Thank you everyone for making 2016 another amazing year at this blog. I read plenty of feedback and took part in quite a few greatdiscussions. This Gematria study will provide thereaders with a 2016year-endreview of the most asked questions this blog received.
The most asked about topicthis year was in regards tothe animated film Zootopia.Much to my surprise, afilm that was indicative ofnumerous tropes and ploysmore commonlyfound in the most esoteric or occult of films was a childrens picture. This particular animated feature really drew a lot of attention forits consistent display of allegories, numerical symbolism, and esoteric tropes.
1.) Is Zootopia An Illuminati Occult Movie?
Zootopia features numerous color tropes as well as numerical clues of an esoteric nature. The film may be too intense for younger viewers, due to several scenes of savage animals. The film utilizes the classic color trope of Red Vs. Blue and gives several numerical schemes plenty of screen time, typical hex-craft usage of numbers 32 and 6 are prime example. Be sure to view the detailed Zootopia studyon this site. It is for certain a film that utilizes a wide variety of allegory and hidden meaning which are more common to occult films by Jodorowsky.
What Is The Meaning Of 29THD03 License Plate In Zootopia?
In terms of Gematria or an esoteric means, the number 29 and number 3 would equal 32, a classic occult number. While theletters T (20th letter of alphabet) H (8th letter ofalphabet)D (4th letter of alphabet) combined would equal 32, a classic case of hex-craft in which the hex of combining number and letter is used in occult practice to enchant the viewer. 32 = 6. The numbers may also be read as 29th D (December/Disney?) 03 (March or 3rd day?). The creators of the film have yet to reveal their reasoning behind the license plate numerology.
2.) Why Does The President Of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, Name Equal 666 In Gematria? Is Recep Erdogan The Antichrist?
His name includes the anagram of the word dragon for starters. All of the numerical combinations of names and their meanings were derived from ancient times, usually said to have been given to men by angels or Elohim. Recep Erdogan and US President Obama get along just fine, as Erdogan is a strong proponent of internet censorship, limited free speech,and tyrant policies. However with all his ill-natured behavior noted, he is not the antichrist, a central figure in Christianity also known as the beast of sea, who will appear during the Biblical end of age. According to the Book of Revelation, the Abyss, a dimension of the Netherworld or ether-realm, is the domain of the Assyrianking (alsoknown as Antichrist), who appears along with locust-like beings after a star opensthe shaftportal to this realm. This event occurs sometime near a giant Earthquake also occurring, atleastaccording to scripture.
In Johns vision they are supernatural demons from the Abyss. Natural locusts do not physically attack humans, but Johns locusts do, with the sting of the scorpion (vv. 4-5). Natural locusts, according to a biblical proverb, have no king (Prov 30:27), but these locusts dothe angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon Biblegateway Revelation 9 Commentary
Author Craig C. White wrote the book Presenting the Antichrist and False Prophet: Warning to Jerusalem (High Time to Awake), which describes Recep Erdogan as meeting certain criteria of the Antichrist. Despite all the authorship and warnings to the contrary the figure of beast of sea, asdescribed in the Bible and in other sources, does not match any modern description or ideal king, as the singularAntichrist isunlike any human type leader the world is used to. The singular Antichrist is neither Barack Obama, nor the leader ofTurkey.
3.) What Are The Most Common Found Signs Of Illuminati And What Do Occult Symbols Or Numbers Mean?
There are numerous occult or esoteric signs and symbols to be found used for the purpose of concealed magic, sometimes referred to asmagika, a type of divining magic or hex-craft discipline whichenables the magician (or adept of the occult) to enchant/entice (or even curse)those viewing such symbolismto come under any given spell. Symbolism of the esoteric variety is hidden in numerous waysand various formats.
A mudra is a seal or mark illustrated through a gesture to invoke spiritual powers or supernatural forces to submitunder human will, typicallypracticed via the Neo-Hindo (Hinduism) oryogireligious systems.The A-OK hand sign is a form of spiritual gesture known in Hinduism as part of a ritualor divine hand-craft sometimes called gyan mudra.
The Vitarka Mudrais usually performed by joining the tips of the thumb and the index fingers together while keeping the other fingers straight, which is pretty much similar to Abhaya as well as Varada mudra but with the thumbs touching the index fingers. The circle formed by the thumb and the index finger symbolizes the constant flow of energy and information.
The A-OK sign itself is called vitarka, (or chin mudra if facing down)and is one of many powerful mudra used tochannel energy or forces throughout the human body. The wordvitarkausually holds three importantmental or critical thinking attributes including; opinions, thoughts, and divination.The A-OK hand gesture is performed by connecting the thumb and index finger into a circle, thus creating an O, knownto theHindo as the Wheel of Darma.This hand-mind connection is said to represent the ability to begin discussion as well as to connect to a hidden power.
