Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

IWACU English News | The voices of Burundi Burundi charges … – IWACU English News (satire) (press release) (subscription) (blog)


The Burundian government accuses the European Union of attempting to change the regime in Burundi. The EU denounces the accusations saying they are false.

Demonstrations in Bujumbura against another candidacy of Pierre Nkurunziza for the 2015 elections

The accusations made in this communiqu issued on June 5 are serious. Bujumbura accuses the EU delegation of not only being involved in sabotaging the 2015 electoral process but also fueling the desire to operate a regime change in Burundi.

The Government indicates that it will even analyze in depth the likely influences that the European Union policy against Burundi would have exerted in the making of some decisions.

According to the government in place, the European Union has provided funding to natural or legal persons involved in the destabilization of the Republic of Burundi. These people are currently under an international arrest warrant issued by the Burundian judiciary, said Secretary-General and Government spokesman, Philippe Nzobonariba, who read the statement.

The evidence put forward by the Burundian government is a document circulating on the Internet. it shows contracts between the European Union and the international NGO War Child in 2014. The document shows that the European organization financed at the time the evacuation of several human rights defenders or their families from Burundi.

The European Union rejects the allegations

The European Union backs a program for supporting human rights defenders.

The EU denied these accusations on Wednesday. They described the accusations of destabilizing Burundi as false. We formally refute these accusations. They are based on a deliberately wrong interpretation of a program of support for human rights defenders.

The EU delegation said the EU foreign policy is based on the promotion of human rights and the protection of their defenders throughout the world. Any lasting settlement of the crisis in Burundi must take into account the ongoing and past human rights violations and the protection of the people and organizations working in this regard.

The EU delegation also emphasized that the EU is a long-standing partner of the Republic of Burundi and its people. It supports the mediation efforts of the East African Community and continues its development cooperation in direct support to the Burundian population.

Burundi is under sanctions taken by the EU since March 2016. The European organization, whose aid accounted for 20% of the budget, decided to freeze the direct aid allocated to the Burundian government. The European Union wielded the Cotonou Agreement to demand its respect by Bujumbura. The agreement was signed by African states, including Burundi on the one hand, and the European Union on the other hand. Article 96 stipulates that the parties undertake to respect democratic principles, human rights and the rule of law.

Wolfram Vetter, Head of the European delegation, has so far indicated that conditions have not yet been met to resume giving budget support to the Government of Burundi as human rights violations, cases of torture and disappearances continue to be reported.

He also mentioned the reduction of the media space and that of civil society.


War Child Holland

Peter Schouten, War Child Holland Spokesman, said that there were indeed contracts signed by the European Union, represented by the European Commission, and War Child Holland. We ended these contracts in 2015 immediately after the headquarters of our organization concluded that they were not within our mandate in Burundi.

Peter Schouten says these contracts with the European Union have thus ended. At this moment, War Childs first interest is in the well-being of children in Burundi. They are Burundis bright future and War Child wants to help them by providing psychosocial support, protection and education to them.

Pacifique Nininahazwe: I have benefited from the Protect Defenders

This human rights activist indicates that there is a UN declaration on human rights defenders, since 1998 adopted by the General Assembly, in the presence of Burundi. The EU has recently adopted a very important program: the Protect Defenders, which also exists in countries such as the United States of America and Ireland. This program is public and provides for evacuation in case of people whose lives are very much in danger. According to Pacifique Nininahazwe, in December 2014, his family was evacuated when it learned of an imminent attack against it. I had just toured Brussels at the EU, Geneva at the United Nations and Sweden. Everywhere I went, I had a firm speech against the third term of Nkurunziza. He says several organizations have made statements about his safety. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights, Michel Forst, alerted the authorities and diplomats. Two policemen were assigned to his home. It is normal that the mechanisms of protection of human rights defenders have worked in my favor in this situation. According to Pacifique Nininahazwe, the governments statement rather confirms the importance of this kind of mechanisms for protecting human rights defenders. I feel that the authorities regret that I did not die in December 2014. I am pleased that many other Burundi human rights defenders, including journalists, have also benefited from the protection of these mechanisms.

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IWACU English News | The voices of Burundi Burundi charges ... - IWACU English News (satire) (press release) (subscription) (blog)

Ukraine hails visa-free travel to European Union – BBC News

BBC News
Ukraine hails visa-free travel to European Union
BBC News
Ukrainians have celebrated the introduction of visa-free travel to the European Union with special events. President Petro Poroshenko hailed the "fall of the paper curtain" at a gathering in the capital Kiev. He also opened a symbolic visa-free door to ...
Ukrainians can now enter the European Union visa-freeDeutsche Welle
Ukrainians Celebrate Visa-Free Travel To EURadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Ukrainians Celebrate First Day of Visa-Free Travel to EUVoice of America
Jakarta Post -Independent Online
all 69 news articles »

Read more here:
Ukraine hails visa-free travel to European Union - BBC News

The European Union: A ‘Second NATO’? | –

Iran has almost locked in its Shia crescent foreign-policy objective.

