Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

MSM Blackout! Eric Holder’s DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges! – Video

MSM Blackout! Eric Holder #39;s DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges! In perhaps the most stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder #39;s Justice Department, two former Assistant United States Attorneys spoke to defense...


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MSM Blackout! Eric Holder's DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges! - Video

Holder interview: What we learned

Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 5:52am

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that he found it "frustrating" that the Justice Department hasn't been able to carry out criminal prosecutions of executives whose risky banking practices blamed for the global financial crisis.

As Holder wraps up nearly six years at the helm of the Justice Department, the attorney general has drawn criticism for his department's record on white collar crime.

Holder frustrated no person went on trial for financial crisis

Some critics say the department failed by not bringing charges as a deterrent against shoddy practices on Wall Street. Some fault him for instead extracting billion dollar settlements from the world's biggest banks.

Holder has defended the department's record saying the settlements are one way to prod shareholder to hold management more accountable.

Still, in an exclusive interview with CNN on Monday, Holder acknowledged that the lack of criminal prosecutions of executives "is something that is frustrating."

"The American people should understand we looked at those matters, tried to come up with ways in which we could hold people and institutions accountable," Holder told CNN. "We have prosecuted certain institutions. We have gotten record amounts of money in and we've used that money for appropriate remedial measures so that people can stay in their houses, have their mortgages reduced. So a lot of good has come from our efforts in that regard."

Holder noted that he has called for Congress to change federal law to encourage white collar whistleblowers from inside Wall Street to help the Justice Department bring cases.

There are, he said, "a number of measures that I think Congress might change so that the prosecution of these kinds of cases is not as difficult as they are."

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Holder interview: What we learned

Holder "exasperated" about Ferguson investigation leaks

Attorney General Eric Holder told Justice Department lawyers that he was "exasperated" about leaks from the federal investigation into last summer's police shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in a St. Louis suburb, a Justice official told CBS News Thursday.

Holder's comments come days after The New York Times reported that the Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown told investigators that he was in fear for his life as they struggled over the officer's gun.

At a meeting of Justice lawyers Wednesday, Holder said he was "exasperated" at the "selective flow of information coming out of Missouri," and he called the leaks "inappropriate and troubling," the Justice official told CBS News.

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New surveillance footage shows a man who appears to be Michael Brown assaulting a store owner minutes before the shooting. Officer Darren Wilson ...

A department spokeswoman told CBS News that since Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson released surveillance camera footage from a convenience store robbery before Brown was shot "there seems to be an inappropriate effort to influence public opinion about this case."

"The department considers the selective release of information in this investigation to be irresponsible and highly troubling," Justice Department spokeswoman Dena Iverson said in a statement.

Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson told authorities that Brown reached for the gun during a scuffle, the Times reported in a story posted on its website Friday night. The officer's account to authorities did not explain why he fired at Brown multiple times after emerging from his vehicle, according to the newspaper.

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Vladimir Duthiers looks at what's changed -- and what hasn't -- since the fatal police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Fergus...

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Holder "exasperated" about Ferguson investigation leaks

What Justice Department vacancies mean for Obama

President Obama announces the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday, September 25, 2014 in Washington, D.C. Mark Wilson, Getty Images

Attorney General Eric Holder and Deputy Attorney General James Cole are both stepping down from their roles at the Justice Department soon, leaving a power vacuum at an agency that has its hand in just about every ongoing national controversy and that plays a central role in the implementation of President Obama's agenda.

The top three jobs at the department will soon be vacant, and only four of the 11 assistant attorneys general have been confirmed. This presents Mr. Obama with both challenges and opportunities.

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Attorney General Eric Holder looks back at his tenure atop the Justice Department and thanks the president for giving him "the greatest honor" of...

This isn't the first time the Justice department has faced a power vacuum. There was a similarly high level of vacancies in the agency in 2007, after the resignation of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and the retirement of former Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty. The department's inspector general also reported at the time that just three of the 11 assistant attorney general positions were filled.

"It's always a challenge because the senior-level positions require Senate confirmation, and it can be difficult to move these nominees through a confirmation vote," Thomas Dupree, who served as deputy assistant attorney general during the George W. Bush administration, told CBS News. At the same time, he said, "It's an opportunity for [the president] to identify new people who will bring new energy and new ideas into the administration."

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Attorney General Eric Holder talks with residents of Ferguson, Missouri, after the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown sparked clash...

Robert Raben, an assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration, said that with multiple high-level positions open, Mr. Obama and his team have the chance to "to look at the whole matrix" of skills and experience needed to lead the Justice Department and find people tailored to meet each need.

What Justice Department vacancies mean for Obama

Cliven Bundy Releases New Campaign Ad Low – Video

Cliven Bundy Releases New Campaign Ad Low
Wow this guy is a Super Sellout. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy together with congressional candidate Kamau Bakari (IAP) challenge U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to come to Nevada and have...


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Cliven Bundy Releases New Campaign Ad Low - Video