Literally the meaning of mudras is a seal. It is called so because it seals the mind with the soul. Excercises falling under mudra are associated with retention of breath. In fact bandhas and mudras go together. Mudras control the vital forces (pranas: and there by the mind in order to awaken hidden mystic powers.
The vitarka mudra represents six occasional or particular mental factors found in certain consciousness.
Application Of ThoughtExaminingDecisionEnergyRaptureDesire To Act
For the upper tier elite, as well asthose within the occult, the A-OK sign represents two-fold symbolism. The first being thatof hex-craft and the typical 666 pattern, while the second representsthe Eye of Udjt (also known as the missing Eye of Horus).
In ancient Sumeria and Persia, charms and amulets have been discovered of fingers and hands in the modern OK position, joined along with horns implying fertility. The three fingers extended outward are symbolic of ecstatic union with the Goddess, the third member of the pagan trinity. In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity horned God, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number sixs, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Texe Marrs
In English Gematria Wheel Of Darma = 666
Opinions = 666 / A-OK Hand + A Chakgya = 666 / A Mudra + A Six = 666
A Vitarka + A Hand = 666 / Eye of Udjt = 666 / Udjt Sigil = 666
The hand gesture shown above is known within the Hindo (Hindu/Buddhist religion system) as the trimunti mudra. The upper pyramid sign and the lower pyramid sign are ancient gestures that are said to invoke the spiritual blessingsor curses of the God/gods, depending uponwhich deity or entity theuser calls upon. The trimunti is a symbolic gesture that represents the Holy Trinity of godsBrahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Occultist often utilize the gestures of the upper pyramid and downward pyramid during magic ritualswhich involve the visualization of entities or spirit beings.
We also understand that we are working with Godforms, not directly with the Gods, but nevertheless, the Godforms are directly connected to *actual Gods*, real living intelligences that are behind the forms, that, if you like are gracious enough to lend us their outer astral garments (forms) for the purpose of the ritual. Soror SD, Gods Of The Golden Dawn Comment
The hand mudra (meaning a mark or seal) ismeant to representthe pyramid or three faces of the so-called three divinegod set(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). This gesture isalso called three faces, and represents the conscious mind . The symbolic three faces alsoserves to remind the user of a three-tier energy field or chakra force for general basic chakra stimulation, heart chakra, and frontal chakra. Byusing the gesture during a chant, or an internalvision quest, a connection to the spirit world is thought to be created.Hindo users utilize this trimunti mudra mostly while moving their arms during asanas.
When the hands turn down towards the ground, it is called trimurti mudra ajna (prithivi Earth) This form of the trianglegesture is known asan Earthsymbol,it is alsocalled theWater Sign or The Blue Pyramid.Amongst the modern religion of the Rastafarian Movement, the gesture is called the Holy Trinity.Like the ancient Hindo religion, Rasta believe that the mudra gesture showcases the concept of a Divine Trio, many believingit to bea father, mother, and child conception,while others insist itpresents Marcus Garvey, Emmanuel, and Haile Selassie I,in the role of aHoly Trinity.
This significant hand symbol, which we call it the Trinity. In ancient kamet was called Practicus which was used by the first ancient kings of Ethiopia and the knowledge of it arose into the northern empire of Ethiopia which we call Kemet, called Egypt by the europeans. Remember that Kemet is the first child of Ethiopia, its wisdom came straight from Ethiopia, what is on its walls is still practiced today. David Penalosa, Torah Codes Comment
Thegesture is oft used toshowcase thetrinity concept (or completethehexagram), as well asrepresent the famous color trope known as Red VS. Blue the downward pointing pyramid representing the color blue, the upward pyramid the color red. Occultistwho utilize the gesture for the purpose of magicmay flashthe downward pyramidwhile attempting totap into supernatural forces from realmscalled theunderworld or ether. This manner of hex-craft is afrom of hand magic (sometimes calledchaos magic), placingthe pyramid in starkcontrast to the upward pyramid gesture once used by the ancient Levite tribes. Occultist placing their hands in a downwardpyramid maythus represent an opposite formto the ancient Levite tribe hand gesture known as the blessing of God. In this manner, if it were the case, the use of the downward pyramid during ritualmay allude to the concept of backwards magic, which mystic Aleister Crowley spoke of as doing things in reverse.When performed for occult purpose, this form of the mudragesture is a type of hex or curse called a practicus.
