Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Donald Trump tells Angela Merkel to pay ‘vast sums’ owed to NATO – Boston Herald

President Trump lashed out at Germany yesterday for owing vast sums of money to NATO and claimed the 28-member military alliance needs to pay the U.S. for protection less than a day after sitting down with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In a tweet posted yesterday morning, Trump asserted that despite what Americans may be hearing from the FAKE NEWS, his sit-down with Merkel was a great meeting before accusing the nation of owing vast sums of money to NATO. His two-part Twitter post ended with: The United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!

Only five of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations 28 member countries meet the alliances defense spending goal: the U.S., the U.K., Greece, Poland and Estonia.

In 2014, NATO committed to having each nation spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024 a timeline set in the wake of Russias invasion of Crimea and one that Merkel reaffirmed this week in Washington, D.C. Germany currently spends 1.23 percent of its GDP on defense.

Former U.S. Ambassador for NATO Ivo Daalder was quick to point out that Trump isnt the first U.S. president to call on our European allies to up their defense spending.

The essential point is, yes, Europe needs to pay more. Daalder told the Herald, though he said theres no zero-sum ledger that shows Germany or any other nation owes the United States for its military might.

This entire idea that our defense spending somehow is for others, as opposed to for ourselves, is wrong, he said. We are spending on defense because we think its important to defend the things were defending, including Europe. Its not a favor we do.

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Donald Trump tells Angela Merkel to pay 'vast sums' owed to NATO - Boston Herald

Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own Kind of Trump – New York Times

New York Times
Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own Kind of Trump
New York Times
Donald Trump Jr. is the Trump who has not always seemed at ease with being a Trump. He grew up in the penthouse of Trump Tower but was happy to escape the gilded trappings of his Manhattan childhood to spend parts of the summers hunting and fishing ...

and more »

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Donald Trump Jr. Is His Own Kind of Trump - New York Times

George W. Bush Gave Us Donald Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven. – Huffington Post

Weve all seen the picture. Its the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.

When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan Awww! that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed The Embrace Seen Around the World by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.

Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.

If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the normalizing of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bushs policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.

The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internets power to turn anything even yesterdays calamities into todays cute moments.Its also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory.As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.

Left:President Bush looks out over Hurricane Katrinas devastation as he flies back to Washington on Aug. 31, 2005. Right:Bush sits with New Orleans high school students Ashantae Martin (left) and Ronjae Pleasant at an event marking the 10th anniversary of Katrina on Aug. 28, 2015.

Bushs advocates and former officials knew all along that presidential records are inevitably re-evaluated. Years ago, they began working to revamp his image in the eyes of the public. The reassessments started even before Bush left office, with the rise of the tea party and the weakening of the old Republican Party establishment. Vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was the first trigger that got liberals thinking maybe W. wasnt so badafter all.(A parallel re-evaluation was underway on the right. Among followers of Palin, who morphed into tea partiers and later into Trump die-hards, Bush was considered little better than Barack Obama.)

These early rehab efforts gained traction with the 2013 release of W.s oil paintings. The simple portraits including one that could have been titled Im taking a bath and these are my feet seemed to confirm old suspicions that the 43rd president was just a confused simpleton in the hands of a Cabinet of wicked Vulcans. During his presidency, this view was just another cause for derision.

During Obamas second term, it helped spawn an ironic reconsideration widespread enough for Vanity Fair to declare Busha hipster icon. BuzzFeed went further, describing the born-to-wealth Bush as an outsider artist and offering 15 Reasons George W. Bush Should Come Work For BuzzFeed Animals. There was less appetite for, say, 15 Iraqi Children Who Died Agonizing Deaths During The Initial Bombardment Of Baghdad or 15 Ways Bush Policies Helped Decimate The Wealth Of Working Americans To Benefit The Ultra-Rich.

Left:Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, President Bush declares major fighting over in Iraq. The banner reads Mission Accomplished.Right:Bushs paintings of wounded veterans hang at his presidential library in Dallas on Feb. 28, 2017. He also released a book with 66 portraits of vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By the time Trump clinched the GOP nomination last year, Bushs approval numbers equaled Bill Clintons a huge turnaround since Bushs ignominious departure from office. Among Republicans, a narrow majority had returned to rating his presidency a success. Then came the cute-bomb of the Embrace Seen Around the World, followed more recently by the release of Bushs coffee table art book, a sit-down on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and a People interview about his besties status with Michelle.

In these and other forums, Bush declared racism bad and criticized Trumps ban on travelers from seven (now six) Muslim-majority countries. It all contrasted nicely with Trumps blatant Islamophobia. For those desperate to escape the awful reality of the present, Bushs comments reinforced the comforting delusion of a big-tent bipartisan #resistance that will return everything to the halcyon days of a completely sane and not-at-all racist Republican Party.

