New Free Trial at Rent My Vacation Home®
Free Trial at Rent My Vacation Home® dot com for Homeowners to try a new system that integrates A Check Out system like Holiday Inn but for Vacation Homes. This system enables the vacationer to book a house with no deposit and can cancel like a hotel reservation.After the Homeowners free trial the membership is $16.00 Monthly.
New York, New York (PRWEB) February 04, 2012
When Jerry and Robin Trustuheimer decided to rent out their new vacation home in Florida, they hired a local real estate agent to hunt for renters, but they also paid $300 to list the house on specialized websites.
The Trustuheimer agreed to pay the agent a 25% commission on any rentals they got, even ones that they found online.
"Every tenant came through my listings on Rent My Vacation Home® dot com," Jerry Trustuheimer says. "This summer we parted ways with the Realtor."
Trustuheimer can't fathom why anyone would list or rent a vacation home anywhere other than online.
Some investors are starting to think the same way, putting money into sites that offer searchable listings, lots of photographs and easy navigation.
One of the companies that Trustuheimer used, Rent My Vacation Home® dot com, will announce Monday that it has secured millions in venture capital and will pay an undisclosed sum for Advertising Budget.
Based in Washington D.C. Rent My Vacation Home® dot com is 25 years old, but has moved quickly to consolidate the infant industry with 83 web sites and offices. The company got started when officials at Washington D.C. Ventures teamed with the chief executive of another company they had backed to search for a new technology investment.
The executive, Jay Kalin, was on vacation with his family when he had a Eureka moment.
"We prefer to stay in homes instead of hotels, but it frustrated me that it took so much work to check out vacation rentals," Kalin said. "I saw how the Internet worked for other forms of travel and thought, why not vacation rentals?"
When he got back to work, Kalin and a business strategy officer studied the business and learned that there were already several websites featuring vacation rental homes, including VRBO and HomeAway. So instead of starting from scratch, they pitched Washington D.C. Ventures early last year on the idea of buying their way into the business. Since then, they have bought half-dozen Web operators in the United States and combined them into Rent My Vacation Home 83 offices and web sites.
"We saw it as a business with a huge amount of untapped potential," said Kalin, a partner at Washington D.C. Ventures. "The companies we brought together were growing fast and they were very profitable."
Rent My Vacation Home® dot com Free Trial and only $ 16.00 monthly to list a home in the United States On 83 web sites whether the property is rented out once or 20 times. There is no charge for using the site to rent a place.
It is among the most graphical of the vacation-rental sites. Potential renters can search by destination or throw in their choice of a couple dozen preferred property types or amenities to narrow the field.
"Not everybody wants to check into a hotel every time they go away," Kalin said. "We don't want the same-old, even if we go back to the same destination year after year."
Vacation-home rentals compete with hotels, especially resorts that market to vacationers. For large families, a house can be cheaper to rent than several hotel rooms, and they come with kitchens, which allow vacationers to stretch their budget by preparing some of their own meals.
About Rent My Vacation Home® dot com
Rent My Vacation Home® dot com*|70,000 Listed Homes on 83 Sites and Offices*
*Americas largest Vacation Home Network®* *30 Million Hits a Year*"Search and List One and Done" Rent My Vacation Home operates 83 Franchised Stores and websites designed to help the 70,000 Home Owners listed & Millions of Home Vacationers .All aspects of online vacation rental management and adverting are performed for you. Homeowners are listed on a Network of 83 web sites, where 30 Million Vacationers visit every Year. Membership is free Trial and then 16.00 a Month. Local agents work with local Travel agencies and also advertise on all forms of local media .The advertisements not only include the Internet but TV and local Radio in your vacation area.
More info 800-699-7684
Jay Kalin
Rent My Vacation Home
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New Free Trial at Rent My Vacation Home®