Iranian-backed forces are hacking a path to the Mediterranean. On May 29, Popular Mobilization Units (pmu) reached the Iraq-Syria border. The pmu, though officially a part of the Iraqi government security forces, is comprised of Iranian-backed Shiite militias. By cutting a swath from Iran to Baghdad, Baghdad to Mosul, and now Mosul to the border, Tehran is on the verge of connecting a land bridge to Syrian President Bashar Assad, and beyond. This would finally link what the Trumpet and many commentators call the Shia crescent.

This development and the subsequent strengthening of Irans presence in Syria means that the threat of Iranian dominance in the region is immediate, Israels Intelligence Ministry Director-General Chagai Tzuriel told the Jerusalem Post, June 6.

Irans strengthening in Syria is an issue that must be addressed right now, he said. If Iran succeeds in creating a land bridge it would be a strategic game changer.

Cutting Off the Kurds

While the pmu has been kept away from the battle for Mosul, they have been given free reign to target the Islamic State to the west. This has turned into a gift to Iran. Gen. Qassem Suleimani has led his forces west from Mosul, skirting just below Kurdish-held territory. In doing so, he has driven a wedge between the Kurds and the Islamic State. It was a cunning play.

After liberating Sinjar in 2015, the Kurds had stagnated. Infighting set in between the local Yazidis and the Kurdish Peshmerga from Erbil. The Kurds originally wanted the region for part of a future state. Then the Islamic State took it from them. As the Kurds have attempted to take it back, squabbling over control has arisen. As they bickered, the pmu charged in and stole the prize.

The race to the Syrian border has taken the Kurds by surprise. The pmu cut the road between Kurdish-controlled Sinjar and Islamic State-controlled town of Baaj.

Now, neither Iraq nor the Kurds control the formerly-Islamic State region, Iran does.

As the National Interest wrote, The new corridor that the pmu has carved out links Syriavia Mosul and Baghdadwith Tehran. It has redrawn the map of Iraq, placing the Shia militias solidly astride the country.

But when the pmu reached the border, they didnt reach Assad.

Headed South

The pmu cannot continue directly west. Doing so would involve fighting in territory controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forcesbacked by United States firepower. Trying to go north wont work either. The northern mountains are Islamic State-free and zealously defended by the Kurds. The best option is to go south. The prize to the south will be Qaim. The border town is one of the Islamic States last supply lines and an excellent opportunity for Iran. Once Qaim is taken, the pmu will be closer than ever to Syrian government-controlled territory.

The last thing standing between Iran and her goal will be the expanse of the Syrian desert and the border town of al Tanf.

This is where it will get tricky. The town is controlled by U.S.-backed rebel forces. It is here that Assad and the pmu hope to connect.

Race for the Ruins

Johnathan Spyer wrote a piece for the Jerusalem Post highlighting the race that is on to connect forces. Assad is pushing east toward the oncoming pmu. The U.S. is trying to keep them separated. On May 18, the U.S. launched strikes on a column of Assad regime forces on their way to al Tanf. The column included tanks and earthmovers. The U.S. cannot let the border crossing fall. Doing so would allow Assad an open road all the way to Tehran.

As the Washington Institute stated, The post-Islamic State battlefield is being prepared, and the formerly useless eastern part of Syria is taking on much greater strategic importance in the competition between the east-west Shiite axis and north-south Sunni axis.

It is a battle of the crossroads.

America wants to forge a Sunni path from Jordan to Turkey. Iran wants to forge a path from Iran to the Mediterranean. It is a race to see who will connect through the Syrian desert first.

If the U.S.-backed forces complete their north-south bridge first, Assad and the pmu could find themselves fighting directly against U.S. forcesor at least better supplied rebels. If the pmu takes Qaim and Assad reaches al Tanfcompleting their bridge east-westthen the U.S. will have to make a decision. If it tries to sever the link, it will have to fight the pmu, risking direct conflict with Iran. But allowing the pmu to reach Assad would spell disaster for the rebels.

It would also spell disaster for Israel.

Power of the Shiite Crescent

Imagine what Iran could do with an open road direct to Israels northern border. Remember, Iran links to Iraq. Iraq links to Syria. Syria links to Lebanon, and Lebanon shares a border with Israel. Already Iran has managed to stockpile a 100,000-plus missile arsenal in the Lebanese foothills. Israel has worked to destroy missile convoys from Syria en route to Hezbollah, but there is no way it can catch them all. An open road would only increase Irans weapons shipments to Assad and Hezbollahstrengthening the Shiite crescent.

That road hasnt been completed yet, but the next few weeks will be crucial.

For years, the Trumpet has discussed how Iraq was going to fall to Iran. The Islamic State has proved to be the perfect excuse to takeover. The Iran-led pmu now controls a stretch of territory that ranges from border to border!

Watch the pmu, watch Assad, watch the U.S., watch the rebels, and watch the Islamic State as they all converge in Syrias eastern desert. But most of all, watch the Trumpet. We have forecast the rise of Iran for decades.

