Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

NewsBusted 9/30/14 – Video

NewsBusted 9/30/14
TOPICS: -- Eric Holder Resigns -- President Obama -- U.N. Climate Summit -- Lois Lerner -- White House Trespasser -- Obama Coffee Salute -- Mayor DeBlasio Groundhog -- Kim Kardashian Nude Photos...

By: newsbusted

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NewsBusted 9/30/14 - Video

Opie & Anthony – Attorney General Eric Holder (5-29-2013) – Video

Opie Anthony - Attorney General Eric Holder (5-29-2013)
As the show wraps up the boys discuss Movies and The Jeff Probst Show. (5/31/2013) Follow Opie @ The boys talk about the Prancercise Lady on the Today Show, Boston Strong Concert, and the......

By: Christoper Pua

See the rest here:
Opie & Anthony - Attorney General Eric Holder (5-29-2013) - Video

560.3 – Eric Holder and the Rule of Law – Video

560.3 - Eric Holder and the Rule of Law
If you believe in Judeo-Christian Law and the historical links to the Founding Documents of the United States, then you might also agree that Eric Holder has done much damage to our nation....

By: Randall Terry

560.3 - Eric Holder and the Rule of Law - Video

Other Takes: Rating the tenure of outgoing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Holder let top execs off the hook in the financial crisis

Attorney General Eric Holder has efforts and achievements to be proud of, no doubt, but will probably be remembered above all for something he didnt do: prosecute top executives for their role in the 2008 financial crisis.

He declined to hold senior executives accountable not because he wished to be soft on financial crime but because of a strategic error. In a 1999 memorandum, written when he was deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton, hed explained how prosecutors could charge corporations as criminal enterprises. In 2002, the testing of that doctrine on Enron Corp. auditor Arthur Andersen caused the company to fold, and thousands of innocent people lost their jobs.

During and after the financial crisis, Holder kept the focus on corporations but moved more cautiously. The inhibition was understandable. Yet it arose because, under Holders leadership, prosecutors lost sight of what mattered most: holding individuals, not companies, accountable for crimes.

Holders successor should strive to put this right. First, insist that prosecutors taking action against companies charge individuals, too. Second, eliminate nonprosecution agreements, in which prosecutors settle without pressing charges. Third, ask Congress or the Judicial Conference, which drafts changes to the rules of criminal procedure to give judges power to review deferred prosecution agreements.

Its too late for prosecutors to change their approach to what happened in 2008. But that wont be the last financial crisis. Holders successors need to do better.

Excerpted from a Bloomberg View editorial, published Friday.

There were plenty of disappointments during the Holder years. He tried to put Khalid Shaikh Mohammed on trial in New York, then pulled back in the face of congressional opposition. He tiptoed around the financial crisis, led overzealous attempts to punish officials who leaked to journalists and was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with an investigation of gun trafficking at the border.

Holders close relationship with President Barack Obama they often vacation together fueled suspicion among critics that the attorney general has failed to vigorously pursue allegations of governmental wrongdoing, from the gun trafficking case to the claim that the IRS targeted conservative groups.

Most of those allegations are nonsense and serve as a reminder that Holder has spent much of his tenure in combat with shrill partisans. Thats not his fault, and his irritation with those critics has been understandable. Like Obama, hes faced obdurate, unreasonable opponents; also like Obama, though, hes occasionally deserved their criticism.

Excerpt from:
Other Takes: Rating the tenure of outgoing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Holder Criticizes Apple & Google Data Encryption

Joining a cry from law enforcement officials concerned about data encryption on Apple's newest operating system, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday that officers should not be blocked from the information they need to investigate a crime.

Apple's new iPhone 6, released this month, and Google's coming update of the Android smartphone have data encryption so sophisticated that only the user may unlock it. Even law enforcement officers with search warrants would not have access.

"It is fully possible to permit law enforcement to do its job while still adequately protecting personal privacy," Holder said in a speech before the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online.

Holder said quick access to phone data can help law enforcement officers find and protect victims, such as those targeted by kidnappers and sexual predators.

Justice Department officials said Holder is merely asking for cooperation from the companies at this time.

Holder's comments echo concerns raised last week by FBI Director James Comey.

"What concerns me about this is companies marketing something expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law," he said.

Comey said agents at the FBI have had conversations with Apple and Google to better understand the technology.

(Reporting by Julia Edwards; Editing by Dan Grebler)

See original here:
Holder Criticizes Apple & Google Data Encryption