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Erdogan Refusing to Meet Bolton in Ankara over Dishonorable …

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday refused to meet with US National Security Adviser John Bolton in Ankara, according to US officials.

Bolton came on a two-day visit in Turkey to discuss the withdrawal of 2,000 US troops from Syria. On Sunday, while in Israel, Bolton said he would seek assurances from Erdogan not to harm the Kurds the US would be leaving behind unprotected in Syria, which appears to have a condition of the withdrawal.

On Tuesday, Erdogan slammed Bolton for his recent claim that Turkey targets Kurds in Syria.

It is impossible to accept the message given by Mr. Bolton in Israel, Erdogan told members of his ruling Justice and Development [AK] Partys parliamentary delegation.

The claims that Turkey targets Kurds in Syria are dishonorable, ugly, vulgar and defaming, Erdogan said.

Bolton was demoted to meeting with a Turkish delegation that did not include the president. National Security Council spokesman said the two sides had a productive discussion. The meeting took place at the Presidential Complex in Ankara and lasted around two hours.

Bolton left the Turkish capital on Tuesday, leaving behind Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and Special Envoy for Syria James Jeffrey.

Turkey announced last month that it was planning a counter-terrorist operation targeting both Turkish and Syrian Kurdish military forces in Syria.

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Erdogan Refusing to Meet Bolton in Ankara over Dishonorable ...

Erdogan, Trump, and the Khashoggi Murder | Center for …

December 12, 2018

Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was posthumously named Times Person of the Year, along with four other journalists, for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths on December 11. The terrible fate of Khashoggi, who paid the ultimate price in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 at the hands of 15 agents who had arrived from Riyadh the previous day, not only triggered a global storm of indignation but also set in motion a major diplomatic gambit by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the pursuit of a number of related objectives involving President Donald Trump and impacting U.S.-Turkish relations.

Erdogans primary aim was to effectively and irrevocably tie Khashoggis disappearance and murder to Saudi Arabia and, without ever naming him directly, Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), the crown prince and de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, who had elevated himself into an obstacle to Turkish regional calculations through his public identification of Turkey under Erdogans leadership as a major threat in the region along with Iran as well as his ongoing blockade of Qatar. His next goal was to try to force the Trump administration, which had been backing MBS without any apparent reservation prior to the murder as a key partner in its Middle East plans, to review its relationship with him. Lacking significant direct leverage over Riyadh, Erdogan hoped to induce pressure by Trumpinconceivable before Khashoggis murderto either force MBS out or to weaken him into ineffectiveness.

At the same time, Erdogan wished to use interaction on this issue with Washington to improve his relationship with Trump, which had been shaken by the incarceration of Pastor Andrew Brunson in Turkey and the associated U.S. sanctions to bring about his release as well as by the continued absence of progress on issues, which have long divided the two countries, such as Fethullah Gulens stalled extradition, Pentagons engagement with the Syrian Kurdish YPG, and the Halkbank case. Last but not least, Erdogan expected to leverage Turkeys vigorous advocacy for justice in the horrible crime against a journalist on Turkish soil to try to reverse the negative stream of news relating to Turkeys record on press freedom.

The core of the strategy was a daily series of leaks by unnamed officials to correspondents based in Istanbul, especially U.S. journalists, to ensure that the issue remained in headlines while destroying the attempts by Saudi Arabia to deny the murder. On October 23, Erdogan personally escalated the campaign in a speech at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in which he asked Saudi Arabia to lay bare all perpetrators from top to bottom and hold them accountable before the law and for the execution team to be extradited to Turkey. Erdogans broadside was followed on October 31 by a formal indictment issued by an Istanbul prosecutor, which charged after extensive investigations that Khashoggis body was dismembered and destroyed following his death by suffocationin accordance with plans made in advance. The constant pressure from Turkey forced Saudi Arabia to change its admittedly flimsy narrative several times from claiming that Khashoggi had left the consulate alive to suggesting he was killed in a fight, blaming it on a rogue operation and eventually admitting that it was premeditated and indicting 21 officials, including the 15-man hit team.

