Donald Trump’s A+/C+ presidency – Washington Post
President Trump sat down with "Fox and Friends" on Tuesday morning to preview his address tonight to a joint session of Congress. Using Genius, I annotated it. You can too! Sign up for Genius and annotate alongside me!To see an annotation, click or tap the highlighted part of the transcript.
DOOCY: Mr. President, thank you very much for the invitation.
TRUMP: Thank you.
DOOCY: And by the way, thank you very much for the shout-out you gave at your press conference about 10 days ago.
TRUMP: That's true, I did. And you treated me -- you have treated me very fairly and I appreciate it. I like your (INAUDIBLE)...
DOOCY: Did you take much heat for that from the other networks?
TRUMP: No, not really. I think they know it's true. You know, they know what's fair and not. But you have treated me very fairly. And I've been a friend of your show for a long time.
Remember those call-ins, right (INAUDIBLE)?
DOOCY: For years.
TRUMP: Maybe without those call-ins, somebody else is sitting here.
AINSLEY EARHARDT, HOST: Let's talk about your speech. You're addressing Congress tonight. You have talked about spending $54 billion in additional money for our military.
Senator John McCain has said that is not enough.
What's your reaction?
TRUMP: Well, we're going to spend a lot more money on military. We really have to. We have no choice. And a lot of people think it's a tremendous amount of money. It could be, actually, $30 million, $30 billion more than that. We're going to upgrade our military very substantially.
Remember this, I also am going to get involved in negotiating. we have many planes and boats and ships and everything that we are spending too much money individually on.
We're going to get involved in negotiating. We're going to be able to get, I think, a lot more product for a buck and I'm going to be very, very serious about it.
We saved $700 million plus on an F-35 after I got involved. And I have to tell you, Lockheed was terrific.
But we saved a lot of money on airplanes and that number is going to increase very substantially as we keep going, We will be having the greatest military that we ever had by the time I finish.
BRIAN KILMEADE: Mr. President, you'll have the biggest -- if tradition means anything, and I know everything is a little bit different these days...
TRUMP: Right.
BRIAN KILMEADE, HOST: -- you'll have the biggest audience for a State of the Union like address this year, bigger than any other year.
Having said that, how do you plan on capturing that opportunity for yourself and for your administration?
TRUMP: You know, Brian, all I can do is speak from the heart and say what I want to do. We have a really terrific, I believe, health care plan coming out. We have to understand, ObamaCare has been a disaster. It's way out of control, it doesn't work.
We're coming out with a health care plan that I think will be terrific. It will be very inclusive and I think it's going to do, really, what people are wanting it to do.
But I'll be talking about that. I'll be talking about the military. I'll be talking about the border. And remember this, on the border and throughout our country, we're getting the bad ones out, the bad people -- gang members, drug lords, in some cases, murderers...
KILMEADE: Has that not been communicated...
TRUMP: We're getting them out.
KILMEADE: -- do you think that that has not been communicated effectively?
TRUMP: I don't think so. No, I don't think it's been -- maybe it's my fault. But, you know, when they show people being taken out, these are people that are -- we're looking at the bad ones. And I said that from day one. I said from the day I'm president, we're getting rid of the bad ones. And a lot of people understand it.
I can tell you, the communities where we're removing people that are really trouble and really frightening to a lot of the people that live there...
DOOCY: Right.
TRUMP: -- those communities are very, very happy.
DOOCY: Sure. Mr. President, you're going to spend $54 billion, at least, more on the military. And the people who -- in our audience like that -- love this and you've said you were going to do that all along. You're going to make big spending cuts at the EPA...
TRUMP: Right.
DOOCY: And State Department.
Where does the money come from?
TRUMP: Well, the E...
DOOCY: Because it doesn't seem -- if you cut all the money from EPA and all the money from State, that's about $50 billion.
TRUMP: Well, I think the money is going to come from a revved up economy. I mean you look at the kind of numbers we're doing, we were probably GDP of a little more than 1 percent and if I can get that up to 3 or maybe more, we have a whole different ball game. It's a whole different ball game.
And that's what we're looking to do.
DOOCY: But to get the economy going, you've got to get the Affordable Care Act...
TRUMP: Right.
DOOCY: -- replaced and repealed.
TRUMP: Right.
DOOCY: And then you've got to do something about taxes and how close are we to either of those?
