Archive for the ‘Erdogan’ Category

Erdogan: Turkish Forces Could Sweep Across Syria to the Iraqi …

Operation Olive Branch will continue until it reaches its goals. We will rid Manbij of terrorists, as it was promised to us, and our battles will continue until no terrorist is left until our border with Iraq, Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara on Friday.

Before the Turkish president made these remarks, there was apprehension about Turkish forces pushing beyond their initial objective of Afrin to Manbij, where U.S. troops are deployed. Erdogan seemed to be not only confirming that Manbij would be attacked, but that he will push even further east.

American troops were deployed to Manbij in part to keep hostile Syrian rebel factions from attacking each other, and to keep the Turks from moving into the area. Also, the U.S. response to Turkeys incursion has been somewhat muted so far because American officials say the Kurdish forces occupying Afrin are not directly linked to the anti-Islamic State operation or the Kurdish militia commands supported by the United States. That delicate diplomatic position will become untenable if Erdogan strikes eastward and begins hitting Kurdish units that unquestionably are part of the battle against ISIS.

In an interview with Reuters, Erdogan adviser Gulnur Aybet implied one goal of Turkeys drive into Syria is to force the United States to reassess its policies and show more respect for Turkeys positions.

The moment Turkey starts using its military power instead of soft power in the region, however sour ties are at that moment, it encourages Washington to stop and think, said Aybet. I believe the U.S. will put forward some truly satisfying alternative solutions to ease Turkeys security concerns.

She said that everyone is aware of the risk that Turkey could provoke a crisis by pushing into Manbij, and added darkly, We hope that the Americans are aware, too.

Reuters notes that Aybet implied the alternative solutions Turkeydesires pertain to restoring restoring trust between NATO allies so that American proposals for a safe zone on the Turkey-Syria border could be taken seriously.

One of Turkeys biggest complaints along those lines has been U.S. support for Syrian Kurdish militia forces, which the Erdogan government sees as allies of Kurdish separatists in Turkey. Among Turkeys greatest fears throughout the Syrian civil war and battle against ISIS has been the possible formation of a new Kurdish state that would consume portions of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

Erdogans address on Friday included the latest iteration of his slam at the United States for arming Syrian Kurdish forces he considers to be terrorists.

How can a strategic partner do this to its partner? he asked. If we will wage a battle against terror together, we will either do this together or we will take care of ourselves.

Erdogan insisted that Turkeys invasion of Syria was entirely about targeting terrorists.

Turkeys Afrin operation is clear warning to those who dont want to understand Turkeys determination in the fight against terrorism, he said. Turkey will rid Syrias Manbij of terrorists following Afrin. Nobody should be bothered by this. Turkey is not occupying Afrin, only fighting against terrorists there.

We will continue to fight until no terrorist is left on our borders. Our only concern is to ensure our national security and the safety of our citizens and our Syrian brothers and sisters, Erdogan insisted.

Erdogan compared his Afrin-and-beyond operation to Turkish military interventions in the fall of 2016 against al-Rai and Jarabulus, which were towns held by the Islamic State. The Turks said Kurdish YPG forces would also be targeted during those operations.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag openly threatened American forces with attack if they attempt to shield the Kurds from Turkeys Operation Olive Branch.

Those who support the terrorist organization will become a target in this battle. The United States needs to review its soldiers and elements giving support to terrorists on the ground in such a way as to avoid a confrontation with Turkey, Bozdag warned after Erdogan spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump by telephone.

Turkey has disputed the White House account of that phone call, which holds that Trump pressured Erdogan to scale back his operation in Syria. Instead, Turkish officials claim Trump promised to stop supporting Kurdish forces.

Yeni Safak columnist Ibrahim Karagul, a reliable barometer for the more hot-blooded pro-Erdogan wing of Turkish politics, was positively spoiling for a fight with the United States in his Friday editorial.

Karagul declared the U.S. is no longer a trustworthy country for Turkey and none of its guarantees can ever be trusted againbecause the U.S. has been using ISIS, the Kurdish PKK separatist group in Turkey, and of course the treasonous followers of Fethullah Gulen as proxy forces to wage acovert war against Ankara. He said the American goal is to destroy Turkey by provoking a civil war similar to the one in Syria, which he claimed the United States also orchestrated.

Karagul freely indulged in the nasty Crusader rhetoric Erdogan himself has been toying with latelythe very same rhetoric used by Islamist jihadis like ISIS to justify terrorist warfare against the West as a defensive operation:

This plan is identical to the map operations the Crusaders applied in our region. The entire region spanning the Mediterranean and the Iranian border are being dehumanized, and cleared of Arabs and Turkmens; demographic deportation is being applied. This zone that is being vacated is going to be turned into a foreign garrison and filled with U.S.-Israeli military bases. All attacks on Turkey and the region will be made from this zone.

