Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

Commission debates future of European defence – EU News

A stronger Europe when it comes to security and defence matters has been a priority for the Juncker Commission since it took office. President Juncker announced the creation of a European Defence Fund in his 2016 State of the Union address, saying: "Europe can no longer afford to piggy-back on the military might of others. () For European defence to be strong, the European defence industry needs to innovate." With a worsening security situation in Europe's neighbourhood and a strong economic casefor greater cooperation on defence spending amongst EU countries, the Commission believes now is the time to make strides towards a Security and Defence Union.

High Representative Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: "Security and defence are priorities for the European Union because they are priorities for all our citizens. Since last year, we are stepping up our European defence to be more and more effective as a security provider within and beyond our borders, investing more resources, building cooperation among member states and taking forward a closer cooperation with NATO. The world is changing rapidly around us and we have to tackle new challenges every day: as the European Union, we have taken the responsibility to address these challenges."

Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen added: "Strengthening European security and defence requires using the available defence budgets more efficiently. Investment in defence capabilities remains in the hands of the Member States, and the EU budget cannot replace Member States' on defence. However, there is an overwhelming economic and industrial case for greater cooperation, for example in defence research and procurement. As pressure on national budgets remains high, we need more efficient defence spending and a better use of defence capabilities."

Today's orientation debate will help guide the Commission's work in the weeks to come. Ahead of the Prague high-level European conference on defence and security, on 7 June, the Commission will launch the European Defence Fund announced in the November 2016 European Defence Action Plan. In parallel, it will present a longer-term reflection paper setting out possible scenarios for the future in the area of European defence. This forms part of the discussion on the future of the EU at 27 launched with the Commission's White Paper on the Future of Europe on 1 March 2017.

There is a strong case for greater cooperation on security and defence in the EU. The threats that the EU faces do not respect national borders. Their scale is increasing. They are best tackled by working together.

A strong European defence requires a strong European defence industry. As Member States begin to increase their defence budgets, the EU can help them to spend these funds more efficiently. The lack of cooperation between Member States in the field of defence and security is estimated to cost annually between 25 billion and 100 billion. 80% of procurement and more than 90% of Research and Technology are run on a national basis Up to 30% of annual defence expenditures could be saved through pooling of procurement (see Factsheeton the case for greater EU cooperation on security and defence).


In his political guidelines in June 2014, European Commission President Juncker stated "I believe that we need to work on a stronger Europe when it comes to security and defence matters. Yes, Europe is chiefly a soft power'. But even the strongest soft powers cannot make do in the long run without at least some integrated defence capacities."

President Juncker announced the creation of a European Defence Fund in his 2016 State of the Union address, and at the Bratislava Summit in September 2016, the leaders of 27 Member States concluded: "We need the EU not only to guarantee peace and democracy but also the security of our people." In a challenging geopolitical environment, they agreed on the need to strengthen EU cooperation on external security and defence. Concretely, the December 2016 European Council should "decide on a concrete implementation plan on security and defence and on how to make better use of the options in the Treaties, especially as regards capabilities."

On 30 November 2016, the Commission presented the European Defence Action Plan, which outlined how a European Defence Fund and other actions can support Member States' more efficient spending in joint defence capabilities, strengthen European citizens' security and foster a competitive and innovative industrial base. The initiative was welcomed by EU leaders during the European Council meetings in December 2016 and March 2017 and the Commission was given a mandate to present proposals before summer 2017.

The European Defence Action Plan is part of the broader Defence package agreed to by the EU27 in Bratislava. It is complementary to the other two work strands, namely the Global Strategy's Implementation Plan on Security and Defence, which sets out a new level of ambition for the Union and identifies actions to fulfil it, as well as with the implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration signed by the President of the European Council, the President of the Commission and the Secretary-General of NATO. A common set of 42 proposals are being implemented within the 7 areas identified in the Warsaw Declaration. This includes hybrid threats, which is also linked to the April 2016 Joint Framework to counter hybrid threats, which in turn builds on the European Agenda on Security adopted by the Commission in April 2015. Progress on these two strands is proceeding at a fast pace. Only last week, EU defence ministers adopted a set of conclusions which will take the work forward in the run up to the European Council in June.