Despite the apparently irrefutable evidence being released, Erdogan chose to not only refrain from naming MBS as the instigator of the crime but also to maintain contact with Saudi Arabia throughout the month. This included a meeting with Salmans emissary Prince Khalid bin Faisal on October 11during which, according to the New York Times on October 22, citing an unnamed Turkish source close to Erdogan, he reportedly offered financial aid and investment and an end to the Saudi blockade on Qatar in exchange for Turkey dropping the Khashoggi case, an offer that was angrily rejected by Erdogan as a political bribetwo phone conversations between Erdogan and King Salman on October 14 and October 20, followed by one with MBS himself on October 24, as well as fruitless discussions in the context of an agreed Joint Working Group with the Saudi Prosecutor General in Istanbul on October 29-30. It is clear, however, as his expression of deep respect for Salman and emphasis on the importance of the Turkish-Saudi relationship in his October 23 speech showed, Erdogans offensive against MBS relied primarily on trying to persuade Trump to apply pressure on him.

On October 15, Trump publicly indicated his awareness of the vigorous media campaign being waged by Erdogan on this issue by commenting that Turkey was being tough, very tough. He then instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the case with Erdogan in Istanbul on October 17 on his way back from a meeting with MBS in Riyadh. It is interesting to note that NBC reported on November 15, citing numerous U.S. officials, that Erdogan had used the meeting to once again press Pompeo for Gulens extradition. The two leaders then talked on the phone on October 21 and, according to the White House readout, agreed on the need to clear up the Jamal Khashoggi incident with all its aspects. This was followed by CIA Director Gina Haspels visit to Turkey on October 23, which, unlike that of Pompeo, reportedly included listening to the audio recording covertly obtained by Turkish authorities of the asphyxiation and dismemberment of the hapless journalist.

On November 2, Erdogan tried to increase domestic pressure on Trump through the Washington Post with which Khashoggi was affiliated as a columnist. In an op-ed, he asked: Where is Khashoggis body? Where is the local collaborator to whom Saudi officials claimed to have handed over Khashoggis remains? Who gave the order to kill this kind soul? He continued, Unfortunately, the Saudi authorities have refused to answer those questions . . . We know that the order to kill Khashoggi came from the highest levels of the Saudi government. Some seem to hope this problem will go away in time. But we will keep asking those questions . . . As responsible members of the international community, we must reveal the identities of the puppet masters behind Khashoggis killing and discover those in whom Saudi officialsstill trying to cover up the murderhave placed their trust.

However, despite the evidence presented by Ankara and its sustained media effort, the Trump administration did not break with MBS as Erdogan had hoped. Pompeo stated on November 1 that the United States had important commercial relationships, important strategic relationships, national security relationships with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and we intend to make sure that those relationships remain intact. Following the Saudi public prosecutors announcement that he would seek the death penalty for 5 of the 11 charged with Khashoggi murdera move described by most outsiders as a cover upthe State Department immediately announced symbolic sanctions on November 15 against 17 Saudis for their alleged roles. After his meetings with national security adviser John Bolton and Pompeo in Washington on November 20, where the Khashoggi case was discussed, Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu voiced public disappointment with the U.S. position. He said: Many countries do not want to harm their relations with Saudi Arabia because of the Khashoggi murder. Neither do we. However, the murder must be uncovered.

Even after it was reported on November 16 by the Washington Post that the CIA had independently concluded that MBS had ordered the assassination, a White House statement bearing Trumps inimitable style reaffirmed on November 20 that the United States would continue to stand behind MBS. It said King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic eventmaybe he did and maybe he didnt! That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region.

On November 22, Trump specifically downplayed the CIA report by saying, I do not know if anyone is going to be able to conclude the crown prince did it. But whether he did or whether he did not, he denies it vehemently. The CIA does not say they did it, they do point out certain things and in pointing out those things that you can conclude that maybe he did or maybe he did not. Cavusoglu, who had just returned to Turkey, responded directly to the comments on November 23 by saying, Trumps statements amount to him saying Ill turn a blind eye no matter what. This is not a correct approach. Money is not everything. We must not move away from human values.