Turkey is showing and is required to show the same resistance that was shown toward the invasion of Anatolia after World War I. Now, the national struggle, a new war of independence, and homeland defense are all being carried out against the U.S. and its close allies.

Most disturbingly, Karagul called for Turkey to immediately shut down Incirlik Air Base, a vital base for American air operations in the region, because in his fevered imagination the United States is coordinating ISIS and PKK forces from there. He predicted a coming moment when thousands of people surround and siege the Incirlik base, an event that would threaten the safety of thousands of American personnel and their dependents.

Threats against the air base are a common expression of anti-American sentiment in Turkey, even from sources otherwise critical of Erdogan. American officials have good reasons to worry that Erdogan could arrange a mob action against Incirlik if he doesnt like the U.S. response to his actions in Syria.

Deutsche Welle reports that European leaders are growing uncomfortable with Erdogans action in Syria as well. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini warned this week that Turkeys invasion could undermine U.N.-backed Syria peace talks in Geneva.

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Erdogan: Turkish Forces Could Sweep Across Syria to the Iraqi ...

Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to give Trump a lethal Ottoman …

As legend has it, Sultan Murad IV, who was known for his brutality, in 1634 killed with a slap two janissaries who assaulted his grand vizier. The incident was the origin of the so-called Ottoman slap (Osmanli tokadi in Turkish), which Ottoman soldiers were trained to perform. Such a slap, so it was said, could crack a mans skill and even kill a horse.

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Some two weeks ago, the Ottoman slap returned to the political lexicon. After the U.S. administration threatened to returned fire if its troops in Syrias Kurdish areas were attacked, Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded with a threat of his own. Those who say that they would respond if they are hit have never tasted an Ottoman slap, the Turkish president warned. His foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, had warned a few days earlier that Ankaras relationship with Washington had reached such a critical point that they would either be fixed or totally destroyed.

Two days after Erdogans Ottoman slap speech, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stopped in the Turkish capital for a three-and-a-half-hour meeting with the Turkish president and foreign minister. Its doubtful that Tillerson understood the term Ottoman slap, since in a departure from protocol he did not bring his own translator or aides to the meeting, relying on the translation skills of Cavusoglu. The media briefing held after the meeting did not hold out cause for optimism. The United States and Turkey agreed to establish three coordinating committees to discuss points of disagreement. The first is scheduled to convene Friday. Working groups of this kind are generally created between rival countries; allies dont need them, they simply pick up the phone and talk. But the bad blood between Ankara and Washington is so poisoned that last week, too, Erdogan waved a warning finger at the Trump administration, saying he expected deeds and not words from the United States, as if Turkey were a superpower telling a client state how to behave.

Concurrently, the U.S. Congress is in an uproar over plans to impose sanctions on Ankara in the wake of its attitude to Washington. There has even been talk on Capitol Hill of placing visa bans on senior Turkish officials and prohibiting imports of Turkish-made handguns, which generate an estimated $100 million in annual revenue for Turkey. The proposals are anathema to the U.S. State Department, however, which believes that Turkeys chutzpah notwithstanding, its cooperation is vital to Americas unfocused policy in Syria; above all, sanctions could push Turkey even closer to Russia and perhaps even lead Ankara to leave NATO.

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Erdogan understands Washingtons dilemma and has kept up his assaults. Last week, after the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for a 30-day cease-fire in Syria, mainly to help the 300,000 residents of eastern Ghouta under heavy Syrian bombardment, Erdogan declared that the resolution does not apply to Turkish military operations in the Kurdish-controlled enclave of Afrin. In response, U.S. State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert said that she would encourage Turkey to go back and read the UN resolution. Erdogan apparently was just waiting for such a remark: Saying that Nauerts comments were baseless and showed that she couldnt understand the focal point of the resolution or wants to distort it, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy argues that in Afrin, Turkey is exercising its right to self-defense based on Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Russian-Turkish axis

But the incursion into Afrin is not only a Turkish military operation with the cynical name Operation Olive Branch, whose goal is to drive the Kurdish military forces from the Turkish-Syrian border. It confronts Washington with a difficult dilemma, forcing it to choose between its alliance with Ankara and its support for the Kurdish militias, which have proved effective against Islamic State militants. Turkey is demanding that the United States not only end its cooperation with the Kurdish units but also recover the heavy weapons it provided to them, as it supposedly promised to do after the war against Islamic State. Turkey believes it can make demands of the U.S. administration, which has yet to decide on a clear policy regarding its future presence in Syria mainly on account of Turkeys alliance with Russia, which for its part is using Ankara to drive out the U.S. forces. Russia, however, is also in no hurry to fully support Turkey, both because the Turkish presence in Syria will interfere with the creation of a united state-controlled by the Assad regime and because the Russians ascribe great importance to Kurdish participation in the Moscow-led political process to end the crisis in Syria. The Russian response starkly highlighted Moscows vacillations. It allowed Syrian President Bashar Assad to dispatch to Afrin pro-regime militias to aid the Kurds, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov could not have been more clear when he said last week that Turkeys security concerns can be met through direct dialogue between Turkey and Syria.