TheRome Declaration, adopted by EU leaders on 25 March 2017, pledged to work towards an EU27 that helps create a more competitive and integrated defence industry, and which strengthens its common security and defence in cooperation and complementarity with NATO.

The White Paper on the Future of Europe presented on 1 March 2017 set out the main challenges and opportunities for Europe in the coming decade. The White Paper marked the beginning of a process for the EU27 to decide on the future of their Union. To encourage this debate, the European Commission, together with the European Parliament and interested Member States, will host a series of 'Future of Europe Debates' across Europe's cities and regions. The White Paper is complemented by a series of reflection papers on:

For more information

Factsheet: Defending Europe: The case for greater EU cooperation on security and defence

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Commission debates future of European defence - EU News

European Union Warns Liberia to Control Illegal Fishing – Front Page Africa

Monrovia Liberia has been sternly warned by the European Union to tighten its screws against illegal fishing, being the worlds second biggest ship registry in the world with over 100 fishing vessels registered under its flag.

Report by Lennart Dodoo -This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

According to the EU, the national fisheries authorities do not have the information or means to control fleets under its flag.

This lack of control, according to the EU, has been confirmed by the listing of a Liberian vessel on the international "black list" last October.

Liberia has taken reform measures including the revision of its fisheries laws, but no tangible progress has followed.

The Commission hopes that the pre-identification will raise political awareness and encourage the country to implement the necessary reforms in fisheries governance, the EU noted.

The European Union on Tuesday also identified Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the Comoros as non-cooperating third countries under the EU's regulation to fight and deter illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Liberia was pre-identified.

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, commented: We are showing our commitment to fight illegal fishing globally.

The EU's actions in the past years created an incentive for states to take their responsibilities seriously, and implement reforms to their fisheries sector.

"We do not like to impose sanctions on third countries, but sometimes clear action is needed."

"We invite the Comoros and Saint Vincent and Grenadines to seriously step up their fight against illegal fishing so that we can reverse this decision quickly. Following today's warning to Liberia, we hope their authorities choose to act quickly and correct their wrongdoings."

The decision to issue a red card to the Comoros is based on the typical use of its flag as flag of convenience, which means registering a ship in a sovereign state different from that of the ship's owners.

Most of the Comorian fleet has no connection to the country and operates in breach of national law, mainly in the waters of West Africa.

These vessels have been found to disregard the laws applicable in the national waters they operate in, trans-shipping fish from one vessel to another, a practice related to the laundering of illegal catches.

Despite receiving a yellow card in October 2015, and despite considerable effort by the European Commission to support this country in addressing the issue, no progress has been made.

Although the red card implies trade sanctions, in this particular case the decision will not impact on trade as the Comoros do not export fish to the EU.

However, EU vessels will no longer be allowed to take licenses to fish in their waters.

For Saint Vincent and the Grenadines the decision comes due to the lack of control by the authorities of vessels flying their flag.

These vessels operate all over the Atlantic and offload their catches in Trinidad and Tobago (which has already been warned in order to improve control over activities in its ports).

Effectively, these vessels elude any control over their activities. This raises the concern that they are involved in illegal practices.

Two vessels from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are already on the international vessel "blacklist" compiled by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations.

Similarly to the Comoros, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines do not export fish to the EU.

The EU decision comes at a time President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is receiving a barrage of criticism for issuing Executive Order 84 which tends to half its Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ), currently reserved for artisanal fishermen, reducing it from six nautical miles to just three.

This will allow industrial vessels, including trawlers, to fish much closer to the shore.

The Environmental Justice Foundation (EFJ) warned the Liberian government that it risks undermining the countrys food security if it continues with its plan to allow industrial vessels greater access to fish in its coastal waters.

Reducing the exclusion zone would see an almost inevitable rise of competition from foreign industrial vessels fishing in coastal waters, and could put the livelihoods of the 33,000 people who rely on this industry at risk.

