Trdelnik is a delicious pastry shot located in Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic (street - Seminarska). Brian A. Rocha -
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Prague Pastry | Trdelnik | Brian Rocha dot tv - Video
Yes, this is my little sister! haha she is way bigger then me tho lol.
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"Your Not Sorry" (Taylor Switft) - Cover by REGGIE (and sista) - Video
another funny dot sketch!
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MADtv - Dot and Homeschooling - Video
Haha it was a short song so I just got a little random at the end and stared singing whatever! 😛 hopefully i can borrow a microphone for my next video. this one seems so crappy without one lol FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:
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"Not In Nottingham" - cover by REGGIE - Video
Letsshare dot TV, that's the way to pronounce!!!
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Letsshare dot TV - Video