Turkey, which staunchly refuses to negotiate with Assad, shrank in the face of the Russian stance. As a side in the Russian-Iranian-Turkish axis overseeing the implementation of the decision to create safe zones in Syria and a partner to the talks on the countrys future, Ankara cannot afford a head-on confrontation with Moscow. To reassure the Russians, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kaln engaged in a bit of verbal gymnastics, saying in televised remarks last week that Turkish intelligence officials may establish direct or indirect contact when it is required to solve certain problems under extraordinary conditions: neither recognition of Assad nor a move to ignore him entirely. In this diplomatic tango, Russia is also making an effort not to step on Turkeys feet. Moscow does believe the United Nations Security Council resolution includes the Turkish military operation in Afrin, but at this stage it isnt pressuring Ankara. Last week Alexander Venediktov, the assistant to the secretary of the Russian Security Council, said that it was the United States, with its deliveries of modern weapons and encouragement of separatist sentiments among the Kurds, that had provoked Turkey into carrying out the military operation in Syrias northern Afrin region. The language used neither places the responsibility on Erdogan nor does it offer support for the operation.

Ongoing oppression

Turkeys actions in Syria cannot be separated from the political strategy that has guided Erdogan in recent weeks. Turks believe he will call early presidential and parliamentary elections, perhaps as soon as July, around a year and a half before their scheduled date. The speculations are fueled by his alliance with the ultranationalist opposition with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), led by Devlet Bahceli. Bahceli, who last week declared that he was ready to sacrifice his life in Operation Olive Branch, if necessary, needs Erdogans support no less than Erdogan needs the support of nationalist extremists if he is to win a majority in the election.

Erdogan seeks to exercise the numerous authorities ranted to him by the constitutional amendments that were just barely approved in an April 2017 referendum. The amendments, which include abolishing the office of prime minister and transferring its powers to the president; wide authority in choosing parliamentary candidates for his party; changes to the procedures for appointing judges and the authority to dissolve the parliament, will go into effect in the next election.

The military operation in Afrin has broad public support in Turkey, and not only among supporters of Erdogans Justice and Development Party. Presumably, his strong stance against the U.S. administration and the European Union member states Erdogan has used the threat of terror attacks in Europe by members of Islamic State in the event Turkey were to loosen its borders have contributed to his popularity, Erdogan, whose government continues to arrest dozens of citizens every week for suspected involvement in the failed coup of July 2016 and acts to destroy the pro-Kurdish party, is not particularly impressed by international reprimands over its human-rights abuses.

Prominent authors and journalists Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan and Nazl Ilcak were sentenced to life in prison; seven Kurdish lawmakers were expelled from the Turkish parliament; Selahattin Demirtas, a leader of the pro-Kurdish party, has been in jail for 18 months without trial; the state broadcaster has banned due to their content 208 Turkish and Kurdish pop songs, many of them performed by well-known singers for years; all this, in addition to the ongoing persecution of newspapers and other media outlets.

Erdogan backed down in only one instance, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel threatened to cancel a deal to upgrade Turkeys Leopard tanks if Turkey did not release Deniz Yucel, a German-Turkish journalist who was arrested over a year ago. Yucel was charged with involvement in terror, but his real offense was insulting the regime. He was released in mid-February and returned to Germany.

Andrew Brunson, a Christian pastor from North Carolina, has not been so lucky. He was arrested in October 2016, suspected on involvement in the failed coup. Erdogan has said he is willing to trade Brunson in exchange for the extradition of Fethullah Gulen, the U.S.-based Muslim cleric that Erdogan says was behind the coup attempt. It would seem that Merkel is willing to do much more for her citizens than Trump; either that, or she is clearer and more precise in her threats. In any event, Turkeys domestic front, excited over the armys actions in Syria, is ready for early elections that will give Erdogan a period of rule equal to that of Ataturk.

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Turkey's Erdogan threatens to give Trump a lethal Ottoman ...

Recep Erdogan 666 gematriacodes

Thank you everyone for making 2016 another amazing year at this blog. I read plenty of feedback and took part in quite a few greatdiscussions. This Gematria study will provide thereaders with a 2016year-endreview of the most asked questions this blog received.

The most asked about topicthis year was in regards tothe animated film Zootopia.Much to my surprise, afilm that was indicative ofnumerous tropes and ploysmore commonlyfound in the most esoteric or occult of films was a childrens picture. This particular animated feature really drew a lot of attention forits consistent display of allegories, numerical symbolism, and esoteric tropes.