Moreover, as most foreign catch is exported overseas, the expected reduction in levels of fish being supplied to Liberia would threaten the food security of hundreds of thousands of citizens. The Community Management Association from Robertsport, representing artisanal fisherman in the region.

We are extremely disappointed by the governments decision to halve the IEZ. Since its introduction, the zone has helped local fishers see a huge increase in fish catch, and in our incomes.

By reducing the IEZ, the government will pave the way for industrial trawlers to re-enter our coastal waters and steal the fish that we rely on to feed our families.

Local fishing communities are now mobilizing together to urge the government to reverse this damaging decision, which, if it goes ahead, will put local fishermen, their families and the entire countrys food security at risk.

Liberias coastal waters are also a vital spawning and breeding ground for many species of fish. Allowing trawlers so close to the coast would endanger the regions fragile marine ecosystems, further compromising the long-term sustainability of fish stocks in Liberian waters. EJF Executive Director Steve Trent said: By removing the six nautical mile limit, the Liberian government is favoring short-term economic interests over the needs of its people.

The limit underpins the sustainability of the fisheries that provide vital food, livelihoods, and incomes for hundreds of thousands of Liberians. Removing it threatens the very survival of these fisheries and the well-being of all those who depend on them.

The Commission's decisions taken today are the result of thorough analyses, following informal and formal discussions with the relevant authorities in each country.

The Commission has proposed to Liberia a tailor-made action plan and estimates the identified issues can be resolved in six months.

The Comoros and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines received action plans when they were pre-identified (in October 2015 and December 2014, respectively).

Ongoing dialogue and support will encourage these countries to step up their efforts to fully implement these action plans.

Fighting illegal fishing is part of the EU's commitment to ensuring the sustainable use of the sea and its resources under the EU Common Fisheries Policy and in the context of promoting better governance of the oceans worldwide.

The Commission attaches great importance to cooperation with third countries. The EU support helps these countries strengthen their fight against IUU fishing.

Originally posted here:
European Union Warns Liberia to Control Illegal Fishing - Front Page Africa

Keeping environmental protection at the heart of the European … – European Environmental Bureau (press release)

As European leaders gather to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Rome it is time to take stock of the success of the EU and build a shared vision for its future.

Environmental protection has been a clear success of the EU as it has put in place laws to clean up our rivers, save lives from air pollution and bring iconic wildlife back from the brink of extinction.

Concern for our shared environment has gone hand in hand with the solidarity at the heart of the European Union.

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is warning leaders to keep the environment a central pillar of the EU, not least as a way to fight anti-democratic movements within the bloc.

The EEB is the largest coalition of grassroots environmental NGOs in Europe with over 150 member organisations.

EEB Secretary General Jeremy Wates said:

It is barely 18 months since European leaders joined with other countries around the world to sign up to the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but this is little reflected in the Commissions recent White Paper setting out future scenarios for the EU. Sustainable development, with respect for the environment at its heart, must now become the overarching priority for the European Union.

The recent Dutch elections tell a hopeful story. Pro-European and pro-environmental attitudes were important factors in the pushback against unredeemed nationalism. We know that the majority of the public support more, not less, EU action on the environment. Strong environmental protection policies at European level can serve as an antidote to the anti-democratic forces which threaten the EU.

Solving the environmental crisis is the biggest challenge of our time. It is clear that member states, working together on environmental issues, are more effective than when working alone. Problems like climate change and pollution do not respect borders. Solving them effectively can only work if the EUs member states start taking their responsibility for this more seriously.

Notes to Editors:

The statement comes ahead of this Saturdays meeting of EU heads of state or government to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

On 1 March 2017, the European Commission presented a White Paper on the Future of Europe. This paper outlines five scenarios for the future of Europe.

Originally posted here:
Keeping environmental protection at the heart of the European ... - European Environmental Bureau (press release)

After Brexit, EU plans ‘offer you cannot refuse’ to expand euro zone: Moscovici – Reuters

BRUSSELS The European Commission aims to make adopting the euro more attractive to European Union members currently outside the currency bloc, the economics commissioner said on Tuesday, in a bid to make the union more tight-knit after Britain's vote to leave.

