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Fact Checking Donald Trump’s Job Creation Claims –

Donald Trump has consistently sought credit for the several high-profile jobs announcements made by big companies in the weeks following his election.

"Because of what's happening and the spirit and the hope, I was just called by the head people at Sprint and they're going to be bringing 5,000 jobs back to the United States and taking them from other countries," Trump told reporters back in December. On Twitter, he's boasted about his role in creating and keeping jobs in America.

But is the president-elect, still days away from his swearing-in ceremony, actually behind what might appear to be a hiring bonanza? Economic evidence suggests otherwise, indicating instead that he did not cause most of the new hiring.

GM announced it was creating 450 new American jobs on Tuesday, for example, and moving 6,000 existing technology jobs back to the United States. The company's official announcement does not mention Trump or the federal government. Instead, it casts the steps as part of a four-year efficiency plan. GM's financial materials and previous corporate statements support that assertion.

Mary Barra, GM's CEO, is on President-elect Trump's economic policy team. Yet she has specifically rebuffed his argument, made in tweets and speeches, that American companies should move more car manufacturing into the U.S.

Speaking at a car show this month, Barra said GM will continue to "build where we sell," citing the company's supply chain of production and sales in China and the U.S.

Prior to this week's announcement, Barra has emphasized that long-term global business fundamentals drive the company's personnel strategy.

GM employs 215,000 people across 6 continents, including 97,000 in the U.S. and 15,000 in Mexico. As Barra told bankers on a conference call this month, profitability and efficiency considerations mean some GM "products are in Mexico," while the company "will continue" to also hire in America. On the same call, Barra cited GM's ongoing effort to insource certain positions, touting "11,000 IT jobs" that returned to the U.S. "over several years."

In GM's Monday announcement, most of the jobs cited are actually from the long-term program for insourcing its existing IT jobs. The 450 new U.S. jobs comprise 0.46 percent of the company's domestic workforce.

Related: Companies Are Recycling Their Old News to Avoid Being Blasted in a Trump Tweet

Trump has repeatedly tweeted about companies that have announced new jobs since his election and tweeted negatively about companies like Toyota, reported to be building a new plant in Mexico.

NBC News reported on Tuesday that some companies, eager to avoid becoming a target, have preemptively or retroactively announced plans to create U.S. jobs. On Wednesday, after a Today Show fact check reported that GM's hiring was not a direct response to his tweets, Trump took to Twitter to respond.

Michael Hicks, an economics professor who studies the government's impact on the economy, says public companies do not typically make employment decisions on a Twitter timeline.

"Business expansion plans are probably the result of many months, if not years, of restructuring and business planning," says Hicks. He adds that many politicians exaggerate their influence over the economy.

While corporate employment and manufacturing plans take a long time to develop, there have certainly been a series of jobs announcements since the election.

Industry experts say that wave of P.R. looks like a response to Trump, even if the underlying hiring is not.

"Many of these moves we anticipated," says Michelle Krebs, an industry analyst for

Car companies have simply began "timing" announcements, she says, to appease the president-elect.

"They are packaging their news that they otherwise might kind of dribble out," Krebs tells MSNBC, "and doing some storytelling around it in an effort to get out of the crosshairs of Trump."

Maryann Keller, another industry analyst, told Bloomberg News that car companies are clearly "announcing investments that they would have made anyway."

Alan Tonelson, an economic analyst sympathetic to Trump's trade critique, argues that while the president-elect does not deserve credit for some of the announcements, he could ultimately impact corporate conduct.

"It can't possibly be coincidental that all of these announcements have been made since early November," says Tonelson, author of a book about "America's Failed Trade Policies" with China.

"He is going to use that presidential bully pulpit" to target offshoring, Tonelson tells MSNBC, adding, "history has shown that presidents have considerable power to change corporate norms."

Mark Muro, a manufacturing expert at Brookings, says there's no doubt the auto industry uses a "long term" timeline for "major capital investments," so recent moves were not caused by Trump's words. But he also argued Trump could promote American jobs by prodding CEOs.

Trump is "standing up for American-based production," Muro told MSNBC, "and conveying a norm that says that advanced manufacturing, and advanced industries, are particularly important."

Public companies certainly respond to multiple stakeholders, from traditional investors and consumers, to broader pressure from politicians, activists, or "bad P.R." in general.

Related: Plant Workers Still Losing Jobs Tell Trump: Don't Forget About Us

Even rhetorical pressure, however, has its limits.

"It's always convenient for politicians to take credit for job creation announcements, but no CEO of a Fortune 500 company is going to respond to sort of off-the-cuff policy considerations," says Hicks, the economist. "they have a board and stockholders to answer to."