1.) Is Zootopia An Illuminati Occult Movie?

Zootopia features numerous color tropes as well as numerical clues of an esoteric nature. The film may be too intense for younger viewers, due to several scenes of savage animals. The film utilizes the classic color trope of Red Vs. Blue and gives several numerical schemes plenty of screen time, typical hex-craft usage of numbers 32 and 6 are prime example. Be sure to view the detailed Zootopia studyon this site. It is for certain a film that utilizes a wide variety of allegory and hidden meaning which are more common to occult films by Jodorowsky.

What Is The Meaning Of 29THD03 License Plate In Zootopia?

In terms of Gematria or an esoteric means, the number 29 and number 3 would equal 32, a classic occult number. While theletters T (20th letter of alphabet) H (8th letter ofalphabet)D (4th letter of alphabet) combined would equal 32, a classic case of hex-craft in which the hex of combining number and letter is used in occult practice to enchant the viewer. 32 = 6. The numbers may also be read as 29th D (December/Disney?) 03 (March or 3rd day?). The creators of the film have yet to reveal their reasoning behind the license plate numerology.

2.) Why Does The President Of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, Name Equal 666 In Gematria? Is Recep Erdogan The Antichrist?

His name includes the anagram of the word dragon for starters. All of the numerical combinations of names and their meanings were derived from ancient times, usually said to have been given to men by angels or Elohim. Recep Erdogan and US President Obama get along just fine, as Erdogan is a strong proponent of internet censorship, limited free speech,and tyrant policies. However with all his ill-natured behavior noted, he is not the antichrist, a central figure in Christianity also known as the beast of sea, who will appear during the Biblical end of age. According to the Book of Revelation, the Abyss, a dimension of the Netherworld or ether-realm, is the domain of the Assyrianking (alsoknown as Antichrist), who appears along with locust-like beings after a star opensthe shaftportal to this realm. This event occurs sometime near a giant Earthquake also occurring, atleastaccording to scripture.

In Johns vision they are supernatural demons from the Abyss. Natural locusts do not physically attack humans, but Johns locusts do, with the sting of the scorpion (vv. 4-5). Natural locusts, according to a biblical proverb, have no king (Prov 30:27), but these locusts dothe angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon Biblegateway Revelation 9 Commentary

Author Craig C. White wrote the book Presenting the Antichrist and False Prophet: Warning to Jerusalem (High Time to Awake), which describes Recep Erdogan as meeting certain criteria of the Antichrist. Despite all the authorship and warnings to the contrary the figure of beast of sea, asdescribed in the Bible and in other sources, does not match any modern description or ideal king, as the singularAntichrist isunlike any human type leader the world is used to. The singular Antichrist is neither Barack Obama, nor the leader ofTurkey.

3.) What Are The Most Common Found Signs Of Illuminati And What Do Occult Symbols Or Numbers Mean?

There are numerous occult or esoteric signs and symbols to be found used for the purpose of concealed magic, sometimes referred to asmagika, a type of divining magic or hex-craft discipline whichenables the magician (or adept of the occult) to enchant/entice (or even curse)those viewing such symbolismto come under any given spell. Symbolism of the esoteric variety is hidden in numerous waysand various formats.


A mudra is a seal or mark illustrated through a gesture to invoke spiritual powers or supernatural forces to submitunder human will, typicallypracticed via the Neo-Hindo (Hinduism) oryogireligious systems.The A-OK hand sign is a form of spiritual gesture known in Hinduism as part of a ritualor divine hand-craft sometimes called gyan mudra.

The Vitarka Mudrais usually performed by joining the tips of the thumb and the index fingers together while keeping the other fingers straight, which is pretty much similar to Abhaya as well as Varada mudra but with the thumbs touching the index fingers. The circle formed by the thumb and the index finger symbolizes the constant flow of energy and information.

The A-OK sign itself is called vitarka, (or chin mudra if facing down)and is one of many powerful mudra used tochannel energy or forces throughout the human body. The wordvitarkausually holds three importantmental or critical thinking attributes including; opinions, thoughts, and divination.The A-OK hand gesture is performed by connecting the thumb and index finger into a circle, thus creating an O, knownto theHindo as the Wheel of Darma.This hand-mind connection is said to represent the ability to begin discussion as well as to connect to a hidden power.

Literally the meaning of mudras is a seal. It is called so because it seals the mind with the soul. Excercises falling under mudra are associated with retention of breath. In fact bandhas and mudras go together. Mudras control the vital forces (pranas: and there by the mind in order to awaken hidden mystic powers.

The vitarka mudra represents six occasional or particular mental factors found in certain consciousness.