TRUMP: Right. We're going to be doing things having to do with other countries, because we're treated very, very unfairly. We're going to be doing cuts on so many different things.
We're also going to be -- when we help other countries, when we help them, even militarily, we're going to ask for a form of reimbursement, which right now -- I mean we have countries where we're taking care of their military, we're not being reimbursed and they're wealthy countries.
We have a lot of things happening.
We're going to get those numbers way up and we're going to take care of -- and we're going to have a lot of great friends, but we're going to get the numbers way up and we're going to get jobs back in our country. You see what I've done. Ford has announced, General Motors, Fiat has announced. They're all building big plants. They're all coming back into the United States.
They were fleeing. They were fleeing our country. And you mentioned EPA. We have, right now -- I call it the veins of the country. We have, right now hundreds and hundreds of massive deals that are tied up with environmental protection. When they are -- Scott Pruitt, who is terrific. Just got approved.
But when he gets going, those projects are going to be freed up and they're going to be sailing. And you're talking about thousands -- and millions, actually, of jobs.
Also, look at the Keystone Pipeline. Look at the...
DOOCY: It's all connected.
TRUMP: It's all -- it's all together. We're going to have jobs. We're going to have a better economy. But we're going to have jobs again for our people. They don't have the jobs.
EARHARDT: You ran on jobs. You ran on draining the swamp.
EARHARDT: You ran on repealing and replacing ObamaCare.
When do you start to put pressure on Congress, the swamp, to get something done, to repeal and to replace?
TRUMP: Well, I think that Paul Ryan and his whole group have been terrific. I just left Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. And, you know, Paul is working very hard.
You know, health care is a very complex subject. If you do this, it affects nine different things. If you do that, it affects 15 different things.
I think we have a great plan and I think Congress is absolutely taking a lot of blame but it's not their fault. And don't forget, I've only been here for like four weeks.
TRUMP: Somebody said he hasn't done health care. They've been working on health care for 30 years.
DOOCYE: Right.
TRUMP: I've only been here for -- what is this, my fifth week?
And we're set to propose a plan and I'll be talking about it, as you know, tonight. And -- but we're all set to do a plan. And I think it's going to be something that's going to be really respected
And you take a look at what's going on with the stock market. Trillions of dollars of value have been created since I won the election -- I mean, trillions.. TRUMP: No, I mean the stock market is very enthused and that's jobs.
KILMEADE: But I just have to bring back two things in your cabinet.
TRUMP: Right.
KILMEADE: You have an OMB director, finally. He says you have to take an ax to entitlements. Your Treasury secretary says we're not touching it.
Who's right?
TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what who's right. If the economy sails, then I'm right, because I said I'm not touching Social Security.
KILMEADE: So your OMB is wrong?
TRUMP: I'm not saying anybody is wrong. I'm just saying this. If we -- and I think this is what's going to happen, Brian. I think our country is going to sail.
DOOCY: Mr. President, you announced via Twitter the other day you're not going to go to the White House Correspondents Dinner.
How come?
TRUMP: Well, I am not a hypocrite. And I haven't been treated properly. And that's OK, which is fine. You know, let...
DOOCY: Well, some...
TRUMP: -- everybody treat me...
DOOCY: -- some of the left say you just can't take a joke.
TRUMP: Maybe we'll have a small -- oh, no.
Do they say that?
TRUMP: Well, I've taken it.
You know, one of the great misconceptions, when President Obama was up -- was -- now, a long time ago, five years ago or whatever, I loved that evening. I had the greatest time...
DOOCY: You were there.
TRUMP: I was there.
KILMEADE: You were there -- you were there target of the hit.
TRUMP: I was the target.
DOOCY: You were the pinata.
TRUMP: And can I be honest?
I had the greatest time. Now, I can't act like I'm thrilled because they're telling jokes. I mean he was telling jokes I'm going to change (INAUDIBLE) the White House, the Trump House and other things.
And he was very -- I thought he did a good job. And he was very respectful and it was fun. And I enjoyed it. And I left and I told the press, they were all said, did you have a good time?
And I said it was fantastic.
The next day I read Donald Trump felt terrible about the evening. I loved the evening. I had a great time.
KILMEADE: You said before, I can take hits when it's justified.
TRUMP: Correct.
TRUMP: One hundred percent.
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Donald Trump's A+/C+ presidency - Washington Post