Those board members and stockholders pursue global profits, and the law is also on their side.

GM, like most Fortune 100 companies, is incorporated in Delaware. That means its executives are bound by the state's business laws, which require executives only make corporate moves to increase the company's stock value.

Even if an executive believes a certain action would be a good thing say, hiring more Americans or donating to charity they can only take the action to the extent it economically benefits the company.

CEOs "must make stockholder welfare their sole end," as the top judge on Delaware's Supreme Court explained the rule, in a 2015 treatise on corporation law.

Laws can, of course, change.

In the Trump era, the big question for American corporations is not ultimately what the president says. Trump's words on Twitter can largely be managed by more words, as corporations learn to couch their announcements accordingly a process that business experts say is relatively insignificant for the economy.

The billion dollar question is what the president does. Will he actually alter corporate law, or federal policy, or international trade? Then executives would have a reason to change more than their press releases.

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Fact Checking Donald Trump's Job Creation Claims -

Poll: Donald Trump approval still low as inauguration looms …

Just a week away from Donald Trumps inauguration, Americans are still expressing historically low approval for the president-elects handling of the transition.

According to a Gallup poll released Friday, more than half of people (51 percent of those surveyed) said they disapprove of Mr. Trumps transition performance. Just 44 percent expressed approval of the president-elect, who has faced a number of controversies in the weeks following his Nov. 8 win. Thats a drop of four percentage points from the 48 percent of people that approved of the president-elect in early December. Four percent of those polled say they have no opinion on the issue.

Those numbers are substantially lower than the ratings of other presidents-elect before him: In 2009, 83 percent of Americans approved of Mr. Obama in the days leading up to his inauguration. In 2001, 61 percent said the same of George W. Bush, while Bill Clinton had a 68 percent approval rate in 1993.

Republicans and Democrats had differing views of how Mr. Trump has handled the transition, with 87 percent of Republicans saying they approved. Only 13 percent of Democrats said the same.

Mr. Trumps Cabinet nominations -- several of whom have already weathered Senate confirmation hearings -- are also facing low approval ratings. In sum, Americans rate Mr. Trumps Cabinet as worse than those chosen by Presidents-elect Obama, Bush, and Clinton. Fifty-two percent of people believe the president-elects Cabinet nominees are average or better -- a low number compared to 83 percent that believed that of Mr. Obamas and Clintons, and 81 percent that thought that of Bushs picks.

Forty-four percent viewed Mr. Trumps Cabinet nominees as below average or poor. Just 13 percent of people believed that Bushs Cabinet was staffed with below average or poor picks. Twelve percent believed that of Clintons and ten percent of Obamas.

The Gallup poll was conducted from Jan. 4-8, 2017, with a random sample of 1,032 adults, The margin of error is four percentage points.

2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Poll: Donald Trump approval still low as inauguration looms ...

Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration

- December 07, 2015 -

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policyreleased data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won't convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump

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Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration

Zoe Saldana Believes Hollywood Bullied Donald Trump – The …

The Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar star says that the Hollywood community became bullies in their treatment of candidate Trump.

Zoe Saldana rose to the A-list after her compelling turns as the communications officer Nyota Uhura in Star Trek, filmmaker J.J. Abramss space adventure about a multicultural crew spreading pluralism throughout the galaxy, and that of Neytiri in Avatar, a sci-fi epic about environmental preservation in the face of corporate greed. She is also a Hispanic woman (birth name: Zoe Yadira Saldaa Nazario) of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, with African and Haitian roots.

All of these credits and traits seem to be at odds with President-elect Donald Trump, an orange-hued billionaire who spent the lions share of his campaign alienating minority groups, appointed a climate change denier as head of the EPA, installed a former Exxon executive as Secretary of State, and has expressed particular disdain towards the Hispanic immigrant community.

And yet, Saldanawhile not a Trump supporter herselfhas seemingly taken it upon herself to defend the indefensible, placing some of the blame for Trumps shock election victory on Tinseltown for bullying the worlds premier bully.

We got cocky and became arrogant and we also became bullies, Saldana told AFP of Trump, whos mocked a disabled New York Times reporter, called Megyn Kelly a bimbo, accused Ted Cruzs father of assassinating JFK, and has himself been accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women.

We were trying to single out a man for all these things he was doing wrong, she continued, and that created empathy in a big group of people in America that felt bad for him and that are believing in his promises.