Application Of ThoughtExaminingDecisionEnergyRaptureDesire To Act

For the upper tier elite, as well asthose within the occult, the A-OK sign represents two-fold symbolism. The first being thatof hex-craft and the typical 666 pattern, while the second representsthe Eye of Udjt (also known as the missing Eye of Horus).

In ancient Sumeria and Persia, charms and amulets have been discovered of fingers and hands in the modern OK position, joined along with horns implying fertility. The three fingers extended outward are symbolic of ecstatic union with the Goddess, the third member of the pagan trinity. In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity horned God, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number sixs, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Texe Marrs

In English Gematria Wheel Of Darma = 666

Opinions = 666 / A-OK Hand + A Chakgya = 666 / A Mudra + A Six = 666

A Vitarka + A Hand = 666 / Eye of Udjt = 666 / Udjt Sigil = 666


The hand gesture shown above is known within the Hindo (Hindu/Buddhist religion system) as the trimunti mudra. The upper pyramid sign and the lower pyramid sign are ancient gestures that are said to invoke the spiritual blessingsor curses of the God/gods, depending uponwhich deity or entity theuser calls upon. The trimunti is a symbolic gesture that represents the Holy Trinity of godsBrahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Occultist often utilize the gestures of the upper pyramid and downward pyramid during magic ritualswhich involve the visualization of entities or spirit beings.

We also understand that we are working with Godforms, not directly with the Gods, but nevertheless, the Godforms are directly connected to *actual Gods*, real living intelligences that are behind the forms, that, if you like are gracious enough to lend us their outer astral garments (forms) for the purpose of the ritual. Soror SD, Gods Of The Golden Dawn Comment

The hand mudra (meaning a mark or seal) ismeant to representthe pyramid or three faces of the so-called three divinegod set(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). This gesture isalso called three faces, and represents the conscious mind . The symbolic three faces alsoserves to remind the user of a three-tier energy field or chakra force for general basic chakra stimulation, heart chakra, and frontal chakra. Byusing the gesture during a chant, or an internalvision quest, a connection to the spirit world is thought to be created.Hindo users utilize this trimunti mudra mostly while moving their arms during asanas.


When the hands turn down towards the ground, it is called trimurti mudra ajna (prithivi Earth) This form of the trianglegesture is known asan Earthsymbol,it is alsocalled theWater Sign or The Blue Pyramid.Amongst the modern religion of the Rastafarian Movement, the gesture is called the Holy Trinity.Like the ancient Hindo religion, Rasta believe that the mudra gesture showcases the concept of a Divine Trio, many believingit to bea father, mother, and child conception,while others insist itpresents Marcus Garvey, Emmanuel, and Haile Selassie I,in the role of aHoly Trinity.

This significant hand symbol, which we call it the Trinity. In ancient kamet was called Practicus which was used by the first ancient kings of Ethiopia and the knowledge of it arose into the northern empire of Ethiopia which we call Kemet, called Egypt by the europeans. Remember that Kemet is the first child of Ethiopia, its wisdom came straight from Ethiopia, what is on its walls is still practiced today. David Penalosa, Torah Codes Comment

Thegesture is oft used toshowcase thetrinity concept (or completethehexagram), as well asrepresent the famous color trope known as Red VS. Blue the downward pointing pyramid representing the color blue, the upward pyramid the color red. Occultistwho utilize the gesture for the purpose of magicmay flashthe downward pyramidwhile attempting totap into supernatural forces from realmscalled theunderworld or ether. This manner of hex-craft is afrom of hand magic (sometimes calledchaos magic), placingthe pyramid in starkcontrast to the upward pyramid gesture once used by the ancient Levite tribes. Occultist placing their hands in a downwardpyramid maythus represent an opposite formto the ancient Levite tribe hand gesture known as the blessing of God. In this manner, if it were the case, the use of the downward pyramid during ritualmay allude to the concept of backwards magic, which mystic Aleister Crowley spoke of as doing things in reverse.When performed for occult purpose, this form of the mudragesture is a type of hex or curse called a practicus.

In English Gematria A Practicus = 666

Practicus is a Latin word meaning, one who practices, or one who takes action; from the Greek praktikos, fit for action, practical, effective. The root idea is activity. Aleister Crowley

According to Occultist, a practicus,the hand gesture of the downward pyramid, constitutes the esoteric pathway of the elemental water force to flow known alsoas the sign of Goddess Auromoth (Auramoth).This signis one of five elemental grade hand gestures utilizedwithin the rituals ofoccult magic, and partlyconjured upby mysticAleister Crowley. Crowley along withGolden Dawn members Mathers and Westcottconcocted a blend of goddesses (mother deities)which eventually includeda singular female deityknown as Auromoth, or Auramoth (Auro, being the Aura/Chakra & Moth, being the Mother). While this so-called goddess did not exist during any ancient period, she currently represents several syncretized deities from the classical and ancient period, all in order to fit in with the famouselementalcolor trope of Red Vs. Blue where Auromoth is the so-called water bearer or Blue Mother.

