Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Gregg Popovich rips the "thin-skinned" Donald Trump, and the president’s media arm – Yahoo Sports

San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich has not held back in his public estimation of newly-sworn in president Donald Trump, as the longest-serving coach in North American pro sports already painted himself as aghast that his country would elect a leader who had energized his base with a series of xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic remarks.

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With Trump now elected, Pop wasted little time in discussing the 45th presidents first few hours, and the thin-skinned fallout that hit the airwaves on Saturday after the free press accurately reported on the attendance at his inauguration on Friday. Prior to Saturdays nationally-televised affair against the defending champion Cavaliers in Cleveland, Popovich spent some time with the assembled media:

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None of this is especially untrue or outrageous, but this is still an NBA coach pointing out to his fans that, to this point in his presidents term, he really cant believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a sitting president. That will raise some eyebrows.

Former Spurs reserve point guard Doc Rivers, who played with the team when Popovich worked in San Antonios front office, took a lighter approach in his discussion before his Clippers game in Denver on Saturday evening:

Pop actually named a few names, though..

Just a few hours past White House press secretary Sean Spicers astonishing monologue of a news conference on Saturday, which was almost solely dedicated toward admonishing the press for correctly documenting the relatively low turnout for Trumps swearing-in ceremony, Popovich lambasted the secretary for helping Trump spread information that is provably untrue. Kellyanne Conway, the former Trump campaign spokeswoman and current Trump counsel, was also cited by the longtime San Antonio coach.

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Taking on the thin skinned day-old president, Popovich moved in:

Their message is obvious, Popovich said. That our president comes in with the lowest (approval) rating of anybody whoever came into the office. And theres a majority of people out there, since [Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary [Clinton] won the popular vote, that dont buy his act. And I just wish that he was more had the ability to be more mature enough to do something that really is inclusive rather than just talking and saying, Im going to include everybody. He could talk to the groups that he disrespected and maligned during the primary and really make somebody believe it.

Speaking on the heels of the just as provably-true depictions of the massive turnouts for Saturdays Womens Marches across North America, Popovich toss out his appreciation for those that took to the streets in opposition following Trumps inauguration:

I felt great today watching the march in protest to how he has conducted himself, because it tells me hey, I really do live in a country where a whole lot of people care, Popovich said. And we have to be vigilant to make sure that, although we all hope that he does good things for our country, that we dont get, you know, embarrassed by him, and roll back liberties that have been worked for so long in so many different areas.

One gets the feeling the new president will continue to supply the five-time coaching champion, who works for an owner in Peter Holt that donated a quarter-million to Trumps election campaign, with all the fodder hell need moving forward, especially if the president continues to use his rare chances to speak to his electorate to discuss the relative size of crowds, and other wholly unimportant trivia.

One would also suspect that Gregg Popovich wants absolutely nothing to do with being served such fodder, and that hed prefer his elected officials get back to caring about (much less speaking about) things that actually matter.

Kelly Dwyer is an editor for Ball Dont Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!

See the rest here:
Gregg Popovich rips the "thin-skinned" Donald Trump, and the president's media arm - Yahoo Sports

Watch S.N.L.’s Shirtless Putin Roast President Donald Trump on His Fir – Vanity Fair

Saturday Night Live fans eager to see Alec Baldwin version of Donald Trump rip into the president immediately following the inauguration were instead greeted by Beck Bennetts priceless, shirtless, and smarmy Valdimir Putin. Boasting about buying the election and being the one really pulling the strings over the next four years, Bennetts Putin was joined by Kate McKinnons recurring downtrodden Russian character. Her new pussy hat really pulls the look together.

But the highlight of the cold open had to be Bennett needling Trump for the low turnout at his inauguration on Friday. We already knew the scarce crowds were a sore spot with Trump given that newly-minted Press Secretary Sean Spicer went to great lengths to lie about the low attendance his first day on the job. So, yes, this smirking joke from Bennetts Putin has to sting.

And hes not wrong. The turnout for the various Womens Marches around the globe were staggeringly hugehigher than most expected. Given how popular anti-Trump sentiment seems to be in this country and how much ripping on the president has done for S.N.L.s popularity, dont look for the sketch show to pull its punches any time soon.