Trumps continuing disinclination to act was confirmed by the secretary of defense Jim Mattis and Pompeo at a closed Senate hearing on November 28. Afterward, Pompeo warned that degrading ties with Saudi Arabia would be a grave mistake for U.S. national security, and that of our allies. The Kingdom is a powerful force for stability in an otherwise fraught Middle East. Mattis added, I must note we are seldom free to work with unblemished partners . . . Saudi Arabia, due to geography and the Iranian threat, is fundamental to maintaining regional and Israeli security and to our interest in Mideast stability. Pompeo further underlined the administrations position in a TV interview on December 1 by saying, I have read every piece of intelligence that is in the possession of the United States government . . . There is no direct evidence linking him [MBS] to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi . . . They are a relationship that has mattered for 70 years across Republican and Democrat administrations alike. It remains an important relationship, and were aiming to keep that relationship.

Haspel, who reportedly was not allowed by the White House to join the November 28 briefing, provided a separate special briefing to the Senate on December 4, which prompted a number of the limited group of participants to declare afterwards that it had confirmed MBSs direct involvement as well as their inclination to support possible congressional action. Haspel may have also been instrumental in facilitating an unannounced unusual visit to the Senate on December 7 by her Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan, one of Erdogans closest aides, which, according to a Reuters report on the same day citing five sources, included a reiteration of the Turkish case on the Khashoggi murder.

However, there would be no change in Trumps position. On December 10, Trumps son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, long-identified as MBSs closest contact in the U.S. government, said that the focus of the administration had shifted away from the Khashoggi case. He said, We are focused now on the broader region, which is hopefully figuring out how to bring a deal together between the Israelis and the Palestinians. When asked whether standing by Saudi Arabia meant standing by MBS on December 11, Trump said, Well, at this moment, it certainly does. He's the leader of Saudi Arabia. They've been a very good ally. He added "I really hope that people aren't going to suggest that we should not take hundreds of billions of dollars that they're going to siphon off to Russia and to China, primarily those two, instead of giving it to us. You're talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs. You're talking about huge military and other contracts.

There is little doubt that Trumps desire to continue to rely on MBS in pursuing the long-shot goal of implementing the from the outside in Middle East peace plan Kushner has reportedly been developing for almost two years; maintaining high Saudi production in order to keep oil prices low especially as Iranian oil is being sanctioned by the U.S. and confronting Iran across the entire region, along with the projected arms sales by the U.S. to Saudi Arabiathe value of which has been invariably exaggerated by Trump in all of his statements on Khashoggihave stymied Erdogans goal of driving a wedge between the two countries. Feeling emboldened by the Trump administrations support, Saudi Arabia rejected Turkeys extradition request for those involved Khashoggis murder on December 10. This led Turkish justice minister Abdulhamit Gul along with Cavusoglu to reiterate Erdogans threat that Turkey would continue pursuing the case through the UN, a prospect which is unlikely to have any effect on MBS, whose position, much to the disappointment of Erdogan, seems to be secure for the moment despite the inevitable damage to his reputation.

As the Khashoggi murder fades from the front pages, it is also ceding its prominent position on the agenda of the U.S.-Turkish bilateral relationship. While it is difficult to ascertain with any degree of accuracy the impact on relations, it is safe to say that Erdogans disappointment in Trumps stubborn reluctance to act against MBS is matched by Trumps reciprocal disappointment in Erdogan for pursuing an issue he never wanted to handle with such determination. To be sure, Turkey enjoyed the unusually positive press coverage it received in the U.S. as it defended the need to take action against the instigator as well as the perpetrators of the Khashoggi murder. However, as the interest of the U.S. media inevitably drifts elsewherenot least to Trumps growing legal problemsattention shifts back to all the other seemingly intractable issues on the U.S.-Turkish agenda.

Bulent Aliriza is a senior associate and director of the Turkey Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C

Commentary is produced by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a private, tax-exempt institution focusing on international public policy issues. Its research is nonpartisan and nonproprietary. CSIS does not take specific policy positions. Accordingly, all views, positions, and conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s).

2018 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

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Erdogan, Trump, and the Khashoggi Murder | Center for ...

Turkish lira slides as Erdogan rejects U.S. calls, threatens …

The Turkish lira on Tuesday fell sharply against the U.S. dollar as well, as the euro, as tensions between Turkey and the U.S. over military involvement in Syria took a negative turn.