Even Westcott and Mathers did this to some extent Thoum-aesh-neith and Auramooth mean torch bearer and water of light, they are not traditional Egyptian godforms. But the 0=0 fromat requires Fire and Water Officers. So they, essentially, made some up. Nick Farrell, Gods Of The Golden Dawn

In English Gematria Auromoth = 666

Ive always assumed that Crowley was referring to the Godform assumed by the officer in a Golden Dawn ceremony. E.g. The Stolistes would assume the Godform of the goddess Auramoth and in the GD (Golden Dawn) that is a hieroglyph of standing with the two hands over the solar plexus forming the inverted triangle of water. The same figure in the GD (Golden Dawn) was used as the grade sign of a Practicus 3=8 (Hod, Water). The person making this sign becomes a hieroglyph, so to speak.

The signs and gestures in such a ritual are hieroglyphs and so the magician is effectively writing, using his body as a pen, upon the aethyr. The Magus is the Word, and so forth. Oliver St. John


When the hands turn uptowards the air,the triangle gestureis called trimurti mudra vayu (vayu Air).This form of the hand mudrais known asa skysymbol,it is alsocalled theFire Sign or TheRed Pyramid.As in the case of the occult, several mudra complete the concept of hand gestures in place of fiveelemental forces.

The fingers are essentially electrical circuits. The use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy affecting the balance of air, fire, water, earth, ether and facilitate healing. Mudras create a subtle connection with the instinctual patterns in the brain and influence the unconscious reflexes in these areas. Art Of Living.Org

During the ancient period of the 12 tribes of Israel, a priestly group known as the Levites took on the duties of the blessing ceremony, which included the elements ofwater and fire,dedicated to the blessing of the assembly of tribes and in honor of God. Numerous scholars believe these groups to have been a previous unknown secular group oftribes that would in time constitute the Levite sect. According to Jewish tradition the Levites were descended from Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah.The Levites would wash the hands of the priest with water prior to offering ofthe priestly blessing. The Levites used two hands with thumbs touching and fingers paired and split in the famousV configuration, representing the Shin gesture and asan emblem for El Shaddai, God Almighty. This ancient gesture is sometimes called the Blessing of God. The gesture was later used, althoughwith only one hand rather than the proper two hands to create a triangle,by actor Leonard Nimoy in the science fiction TV series Star Trek. That gesture was known as the Vulcanblessing sign of Live Long And Prosper.

Of all the Jewish hand signs, the most famous is that of the priestly blessing, the Birchat Kohanim, and yet it is rarely seen. This is the sign of both hands outstretched at shoulder height under a tallit, with the fingers spread apart, as the Kohen blesses the congregation. The Kohens face is covered. The hands in the position of the priestly blessing are often seen as decoration on jewelry or on the tombstone of a Kohen.

The hands are held with the fingers straight ahead with the little finger of each hand separated from the ring finger and a space between the second and third fingers. There is a further space between the two thumbs, making a total of five spaces. The palms are face downwards. The right hand is placed slightly above the left. This raising of the hands during the blessing is called the nesiat kohanim. Lorne Rozovsky, Chabad.Org

The priestly blessing of the Levites differs from the trimurti mudravayu gesture that is commonly used by those within the occult or within the Hindo (Hindu/Buddhist religion system). That gesture was given the title of theRed Pyramid, and is known as a fire sign.The magic system of The Golden Dawn applied to thegesture the titleof Sign ofGoddess Thoum-aesh-neith, another syncretized Egyptiangod of occult invention.

Celebrities along withthe upper tier elite, including figures such as Satanist Anton LaVey and European spy Adolf Hitlerhave all used the gesture to symbolize their occult power, or fire balance. The symbol fits in with the familiar trope of Red Vs. Blue, an elemental illustration for power and energy.

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Recep Erdogan 666 gematriacodes

Plenty of spice in New York trial Erdogan wishes would go …

A high-profile corruption trial that began last month in New York is ruffling increasing numbers of feathers in the palace of Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdogan.

Big names are being dropped during the hearings with Erdogan himself topping the list. All stand accused, in varying degrees, of fraud, money laundering, and violating US sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Of the nine Turkish suspects, two are presently in US custody: Reza Zarrab, 34, and Mehmet Hakan Atilla, 47.

The first is a jet-set playboy and gold trader who ownsprivate yachts and planes, a stable of Arabian horses, and a US$10 million art collection. So wealthy is Iranian-born Zarrab, in fact, that his driver was arrested in 2011 carrying US$150 million in cash while traveling from Turkey to Russia. His father was a friend of the former Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, with whom Zarrab corresponded and complained about American world-devouring imperialism.

