Since 2012, Sweden has been letting ordinary citizens take overthe official @sweden Twitter account, one week at a time, with next to no oversight. Its been risky move intended to help the countrypromote itself, unfiltered, as a travel destination, with each citizen serving as a kind of de facto tourism ambassador.
There have been some verynotable tweetersalong the waythe latest being 22-year-oldMax Karlsson, whos been usingthe account this week to critiquePresident Trump for his comments about Sweden over the weekend.
In case you missed it, Trump, at a rally in Florida on Saturday, said, You look at whats happening last night in Sweden. They took in large numbers. Theyre having problems like they never thought possible.Confusion followed as #lastnightinsweden began trending, with many noting that no specific newsworthy event had occurred in the Scandinavian nation on Friday night.
"As I've said before, we do face challengesbut not the ones Donald Trump believes in."
-Max Karlsson
Trump later saidhe was referring to a segment on Tucker Carlsons Fox News show in which filmmaker and anti-immigration activistAmi Horowitz made allegations about rising crime tied to Swedens refugee settlement policies and referenced alleged no go zones in areas with larger Muslim populations. Research by theSwedish National Council for Crime Prevention shows that violent crime hasbeen in general decline since the 90s, and two of the police officers interviewed by Horowitz for footage thataired during theFox segment later said hemischaracterized their statements, calling him a madman.
Hundreds of social media users began to mockTrump and his supporters with tags like #JeSuisIKEA. And @Sweden joined in, withKarlsson, a 22-year-oldSwedish Union of Tenants negotiation officer, spending much of his week on the account bashing Trump.
AdFreak spoke with Karlsson about the events of the past few days.
AdFreak: How does the @sweden accountwork, exactly? Max Karlsson: You nominate a Swedish Twitter user to Curators of Sweden.Then, if youre chosen by the Swedish Institute, you get a week to tweet freely about any subject, as long as youre within the law and not promoting a product or your business.
Wheredid you hear about Trumps claims, and how did you react? I got ahold of the account Monday morning, but Ive been preparing for about two weeks now. All of the preparation was scrapped, or at least put on hold, when Trump made his remarks, and I started drafting a strategy to be informative but still relevant.I heard about Trumps claims right after he made them, from Swedish journalists on Twitter. The collective response was a huge, Wait what did he just say?
Youve written a lot of tweets debunking Trumps broader allegations. Could you give some context to help Americans understand the arguments about immigration and crime? Were currently having a heated debate about fake news, combined with an increased threat from the Swedish extreme right. The larger political parties are all closing in on more populist policy decisions, and its been quite the ride following the progression from just a few years back. Weve grown much harder in our immigration policies, but a lot of Swedes still maintain a pretty high self-regard based on how it used to be. My week running @sweden is not only targeted toward reaching American Trump votersI want to converse with theSwedes, too.
You mentioned some specific right-wing politicalgroups. Could you elaborate?The Swedish far right has moved several positions forward, with normalization in a lot of the press and amongvoters. These figures, like Fjordman or Ingrid Carlqvist, are relatively invisible in an international context but well-known and generally despised over here. Some publications are maintaining a Snopes-like attitude and keeping their arguments fact-based. I think thats really valuable.
Various outlets are reporting thatriots did occur inthe predominately immigrant neighborhood of Rinkeby on Monday, and some Trump supportershave argued thatthis incident validates his claims. How would you respond?The thing is, it doesnt prove Trump right unless you argue on the premise that these 30 young menin one isolated area with apopulation of 12,000are rioting based on the color of their skin, and that alone. Lets assume they all have citizenship, because most of the youth in that area are born in Sweden to immigrant parents. What makes them immigrant rioters and not Swedish? Does anybody really want a debate about whether or not violence is more inherent in immigrants? Is it passed on through DNA? Thats just how close we are to arguing like its the happy 30s again.
So you think supporters are making a disingenuousargument. A sane discussion on crime is absolutely fitting. Butto be able to further that discussion into policy or action, it has to involve all relevant elements like socioeconomic factors, setting, history and the incident itselfabout which we still know very little. As Ive said before, we do face challengesbut not the ones Donald Trump believes in. Also, they are saying [the rioters were] Muslim, but they mean different race, totally ignoring whether theyre practicing or secular. There are no facts or science supporting this claim, and I hate seeing it in the frontlines of arguments they frequently bring up.
Now that youve had this experience in public, do you plan to become more politically active? This might just be a brief moment for me to express myself on a larger platform, but I havent thought about what to do after this week. Im taking it one day at a time!
Read the rest here:
This 22-Year-Old Has Been Trolling Donald Trump All Week via Sweden's Official Twitter Account - PRNewser