Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

Ilana Glazer of ‘Broad City’ Looks to Energize the Youth Vote – The New York Times

Young people who vote: They are the holy grail of any presidential campaign, but regularly getting them energized and excited is a yet-to-be-cracked formula.

But maybe excited is too high a bar. Ilana Glazer, the comedian and co-creator of the TV series Broad City, has a new project that rests less on building on enthusiasm for the Democratic ticket, and more on enthralling people with how voting can bring about tangible change. In this case, that change is getting rid of President Trump.

Shes approaching it from a shared antipathy to the occasionally pedantic nature of politics, which she feels can intimidate younger or newer participants.

I really resent how Im supposed to feel stupid if I dont know how the system works, Ms. Glazer said in an interview. The system is perfectly designed to evade me.

After what she described as the nightmare election of 2016, Ms. Glazer, 33, dedicated much of her past four years to progressive activism through her nonprofit group, Generator, aiming to connect with exactly that kind of uneasy liberal. Now, in the final, 70-day sprint to the election, Ms. Glazer is teaming up with the liberal super PAC Pacronym and introducing a new project titled Cheat Sheet for the Voting Booth.

In 2016, the 18-to-29 voting bloc had the lowest turnout percentage in the general election, despite relentless outreach and targeting from both presidential campaigns.

For their youth outreach efforts, campaigns usually rely on celebrities with huge appeal to young audiences. But rarely have celebrity-backed videos cut through to the intended audience.

Ms. Glazer is trying a slightly different approach, she said. Shes just going to talk to some of her friends about the election, and why theyre excited to vote, and hope some younger people listen. Maybe theyre not stoked about a President Biden, but theyre definitely infuriated by Mr. Trump.

In a series she describes as having a similar vibe to Broad City, Ms. Glazer is tapping her friends with connections to key swing states Zo Kravitz, Wanda Sykes, Eric Andre and her fellow Broad City star, Abbi Jacobson, to name a few for a 20-part web series that will feature conversations between friends about politics, the election, and coming around to Joseph R. Biden Jr. Pacronym will then edit the episodes and integrate them into a multimillion-dollar ad campaign in six battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

No matter what, the white supremacist, narcissistic, sociopathic individual occupying the White House has got to go, Ms. Glazer explains in the projects introduction. And he needs to be SHOVED out; he needs to lose by a landslide, baby.

The idea for the project is to try to connect with, and energize, a voter who is not obsessively following day-to-day political news but is worried about the state of the country. Often, that description applies to notoriously finicky youth voters.

A lot of the celebrity engagement is really overproduced and watered down, and what we usually see on campaigns are highly produced, direct-to-camera videos for surrogates, said Tara McGowan, the founder of Pacronym. They dont hit a cultural nerve the way their actual work does that made them influential.

With Cheat Sheet for the Voting Booth, Ms. Glazer and Ms. McGowan are hoping to lead with what would draw in viewers Ms. Glazers manic brand of comedy and, eventually, get to the campaign.

The project is the coronavirus-friendly reduction of what had been an expansive election-year comedy and politics schedule for Ms. Glazer. Between a Horny 4 Tha Polls national standup series and Genny Socials, which are dance parties mixed with brief political stump speeches, Ms. Glazer was planning to spend the year touring the country and motivating voters toward the twin goals of progressive causes and voting out Mr. Trump.

It kicked off with some notable successes.

We had Eric Holder dancing to George Clinton, Ms. Glazer recalled of an early Genny Social. It was wild. He was like getting low and saying, Bill Barr cant do this! And I was like, You better believe Bill Barr cant do this!

For Ms. Glazer, who describes the so-called Squad of progressive women in Congress as superheroes, the project is also about building progressive energy for Mr. Biden through a focus on the down-ballot candidates, a new generation of leaders who could be the next Squad.

But shes also hoping to also help people simply cast away the cynicism and embrace the power of voting, a line of messaging that academics have found particularly resonates with younger voters.

First-time voters especially need to believe that political engagement makes a real tangible difference in their lives, and thats what weve seen with our polling since 2017, said Mark Gearan, the director of the Harvard Institute of Politics. He said that with the pandemic and the protests against police brutality, young people were directly confronting political issues in a more involved way.

I think this is a once-in-a-generation moment for young people, he said.

Ms. Glazer hopes to help find those with that same energy, but perhaps less political knowledge, and persuade them to vote.

Their vote matters as much as Jeff Bezoss vote, Ms. Glazer said, peppering in some excitement-tinged profanity. Its such a cool thing about America.

She said she was worried that some people might think their vote doesnt count because that might be the message they are hearing. She is working to counteract that.

I would say, young people, I want them to know how much power they have, and how much their experiences and stories matter, she said.