Zarrab was also close to President Erdogan, who granted him exceptional citizenship back in 2007, reportedly against a bribe of US$1.5 million USD paid to the Turkish Cabinet of Ministers. He was arrested for the first time in Turkey back in December 2013, accused of bribing three ministers in the Erdogan government: Interior Minister Muammer Guler (US$10 million); Minister for EU Affairs Egemen Bagis (US$1.5 million), and Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan (US$52 million).

They were charged with helping sell Iranian oil in exchange for gold, and then channeling the goods back to Iran through front companies in China, Turkey, and the Gulf. The case was sent to the Turkish Parliament, with recommendations to lift their immunity, but the move was blocked by Erdogans Justice and Development Party (AKP). At the time, Zarrab was the darling of the Erdogan entourage: he had even donated US$4.5 million to a charity led by the then-Prime Ministers wife. The investigations were subsequently dropped, although all three ministerswere either retired or asked to resign.

Zarrab himself was released in February 2014, only to land in a US jail when visiting Miami in March 2016 on the very same charges. If convicted by New Yorks Federal Court, he could face up to 75 years in jail.

Reza Zarrab is pictured being escorted to police headquarters in Istanbul in 2013. Photo: Anadolu Agency

Zarrab was due to stand as the main defendant in the case but struck a deal with the prosecutor that has turned him into a star witness against the more recently arrested Atilla, the Executive Vice-President of the state run Halkbank. He was jailed during a business trip to the US in March, and many believe that he will be scapegoated and convicted and that, due to his enormous wealth and political connections, Zarrab will be set free after a short jail term.

In October, Zarrab acknowledged that he had masterminded the sanctions evasion scheme, but claimedAtilla was the man who carried it out. No footage has been produced of Atilla taking bribes or engaging in illegal conduct. Zarrab, however, is being defended by two of the best lawyers money can buy in the United States: Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, and Michael B. Bukassey, former Attorney General under President George W. Bush.

In court, Atilla has denied conspiring with Zarrab to channel Iranian oil money through US banks. Zarrab claims that he witnessed Suleyman Aslan, the General Manager of Halkbank, call Atilla in April 2013, with orders to make an illegal transaction. Atilla denies this, saying that he was on a plane headed for Barcelona on the day in question and did not have phone access onboard. Documents presented by Turkish Airlinesconfirm his story, rather than Zarrabs.

Two additional developments have added spice to the whole ordeal. One is a new charge in the US, from a former cellmate in jail who claims that Zarrab raped him once with a cucumber. Second is the testimony of Korkmaz

Atilla also denies that his is the voice in a recording presented in court as being a conversation between him and Zarrab.

The case has already strained ties between the US and Turkey, whose president is inching closer, day-by-day, to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. A spokesman for the Turkish government has said the entire case is a plot against Turkey.

According to Turkish sources, Erdogan personally lobbied the previous US administration of Barack Obamafor the release of Zarrab, fearing that he would tell all in court, but that he was rebuffed by Vice President Joe Biden in September 2016. The following month, Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag met US Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, also to lobby for Zarrabs release. And on Friday of last week, Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul sent a letter to US Justice Secretary Jeff Sessions, demanding the extradition of Huseyin Korkmaz, the former Turkish police investigator who was tasked with leading the probe into Zarrabs misconduct back in 2013, and branding him a terror suspect facing serious allegations.

Erdogan has seized all of Zarrabs assets in Turkey and rounded up at least 17 of his associates and family members. So eager is he to have Zarrab back in Turkey, in fact, that he has offered to swap him for Andrew Brunson, an American evangelical pastor who was arrested in the witch-hunt that followed last years failed coup attempt.

Two additional developments have added spice to the whole ordeal. One is a new charge in the US, from a former cellmate in jail who claims that Zarrab raped him once with a cucumber. Second is the testimony of Korkmaz, who, when he was in the verge of implicating Erdogan back in 2014 quickly found himselftransferred from his job as a crime investigator to a new post guarding bridges, before being moved to a faraway province, then laterarrested and jailed for more than a year.

When released on bail, Korkmaz fled Turkey and moved to the US. His testimony is damning for both Zarrab and Erdogan whose supporters in Ankara are now saying, of course, that he is another coup conspirator and terrorist.

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Plenty of spice in New York trial Erdogan wishes would go ...

Turkey’s Erdogan seeks more influence in Africa

Africa can be said to be a favorite destination for Recep Tayyip Erdogan. At least from the look of the foreign trips the Turkish President has made in the last years. In 2015 he visited Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti, in 2016 it was Uganda and Kenya on the line. He stopped by six African countries in 2017.

Read more:Turkey to expand business ties with Africa

It is less surprising that Erdogan is once again in Africa since the beginning of the week. This time, the Turkish president is visiting Algeria, Mauritania, Senegal and Mali with a large business delegation and a diplomatic entourage. On Erdogan's trips it's mainlyabout one thing, political and economical influence.