The lira USDTRY, +0.8361% EURTRY, +0.5569% dropped nearly 2% against the U.S. dollar and more than 1.5% against the euro. The greenback last bought 5.4925 lira, up from 5.3848 lira late Monday in New York, while one euro fetched 6.2827 lira, down 1.67. It was the worst-performing currency of the day in Tuesday trading.

A stronger U.S. dollar DXY, +0.12% against most of its rivals exacerbated weakening for the Turkish currency.

One condition President Donald Trump placed on a much-publicized plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria was an assurance of safety of Syrian Kurdish allies. Kurdish forces had fought alongside the U.S. against Islamic State, but are viewed as a terrorist group by the Turkish government.

Turkeys Kurdish minority many of whom of live in the countrys southeast, bordering Syria, Iraq and Iran has long laid claim to becoming an independent nation.

Read: Bolton says U.S. wont leave Syria until Islamic State is defeated, Kurds are safe

White House national-security adviser John Bolton was in Ankara on Tuesday to compel Turkey not to target Kurdish fighters.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip instead warned in an address to the Turkish parliament that Ankara, which has stationed troops along the border, stood ready to launch an offensive into northern Syria, describing it as a necessary lesson to the Kurdish fighters.

John Bolton made a serious mistake, Erdogan said in front of parliament. Those who share the same view are also deeply wrong.

Erdogan refused to meet with Bolton.

Relations between Washington and Ankara were already frayed, largely due to U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson, who was detained in Turkey. Brunson was released in October 2018. The worsening diplomatic ties, paired with weak economic fundamentals in Turkey and threats of trade tariffs from the U.S., have spooked investors.

Turkeys economy has been struggling with high, double-digit consumer-price inflation, an ailing currency and rising interest rates in the U.S., which have made Ankaras dollar-denominated debt burden more expensive in local currency terms.

In 2018, the dollar rallied 39.4% against the lira, reflecting the economic and political struggles, as well as currency crisis that Turkey struggled with throughout 2018.

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Turkish lira slides as Erdogan rejects U.S. calls, threatens ...

Khashoggi Outrage Doesn’t Match Erdogan’s Abuse of Journalists

From America, he regularly criticized the policies of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in a monthly column for the Washington Post.

Khashoggi was thought to have found an avenger in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who told world leaders at the G20 Summit that he demanded the extradition of Khashoggis murderers. The Turkish president had stated at the G20 that Crown Prince Mohammed gave world leaders an unbelievable explanation of the situation.

President Donald Trump referred to the internationally condemned murder as the worst cover-up in history and has brought forth discussions of possible consequences, ranging from restrictions on future arms sales to Saudi Arabiato a further scaling back of American support in the ongoing Saudi intervention in the Yemeni civil war.

While the issue of journalists under fire from retaliatory governments uncomfortable with their scrutiny has received more attention from the press recently, one investigative reporters story has flown largely under the radar.

Most Americans are not familiar with Arbana Xharra, who shared her harrowing story for this piece. Xharra is a well-known journalist from Kosovo the youngest state in Europe, which declared independence in 2008 with the full support of the United States. As a result of her reporting, she has had to face humiliation, threats, and even physical attacks.

Starting in 2012, Xharra began a 12-month investigation into the rise of religious extremism following the collapse of socialism in the former Yugoslavia. She was one of the first to report on the Islamic extremists operating in Kosovo and other Balkan countriesand their links to terrorist organizations. Her work helped to uncover operational and financial links, assisting the governments efforts to address the problem.

In addition to her over 73,000 Facebook followers, she is a three-time winner of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Prize for her articles on corruption in Kosovo in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Xharra was also awarded a Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence in 2012 and won theU.S. Secretary of States International Women of Courage Awardfor the European division in 2015.

More recently, she has been noted for her extensive writing on the globalization of religious extremismfunded and executed by Erdogans regimein the Balkans and across Europe.

Her articles exposed the fact that Erdogan has financed the building of a network of mosques in the Balkans intended to be used as a vehicle for the spreading of Radical Islam. She also uncovered that Erdogan has hand-selected Turkish imams to direct the teaching of Islamto influence the young and impressionable. Her investigative reporting has brought to light the fact that Erdogan is manipulating Balkan leaders economically by selectively investing in certain countries to increase his regional power.

