Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

Sheriff Slams Attorney General Eric Holder – Video

Sheriff Slams Attorney General Eric Holder
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By: Speakmymind02

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Sheriff Slams Attorney General Eric Holder - Video

Melissa Harris-Perry asks Eric Holder to quack like a duck – Video

Melissa Harris-Perry asks Eric Holder to quack like a duck
MSNBC host asks sitting attorney general, Eric Holder, to quack like a duck because it #39;s her nickname for her.

By: MrJseidl

See the article here:
Melissa Harris-Perry asks Eric Holder to quack like a duck - Video

The Rachel Maddow 10 february 2015 Eric Holder AND THAT S A THNG THAT HAPPENED – Video

The Rachel Maddow 10 february 2015 Eric Holder AND THAT S A THNG THAT HAPPENED

By: Rachel Maddow Show

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The Rachel Maddow 10 february 2015 Eric Holder AND THAT S A THNG THAT HAPPENED - Video

The Fix: FBI Director James Comey gave a bold speech on race and police. Now what?

At Georgetown University FBI Director James Comey spoke about racial tension in the country, saying we can ignore these problems or we can choose ... an open and honest discussion about what our relationship is today. (AP)

Attorney General Eric Holder is on his way out, but FBI Director James Comey might be ready to take his place as Teller of Hard Truths on race. At a speech Thursday at Georgetown University, Comey said the nation is at a "crossroads," in the wake of high-profile killings of unarmed black men at the hands of the police and the murders of two New York police officers that followed.

"As a society, we can choose to live our everyday lives, raising our families and going to work, hoping someone, somewhere, will do something to ease the tension to smooth over the conflict. We can turn up the music on the car radio and drive around these problems," he said. "Or we can choose to have an open and honest discussion about what our relationship is today what it should be, what it could be, and what it needs to be if we took more time to better understand one another."

Comey laid out a number of hard truths on race -- a rare move for such a high-profile white law enforcement official, or even a law-enforcement official, period:

The speech recalled Holder's a "nation of cowards" speech in February of 2009:

Comey also praised officers, saying that bias was hardly more of an epidemic among cops, but that cops often sometimes took "lazy mental shortcuts" fueled by bias. On the whole, it's a speech that might not go over well among officers and their biggest defenders, who have criticized the Obama administration for being too hard on cops.

So why now? And what's next?

Well, it's Black History Month, and it's likely that a number of speeches and meetings will happen around issues important to African Americans this month. Obama, for instance, met with the Congressional Black Caucus this week. As for what's next: Much of the protest around Ferguson has receded, taking the heat off of elected officials. But there are a few things to look for. There could be some news on My Brother's Keeper, Obama's signature race initiative, which Comey praised. And legislatures in at least 13 states have filed police accountability bills, addressing body cameras for police, how officer involved shootings are investigated and racial profiling. Also, on March 2, Obama's policing task force is set to present a draft of its findings.

In other words, while the protests have died down, the issue is still one that demands tending to. And it's one that, unfortunately, has the potential to crop up at any time.

Comey said that police have inherited a past of "treating a whole lot of people of color poorly."

Originally posted here:
The Fix: FBI Director James Comey gave a bold speech on race and police. Now what?

MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry Asks Eric Holder to Quack Like a Duck on Live TV Interview – Video

MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry Asks Eric Holder to Quack Like a Duck on Live TV Interview
MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry Asks Eric Holder to Quack Like a Duck on Live TV Interview Would You Quack For Us? Host Melissa Harris Perry Asks US Attorney Gene...

By: gorapapo TV

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MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry Asks Eric Holder to Quack Like a Duck on Live TV Interview - Video