Watch S.N.L.'s Shirtless Putin Roast President Donald Trump on His Fir - Vanity Fair

Spot the Billionaires Given Special Seats on Donald Trump’s Inaugural Platform – The Intercept

[UPDATED AT 4:27 p.m. ET; now includes two new sightings and CNNs Gigapixel photo.]

Some of Donald Trumps top donors received choice seats on the platform where he took the oath of office on Friday. The Intercept exclusively obtained a list revealing that the incoming administration had allocated at least a dozen of 183 seats on the inaugural platform to donors and fundraisers.

The Intercept identified seven donors who were seated not far from the dais: Sheldon Adelson, Steve Wynn, Carl Icahn, Harold Hamm, Lew Eisenberg, Woody Johnson and Phil Ruffin.

The list, however, suggests that 17 other individuals listed as donors were given seats on the platform as well: Hushang Ansary, Roy Bailey, Brian Ballard, Tom Barrack, Joe Craft, Louis DeJoy, Robert Grand, Diane Hendricks, Peter Kalikow, Richard Lefrak, Ed McMullen, Steve Roth, Anthony Scaramucci, Tommy Hicks, Gentry Beach, Ray Washburne, and Ron Weiser.

Can you help us spot the other donors on the platform?Email us at, or tweet to us at@Schwartzesqueand@lhfang.See the image below, or this one, as well as other images posted online of the inauguration platform, to help us. And check back for updates. Try CNNs amazing Gigapixel shot, too.

Update: Twitter user Gregory Lomanno spotted Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, speaking to Icahn in the picture below. Kraft appeared at an event last week with inauguration donors and other VIPs. And Brandon Bledsoe tweets that Tom Barrack, a private equity executive who chaired the inaugural committee, which has raised over $100 million, according to reports, was given the seat just in front of Adelson. As we reported on Friday, Barrack was granted 49 of 259 seats for the Friday morning service at St. Johns Episcopal Church, about as many seats as were allocated to Vice President Mike Pence and his family.

Graphic: The Intercept

The donors we have already identified used their checkbooks to developclose ties to the Trump administration, either financing his election victory or the inauguration, or both. Adelson, the chief executive of the Las Vegas Sands casino,gave $25 million to Super PACs supporting Trump during the campaign, and joined fellow casino mogul Wynn to help lead the inaugural committee hosting events celebrating Trumps new administration.

Harold Hamm, the chief executive of Continental Resources, a major drilling firm involved in using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology, has advised Trump on energy, and fundraised on his behalf.

Lew Eisenberg, aa former Goldman Sachs executive who went on to work in private equity, served as the finance chair of Trump Victory, a joint fundraising effort that solicited checks as big as$449,400 per donor.

Woody Johnson, the owner of the New York Jets who was recently nominated to serve as ambassador to the United Kingdom, was seated near Eisenberg. Johnson donated $349,000 to Trump Victory.Carl Icahn, the billionaire investor, gave $200,000 to Trump Victory. He, too, has won special access to the Trump administration, and is now advising the president on regulatory policy.

And Phil Ruffin, billionaire owner of the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, also donated to Trump Victory, giving the fund $400,000. He was joined by his wife, Aleksandra Nikolaenko, a former Miss Ukraine; Trump was the best man at their wedding.

But the still un-identified donors who were on the list were just as important.Hendricks, for instance, a billionaire who co-founded ABC Supply, a roofing and construction materials firm, gave $7.5 million to a SuperPAC that flooded the airwaves in Wisconsin, a state crucial to Trumps electoral college victory, with advertisements against Hillary Clinton. Joe Craft, the chief executive of Alliance Resource Partners, a major coal firm, gave $750,000 to Future45, another Super PAC that aired that aggressively went after Clinton during the election.

