Donald Trump: News, satire and everything you need to know …
It is not always a bad thing for political leaders to give the impression that they are unpredictable. It makes it much more difficult for their enemies to calibrate responses. But Donald Trump is not unpredictable in a good way. He is erratic. His aides have no way of assessing what his next move will be. As a result, they can't plan ahead. Do they have any idea what they're going to do next, now that they moved the Syria conflict into a new phase? I doubt it very much.
I will never forget the first time I saw the infamous Vietnam War protest poster, titled "Q: And babies? A: And Babies." As a young girl, I stared tra...
Why yes, yes they do. However, there is a crucial difference, and it is one that is often overlooked. To make my point I'll choose an example of a very public situation, as opposed to a dingy club where the interaction isn't seen by anyone.
Beth Galey
Graduate-in-denial, journalisting, has no idea what's happening in Mr Robot
The question that the left faces is how to counter this. Certainly, it won't be an easy task, and nor is it one for a counter myth-maker like Corbyn and his Momentum gang. As the profoundly well-qualified Hillary Clinton found out, it's going to take a quite extraordinary effort, overcoming forces that are well-hidden, and very very connected.
President Trump's energy policy is doomed to failure as it comes into collision with economic reality. The advance of renewable energy sources is now unstoppable. So here is my prediction: the keystone pipeline will not get built and new coal mines will not be opened in the US or anywhere else in the world.
Which brings me to Gibraltar. British-owned since 1713, many Brits would rather the days of rationing were brought back than see Spain get their hands on the territory. Does Theresa agree with them? I'm not so sure, especially if it gets in the way of her proposals for a hard Brexit.
Andrew Shaw
Student journalist, blogger and contributor to The National Student
Trying to keep up with what's going on in the internet is like trying to chase down a steroid stuffed greyhound while wearing stilettos and thumbing through an Oxford Concise Dictionary looking for the word "Metaphor". It's not easy.
*Farhan Samanani [2013] is doing a PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge with the support of a Gates Cambridge Scholarshi...
Gates Cambridge Scholars
Gates Cambridge Scholars are intellectually outstanding postgraduate students with a capacity for leadership and a commitment to improving the lives of others
Last week I had a surprise when I picked up my four-year-old twins from pre-school. Their teacher said one of them (Leo) had been telling the class about Theresa May taking us out of the European Union!
Linsey Wynton
Freelance journalist and TV development producer and Mum of three boisterous boys - twins plus a slightly older brother!
The beast of capitalism has slid under most noses for too long, but now it is exhibited within the White House for all to see. Trump and his team are not 'maniacs', the world has not 'gone mad'. No these people know exactly what they are doing, and they love such escapist labels. It is precisely us, civil society, that must stop them in their tracks with this loud and clear message: you may have ruled the world until now, but no longer.
To put America first, Mr Trump must put the UN second. Channeling the far-sighted leadership of UN founding father Franklin D. Roosevelt is the best way to make America great again.
People in Russia are at the mercy of the state-controlled media. People in the West needn't be. If this is the new Cold War, then the West would do well to remember what had helped it to bring down the Berlin Wall and diffuse tensions at the end of the last century.
President Trump is probably sitting in the Oval Office seething. What went wrong? Leaving aside the technical details, such as the loss of medical insurance coverage for 25 million people - scaring the moderates, or in the other extreme, not cutting costs enough for the diehards, this legislative exercise, like all major decisions, is about behaviour.
Johnny Luk
Author of The Grad Job Game and 2009 Junior British Rowing Champion.
The continual contribution and addition to London's culture, that living breathing creature that is constantly evolving, makes us who we are. The answer to the hatred and division we saw this week cannot possibly be more hate and division. Surely love and unity can be the only antidote. That, and a strong cup of tea.
Banseka Kayembe
Law graduate and creator and editor of new political blog Naked Politics:
When it comes to hair, these are troubling times. Gone are the days when the prize for blonde male political buffoonery went hands down to Boris Johns...
We found that around half of us (49%) reported experiencing anxiety specifically in relation to the US election and following inauguration of Donald Trump as president, with 29% going as far as saying they have experienced a 'fair amount' or 'great deal' of anxiety.
Cal Strode
Senior Media Officer, Mental Health Foundation
Continued here:
Donald Trump: News, satire and everything you need to know ...