."

Trump's room for maneuver with Russia was already curtailed by allegations that some campaign aides had links with Moscow at a time when it was accused of interfering in the presidential election.

The aftermath of the missile attacks ordered by Trump have appeared to have alerted the administration as never before to the geostrategic factors that make any rapprochement between Moscow and Washington a long shot.

Even members of his own administration appear to be undermining the President's hopes of improving relations with Russia, which sees Syria as a crucial Middle Eastern ally and props up Assad's government to maintain its influence in the region.

Tillerson, who was once branded by critics as too close to Moscow, owing to his business deals in his former job as the head of ExxonMobil, talked tough before arriving.

During a stop in Italy, the top US diplomat blasted the Russian government for supporting Assad and other US enemies.

"Russia has really aligned itself with the Assad regime, the Iranians and Hezbollah. Is that a long-term alliance that serves Russia's interests?" he said.

Back at the White House, Spicer effectively gave Moscow an ultimatum: choose better relations with Trump administration or its relations with nations that pursue policies contrary to US interests.

"It's no question that Russia is isolated. They have aligned themselves with North Korea, Syria, Iran. That's not exactly a group of countries that you're looking to hang out with," he said.

Read the original:
Donald Trump's on-the-job training - CNN