According to Xharra, Erdogan uses the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) and Turkeys Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) to expand influence in the Balkans, where they have built hundreds of religious institutions. This includesthe reportedly 35- to 40-million-dollar Central Mosque in Kosovo and the building of a similarly extravagant mosque on a 10,000-square-meter property on George W. Bush Street in Tirana, Albania.

This was in addition to Erdogan ensuring that numerous critical assets including airports, infrastructure, mines, and energy distribution projects are financed and largely managed by Turkey.

Her investigating has exposed Erdogans attempts to suppress the moderate Islamic movement led by Fethullah Glen. Glen is currently living in exile in the United States. She has also written extensively on theDiyanetand its involvement in promoting Erdogans Islamic agenda. She says the organization, which is also reportedly active in U.S., serves to spy on Turkish citizens who escaped from Turkey around the world.

As a result of her fearless reporting, Xharra began to receive threats not only from the targets of her stories, but from people sympathetic to radical Islam and Erdogan.

In a Skype interview for this article conducted on Christmas week, I asked Xharra about the threats made against her and her family, the way authorities handled them, and where she thinks Erdogans influence campaign is ultimately going. Regarding the initial threats she received, Xharra said, In the beginning, I underestimated the threats. Then, one weekend in 2015, I received over 200 threats via social media in just 2 days.

She claims after she reported the threats to police, one officer asked her why she was writing about Islamic groups and not Catholic groups.

The police were supposed to take my statement, not evaluate my work, Xharra said.

This wave of threats occurred in response to her reaction to propagandist material that was posted online and looked to target children.

As she continued her writing and investigating, a new, more radicalized version of Islam began spreading within her country and other bordering nations. As a result, she was painted as Islamophobic in her home region. Social media postings attempted to portray her as being against fasting during the Ramadan period and claimed that her uncle was linked to the former Serbian regime that had murdered ethnic Albanians.

She dealt with a full-on hate campaign that extended beyond just private citizens and would go on to include political figures as well. Turkish Ambassador Kvlcm Kl wrote an open letter against her in early 2017 published onlineand, just days later, her photo became viral on social media as the face of not only the anti-Islamic movementbut as an opposition figure against Turkish policy.

The threats have not been limited to Xharra; her entire family has been victimized. In February 2017, she received a threatening message via Facebook that contained a photograph of a murder victim on the ground and was captioned we know how much you love your children, and we are going to find you.

The threats against her intensified in 2017 as she was writing about Erdogans alleged efforts to use religious institutions, schools,and mosques in the Balkans to expand his influence. A few weeks after the threat against her children, Xharra found an ominous red cross painted by the front door of her apartment. One of her sons first saw the vandalism when he came home from school.

When she reported the vandalism, she says police told her, If they were going to kill you, they would have. They just want to scare you.

Three weeks later, her tormentors did more than attemptto scare her.

In May 2017, Xharra suffered a severe beating in her parking garage, requiring hospitalization. Again, she claims, police did nothing to try to find the offenders: This sends a message to journalists in my country and all around the world. This is what will happen to you when you start investigating.

The attack did receive attention from some international news media, but police never found Xharras attackers.

She is now living in New York with her two children, where she continues to write about Turkey and radical Islam in the Balkans.

The EU is underestimating Turkish influence through religious activities, and the mosques and Islamic hubs being financed by Erdogan are centers for radical political mobilization, Xharra says.

She warns that Americans should be aware of Erdogans agenda in the United States as,under the Turkish President, the Diyanet Center of America (DCA), a mosque & Islamic center in Maryland, was built just outside Washington, D.C.

Erdogans attempts to feign outrage regarding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi stands in stark contrast to theway he deals with honest investigative reporting. This weeks news of a $1.8 million Mosque to be funded by Turkey in Kosovo validate the integrity and accuracy of Xharras reporting and fears of neo-Ottomanism.

Arbana Xharra continues to focus on her work despite the threats and attacks against her, now at home in the United States.

Julio Rivera is a Political and Business Strategist, Columnist, Editorial Director for Reactionary Times and Producer and Co-Host of Americas Common Ground TV.