Go here to read the rest:
Spot the Billionaires Given Special Seats on Donald Trump's Inaugural Platform - The Intercept

Donald Trump’s Inauguration Brings in Over 30 Million Viewers – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal
Donald Trump's Inauguration Brings in Over 30 Million Viewers
Wall Street Journal
An audience of 30.6 million people tuned in to watch Donald Trump's inauguration as president, falling short of the number of people who watched Barack Obama's first swearing in eight years ago, according to Nielsen. In his 16-minute-and-12-second ...
Donald Trump Inauguration Draws 30.6 Million Viewers, Fewer Than Obama in 2009Variety
Sorry Sean Spicer, Trump's Inauguration Garners 7 Million Fewer Viewers Than Obama'sForbes

all 37 news articles »

Go here to see the original:
Donald Trump's Inauguration Brings in Over 30 Million Viewers - Wall Street Journal

Analysis: Donald Trump Promises a Presidency Like No Other –

President Donald Trump pumps his fist after addressing the crowd during his swearing-in ceremony on January 20, 2017 at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Mandel Ngan / AFP - Getty Images

Trump, who upended politics with his inflammatory nationalist message and takes office as the most disliked incoming president in memory, could have picked any or all of these paths. He went with Reagan's approach, but substituted his own brand of belligerent nationalism for the late president's principled conservatism.

Where Reagan smoothed the rougher edges of his vision with soaring patriotic imagery, Trump walked down a dark dystopia in which crime, joblessness and foreign exploitation had laid the country low while a shadowy elite profited at every turn.

"This American carnage stops right here and stops right now," he said.

Beyond a perfunctory nod to his predecessors in the White House, Trump did little to reassure Americans opposed to his candidacy. And far from lowering the sky-high expectations he set on the trail, he raised them in bold terms that could haunt him if he fails to meet his own standards. At one point, he promised to "eradicate completely from the face of the earth" the threat of "radical Islamic terrorism."

Trump's political ascension was essentially a hostile takeover of the GOP, whose leaders overwhelmingly opposed his candidacy, sometimes in apocalyptic terms. Even after he secured the nomination, a number of senators along with former presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush refused to endorse him. And even after winning the presidency, few Republican elected officials are willing to embrace his policy vision without qualification.

Trump celebrated these differences in his address, indicating he would chart an independent course from the GOP mainstream embodied by Vice President Mike Pence and hold fast to the same message that excited his fans at rally after rally.

The gulf between Trump and the normal order was especially vast on foreign policy. Where modern presidents of both parties used their inauguration addresses to emphasize cooperation abroad in defense of human rights, Trump promised retrenchment and protection from "the ravages of other countries, making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs."

John F. Kennedy spoke of a "grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind" in his inaugural address. George W. Bush declared, "America remains engaged in the world, by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom."

Trump, by contrast, hailed the "right of all nations to put their own interests first" and assured foreign citizens that America would merely "shine as an example" rather than "impose our way of life" on others.

No one could say this was unexpected: Trump's campaign mixed folksy praise for

Trump's speech came after a particularly divisive election. He said he would prosecute and jail his opponent Hillary Clinton, who attended the ceremony, then backed away from his threat after the election. He spent years spreading a false conspiracy theory alleging that President Obama was born in Kenya and then renounced it with little explanation late last year. He proposed banning all Muslims from entering the United States, baselessly accused an Indiana-born federal judge of bias due to his "Mexican heritage," and threatened to sue a group of women who accused him of unwanted sexual advances.

Trump spoke of "solidarity" on Friday and said Americans would "rediscover our loyalty to each other," but there was no significant olive branch to the majority of voters who supported his opponent or to the skeptics within his party who support him reluctantly.

Instead, he promised a unity based on concrete achievements, in which "a new national pride will stir our souls, lift our spirits and heal our divisions" once America achieves economic prosperity. He offered only hints as to what policies would achieve these goals.

Health care, a potentially defining area in which he recently promised "insurance for everybody," did not merit a mention. Trump talked up major investments in infrastructure, a goal that has drawn more support from Democrats than Republicans in recent years.

Trump has never held office before, meaning there's never been a way to hold him accountable for his actions and words outside the court of public opinion. But soon, his words will represent the office of the presidency and his actions will move policy. For some, they may mean the difference between life and death. The results he asked Americans to judge him by on Friday wealth, personal safety and national security will be carefully measured by his opponents, who will be eager to hold him to account.

Far from shrinking from this responsibility, Trump welcomed it.

"The time for empty talk is over," he said. "Now arrives the hour of action."

Analysis: Donald Trump Promises a Presidency Like No Other -