Is Iraq About to Fall to Iran? That headline first appeared in the Trumpet in December 1994! Our books, booklets, articles, programs, radio shows and magazines have pointed to a soon-coming conflict in the Middle East that will throw the world into the worst time of suffering in human history. The time of proxy wars is almost over. Major wars are about to begin.

Thankfully, they will be short lived. For as long as we have warned about the coming World War iii, we have also declared how it will end. There is a hope-filled future for mankind and a definite end to the wars that currently ravage our planet. But in the meantime, keep watch. Irans militias are on the move and the Shiite crescent is forming.

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The European Union: A 'Second NATO'? | -

G7 Environment Ministers’ Meeting – Press Statement, on behalf of the European Union, by Commissioner Karmenu Vella – EU News

I would like to echo the other colleagues and thank Minister Galletti for his excellent hospitality and skillful chairing, as well as the citizens of Bologna for their warm welcome.

We in the EU think that a more resource-efficient, low-carbon and circular economy is the way forward, not only for Europe but also for the whole world. I am very glad that this view is confirmed at G7 level.

Today we adopted the five year Bologna Roadmap on resource efficiency in continuity with what was agreed in Toyama last year. Using our resources better will also help address marine litter. An issue on which the G7 is advancing.

There was agreement among G7 members on certain, I bet if very important issues, relating to the environment and sustainable development: the importance of implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda; the need of scaling up sustainable finance in particular for our Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) encouraging public private partnership; the need to actively promote and develop an ambitious agenda on resource efficiency and the circular economy as an opportunity for innovation, growth and jobs. On the issue of climate change,the European Uniondeeply regrets President Trump's announcement to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement.

We therefore also regret that the United States have not been able to join the rest of us in the climate change part of the communique.

Let me be very clear on the point of the irreversibility of the Paris Agreement: the European Union will not renegotiate the Paris Agreement. Now it is time for action, the world's priority is implementation.

The European Union is a climate leader and we will continue to lead through ambitious climate policies (we have the world's most ambitious climate target) and through continued support to the poorest and most vulnerable countries (we are the world's largest climate finance provider).And we are also leading in terms of emissions reductions.Overall, the EU has reduced emissions by 24% since 1990 while our economy has grown by 50%.

The clear message from this G7 Environment Ministerial is that, with the exception of the United States, we are all determined to move forwards and implement the Paris Agreement swiftly and effectively.

I would like to inform you that the European Union will host the fourth high-level Our Ocean Conference in Malta on 5 and 6 October 2017.

Allow me to conclude by confirming to Minister Galletti, our support to implement the decisions made here today and express my best wishes to Minister McKenna for Canada's Presidency in 2018.

Let me repeat President Juncker's words that, in Europe the planet comes first.

G7 Communique:

See original here:
G7 Environment Ministers' Meeting - Press Statement, on behalf of the European Union, by Commissioner Karmenu Vella - EU News

Migrant crisis: European Union to probe migration refusal in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic – Firstpost

The European Union's executive will open legal cases against three Eastern members on Tuesday for failing to take in asylum seekers to relieve states on the front lines of the bloc's migration crisis, sources said.

The European Commission would agree at a regular meeting on Tuesday to send so-called letters of formal notice to Poland and Hungary, three diplomats and EU officials told Reuters. Two others said the Czech Republic was also on the list.

This would mark a sharp escalation of a dispute between Brussels and these states. Such letters are the first step in the so-called infringement procedures the Commission can open against EU states for failing to meet their legal obligations.

Representational image. Reuters

A Commission spokeswoman did not confirm or deny the executive would go ahead with the legal cases, but referred to an interview that Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker gave to the German weekly Der Spiegel last week.

"Those that do not take part have to assume that they will be faced with infringement procedures," he was quoted as saying.

Poland and Hungary have refused to take in a single person under a plan agreed in 2015 to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece, which had been overwhelmed by a mass influx of people from the Middle East and Africa.

The bloc has fought two years of these bitter migration battles but the two southern states, backed by rich countries like Germany and Sweden that are the final destinations for many migrants arriving in the EU, have failed to force Warsaw and Budapest to change their policies.

The scheme has been a failure and fewer than 21,000 people have been moved so far. But only Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have not pledged to accept migrants.

That allows the Commission to single them out on that formal basis, rather than open legal cases against just about every EU state for failing to take in the whole of their assigned quota.

In his interview, Juncker said: "The decision hasn't been made yet, but I will say this: I am for it - not to make a threat, but to make clear that decisions that have been made are the applicable law ... At issue here is European solidarity, which cannot be a one-way street."

The bloc's divisive migration disputes have come at a time its unity and resolve are already being tested by Brexit, weak economies and higher support for populist, eurosceptic and nationalist-minded parties on the continent.

It pits the formerly communist easterners against the wealthy westerners and countries on the Mediterranean coast, with Italy leading calls to punish Poland and Hungary by taking away some of the generous EU funds they benefit from.

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Migrant crisis: European Union to probe migration refusal in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic - Firstpost