Read more:
Ilana Glazer of 'Broad City' Looks to Energize the Youth Vote - The New York Times

Democrats stress the importance of Wisconsin during final convention day – WKOW

MADISON (WKOW) -- How crucial winning the battleground state was a popular theme among Democrats across the country during virtual events leading up to the final day of the Democratic National Convention.

While the statement is no surprise to many, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stressed this election is all riding on Wisconsin during a virtual meet up with Democrats.

Pelosi also spoke to the importance of people showing up this presidential election after President Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton by fewer than 23,000 votes during the 2016 general election in Wisconsin.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder also delivered remarks on the virtual meeting, calling a Democratic victory in Wisconsin is a loss for Trump.

The fate of the United States, the fate of the Western World is on your shoulders, not too much pressure, said Holder. If Joe Biden carries Wisconsin it will be incredibly difficult for Trump to win reelection.

Throughout this week Trump, Vice President Pence, and other surrogates have traveled to the state hosting events to counter the Democratic convention. A general theme for Republicans has been mocking Biden for choosing not to accept his nomination in Milwaukee because of concerns over the coronavirus.

No amount of lip service from Joe Biden can hide the fact that he has turned his back on Wisconsin, said Anna Kelly, Trump Victory spokeswoman.

From his radical policies that would upend the Wisconsin economy, to snubbing Wisconsinites by refusing to campaign in person, Badger State voters know that Joe Biden does not have their back.

Tonight, Biden will formally accept his nomination virtually in Deleware. Meanwhile hours before Biden speaks, President Trump plans to hold an event outside the former vice presidents birthplace in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Read the rest here:
Democrats stress the importance of Wisconsin during final convention day - WKOW

Final day of 2020 DNC: Biden to accept Democratic nomination – WDJT

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MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The 2020 Democratic National Convention will come to a close on Thursday, August 20 after former Vice President Joe Biden accepts the nomination and speaks.

Before Biden takes the stage, several others will speak includingSen. Cory Booker, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Sen. Chris Coons, and the Biden Family.

The theme for Day 4 is 'Americas Promise'. According to the DNC website, Biden is expected to speak about his vision for uniting America and moving forward.

Thursday morning, top national and state Democratic leaders met virtually to recap day three of the event. They said they are happy with how day three went, and call former President Barack Obama's speech very compelling.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder were the big national names that spoke at the breakfast.

State leaders like Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes also spoke.

Everyone who spoke talked about how they feel it's critical to get out the vote so they can get former Vice President Joe Biden elected.

Holder has worked with Biden and thinks he has the experience to be an effective president.

"I sat with him the situation room as we discussed manners of national security alongside him during some incredibly turbulent times in the country and when you spend that much time with somebody and under those circumstances you learn a lot about them. Hes exactly who he seems to be. Hes a good decent guy with a big heart and a commitment to this country and listens to good ideas and he acts in the best interest of America, Holder said.

Democrats will meet again after the convention to recap the night and the week.

A full schedule of events and more information can be found on the 2020 DNC website.

See the article here:
Final day of 2020 DNC: Biden to accept Democratic nomination - WDJT

Wisconsin key to 2020, but what will be focus at GOP convention? – WIZM NEWS

Theres an argument to be made for drama. Wisconsin appears to hold the key to the 2020 presidential election if it plays the cards right.

One thing has not changed throughout all of the madness that has been 2020, and that is that Wisconsin remains, really, the pivotal state in the presidential election, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse political science professor, Dr. Anthony Chergosky said Friday on La Crosse Talk PM.

On Nov. 3, if Wisconsin manages to count all its votes first, there might not be a reason to count the other 49 states.

If we know, on election night, which way Wisconsin went, Chergosky said, I can say, you could predict with 95% accuracy, which candidate won the overall election.

Wisconsin is just going to be so predictive of the overall electoral college, that if we get a quick count, if we get a quick result out of Wisconsin, that could settle this pretty quickly.

If Wisconsin goes too slow, however, it could lose all the drama.

There is a scenario where we would probably know pretty quickly, and that depends on how some of these east coast states get called if Florida gets called early on Election night, if North Carolina gets called early on election night, Chergosky said. Then I think well have a pretty good sense of how the election is going.

To wrap up last weeks Democratic National Convention, all the pressure was put on or taken off Wisconsin to decide the election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama US Attorney General Eric Holder both called out Wisconsin voters to end President Donald Trumps reign.

Whoever wins Wisconsin would win the presidential election, Chergosky said. I dont know if Wisconsin will make the difference between a candidate winning and losing, but we would call Wisconsin the tipping-point state, meaning that you have to win Wisconsin in order to win the election.

When it comes to this weeks Republican National Convention, Chergosky was interested in seeing what the message might be. That was before the Republican National Committee decided Sunday to go without a party platform, though that does simplify things.

The Democratss platform was massive, but their message was easy.

It was shockingly simple, a shockingly simple message for the Democrat to drive home, because theyre usually not very good at that, Chegosky said. Democrats often get bogged down in, sort of, these complicated matters, that are just difficult for people to understand.

