Archive for the ‘Eric Holder’ Category

Tony Perkins: The Election’s in the Mail? – Patriot Post

Scammers are everywhere during the coronavirus, experts are warning. But theyre not just after your bank account or personal information. Theyre after your vote.

For the Democratic Party, theres plenty of upside to a crisis like this one. The lockdown may not thrill most Americans, but for DNC headquarters, its an unexpected gift. After years of trying to relax the election process, the coronavirus is giving them the perfect scenario to push for the kind of nationwide system thats ripe for abuse: mail-in ballots.

In a recent interview, former attorney general Eric Holder didnt even try to hide his partys motives. Coronavirus,"he told Time magazine, "gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that itpermanentlybecomes more inclusive Of course, inclusivity is code for doing away with safeguards like voter ID laws and other checks and balances that keep our elections honest. This is the time, he argued, to demand a sea change in voting systems. But a sea change is what every democracy-loving American should be worried about.

The cast of characters behind the push should tell voters everything they need to know about its intentions. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are all throwing their weight behind a system that would make the 2020 election completely mail-dependent. In states like Texas, the Democratic Party is already filing lawsuits against state election officials to force the idea. The chairman of the GOP there, James Dickey, has vowed to fight the movement, insisting that Republicans will continue to vigorously oppose any intent by the Democrats to expose voters to increased error and fraud.

President Trump is equally disturbed by the Democrats insistence that we turn the electoral system upside down. Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to statewide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it,"Mr. Trump tweeted on April 8. "Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason, doesnt work out well for Republicans. Obviously, he said, Absentee Ballots are a great way to vote for the many senior citizens, military, and others who cant get to the polls on Election Day, he tweeted. These ballots are very different from 100% Mail-In Voting, which is "RIPE for FRAUD and shouldnt be allowed!

As some experts have pointed out, plenty of things can go wrong when voters have to depend on the postal service. For one, Mail voting doesnt work well for everyone. Some Americans live in places with unreliable mail service, may not have a fixed address to receive mail, or change addresses frequently, which can lead to issues regarding getting materials on time. Then, theres the matter of ballot harvesting, which gives people the right to collect and deliver other voters ballots. The dangers in that,as Californians found out in 2018, are too numerous to count. Once these intermediaries get their hands on someone elses ballot, they could decide not deliver it or manipulate it in some way before they do. Either way, its a huge risk.

FRC Actions Brent Keilen has been following the debate, especially on the state level, where several primaries have been affected. Its literally changing by the day right now, he warned. And while the presidential primaries are mostly over, the focus now is on the federal races in the states. We have about 40 states still to go, because so many of these laws have been pushed down the road. And now, were seeing states like [Virginia] where Governor [Ralph] Northam (D) is starting to change not just their primary election laws to get past COVID-19 situation here and get this into the summer theyre actually starting to change the fall general election laws as well.

Weve had Democrats at the national level pushing some ideas, such as you mentioned, getting rid of voter ID laws, going to potentially all mail-in ballots as opposed to having [in-person voting] and number of other things. And while a lot of political experts agree that voter participation would go up with a mail-in ballot system, the question is: Who knows if theyre actually being cast by the actual person who got the ballot? Thats why the safeguards at the polling station are so important.

And its not as if showing an ID is a hardship. We all have to show our ID get on an airplane, cash a check, and a whole host of other things. So why shouldnt you have to show an ID to prove that youre voting as the person you say you are? The only reason, everyone knows, is to open up the system to abuse. Obviously, we want to make sure everybody is safe in these elections, Brent agreed, and we dont want it to be hard to vote but we do want it to be hard to cheat. And we know cheating is a real thing. This is not something thats made up. We have a lot of actual [data]. Back in 2012, Pew research found that as many as one in eight voter registration were outdated or wrong And remember, a lot of these races are being decided by very close margins. So it doesnt take that much fraud to swing some of these states.

What can you do? Well, for starters, you can pay close attention to whats happening in your state. There are websites likeHonestElections.organdTrueTheVote.orgwho are devoted to the integrity of the process. Were a long way off from the November election, but the groundwork for changing the process is being laid now. Make sure youre informed.

Originally published here.

The street was a sea of debris. To any passerby, it wouldve looked like a bomb had exploded. In the shadow of jagged buildings, where entire walls had come tumbling down, the ground was a pile of rubble, bricks, and shattered glass. The riots are over for now. But in Delhi, where the mosques are stillcharred and smeared with blood, no one is under any illusions. Even in lockdown, there is persecution around every corner.

For any country, the coronavirus is a major challenge. But for places like India, the crisis is a just another excuse to trample people. Poor families, who were already shunned and marginalized by society, are facing a virtual death sentence not because of the outbreak, but because the government is using the situation to block them from food and supplies. Since India ordered people inside two weeks ago, families in some villages have been completely cut off from groceries, medicine, and other essentials. "Weve been locked up here, like prisoners,"a pregnant mom nearly cried. "We live near a milk factory, and there is not a drop of milk for my children to drink. We are called dirty, and they say we spread the disease. But the disease is the least of her worries. Starvation isnt.

For Christians, the abuse has taken a different form. Open Doors David Curry has heard from sources on the ground that the government is ramping up what he calls cultural persecution. Christians, he warns, are being put on the front lines with the most contagious, because theyre considered expendable. In a country with justone doctor for every 1,457 Indians, the gaps in care are huge. And while Christians are usually the first to volunteer to serve, but in this crisis, the government didnt give them a choice. They were sent, FRCs Arielle Del Turco pointed out, because of their faith, and because they hold such a marginalized status in that society.

Whats worse, David warns, is that theyre being exposed without proper care. Like a lot of organizations, his is desperately trying to get masks and other equipment into the hands of the medical workers, but still, he says, we need to draw attention to the religious undertones of this tragedy. And in contrast to countries like the United States, where people on the front lines are treated like heroes, Indias doctors, nurses, and helpers are being driven out of their apartments or attacked on the streets. After working long, harrowing shifts in the virus wards, some health workers are coming home to no home at all. They asked us to vacate without any notice,"one young physiciansaid. [They] said we were dirty. Most doctors are now on the streets and have nowhere to go.

Unfortunately, Arielle explained on "Washington Watch, all of this just reflects larger societal issues in India where a lot of people are still considered unclean. And thats just the legacy of a detrimental caste system thats been really harmful for human rights. And we see Christians [fall] victim [to] this, because they are often among the lowest caste members. Its stunning when you consider that India is the worlds largest democracy. And although the state isnt necessarily responsible for all of the increased hostility and violence directed at religious minorities, its certainly not doing anything to stop it.

Instead of stepping in to protect their citizens, theyre turning a blind eye to the ticking time bomb of the Hindu nationalist movement which insists that to be Indian is to be Hindu. Obviously, Arielle said, that leaves other religious minorities, including Christians and Muslims, in a marginalized place. And [its] inspiring not just persecution from the government but persecution from mob violence. The reports of pastorsbeing run over in the streetsor beaten with chains are almost commonplace. At the very least, the virus has hopefully isolated them from some of the threats, but whatever relief there is will be temporary.

Their hope, like so many others, is in nations like America, whose leadershave the leverageto pressure Indias government to take the persecution more seriously. [India] does want to maintain a friendship with the United States, Arielle agreed, so hopefully their leadership is going to be a little [more receptive to] what America has to say in terms of their human rights standards. [W]e should be encouraging our allies to share our core values. [And] one of our core values in this country is religious freedom. The coronavirus doesnt change that. If anything, it only makes our pleas more urgent.

Originally published here.

There are some benefits to being stuck at home, YouVersion is reporting. For one, people have more time to read. And what theyre reading, surveys say, is important. Turns out, the best-selling book in history the Bible is also the most popular one right now. Since Palm Sunday, the app found, Bible reading was a whopping 54 percent higher than last years holy week. All of this,"a spokesman said, "on the heels of a record-breaking month.

March 2020, they announced, was the number one month in Bible app history setting new highs for users, verse shares, Bible searches, audio plays, and video plays. All in all, the good news of coronavirusisthe Good News!

Now that more people are getting reacquainted with the Bible or introduced for the very first time a lot of experts wonder what the impact will be. In a new survey by Pew Research, Americans still seem very divided on what the role of Scripture should be especially in American policy. Asked whether the Bible should influence U.S. laws, half (49 percent) of the country said yes, including 23 percent who thought it should have a great deal. But then, there are also people who strongly object to the idea, like atheists, agnostics, or religious nones.

Of course, the reality is, the Bibles morality already informs U.S. law whether Americans like it or not. Civil government cant exist in a vacuum. Since the founding of this nation, our framers relied on Gods law to create our own. Theres clearly a deep-rooted history of the Christian religion in America society. It is, as FRCs David Closson pointed out on Wednesdays Washington Watch, part of our DNA.

That aside, when you break the Pew numbers down, there are some very interesting correlations. Obviously, the split down the middle on the Bibles role points straight to the worldview divide we see in the country. Its what we see in every election, every public policy debate. Its the undercurrent of every conflict we have in our culture today.

But there are also some interesting alliances. Eighty-nine percent of white evangelicals said the Bible should have a great deal or some influence on U.S. lives. Thats nine out of 10. And when you look at black Protestants, its 76 percent. In fact, theyre the next highest category of people who believe the Bible should have influence on our culture and our laws. In all honesty, I think the media and liberal politicians try to keep white and black Christians apart. Theyre constantly seeding the ground with controversy and driving wedges between them because they have a very similar worldview based on Scripture. And they understand what could happen on social policy if those two groups joined forces.

The other aspect to consider is age. The older Americans are, the more impact they want Gods word to have. On the other side of the ledger, the majority of 18 to 29-year-olds believe it shouldnt have much at all. That, in my view, is the clearest indication of a public education system thats been completely hijacked by the Left. Liberal academia has rewritten American history, pushed religion out of schools, and stigmatized self-identifying Christians. And for moms and dads, it ought to be a wake-up call that theyre not going to get any help from the culture raising their kids in the faith.

Its up to Christian parents to be the disciple makers in their home, David agreed, because if theyre not going to do it, the younger generation is simply not going to learn about the biblical foundations of this country [or], even broader, the biblical foundation of their faith and even the gospel. This poll suggests that a lot of families arent taking that role seriously and parents need to. Ultimately, were going to be held accountable to God for what our children learn. And its up to us to make sure that theyre being taught what the Bible says and how it applies to their lives and the culture.

If you need a way to jumpstart that process, join FRC'stwo-year Bible reading plan. Its never too late to jump right in. And, if you want to maximize that reading, we can point you in the right direction! Check out the FRC Blog for Ways to Read the Bible, PartsOne,Two, andThree.

Originally published here.

This is a publication of the Family Research Council. Mr. Perkins is president of FRC.

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Tony Perkins: The Election's in the Mail? - Patriot Post

Will every vote count and be counted? – Washington Times


Well, folks, this is the year.

2020 will go down in history either as the year that every vote counted and was counted, or the year we royally screwed up.

Many of you are being misguided into thinking that this year is the year of the East Coast Rumblers, the year of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump.

Dont be fooled, however, because so very much is at stake.

On Thursday morning, for example, Mayor Muriel Bowser held a press conference to encourage D.C. citizens to vote in the upcoming June presidential primary and special election, and again in the November presidential election, among other issues. But the D.C. Board of Elections blew it.

After following the mayors lead, an elections official explained the ins and outs, and the ups and downs about the need for voters to seek and deliver absentee ballots due to the COVID-19 scare.

So, the city wants registered voters to request an absentee ballot, await the arrival of an absentee ballot and deliver an absentee ballot.

But beware: There are electronic glitches already in the electronic voting system.

Android phones and the D.C. voting system cant shake hands, and, even if youre using an iPhone, voters might not receive proof from the elections board that it has received your request let alone your vote.

Its like the voting system is social distancing itself doing the chicken wing-like elbow-to-elbow greeting.

Thursdays presser proved that yet again the D.C. government isnt ready for 21st century voting.

In February, it sent voter-registration mailers to voters that were printed with the incorrect date for the presidential primary. The correct date is Tuesday, June 2.

That embarrassment wasnt the first, though. In 2012, a man who wasnt then-Attorney General Eric Holder almost got his hands on Mr. Holders ballot because of several foul-ups, including the failure of poll workers to ask the man for ID proving he was, in fact, Eric Holder.

(Ive never been asked to show ID or a voter-registration card at the D.C. polls.)

Which brings up back to another concern the candidates. Dont be fooled by the Pete Buttigiegs and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezes and Elizabeth Warrens, politicos capable of selling snake oil as cures for the coronavirus.

There are two questions, at the very least, that voters must consider before they vote: Who are the candidates and will every vote be counted?

I Voted stickers answer neither question.

Deborah Simmons can be contacted at [emailprotected]

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Will every vote count and be counted? - Washington Times

Nipsey Hussle doc suggests he was murdered because he ‘forgot the rules’ – TheGrio

In an upcoming documentary, gang members reveal they believe slain rapper Nipsey Hussle was murdered and should have known he wasnt untouchable.

Last March, Hussle born Ermais Asghedom died after being shot outside of his Los Angeles clothing store. Eric Holder was arrested for the slaying and indicted on one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon by a grand jury.

He has also since been indicted on two additional counts of assault with a firearm and is set to go on trial next month.

In a new BBC Three documentary, The Mysterious Murder Of Nipsey Hussle, filmmaker Ben Zand attempts to uncover the truth about his murder, through a series of interviews with everyone from LAPD officers to former gang members.

READ MORE: Eric Holder could go on trial for Nipsey Hussles murder soon

Nipsey was stupid, he was stupid, said Eight-Tray gang member Sedrick, who also runs a book and herbs shop, said. He didnt have, his gang didnt protect him and they wasnt going to protect him when he got that money.

He goes on to opine that Hussle should have never been outside his store without protection on the day of the shooting. Sedrick noted that the entrepreneurs fame and wealth made him an obvious target.

READ MORE: Ava DuVernay to direct Netflixs newly acquired film about Nipsey Hussles life

Its too risky, theres too many dudes that arent gonna like you Nipsey for one, he should have never been at that store without security. He thought he was untouchable.

The film also reveals that pre-trial hearing transcripts include allegations that right before Hussle was shot, he accused his suspected killer Eric Holder of being a snitch and working with the police. In fact, the word snitch which is considered a serious verbal slight in gang culture is mentioned 24 times.

READ MORE: Nipsey Hussle set to receive star-studded tribute during 2020 Grammy Awards

When asked if calling someone a snitch is really serious enough to warrant being shot, Sedrick confirmed, Thats the worst thing you can say, adding, You gotta go kill that n***** man, Ill call you if you call me a snitch and I aint a snitch.

Its the equivalent of being called a child molester, thats the level thats on, his fellow gang member chimed in.

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Nipsey Hussle doc suggests he was murdered because he 'forgot the rules' - TheGrio

Microsoft Will No Longer Make Minority Investments in Facial Recognition Tech – Motley Fool

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is drawing a line in the sand when it comes to facial recognition technology. On Friday, the company announced it was divesting its stake in a facial recognition start-up and vowed to no longer make minority investments in the area.

Through its M12 venture fund, the software giantannounced over the weekendthat it and AnyVision, an Israeli-based facial recognition start-up, will part ways, with Microsoft divesting its stake in the company.


AnyVision has been mired in controversy since October, whenNBC News reportedthe start-up was using facial recognition technology to surveil Palestinians living in the West Bank. Microsoft drew criticism for taking part in AnyVision's Series Afundraising round in June, where it raised $74 million in venture funding.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his team at law firm Covington & Burling conducted an audit of AnyVision. The law firm was able to confirm AnyVision's technology is used in border crossing checkpoints between Israel and the West Bank but found no evidence AnyVision's technology is powering a mass surveillance program in the West Bank. Nevertheless, Microsoft opted to divest its stake.

"For Microsoft, the audit process reinforced the challenges of being a minority investor in a company that sells sensitive technology, since such investments do not generally allow for the level of oversight or control that Microsoft exercises over the use of its own technology," the company said in a statement.

"By making a global change to its investment policies to end minority investments in companies that sell facial recognition technology, Microsoft's focus has shifted to commercial relationships that afford Microsoft greater oversight and control over the use of sensitive technologies."

Microsoft isn't giving up on the technology completely. The company does offer facial recognition tech through Azure, its cloud offering. Dubbed Face, it enables developers toembed facial recognitioninto apps.

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Microsoft Will No Longer Make Minority Investments in Facial Recognition Tech - Motley Fool

Census 2020 Is Happening Right Now. Here’s Why It Matters to the Black Community – The Root

Three-fifths. Thats all we were counted for. We were voiceless.

Thats how a recent Fair Count ad began. Of course, the advertisement referenced the 1787 Three-Fifths Compromise, which recommended counting three out of every five slaves as people when determining political representation. Sure, weve come a long way, but just how far, exactly?

The Urban Institute estimated that over 1.7 million black people could be undercounted in the 2020 Census. Each person counted brings federal dollars to their state (e.g., about $2,300 per person in Georgia). Conversely, each state loses money for every person not counted. At varying amounts in each state, the undercount of 1.7 million black people could result in a loss of over $3 billion in federal fundingevery year for the next 10 years. That loss in funding would impact education, transportation, healthcare and infrastructure resources in vulnerable communities that cannot afford losses. Furthermore, failure to get an accurate count negatively impacts our power, because census data are used to allocate political power at federal, state, and local levels.

Historically, black men, in particular, have experienced high net undercount rates in the Census, with some age groups being undercounted by 10 percent in 2010. In May 2019, Former Attorney General Eric Holder joined Stacey Abrams and Fair Count at the launch of the Black Men Count Statewide Complete Count Committee in Georgia, and he led a roundtable discussion to raise awareness of the impacts of undercounting black men in the census. Black Men Count is composed of faith leaders, elected officials, barbers, students, fraternity leaders, and returning citizens. These men have created an innovative approach for outreach targeting black men.

Along the way, Fair Count has partnered with similarly-minded groups like Black Dads Count and Sigma Pi Phi, Inc. (also known as the Boul), making Black Men Count a national initiative. One of the most innovative approaches for outreach is a program called Black Men Speak, which was created to give black men space to gather and strategize to ensure that theyre all being counted and engaging civically in Georgia and across the nation. These informal gatherings have led to the education and engagement of countless black men.

But there has been one group in particular that has not been mentioned yet, and this group has always contributed greatly to the positive outcomes for black men. You guessed itblack women. Black women have been an instrumental part of outreach to black men. Are we surprised? After all, black women have been the foundation of our communities for generations.

The news is saturated with articles about the power that black women will yield in 2020 elections, but black women must also harness that power and influence to ensure a fair count in the 2020 Census. As leaders, mothers, entrepreneurs, sisters, teachers, partners, and mentors, black women will lead the charge to make sure that black children, families and communities receive the resources and representation that they deserve. To make this a reality, Fair Count partnered with the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), which reaches millions of black women across the country, to start the Sisters for the Census campaign.

The campaign kicked off with a virtual roundtable, hosted by Mo Ivory, featuring Fair Count Founder, Stacey Abrams and NCNW President, Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole. The lively conversation included discussions about how the Census impacts our daily lives, ways that we can get folks engaged, and even a threat to call down the spirits of our ancestors to haunt those that dont participate. However, the most poignant moment came from Cole who said, We cant see this as a 2020 issue. This is connected to every struggle we have been engaged in for our rights as human beings. So, if you cant take a matter of minutes to fill it outyou are saying that every one of the individuals that the good Lord made with this wonderful hueit doesnt matter what they have done, who they are. And most importantly, you are saying that the future of black children is meaningless.

In 2010, 3.8 million black people were flat out missed in the Census. Moreover, 2.2 million young children (under 5 years old) were missed, and black and brown children were twice as likely to be undercounted than white kids. We cant let this happen again. Between Black Men Count and Sisters for the Census. we plan to get every black man, woman, and child counted. Whether youre a citizen, immigrant, or undocumentedyou count. Because as Stacey Abrams said, [If] we are not counted, theyll erase us from the future of this country.

We also understand that were in the midst of a pandemic, so Fair Count is using virtual events, digital outreach, phone-based efforts, advertising and other creative strategies to safely engage people around the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please take time today to visit 2020 Census to complete the 2020 Census online. You can also participate by phone or mail. When youre done, encourage someone else to participate, and visit Fair Count for additional resources and to learn more about how you can get involved.

We can all agree that being counted in the 2020 Census as a whole person, whole family, whole household and whole community places us on an upward trajectory to creating a more fair and equitable society where our communities get the resources and power that they deserve. Remember, we only get one shot every 10 years, so we have to get it right this time. Our ancestors and children are watching.

Ed Reed is program director at Fair Count, and he leads Black Men Count. He and his wife recently welcomed an adorable baby boy!

Dr. Jeanine Abrams McLean is vice president at Fair Count, and she leads Sisters for the Census. She and her husband have two sons.

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Census 2020 Is Happening Right Now. Here's Why It Matters to the Black Community - The Root