Bush worked hard to sow tolerance for Muslim-Americans, convinced like President Obama that respect and openness was an asset in the fight against jihadists, Slates Jamelle Bouie wrote in November 2015, as Trumps candidacy rose on the back of his proposed Muslim ban. Now more than ever, this is what the Republican Party needs to hear.

As president, Trump has shifted Americans vantage point on Bush, who seems competent, well-spoken, tolerant and humane by comparison. The first Trump-era host of Saturday Night Live, Aziz Ansari, addressed this collective confusion in his monologue.

What the hell has happened? Im sitting here wistfully watching old George W. Bush speeches, Ansari said. Just sitting there like, What a leader he was! Sixteen years ago, I was certain this dude was a dildo. Now, Im sitting there like, He guided us with his eloquence!

Left: Ignoring reporters questions, President Bush turns to leave after announcing his support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on Feb. 24, 2004. Right:Bush appears as a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on March 2, 2017.

Missing amid much of the reaction to Bushs sensible words was the memory of his deeds. Americans have a gift for bathing the past in a warm light. A few generations back, things were better, we always seem to imagine the children more respectful, the adults harder working, the institutions less corrupt, the population more unified.

This knack for rewriting is what allowed Richard Nixon, a divisive president who left a trail of carnage in his wake and barely escaped federal prison at the mercy of a presidential pardon, to die a respected statesman and geo-strategist. Its what allows his scheming secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, to grow old on vacations with Democratic presidential candidates and bask in laughs during musical numbers on Comedy Central. Its also whats helping Bush.

There are, at least,a growing number of backlash pieces.They point out that Bush did much to create the very conditions that gave rise to Trump which, in turn, is driving his own expedited rehab.

Much has been made of the idea that the current president is a reaction to the previous one a whitelash against eight years of Obama, in Van Jones phrase. While the argument contains a grain of truth, it is an oversimplification that misses the deeper relationship between Trump and the chaos left behind by Obamas predecessors.This would be the same chaos that hatched the Islamic State and crashed the economy, lighting a spark beneath a transatlantic, right-wing, ethno-populist movement.

Consider the yawning wealth gap in the U.S. The 2007-2008 financial crisis erased the stored wealth of millions of lower- and middle-income people around the world, the vast majority of whom have yet to recover. Nationalist movements date their current surge to that global crisis, which was preceded and followed by Democratic administrations that also pursued pro-Wall Street policies.

Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administrations failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab Leagues ominous admonition that such a move would open the gates of hell.

Brennan Linsley/Pool/Getty Images

Trump is an admirer of torture and other Bush deeds that have only driven extremists recruitment. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, contempt for international law surely we all remember the list.

Or do we? Given the medias role in rehabbing him, it seems necessary to note that Bush also hated the press. As Jacobins Branko Marcetic reminds us, U.S. forces under the Bush administration killed multiple journalists, including shelling a hotel known to be full of international reporters. Two Reuters photographers died that time. Maybe this is what Trump had in mind when he told Bill OReilly, We have a lot of killers. You think our country is so innocent?

Without Bushs two most fateful decisions letting Wall Street run amok and invading Iraq its hard to imagine Trumps metamorphosis from a second-rate reality TV star to president of the United States.

Left: President Bush disavows anti-Muslim sentiment after 9/11, speaking at the Islamic Center of Washington on Sept. 17, 2001. Right:At Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq,Spc. Charles Graner and Spc. Sabrina Harman pose with naked, hooded prisoners who were forced to form a human pyramid.

Hazy nostalgia for George W. Bush carries broader risks. If Bush really wasnt so bad, then Trump is more of a dramatic switch from ages past than hes already been judged. His administration is a comet carrying alien life, as opposed to the edge of a continuum stretching back through decades of Democratic and Republican misrule.Normalizing Bush weakens our already weak grip on history, making it that much harder to see how todays political harvest was also cultivated by the administrations of Clinton, who signed NAFTA and unleashed Wall Street, and Obama, who continued the Wall Street bailouts and allowed 90 percent of wealth creation during his tenure to accrue to the top 1 percent.

If Bush had never been president, or an execution-happy Texas governor, he might be a great buddy to talk baseball with. Even now, despite everything, its possible to empathize with his anguished conscience and maybe grant him whatever fleeting solace he finds in his paints and his bubble baths. But thats really between him, his minister and his therapist. The country cannot afford any more sentimentalized politics.

Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

If Trumps election has any value, its as a wakeup call to stay focused on the forces and interests behind the masks. This was never going to be easy. Humanity is blessed and cursed with an ability to repress memories, especially traumatic ones. Voluntary and enforced forgetting has long been used to strengthen social cohesion. In ancient Athens, statues of Lethe, the god of forgetting, were erected as reminders of official decrees to let go of recent civil wars.

