Opinion: EU coronavirus deal is the wrong answer for Europe – DW (English)
The narrative is logical:A recoveryfund will strengthenthe European Union, afterits fallinto economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and send a signal of solidarity. The strong helpthe weak. Because this kind of solidarity should go hand in hand withgratitude, theprogram should alsothwart Europe'spopulists. The more money from Brussels, the fewervotes for Italian Matteo Salvini and hisanti-EU crew.
DW editor Andreas Noll
Unfortunately, such simplistic equations have rarely worked out in the past. In contrast, onehistorical model is able to shine:Following World War II, the US organized a reconstruction fund for Europe, the legendary Marshall Plan.
However, there is currently little to rebuild in Europe and no food shortages to be addressed. Butthere are entitlements that need financing, such asunemployment and reduced work benefits, and pensions and health insurance contributions. Social protections are even more expensive in times of crisis, and national budgets are already under pressure. Yet for these budgetary holes, the EU is conceivably the most unsuitable place to turn.
You cannot discuss unemployment benefits without talking about the duration and amount of assistance needed. You cannot discuss pensions without discussingthe retirement age. No EU member statewants to allow voters outside its bordersto have a say in its budgetary issues and definitely not thecountries that are particularly vocalin asking for assistance.
Politiciansbehind the recovery deal know they can't convey a message of thisstate financing by the bloc being business as usual.They're emphasizing thatit's not about "bad old debts"but "good new debts."That's why future projects aimed at strengthening Europeare being clearly specified.
Of course, no one is thinking of repeating theso-called ghost airports in Spain thatwere built with EU money. But who willguaranteethat things will turn out better this time around? After all, more money needs to be spent in less time.EU citizens are aware of where things might go wrong. Bulgarians,who have been taking to the streets to protest government corruption,fear the injection of money from Brussels will again disappear into shady channels.
In Sofia, Bulgarians have demonstrated against government corruption over the past weeks
At some point, the younger generation will have to pay for this rapid flow of money from Brussels. Greek sociologist Michael Kelpanides evaluatedthis generation's European identity. He undertook the elaborate study where there should beparticularly strongunderstandingfor the needs of others: at the European School in Luxembourg, the oldest such institution on the continent.
His sobering conclusion: "Thecoming together of very heterogeneous national groups, whichpreviously had only superficial knowledge of one other, makes them aware for the first time of just how different they really are. Andthis understanding can lead toconscious detachment instead of cohesion."
Kelpanides' study is only one piece of the puzzle, butit shows that those who believe in the idea of European integration should not asktoo much of its citizens.
EU leaders reached an agreement on a coronavirus recovery plan after record-breaking talks
Now that the die has beencast, the EU should direct money to areas where Europeans will really need more communal strength in the future.Common European defense is one example, butit wasn't given much thought during the recovery plan negotiations,with only 7 billion out of the total 750 billion ($8 billion out of $874 billion)earmarked for thispurpose.
The EU could also carry on with the most beautiful symbol of European solidarity that it displayed during the coronavirus crisis. Several EU countries, plus Switzerland, took in seriously ill COVID-19 patients from overcrowded hospitals in northern Italy and eastern France.
A European register of intensive care beds and the promise that in times of crisis, all EU countries will unbureaucratically help one other out with health care services, hospitalbeds, medication and mask stocks now that would be a historicsign.And asign for which it would not be necessary to put up billboards saying: Financed with funding from the European Union.
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Opinion: EU coronavirus deal is the wrong answer for Europe - DW (English)