There is this strange argument, one cooked up by the Trump campaign and propagated by the conservative media apparatus, that Hillary Clinton (and by extension her Hollywood surrogates) ran an ugly campaign against Trump. The reality, of course, is that virtually all of Clintons attack ads against Trump consisted of montages of Trump saying heinous things. Accusing someone of running an ugly campaign for merely highlighting the sexist, bigoted, hateful things her opponents said is textbook gaslighting.

Saldana is no stranger to controversy. The 38-year-old actress, who is currently starring in the Ben Affleck action-thriller Live By Night, came under fire last year for darkening her skin and donning facial prosthetics to play the iconic singer Nina Simone in the biopic Nina. Saldana and the filmmakers passionately defended the head-scratching decision, claiming that other actors who more closely resembled Nina had turned the project down, while large segments of the media and moviegoing public viewed it as another example of Hollywoods racist aversion to dark-skinned black actors.

The very fact that theres such a shallow pool of actors who look like Simone is not a non-racist excuse, but a sign of racism itselfthe same racism that plagued Nina Simone, wrote Ta-Nehisi Coates. Being conscious of that racism means facing the possibility of Simones story never being told. That is not the tragedy. The tragedy is that we live in a world that is not ready for that story to be told. The release ofNinadoes not challenge this fact. It reifies it.

Saldanas latest film, Live By Night, contains a sequence where Ben Afflecks bootlegger-gangster squares off against the Ku Klux Klana white supremacist organization that endorsed Donald Trumps presidency. The actress explained how if we all work together, we wont regress culturally.

Im learning from [the Trump win] with a lot of humility, she told AFP. If we have people continue to be strong and educate ourselves and stand by equal rights and treat everyone with respect, we dont go back to those times.

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Zoe Saldana Believes Hollywood Bullied Donald Trump - The ...

Ex-MI6 spy was so troubled by Trump findings that he worked …


Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2017, 8:27 AM

The former British spy who compiled the unverified dossier on Donald Trump got so concerned by what he was learning about the President-elect that he worked without pay for months, according to a report.

Christopher Steele, a respected ex-MI6 agent, rocked the geopolitical landscape when a 35-page document hed written on Trumps alleged ties to the Kremlin was published in full earlier this week.

The document, which cannot be corroborated by the Daily News, contains salacious claims that Russian operatives collected damaging and sexually explicit information on Trump in order to blackmail him into obedience.

Initially, Steele was working on behalf of Trumps Republican opponents and later for Democrats, but after Election Day, those employers were no longer interested. Instead, Steele began disseminating his findings to both British and American intelligence officials pro bono, as he reasoned that this matter was of national security concern for both parties, security sources told The Independent on Saturday.

Ex-British ambassador to Russia alerted US intel to Trump dossier

Steele grew frustrated over the U.S. intelligence communitys apparent lack of action, and suspected that there was somebody on the inside blocking a thorough inquiry into Trumps record, instead focusing on the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails, sources said.

Glenn Simpson, a former investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal, reportedly felt the same way about Steeles findings and joined him in his unprofitable crusade, according to people familiar with the matter.

Simpson who runs the Washington, D.C.-based Fusion GPS was contracted by some of Trumps Republican opponents in September 2015 and sources said he and Steele began working together last July.

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Over the course of that summer, Steele sent out several memos to both the MI6 and the FBI and eventually compiled the information into the dossier published earlier this week. But he wasnt making any headway particularly not with the FBIs New York office, which he claims seemed intent on focusing all its energy on Clintons email scandal.

Trump 'dossier' author's allegations backed up by fellow spies

In October, a disheartened Steele spoke to the Washington editor of Mother Jones about his findings, temporarily sparking a thread of public interest that quickly subsided.

After the election, Steele and Simpson doubled down on their efforts, hoping that the U.S. intelligence communitys consensus on Russia having interfered in the 2016 election would prompt further interest in their findings.

It was at that point that Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to Moscow, spoke with Arizona Sen. John McCain at a security conference in Canada. Wood told McCain about the dossier, which concerned the longtime senator to the point that he alerted the FBI about it immediately.

Trump and President Obama were subsequently briefed on the dossiers content as part of a larger intelligence report on Russias alleged interference in the election. The President-elect kept mum about it until the damning document was published in full, and has since denounced it as fake news.

Obama briefed on Trump claims amid fear leaks would become public

Simpsons current whereabouts were not immediately known and he did not return a request for comment from the Daily News.

Steele, meanwhile, has reportedly gone into hiding, telling British media outlets earlier this week that he is terrified for his safety.

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Ex-MI6 spy was so troubled by Trump findings that he worked ...