In English Gematria A Practicus = 666
Practicus is a Latin word meaning, one who practices, or one who takes action; from the Greek praktikos, fit for action, practical, effective. The root idea is activity. Aleister Crowley
According to Occultist, a practicus,the hand gesture of the downward pyramid, constitutes the esoteric pathway of the elemental water force to flow known alsoas the sign of Goddess Auromoth (Auramoth).This signis one of five elemental grade hand gestures utilizedwithin the rituals ofoccult magic, and partlyconjured upby mysticAleister Crowley. Crowley along withGolden Dawn members Mathers and Westcottconcocted a blend of goddesses (mother deities)which eventually includeda singular female deityknown as Auromoth, or Auramoth (Auro, being the Aura/Chakra & Moth, being the Mother). While this so-called goddess did not exist during any ancient period, she currently represents several syncretized deities from the classical and ancient period, all in order to fit in with the famouselementalcolor trope of Red Vs. Blue where Auromoth is the so-called water bearer or Blue Mother.
Even Westcott and Mathers did this to some extent Thoum-aesh-neith and Auramooth mean torch bearer and water of light, they are not traditional Egyptian godforms. But the 0=0 fromat requires Fire and Water Officers. So they, essentially, made some up. Nick Farrell, Gods Of The Golden Dawn
In English Gematria Auromoth = 666
Ive always assumed that Crowley was referring to the Godform assumed by the officer in a Golden Dawn ceremony. E.g. The Stolistes would assume the Godform of the goddess Auramoth and in the GD (Golden Dawn) that is a hieroglyph of standing with the two hands over the solar plexus forming the inverted triangle of water. The same figure in the GD (Golden Dawn) was used as the grade sign of a Practicus 3=8 (Hod, Water). The person making this sign becomes a hieroglyph, so to speak.
The signs and gestures in such a ritual are hieroglyphs and so the magician is effectively writing, using his body as a pen, upon the aethyr. The Magus is the Word, and so forth. Oliver St. John
When the hands turn uptowards the air,the triangle gestureis called trimurti mudra vayu (vayu Air).This form of the hand mudrais known asa skysymbol,it is alsocalled theFire Sign or TheRed Pyramid.As in the case of the occult, several mudra complete the concept of hand gestures in place of fiveelemental forces.
The fingers are essentially electrical circuits. The use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy affecting the balance of air, fire, water, earth, ether and facilitate healing. Mudras create a subtle connection with the instinctual patterns in the brain and influence the unconscious reflexes in these areas. Art Of Living.Org
During the ancient period of the 12 tribes of Israel, a priestly group known as the Levites took on the duties of the blessing ceremony, which included the elements ofwater and fire,dedicated to the blessing of the assembly of tribes and in honor of God. Numerous scholars believe these groups to have been a previous unknown secular group oftribes that would in time constitute the Levite sect. According to Jewish tradition the Levites were descended from Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah.The Levites would wash the hands of the priest with water prior to offering ofthe priestly blessing. The Levites used two hands with thumbs touching and fingers paired and split in the famousV configuration, representing the Shin gesture and asan emblem for El Shaddai, God Almighty. This ancient gesture is sometimes called the Blessing of God. The gesture was later used, althoughwith only one hand rather than the proper two hands to create a triangle,by actor Leonard Nimoy in the science fiction TV series Star Trek. That gesture was known as the Vulcanblessing sign of Live Long And Prosper.
Of all the Jewish hand signs, the most famous is that of the priestly blessing, the Birchat Kohanim, and yet it is rarely seen. This is the sign of both hands outstretched at shoulder height under a tallit, with the fingers spread apart, as the Kohen blesses the congregation. The Kohens face is covered. The hands in the position of the priestly blessing are often seen as decoration on jewelry or on the tombstone of a Kohen.
The hands are held with the fingers straight ahead with the little finger of each hand separated from the ring finger and a space between the second and third fingers. There is a further space between the two thumbs, making a total of five spaces. The palms are face downwards. The right hand is placed slightly above the left. This raising of the hands during the blessing is called the nesiat kohanim. Lorne Rozovsky, Chabad.Org
The priestly blessing of the Levites differs from the trimurti mudravayu gesture that is commonly used by those within the occult or within the Hindo (Hindu/Buddhist religion system). That gesture was given the title of theRed Pyramid, and is known as a fire sign.The magic system of The Golden Dawn applied to thegesture the titleof Sign ofGoddess Thoum-aesh-neith, another syncretized Egyptiangod of occult invention.
Celebrities along withthe upper tier elite, including figures such as Satanist Anton LaVey and European spy Adolf Hitlerhave all used the gesture to symbolize their occult power, or fire balance. The symbol fits in with the familiar trope of Red Vs. Blue, an elemental illustration for power and energy.
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