The proposals will be unveiled next week in a blueprint on the future of the euro zone, which is part of a wider plan launched by the EU executive on how to revamp the union after Brexit and amid a surge of euroskeptic sentiment.

"We will try to make a framework that is attractive enough, that is like, as they say in the movies, an offer you cannot refuse," Pierre Moscovici told reporters seeking details on his proposals for "completing the Economic and Monetary Union by 2025".

European Union states except Britain and Denmark are obliged to adopt the euro but there is no deadline set for ditching their own currencies.

Moscovici underlined that states should move gradually toward adopting the euro as their currency but he said the Commission has no power and no will to force countries to adopt the euro by a certain date.

Public opinion in EU states outside the euro zone is often against joining the common currency area.

In Poland, 57 percent of interviewees were against the euro, according to a Eurobarometer poll published last December. Opposition was also strong in Britain, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark and Bulgaria, while Hungarians, Croatians and Romanians were mostly favorable to the currency bloc.

Moscovici noted that Brexit meant the euro zone will dominate the EU economy providing a further incentive for countries to adopt the common currency.

(Reporting by Alastair Macdonald and Francesco Guarascio; Editing by Hugh Lawson)

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump asked lawmakers on Tuesday to cut $3.6 trillion in government spending over the next decade, taking aim at healthcare and food assistance programs for the poor in an austere budget that also boosts the military.

VIENNA OPEC and non-member oil producers could deepen output cuts or extend them for a year at a meeting in Vienna this week, Kuwait said on Wednesday, as they seek to clear a global stocks overhang and prop up the price of crude.

MILAN Any potential fines Fiat Chrysler (FCA) may need to pay to settle a U.S. civil lawsuit over diesel emissions will unlikely top $1 billion, analysts said, adding the case appeared less serious than at larger rival Volkswagen .

Continued here:
After Brexit, EU plans 'offer you cannot refuse' to expand euro zone: Moscovici - Reuters

PH refuses new EU grants; P13 billion at stake – Rappler – Rappler

(UPDATED) EU Ambassador to the Philippines Franz Jessen says the Philippines' decision will affect up to 250 million euros in EU grants

AT STAKE. EU Ambassador to the Philippines Franz Jessen says the Philippines' refusal of EU grants could affect up to 250 million euros in aid. File photo from the EU Delegation to the Philippines' Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) The European Union on Wednesday evening, May 17, confirmed that the Philippines has decided to no longer accept new EU grants, pegged at around 250 million euros or P13.85 billion.

"The Philippine government has informed us that they no longer accept new EU grants," the EU delegation to the Philippines said when sought by Rappler for confirmation Wednesday.

The EU delegation said the Philippine government relayed this decision only this week.

The exact reason for this decision is unavailable as of posting time. The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs has not responded to our request for comment.

EU Ambassador to the Philippines Franz Jessen said the Philippines' decision will affect up to 250 million euros in EU grants.

This comes as President Rodrigo Duterte slams the EU for supposedly interfering in his bloody anti-drug campaign. "If you think it's high time for you guys to withdraw your assistance, go ahead. We will not beg for it," Duterte told the EU in October 2016.

The EU Parliament earlier warned the Philippines that it could lose trade incentives if the human rights situation in the country does not improve.

Jessen stressed that the EU was not "imposing" human rights conditions on the Philippines, and it was the Philippines that signed 27 labor and human rights conventions under the United Nations system.

The EU, in any case, is one of the Philippines' biggest donors.

When Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) struck in November 2013, for example, the European Commission was the Philippines' second biggest donor, having given $40.47 million. Combined, donations from the European Commission and individual EU member-states made up around 11% of the foreign aid received by the Philippines after Yolanda.

P55.4 = 1 euro

See the original post:
PH refuses new EU grants; P13 billion at stake - Rappler - Rappler