But, basically, the message from their convention was, Joe Biden is a nice guy.

It might not sell t-shirts, but Chergosky said it does relate to voters a message that might be more important at the moment, than what Democrats usually try to argue.

Its a boring message, Chergosky said, but I do think thats kind of what the Democrats were trying to sell this week just going back to some kind of version of normal.

When it comes to trigger words, the GOP is undoubtedly the champion, riling up the base with terms like socialism and liberal, while Democrats like to get in the weeds with complicated ideas like gerrymandering, systemic racism or global warming.

Joe Biden is a nice guy and hell bring the county back to some semblance of normal, is much easier to understand.

As for the GOP, this convention could solve one of the problems Chergosky thinks they have or dont have. Nothing has stuck to Joe Biden, yet. Theres no Lock her up, catchphrases. Drain the Swamp doesnt work when youre already the president though some would argue the Dems could start chanting it, if there were rallies.

This is the problem for the Republicans in a nutshell, Chergosky said. There were so many people out there who just hated Hillary Clinton, but people dont feel that same passion for Joe Biden.

Were not too far out from the election, and they are still trying to figure out what kind of attack on Joe Biden clicks.

After Bidens speech last week, that got a lot more difficult.

The Trump campaign has gone through a number of different messages that have tried to put down Joe Biden, Chergosky said. Theyve called him old. Theyve called him Sleepy Joe. Theyve called him Beijing Biden. Theyve focused on his family, like Hunter Biden.

Now, the latest, is that theyre talking about him as this empty vessel that will be controlled by the far left within his party.

As for the GOP convention lineup, it could be a lot different than what Democrats brought to the table, with human interest stories about battling COVID-19, and a child inspired by Biden in overcoming having a stutter.

At one point last week, Fox News shared a GOP convention lineup of key speakers that included six of 12 people with the last name Trump. Other rumors are the MAGA-hat kid will be speaking, as well as that couple that stood in their lawn with guns pointed at protesters.

Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is rumored to introduce Vice President Mike Pence as the VP nominee. Perhaps, hell talk about Foxconn, as well, since Pence didnt mention it last week when he bragged about jobs from the floor of a Wisconsin metal fabricator.

Regardless of the GOP message, and what the Democrats did last week, Chergosky said its not much more than entertainment.

Appealing for TV, he said. At the end of the day, thats what these things have become, these National Party conventions.

Theyre just giant infomercials, and if you judge the Democrats by, Did they put on a good infomercial? I think they did at least reasonably well.

View post:
Wisconsin key to 2020, but what will be focus at GOP convention? - WIZM NEWS

531K Minnesotans have requested absentee ballots ahead of election in pandemic – FOX 9

531K Minnesotans have requested absentee ballots ahead of election in pandemic

With the primary just days away, the City of Minneapolis is already testing the voting machines.

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - With the primary just days away, the City of Minneapolis is already testing the voting machines.

This election cycle, there has been plenty of scrutiny of vote counts and accuracy, particularly from the president. The machines in Minneapolis are always tested but there is extra effort this year to show the public how it's done and to ensure confidence in the election.

"All of our election equipment is tested," explained Minneapolis Director of Elections and Voter Services Grace Wachlarowicz. "Not only once, but twice.

In fact, its the law. Mock ballots are run through each machine to ensure it reads every candidate, every vote.

"And this is an opportunity for the media and the public to actually view a second test and verify so that we have the confidence on Election Day that all ballots will be properly cast," said Wachlarowicz.

The president is not so sure. Hes repeatedly raised doubt about the number of mail-in ballots expected this year. He openly questioned on Twitter this Thursday whether the election should be delayed so people can securely vote. It cannot.

But former Attorney General Eric Holder told FOX 9 on Friday that he has concerns, too.

"I dont think the states have all the money that they need to do a vote by mail effort in a really successful way," said Holder. "So I would hope that Congress, as a part of the COVID relief bill, would move $3 billion to the states, so that states will have the capacity to meet this increased demand for voting at home."

The pandemic and stories of primary election woes in Wisconsin and Georgia this spring are driving voters to mail-in ballots in record numbers. As of this week, 531,000 Minnesotans have requested absentee ballots with at least 87,000 of those in Minneapolis.

"But its a really powerful number," said Wachlarowicz. "Ten times what we had two years ago, almost 20 times what we had four years ago. And at that rate, were going to smash a lot of records.

And it has election workers in the spotlight to ensure confidence in every vote.

"We have been working around the clock to make sure that it is safe and secure," Wachlarowicz added.

If you are voting in the primary by mail, you have until the day before to drop them in the mail. But with so many ballots out there, the city clerk is begging you to mail them as soon as possible.

The rest is here:
531K Minnesotans have requested absentee ballots ahead of election in pandemic - FOX 9