This broadcast by crinkfloyd was watched by 7 people and received 371 cheers and completed on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 18:27:03 -0800. Extra time (seconds) given by the audience: 60.
Originally posted here:
duno on #503075 (crinkfloyd) - Video
This broadcast by rmarler was watched by 2 people and received 20 cheers and completed on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:45:40 -0800. Extra time (seconds) given by the audience: 20.
See the original post:
mother on #502522 (rmarler) - Video
This broadcast by crinkfloyd was watched by 15 people and received 718 cheers and completed on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:01:57 -0800. Extra time (seconds) given by the audience: 110.
The rest is here:
shella on #503103 (crinkfloyd) - Video
This broadcast by francuca84 was watched by 15 people and received 839 cheers and completed on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:30:17 -0800.
The rest is here:
karma police on #503038 (francuca84) - Video
This broadcast by suzenjuel was watched by 14 people and received 1293 cheers and completed on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:17:51 -0800. Extra time (seconds) given by the audience: 120.
Read the original:
warmin. suzen jueL on #503034 (suzenjuel) - Video