Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

A nickname for the seldom-ruffled Eric Holder

Warning: PG-rated language ahead.

We often wondered how, no matter what was thrown at him, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder managed to keep his composure through all those oft-contentious congressional hearings. (Well, except maybe for the famous asparagus exchange with GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert last April.)

Now, thanks to a somewhat unusual interview Sunday on MSNBC, we know his technique.

Host Melissa Harris-Perry told Holder her viewers called him The Duck.

The Duck? he responded, smiling and clearly wondering where this was heading.

We say you have a very sort of placid, even way of presenting, but you are just working for justice underneath, she explained, waving her hands as a ducks feet would move. Would you quack for us?she asked.

Holder politely declined. But I like the analogy, he said.

I was born and raised in New York City in the 50s and 60s, he explained, and for an African American guy, the thing was to be cool, you know ... things dont bother you. So on the surface Id like to think that thats the way I appear to be, but youre absolutely right: Those little duck feet are just moving as fast as they can underneath.

I may have been cool in congressional hearings on the outside, Holder added, but I was pissed off a lot of the time, too, you know. And it was a question of trying to rein in those feelings and make sure that, on the outside, I was cool.

A long, tall history

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A nickname for the seldom-ruffled Eric Holder

Eric Holder Shows Off His Basketball Skills in San Francisco [VIDEO] – Video

Eric Holder Shows Off His Basketball Skills in San Francisco [VIDEO]
Watch U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder #39;s perfect jump shot at a San Francisco Boys and Girls Club game. Attorney General Holder visited the Willie Mays Boys Girls Club During a visit to...

By: YouHitNews

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Eric Holder Shows Off His Basketball Skills in San Francisco [VIDEO] - Video

Attorney General Eric Holder – U.S. Department of Justice

Eric H. Holder, Jr. was sworn in as the 82nd Attorney General of the United States on February 3, 2009 by Vice President Joe Biden. President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Mr. Holder on December 1, 2008.

In 1997, Mr. Holder was named by President Clinton to be the Deputy Attorney General, the first African-American named to that post. Prior to that he served as U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. In 1988, Mr. Holder was nominated by President Reagan to become an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Mr. Holder, a native of New York City, attended public schools there, graduating from Stuyvesant High School where he earned a Regents Scholarship. He attended Columbia College, majored in American History, and graduated in 1973. He graduated from Columbia Law School in 1976.

While in law school, he clerked at the N.A.A.C.P. Legal Defense Fund and the Department of Justice's Criminal Division. Upon graduating, he moved to Washington and joined the Department of Justice as part of the Attorney General's Honors Program. He was assigned to the newly formed Public Integrity Section in 1976 and was tasked to investigate and prosecute official corruption on the local, state and federal levels.

Prior to becoming Attorney General, Mr. Holder was a litigation partner at Covington & Burling LLP in Washington.

Mr. Holder lives in Washington with his wife, Dr. Sharon Malone, a physician, and their three children.

See original here:
Attorney General Eric Holder - U.S. Department of Justice

New revelations in Taliban 5 trade – Video

New revelations in Taliban 5 trade
New revelations in Taliban 5 trade. Hearing reveals Congress was not alerted of Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap beforehand, and Attorney General Eric Holder approved the deal EnGlobal News ...

By: EnGlobal News US

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New revelations in Taliban 5 trade - Video

Eric Holder – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. (n. 21 de enero de 1951) es el Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos desde febrero de 2009.[1] Ya fue Fiscal General Adjunto de los Estados Unidos desde 1997 hasta 2001 y asesor legal de Barack Obama durante su campaa a la presidencia. El 18 de noviembre de 2008 acept ser el futuro Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos a partir de 2009 con la administracin Obama en el gobierno,[2] cargo que hubo de ser ratificado por el Senado.

Eric Holder ya haba ocupado ese cargo de manera transitoria durante varios das de 2001 hasta que John Ashcroft, designado por George W. Bush, fue aceptado por la cmara alta.

Holder naci en 1951 en el distrito de Bronx, Nueva York hijo de un matrimonio inmigrante de las Barbados. Creci en Queens y recibi educacin en el prestigioso Stuyvesant High School. Posteriormente consigui el grado de Bachelor of Arts en 1973 y el de doctor en 1976 por la Universidad de Columbia. Est casado con Sharon Malone, una obstetra, con quien tuvo tres hijos.[3]

Despus de graduarse en la escuela de leyes, Holder trabaj para el Departamento de Justicia como abogado en la seccin de Integridad Pblica desde 1976 hasta 1988. Luego fue nombrado por el presidente Ronald Reagan para servir como un juez de la Corte Superior del Distrito de Columbia.

En 1993 fue nombrado por el presidente Bill Clinton fiscal para el Distrito de Columbia.

En 1997, tras la jubilacin de la Jamie Gorelick, Clinton le design como siguiente Fiscal General Adjunto bajo la direccin de Janet Reno, confirmado por el Senado varios meses ms tarde por unanimidad. La oposicin de Holder a la pena de muerte fue un aspecto criticado los das previos a su confirmacin como adjunto, pero prometi su intencin de cooperar con la legislacin vigente. Janet Reno, tambin crtico con la pena capital, dijo: "Yo no soy un defensor de la pena de muerte, pero voy a hacer cumplir la ley tal y como el Congreso nos la da".[4] Holder se convirti en el primer afroamericano en ocupar un cargo tan alto de la justicia estadounidense.

Como Fiscal General Adjunto, Holder estuvo involucrado, junto con Jack Quinn, en la controversia sobre el indulto al fugitivo Marc Rich que afect a la imagen del presidente Clinton.

Tras la victoria de George W. Bush en 2001, Holder ocup de manera temporal la Fiscala General hasta que John Ashcroft fue ratificado por el Senado.

Desde 2001, Holder estuvo trabajando en la bufete Covington & Burling con sede en Washington, D.C. como abogado. Ayud en la negociacin con el Departamento de Justicia y la empresa Chiquita Brands International en un caso de pagos por parte de esta ltima a las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, considerado entonces como grupo terrorista por los Estados Unidos. En el acuerdo final se acord la multa de 25 M$ a Chiquita Brands al quedar probado que tena lazos con los paramilitares.

A finales de 2007 se sum a la campaa a la presidencia del senador por Illinois como asesor jurdico. Adems form parte del comit de seleccin de la campaa.

Go here to see the original:
Eric Holder - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre