The Enlargement of the European Union to the Balkan Countrie: An Opportunity for a Great Plan Between Russia and Europe – Valdai Discussion Club
The enlargement ofthe European Union toall the Balkan countries offers anopportunity. Without agreat plan, enlargement could prove tobeafailure and fuel tensions, including military ones, writes Dario Velo, Full Professor of Pavia University.
The debate onthe enlargement ofthe European Union toinclude the Balkan countries has begun. Some European leaders have taken afirm stance infavour ofthis enlargement.
Aglance atamap ofEurope isenough toallow one tograsp how two enclaves, acluster ofBalkan countries and Switzerland, stand out within European Unions borders. Behind these anomalies are two different stories.
Switzerland isdeeply integrated into the European Union; not amember state because atthe last referendum, membership was rejected through the resolute vote offarmers fearful oflosing the privileges afforded them bythe Swiss Confederation.
The situation inthe Balkan countries isdifferent. There are historic legacies, aswell asreligious and political problems. Some Balkan states see NATO membership asanessential condition guaranteeing their defence.
Onthe other hand, itisphysiological tocomplete the enlargement, tomake the external borders valid for all the main territories within them. Existing problems and possible means ofresolving them must beanalysed with great attention.
The case ofSerbia isemblematic. Serbia isanimportant country for the Balkan Peninsula. Itrepresented aproblem, culminating inawar. Serbia can help build amore advanced order today.
Serbia has had adeep bond with Russia which has lasted centuries. The bond isreligious; the Patriarch ofMoscow isarecognised authority inSerbia, even atthe political level. The importance ofhim isnot unlike the importance that the Bishop ofRome, Pope Francis, has inmany European countries. This political link, inthe broad sense ofthe term, with Russia has been consolidated over the centuries.
The entry ofSerbia into the European Union could provide anopportunity for progress tobeachieved inrelations between the European Union and Russia.
Interms ofdefending peace, two organisations are active, NATO and OSCE. NATO isincrisis. When Turkey joined NATO, noone could have imagined the expulsion ofthe USAmbassador from the country. This has happened inrecent weeks, even ifPresident Erdogan has had tochange his mind. This isareflection ofNATOs difficulties today. Itisdifficult tosay whether the crisis isdue toTurkey, orwhether Turkey has simply seized the opportunity ofNATOs weakness bystrengthening its own sovereign authority inthe region.
This situation makes growing collaboration between NATO and the OSCE desirable. The latter isbeing called upon toplay anincreasingly important role.
Inthis context, the role that can beplayed bythe Council ofEurope, which includes Russia and Turkey, should not beunderestimated.
The entry ofSerbia into the European Union offers the opportunity for agreat agreement between the European Union, Russia and the USA.
Several solutions are possible. Some countries, which could fuel tensions asadirect consequence oftheir complex internal national composition, could become demilitarised areas. For example, Ukraine, aswell asother border countries.
Medieval history provides parallels. Inthe 9th century, during the Carolingian era, the empire was stabilised byasecurity belt, which divided present-day Germany tothe east and present-day France tothe west, soastoreduce possible friction. This security belt corresponds, approximately, tothe current states ofthe Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Over athousand years have passed; the story has deep roots.
This Carolingian model could bereplicated tosolve the border problems between Russia and the European Union. This solution would have tactical value, allowing the Union toinitiate ever deeper integration. This tactical solution would facilitate the strategic option ofanEconomic Union between the European Union and Russia. The ultimate goal could beaFederation reaching from the Atlantic tothe Pacific.
The enlargement ofthe European Union toall the Balkan countries offers anopportunity. Without agreat plan, enlargement could prove tobeafailure and fuel tensions, including military ones. Asalways, opportunities come with risks, which must bemanaged with foresight.