The Embrace Seen Around the World has shown us how much harder remembering will be under the spell of social media, which may be shrinking our historical depth of field faster than Bushs secret energy task force helped melt the Antarctic ice sheets. The habits of mind encouraged by social media are part of the new velocity, the constant internet-powered churning and re-appropriation, that is driving our great forgetting. A decade ago, The Onionimagined the U.S. Department of Retro warning thatthe nation may be running out of past. The joke concerned recycling yesterdays fashions at Urban Outfitters, but it hinted at a world where George W. Bush is recycled on national television and the pages of Time magazine.

The internet can also be a tool for resisting memory loss. In the past, scholars, columnists and other elite gatekeepers drove public rehabilitations, re-tailoring reputations for acceptance at the latest dinner party. But those gates are no longer kept, and the public that chooses to forget can also choose not to. In the leveled, noisy fields of the internet, they can say, No, this must be remembered.

Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance cant stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.

Aude Guerrucci/Pool/Getty Images

See the article here:
George W. Bush Gave Us Donald Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven. - Huffington Post

Donald Trump Calls Tax Returns Sacred, MSNBC Bad People & Vladimir Putin Tough Cookie – Deadline

President Donald Trumppromised thebiggest tax cuts since Reagan, insisted his own tax returns are good, and blasted MSNBC as bad people. All in all, a standard, if smiley, interview on Fox News Channel tonight.

Ive always heard a tax return was a sacred kind of thing, Trump told Jesse Watters, the Fox News Watters World host who landed the exclusive pre-taped interview prior to Trumps Nashville rally Wednesday.

Asked to respond to Rachel Maddows reveal of a portion of his 2005 tax returns, Trump said, Theyre bad people, theres something wrong with them. He added, All of my tax returns are good. Watters didnt ask for proof.

On the subject of funny-haired Rand Paul, Trump said, I like him. Hes become a friend of mine. Its hard to believe I ridiculed him.

Fox News had already released a snippet of the interview the best bit, it turns out, in which Trump said hed fire Alec Baldwin over Chuck Schumerand Jeff Zucker.I think the Alec Baldwin situation is not good, the president said.

A few other responses, condensed:

Barack Obama? Very nice to me personally but his people havent been nice.

The Wall? Some great designs coming in.

Kellyanne Conway: Very nice woman.

Hillary Clinton: Disappointed.

Vladimir Putin: I dont know him but certainly he is a tough cookie.

Elizabeth Warren: Craziness and anger. Pocahontas would not be proud of her.

Bill OReilly: Dont kid yourself, hes a talented guy.

Jesse Watters: Tremendous future, tremendous potentialAnd honestly youve been so nice to me that this iswhy I turned down the biggest shows on television and here I am, Watters World.

Go here to see the original:
Donald Trump Calls Tax Returns Sacred, MSNBC Bad People & Vladimir Putin Tough Cookie - Deadline

We’re wondering what exactly Bill Gates and Donald Trump will have to talk about tomorrow – Quartz

On March 20, Bill Gates will meet with president Donald Trump. The agenda hasnt been revealed, but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hinted at what would be discussed in a statement:

The foundation has a long history of working with officials on both sides of the aisle to pursue shared priorities like global health and development and domestic education. Bill will meet with congressional leaders and members of the administration to discuss the tremendous progress made to-date in these areas and the critical and indispensable role that the United States has played in achieving these gains.

Gates and Trump previously met at Trump Tower in December to discuss innovation. He walked away from the meeting saying that Trump had the opportunity to be like John F. Kennedy. But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, Gates said after the meeting, I think whether its education or stopping epidemics [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trumps] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation.

Despite Trumps appointing a climate-change denier to run the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gates optimistically predicted that investment in energy R&D would continue to be a bipartisan issue. Clean energy is among his personal causes: Late last year he established the $1 billion investment vehicle Breakthrough Energy Ventures, along with Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomberg, and other business leaders.

Will he retain that optimism for tomorrows meeting? His tone changed on March 16, when the Gates Foundation said that it was deeply troubled by the presidents 2018 budget request, released that morning. The proposal included deep cuts to both the EPA and non-military overseas aid. The next day, Gates responded with an article on the Gates Notes blog, How Foreign Aid Helps Americans.

Gates is, however, among the few tech industry leaders still trying to talk to the president. Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick left Trumps advisory council (paywall) in February after a backlash, and Silicon Valley leaders have been taking a more cautious stance since Decembers meeting of select tech CEOs at Trump Tower. Gates, though, no longer leads Microsoft, so he doesnt have to answer to employees or shareholders who might object to his having close ties with Trump.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is among those who continues to meet with the presidenthe, too, was bullish that he could influence Trumps stance toward innovation. No word as yet whether the big funding cuts to scientific research on which American industry depends have blunted Musks enthusiasm.

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We're wondering what exactly Bill Gates and Donald Trump will have to talk about tomorrow - Quartz