This was seen in his quick stop in Algiers. There he praised the good relations between Algeria and Turkey, but put pressure on the topic of investment protection. Erdogan said that with the help of a bilateral agreement that secures investments in Algeria, trade between the two countries could increase to more than double in the coming years.

Erdogan as leader of the Muslim world?

The striking thing about this year's itinerary is that in all the four host countries, 90 percent of the population is Muslim. It's not a coincidence, according to Cagri zdemir, an editor withDW's Turkish service. "It's easier to engage if a country that Turkey is dealing with has this kind of common ground."

Despite signs of slowing growth, the scope and scale of emerging donor activity has increased markedly over the past few years. According to a study conducted by global development platform Devex, emerging donors could contribute close to 20 percent of total foreign aid by 2020, up from an estimated 7-10 percent in 2012.

With a 2013 foreign aid budget of $7.1 billion (5.93 billion euros), China is not only by far the biggest emerging donor, it's also the sixth-largest in the world. Reaching 121 countries, Beijings program has a clear Africa focus and is a key element of its diplomatic and economic push into the continent. Almost half of Chinas overall foreign aid goes towards infrastructure projects.

The Devex report, which surveyed nearly 1,000 development executives, says emerging donors will continue to boost their foreign aid spending over the next decade. "We are taking efforts to increase steadily the size of our ODA [Official Development Assistance] for several years," the deputy government director for ODA South Korea said in the report.

In 2013, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recorded the largest jump in its development assistance among all donor governments a staggering 435 percent increase. The bulk of UAE's foreign aid goes to majority-Muslim countries, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. The Gulf State is also a major donor to humanitarian crises as far as the Philippines and the Central African Republic.

Russia's re-emerging foreign aid program focuses on health and education and is considered a by-product of its familiarity with the medical and school systems of its development partners in the former Soviet Union. However, Western sanctions over Ukraine begin to take their toll. In Turkey, things look brighter: Ankara's ODA rose more than threefold to $3.4 billion between 2010 and 2014 alone.

The Devex report looked at funding strategies and priorities of eight emerging donors: the BRICS economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as well as South Korea, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey. At the 2017 BRICS meeting last month in China, the emerging donors urged "developed countries to honor their Official Development Assistance commitments in time and in full."

Even as they contend that their foreign aid programs have global ambitions, emerging donors generally direct the vast majority of their funding toward neighboring regions. India, UAE and South Africa have a particularly sharp focus on their home regions. China, Russia and South Korea are the exceptions to this trend.

Albeit having considerably lower aid flows than its peers, South Africa has been aggressively positioning itself as an emerging donor over the past decade, directing nearly all its budget to the continent 70 percent alone goes towards the Southern part of Africa. According to the Devex report, priorities are peace building, democracy and governance as well as humanitarian assistance.

Author: Benjamin Bathke

Erdogan has been trying for a long time to position Turkey as a protecting power for Muslims in the whole world. A good example is Turkey's strong commitment to the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar.

Erdogan had also called for an emergency summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Decemberto denounce the United State's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital. According to Turkey's state-owned television TRT, Erdogan wants to use his current trip to thankAfrican leaders, who voted against the USin the UN Jerusalem vote.

Turkey's role on security

Erdogan describes his current trip as "historical," referring tohis visit in Mauritania and Mali. This is because no Turkish president has ever visited the two West African countries. According to media reports, Erdogan wants to talk about security among other things. Mauritania and Mali have both had to deal with attacks and abduction from Islamic terror groups for years.

Read more:Turkey targets Gulen schools in Africa

Observers are therefore rating his trip also as a sign of Turkey's stronger security policy agreementin Africa. This is because Ankara has long been trying to cement its influence in Africa, not only through development aid and economic cooperation.

The meeting with Algeria's President Bouteflika was about economic cooperation

Cagri zdemir refers to the example of Somalia. "Turkey started engaging with Somalia which is a war-torn country decades ago and started with economic cooperation, with small steps. And over time it started engaging in reconstruction efforts, like a new airport, and some hospitals. It came to a point over the past summer that Turkey opened a military base and deployed a couple of hundred soldiers to trainSomali troops," zdemir said.

Economy is still top on the list

According to zdemir economic cooperation still takes the highest priority for Turkey. "Turkey, when it comes to raw materials, is a poor country," said the journalist. In Algeria it was mainly about stronger cooperation in the oil and liquid gas sector.

Since 2005, Turkey has been aiming for closer ties with African countries. Currently, Ankarahas diplomatic representation in 41 countries on the continent, increasing from 12 missions in 2009. Turkey's foreign trade volume with African countries has increased sixfold in the past fifteen years to more than 14 billioneuros in 2017.

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Turkey's Erdogan seeks more influence in Africa