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Khashoggi Outrage Doesn't Match Erdogan's Abuse of Journalists

Opinion | Erdogan: Trump Is Right on Syria. Turkey Can Get …

President Trump made the right call to withdraw from Syria. The United States withdrawal, however, must be planned carefully and performed in cooperation with the right partners to protect the interests of the United States, the international community and the Syrian people. Turkey, which has NATOs second largest standing army, is the only country with the power and commitment to perform that task.

In 2016, Turkey became the first country to deploy ground combat troops to fight the so-called Islamic State in Syria. Our military incursion severed the groups access to NATOs borders and impeded their ability to carry out terror attacks in Turkey and Europe.

Unlike coalition operations in Raqqa and Mosul, which relied heavily on airstrikes that were carried out with little or no regard for civilian casualties, Turkish troops and fighters of the Free Syrian Army went door to door to root out insurgents in Al Bab, a former stronghold of the so-called Islamic State.

Our approach left the citys core infrastructure largely intact and made it possible for life to return to normal within days. Today, children are back at school, a Turkish-funded hospital treats the sick, and new business projects create jobs and bolster the local economy. This stable environment is the only cure for terrorism.

Turkey is committed to defeating the so-called Islamic State and other terrorist groups in Syria, because the Turkish people are all too familiar with the threat of violent extremism. In 2003, when I became prime minister, coordinated attacks by Al Qaeda claimed dozens of lives in Turkey.

More recently, the so-called Islamic State terrorists targeted our citizens, our way of life and the inclusive, moderate worldview that our civilization represents. A few years back, the terrorist group called me treacherous Satan. We saw the horror in the faces of thousands of Christians and Yazidis, who sought refuge in Turkey when these terrorists came for them in Syria and Iraq.

I say this again: There will be no victory for the terrorists. Turkey will continue to do what it must to ensure its own safety and the well-being of the international community.

Militarily speaking, the so-called Islamic State has been defeated in Syria. Yet we are deeply concerned that some outside powers may use the organizations remnants as an excuse to meddle in Syrias internal affairs.

A military victory against the terrorist group is a mere first step. The lesson of Iraq, where this terrorist group was born, is that premature declarations of victory and the reckless actions they tend to spur create more problems than they solve. The international community cannot afford to make the same mistake again today.

Turkey proposes a comprehensive strategy to eliminate the root causes of radicalization. We want to ensure that citizens do not feel disconnected from government, terrorist groups do not get to prey on the grievances of local communities and ordinary people can count on a stable future.

The first step is to create a stabilization force featuring fighters from all parts of Syrian society. Only a diverse body can serve all Syrian citizens and bring law and order to various parts of the country. In this sense, I would like to point out that we have no argument with the Syrian Kurds.

Under wartime conditions, many young Syrians had no choice but to join the P.Y.D./Y.P.G., the Syrian branch of the P.K.K., that Turkey and the United States consider a terrorist organization. According to Human Rights Watch, the Y.P.G. militants have violated international law by recruiting children.

Following the United States withdrawal from Syria, we will complete an intensive vetting process to reunite child soldiers with their families and include all fighters with no links to terrorist organizations in the new stabilization force.

Ensuring adequate political representation for all communities is another priority. Under Turkeys watch, the Syrian territories that are under the control of the Y.P.G. or the so-called Islamic State will be governed by popularly elected councils. Individuals with no links to terrorist groups will be eligible to represent their communities in local governments.

Local councils in predominantly Kurdish parts of northern Syria will largely consist of the Kurdish communitys representatives whilst ensuring that all other groups enjoy fair political representation. Turkish officials with relevant experience will advise them on municipal affairs, education, health care and emergency services.

Turkey intends to cooperate and coordinate our actions with our friends and allies. We have been closely involved in the Geneva and Astana processes, and are the sole stakeholder that can work simultaneously with the United States and Russia. We will build on those partnerships to get the job done in Syria.

It is time for all stakeholders to join forces to end the terror unleashed by the Islamic State, an enemy of Islam and Muslims around the world, and to preserve Syrias territorial integrity. Turkey is volunteering to shoulder this heavy burden at a critical time in history. We are counting on the international community to stand with us.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the president of Turkey.

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Opinion | Erdogan: Trump Is Right on Syria. Turkey Can Get ...